Spring boot data rest securitypráce
...(zámky, vytápění, restaurační systémy, mobilní aplikace, aj.). Jaké technologie budeš používat? Backend píšeme v PHP8 (Zend 1 / Symfony 6) - pokud neznáš nevadí, stačí znát jakýkoliv jiný framework (Nette, Laravel, ...). Data ukládáme do MySQL (MariaDB), ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomocí s vývojem ve Vue.js, TypeScript nebo ExtJS, ale není to nutnost, hledáme i čistě backenďáky. Na messaging používáme RabbitMQ, verzujeme v GITu, testy (Codeception) a statickou analýzu kódu spouštíme v Gitlabu. Pro napojení...
...je vytváření poutavých a originálních zážitků pro uživatele. Uživatelská přívětivost a funkčnost jsou pro nás klíčové, a proto úzce spolupracujeme s designéry a konzultujeme s nimi vzhled a funkčnost od počátečních návrhů a konceptů. Jaké jsou požadavky na nového kolegu? Hledáme kandidáta s následujícími zkušenostmi: - Junior+ nebo Medior Fullstack vývojář - Znalost HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, REST, PostgreSQL a React.js - Znalost TypeScript, , , rozšíření (JSX), MongoDB, GraphQL, Docker, Git (GitHub, GitLab atd.), ladění kódu (debugging), unit testován&iacu...
...stack? U nás se setkáš s Typescriptem na všech Javascriptových projektem, API vystavujeme přes Graphql nebo REST. Z hlediska infrastruktury vše běží v AWS a Kubernetes. Backend stojí na půdorysu (aktuálně ještě pokukujeme i po jiných řešeních), pro GQL máme Apollo, pro ORM TypeOrm nebo MikroOrm. Dodržujeme principy jako Dependency Injection, CQRS, SOLID a DDD. Dáváme si záležet na developer experience, takže máme připravené scaffolding tooly, vymazlené lintery (Eslint, tsc, a další) a CI pipeliny. Jak bychom si tě představovali? Máš zkušenost s BE vývojem, znáš prostředí UNIXu ...
Ahoj, jsme malá firma, proto hledám administrátora...záloha, aktualizace, nastavení TLS spojení, on-line replikace Master/Slave, nastavení cluster • Správa sítě – konfigurace a výměna prvků - switches, dohled, Správa a nastavení firewallů, včetně práce s WAF - Web Application Firewalls a aplikace na loadbalancing • Zálohování – provádění, kontrola, nastavení • Instalace, nastavení a správa VMware virtualizačního prostředí • Práce se software SIEM - Security Information and Event Manager • Práce s IPS - Intrusion Prevent Systems • Linux Debian • Bezpečnost – ...
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
...náplň: Poskytování konzultací v oblasti SalesForce Návrhy a vývoj nových řešení Technická podpora a rozvoj současných implementací (50%) Údržba dokumentace Vaše znalosti a dovednosti: Praxe v oblasti vývoje nebo implementace Salesforce aplikací Znalost Salesforce Sales & Service Cloud Zkušenosti s administrací a vývojem na SF platformě (Apex, Visualforce, Lightning) Základní znalosti technologií REST/SOAP Výhodou je znalost C# (správa synchronizačních služeb) Základní znalost v AJ (čtení dokumentace) Nabízíme: Práci ve stabilní české společnosti...
We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.
Vyvíjíme projekt, který změní celou hru v daném odvětví. Plány jsou jasné, projekt je promyšlený a co nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen...
PHP Backend Vývojář - Praha a okolí Zveme Tě k zajímavé zkušenosti a participaci na projektu, jehož úkol...Ovládáš skvěle PHP a máš zkušenost s moderním Frameworky ( ideálně Nette, ale není podmínkou) Máš rád kvalitní a čistý kód Jsi obratný v používání verzovacích nástrojů (GIT) Znáš důvěrně Programovací jazyk PHP 7 Máš alespoň základní zkušenosti s psaním testů (Tvým úkolem bude mj. Implementace automaticky testujících platforem a unit testing) Výhodou bude také Tvá zku&sca...
...Startup EMU s kanceláří na Malé straně - - Vytvořili jsme a pro zákazníky vylepšuje produkt, který umožní zaměstnancům být víc slyšet a jako nástroj pro zvýšení jejich spokojenosti Jak to děláme? - Backend stavíme jako soubor mikroservis běžících v Dockru. Vyvíjíme v Javě a s pomocí Spring - Boot budujeme škálovatelnou službu využívající pro procesování událostí Kafku, data ukládáme v NoSql databazi a s webem a mobilními aplikacemi komunikuje přes REST API Koho hledáme? - Vývojáře. Kodéra, kt...
...zákazníkům umožňuje pracovat se vstupy podřízených (dashboardy, grafy, chat, …), takže to není hloupý admin s 5ti tabulkami. Jak to děláme? - Celý frontend je napojený na API, které tu píšem a i vy se budete podílet na jeho návrhu. - Backend stavíme jako soubor mikroservisběžících v Dockru. Vyvíjíme v Javě a s pomocí Spring Boot budujeme škálovatelnou službu využívající pro procesování událostí Kafku, data ukládáme v NoSqldatabazi a s webem a mobilními aplikacemi komunikuje přes REST API Koho hledáme? - Posilu pro v&ya...
potrebuji naprogramovat aplikaci, ktera se spusti, kdyz mi zavola nejake cislo, a zepta se pomoci rest nebo soap nejake webservisy na vice informaci o tom telefonnim cislu. napr mi zavola telefon 555-123-456, tak se aplikace zepta , dostane zpatky Jmeno, Firma, Cas posledni objednavky, Cislo posledni objednavky a zobrazi na displeji odkud mohu hovor prijmout. Potrebuji naprogramovat jen aplikaci, webservisu si naprogramuji sam.
...payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s REST API a nejlépe integrací něčeho podobného který by nám s tímto pomohl. API’s ...
...udělat pěkný web, kde bude: přihlašovací formulář (V něm žák popisuje max. 10 aktivit, kterých se zúčastnil.) hlasování veřejnosti, která z 20 finalistů vybere vítěze Já v práci dělám v Pythonu, kolega Javu. Ale je taková naše škola, ve které se učíme nové věci mimo práci, podobně jako ti oceňovaní středoškoláci mimo školu. Proto bych rád udělal: Jednoduchý REST API v Node.js + Jednoduchou webovou aplikaci v React.js Čili pokud se chceš učit s námi nebo už to umíš, ale přijde ti to jako dobrá myšlenka, ozvi se a můžeme zač&iacut...
ComSource s r.o. Společnost Comsource, s.r.o. je mladá dynamicky se rozvíjející společnost působící v oblasti komplexních řešení v oblasti networkingu a security pro velká ISP poskytovatele, Datová centra a velké společnosti. JavaScript frontend developer na ultra super projekt Děláme velkou věc a děláme ji dobře, používají nás firmy po celém světě. Chráníme Internet přes DDoS útoky a jinou digitální havětí. Vlastně sis díky nám mohl koupit oblíbenou věc ve svém oblíbeném e-shopu, dívat se na video, na Live přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml...
Dobrý den, Hledáme urgentně JAVA programátory, s minimálně roční praxí, pro vývoj bankovní aplikace. Požadujeme znalosti: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, Git. Komunikace probíhá přes JIRA. Finanční ohodnocení cca 3000 Kč / Den. Pro bližší info prosím pošlete CV nebo reference.
...role. Budeš vyvíjet celou aplikaci a pracovat se zkušeným týmem grafiků. Budeš se podílet na úspěchu celého týmu. Výhodou bude: Tvorba aplikací pro Apple a Win. Základy síťové komunikace. Zkušenost s návrhem nových gest (displej). Znalost SQL databází. Zkušenost z UI a UX. Znalost síťové komunikace. Zkušenosti s Git a s prací s API. Znalost knihoven Apple nebo ORMLite (databáze), RoboSpice (REST Api) a Jackson (JSON). Zkušenosti s testováním a laděním na koncových zařízeních. Přehled o trendech a interakčním chování aplikac&iacu...
Budeš tvořit frontend pro administraci zbrusu nového CMS nabitého nejnovějšími technologiemi - AngularJS, SPA (Single Page Aplikace), Bootstrap, Rest API, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, CDN
MAFRA, a.s. hledá externího PHP programátora pro správu a vývoj webu VratnéPení Očekáváme: • velmi dobrou znalost programování v PHP (Nette framework výhodou) • orientaci v problematice relačních databází, zejm. MySQL Web Services (REST) • zkušenosti s programováním v JavaScriptu, (jQuery), znalosti HTML a CSS Nabízíme: • Externí spolupráce pro web VratnéPení • Předpokládané vytížení cca. 60-80 hodin/měsíc s předpokladem budoucího nárůstu (flexibilní řízení dle aktuálních potřeb). • Možnost ...
...schopen pracovat na zajímavých úlohách se zajímavými technologiemi tak aby v několika inkrementech společně s námi doručil na trh novou mobilní platformu, kterou bude používat cely svět. Co se od tebe očekává: • Minimum 5 let zkušeností jako frond-end developer za použití Javascript, HTML, • CSS Zkušenosti s AngularJS na velice pokročilé úrovni - 2 roky zkušeností • Schopnost používat HTTP REST a JSON je nutnost • Zkušenosti s TDD • Znalosti verzovacích nástrojů – GIT • Hlavně nasazenost pro projekt min. 4 – 5 hod. denně v první fázi. Co neočekáv...
Predpokladany objem práce je do konce roku 2014 minimalne. - zkusenosti z financniho sektoru, idealne retail banking - technologie: o Java (Standard + Enterprise) – servlets, JMS, web services, o Spring (IoC, Spring remoting) o Hibernate o Oracle DB o Maven o Jenkins/Hudson o Unit testing – JUnit, Mockito o Eclipse o Tomcat o Vyhodou znalost Eclipse RCP o Vyhodou znalost Weblogic Application Server
I need a program that will notify you when the sound pops authenticate using captcha systems. One of the boot program, which must function at the server
...part-time Marketing Manager who can develop and own the marketing strategy while also executing the day-to-day tasks. This is a hands-off role where you’ll have the freedom to propose and implement ideas, experiment, and adjust as needed to deliver results. While we’ll provide high-level guidance and collaborate during weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, the responsibility for delivering on the strategy will rest with you. Please see details of the job post here with all the details: Please ensure details of the Job requirements are closely followed prior to applying...
We need a logo for our customers. A restaurant opens. This restaurant serves Sanwich just like SUBWAY and also has bowls with fresh ingredients. No bowls with fish or anything like that, b...ingredients. No bowls with fish or anything like that, but still fresh ingredients. The name of the restaurant will be "FRAIS" and the slogan "Bowls & Bites" will be added. FRAIS is French and means Fresh. We need a logo that also appeals to a younger audience and can also be used as a franchise. It should be modern and appealing. We don't have any special colors but green should be inside. The rest is freestyle. The Logo we will use Inside the Restaurant and also Outside for Signage. We also will Brand the Coffee Cups and Packages. The Logo should be Like a...
Project Title: Python Script to Query ArcGIS REST API and Save Layers (including Parcels) Data in PostgreSQL Description: I need a Python script to interact with the ArcGIS REST API of the provided service. The script should: Retrieve and list all available layers and tables from the service. Specifically query the (14) table to extract parcel data, including geometries and attributes. Save the retrieved data into a PostgreSQL database with a properly defined schema. API Reference: or or
I have a Windows desktop-based software in C#. I need an online licensing system that requires a rest API token system. We will need a few API calls. I have already created code for API calls in the C# desktop software. I was hoping you could help me go through that code and implement it into the Godaddy hosting with a simple licensing app. Please check the below link for Godaddy API. we will be working remotely on my computer and sometimes on your side
...have gambling problems. Data Protection: Make sure your site complies with GDPR, CCPA, or other relevant data privacy laws. 2. Platform Development Technology Stack: Choose the right technologies for the front-end, back-end, and database. Common technologies used in betting sites are: Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular) Back-end: Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or NoSQL solutions (MongoDB) Betting Engine: You'll need to develop a custom or licensed betting engine to handle odds, betting options, and live updates. Real-Time Data: Use APIs to provide real-time sports data, odds updates, and match results. Security: Implement SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and other security meas...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
...proper data flow between models Debug CRYSTALS-Kyber integration Fix any memory or performance issues Correct error handling Resolve dependency conflicts Task 2: Comprehensive Validation Report Must include analysis of: Model Performance Results: Fraud detection accuracy rates False positive/negative ratios Quantum operation timing metrics Privacy preservation effectiveness Adversarial robustness scores Result Validation: Verify if detection rates are realistic for financial systems Confirm if cryptographic timing aligns with expected ranges Ensure privacy metrics meet industry standards Validate if ensemble improvement is statistically significant Required Skills: Strong debugging experience in PyTorch/Python Ability to validate ML model results Understanding of financial ...
I'm seeking an experienced ethical hacker to perform a comprehensive security audit on my custom-built web Django application. The ideal candidate ought to: - Have significant experience in conducting security audits, particularly on web applications. - Be able to identify potential vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations to enhance the security of our systems. - Possess excellent communication skills to clearly convey technical issues to non-technical stakeholders. A proven track record of securing custom web applications will be a significant advantage. Please provide relevant case studies or examples of your previous work in your proposal. I will pay $5 for every serious detection in our website Here's one example, try to insert your cr...
My WordPress site is currently compromised with a malware detected error. This issue is severely impacting my Google Ads account and I need an expert who can help resolve this issue swiftly. Key Requirements: - Expertise in dealing with Google Ads issues related to compromised sites. - Strong knowledge of WordPress and its security protocols. - Proficiency in identifying and fixing malware issues. Experience with security plugins is a plus as I do have some installed on my WordPress site. Please, I need this issue resolved urgently so that I can get back to running my ads without any hindrances.
...custom-built Windows remote desktop access application. This app should be capable of: - Facilitating file transfer - Supporting multi-monitor setups - Enabling clipboard synchronization - Allowing screen sharing and control - Handling printer redirection The application should authenticate users through a simple username and password system. Please note that this project does not require advanced security measures like Two-factor authentication or SSO. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in software development with a focus on remote desktop applications. Experience working with Windows systems is a must, and familiarity with the specified features will be a significant advantage. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality p...
...Users should be able to easily navigate and find products of their interest. - User reviews and ratings: A system for users to provide feedback on products and sellers. - Payment gateway integration: Secure and seamless transactions should be facilitated through the app. User Authentication: - Email and Password: Standard registration and login process. - Two-factor authentication: For enhanced security, especially during login process. The ideal candidate or team for this project should have a solid background in app development with a portfolio of similar projects. Experience with implementing secure payment gateways and user review systems is a definite plus. Knowledge of creating engaging social media features will also be highly beneficial. Please include examples of your ...
...fullstack cryptotrading webapp, adding a Admin Panel Frontend Layout and ultimately fix and improve our code. The frontend should be built with NextJS or React, we're want to use MongoDB for data storage, and AWS to host our Python application. The project requires exceptional knowledge in: Python, FastAPI, NextJS/React, MongoDB, CCXT, API, Websockets and an expert level understanding of the API docs of the following exchanges: Bybit, Bitget and OKX. Key requirements: - Fixing backend functionality and API issues - Implementing frontend - Enhancing Error Handling, Data Synchronization, Connection Stability, Security and AWS efficiency - Reviewing and Enhancing our code. At the end of the project, we would need a tutorial on how to set everything up on aws. S...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a crypto trading Android app. This app will primarily focus on real-time trading and is to be supported on the Play Store. A comprehensive admin panel will also be included for effective management and oversight. Key Features: - The app should facilitate spot trading. - A robust and secure authentication system is vital. This should cater for: ...and is to be supported on the Play Store. A comprehensive admin panel will also be included for effective management and oversight. Key Features: - The app should facilitate spot trading. - A robust and secure authentication system is vital. This should cater for: - Email and Password login - Biometric (Fingerprint/Face ID) verification - Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for enhanced ...
I'm in need of a skilled photo editor who can help me with some family portraits. I need someone who can seamlessly remove a person from the photo and then reposition the rest of the family together. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with portrait editing - Ability to deliver high-quality work
Develop a mobile application (Android and iOS) for a food ordering service, similar to Site, but with the following specifications: * Product catalog: Updated manually by the team responsible for the application. * Order creation: Allow users to select desired products and add them to a virtual shopping cart. * Delivery scheduling: Offer delivery options for specific days ...history: Allow the user to view their previous orders. * Shopping lists: Allow the user to create personalized shopping lists. Technical considerations: * Backend: A robust backend to manage orders, users, and products. * Administrative interface: A web interface so that the team responsible for the application can update the product catalog, manage orders, and view reports. * Security: Ensure the security...
I'm seeking an expert of mailserver logic to enhance the security of my mailserver. Focus on comprehensive protection against potential threats. Mailserver is MailEnable v.10.48 Standard Edition. Server is Windows 2019, access allowed via AnyDesk (or Teamviewer) only Everything works perfectly. SPF and DKIM implemented. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mailserver security - Proficiency in setting up robust security measures - Ability to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities - Knowledge of the latest security trends and threats I need to implement external tools (possibly free, preferably “portable”) to improve security - implement IPBAN [Free software to block out attackers quickly and easily on Linux and Windows]...
I'm looking for an expert to help me with DNS management, hosting setup, and AWS WorkMail configuration for my domain cryptocongress.co. Here's a breakdown of the tasks: - I need the DNS settings of my domain managed on Cloudflare for optimal performance and security. - I want the hosting setup done on Cloudways. This includes setting up the server for the application. - Lastly, I need my domain put on AWS WorkMail so that I can add email addresses. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Cloudflare, Cloudways, and AWS WorkMail, with a proven track record of managing DNS settings and hosting setup.
ob Scope: Configuration and optimization of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. Implementation of a DMARC policy at the p=reject level with full reporting (RUA, RUF). Integration of security policies with Microsoft 365 services (Exchange Online, Outlook). Ensuring compliance with best practices for email security. Analysis of DMARC reports using tools like DMARC Analyzer or MXToolbox. Required Skills: Experience in DNS configuration (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Proficiency with Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online). Ability to analyze DMARC reports and optimize email deliverability policies. Additional Information: The priority is full protection against spoofing and phishing. The goal is also to maintain a high domain reputation and proper email deliverability. Please include: Prop...
I need professional help with my React Native applicatio...professional help with my React Native application. The tasks involve applying Firebase Authentication security to Cloud Functions, and implementing Stripe account creation as part of the app's sign-up process. Key Responsibilities: - Secure Firebase Cloud Functions using Firebase Authentication - Set up Stripe Standard account creation during application sign-up via API I am not entirely sure about the integration with existing Firebase Authentication methods, so I would appreciate expert advice on this. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with React Native, Firebase, and Stripe API. A proactive approach to problem-solving and a strong understanding of application security measures are essen...
I'm looking to have my current website, , completely rebuilt on Webflow. The goal is to replicate all existing elements and sections from the WordPress/Elementor setup, which has proven to be unstable. Key Requi... - Performance: The redesign aims to improve stability and performance, with a particular focus on loading speed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Webflow - Strong understanding of website animations and interactions - Proven track record of creating stable, high-performance websites - Ability to replicate existing website designs accurately - Experience with SEO and security measures is a plus, but not essential Please provide examples of your previous Webflow projects, particularly those featuring complex animations and interactions.
...interface Notification System - Real-time tracking for buyers - Key milestone notifications: - Link opening by recipient - Address submission - Package shipment Technical Specifications Shopify Integration - Development compatible with Shopify API - Administration interface in Shopify back-office - Existing product management without database modification Security - Secure unique link generation - Personal data protection (GDPR) Admin Interface - Order tracking dashboard - Custom message management - Shipping status monitoring...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to integrate Stripe Payouts into my website. The site is built using Java Spring Boot, so expertise in this framework is a must. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Stripe integrations, particularly Payouts. - Strong expertise in Java Spring Boot. - Ability to deliver a seamless, secure and efficient integration. Please share your relevant experience and examples of similar projects you've completed. Looking forward to your proposals.
...the app as a template). I am just an individual not a company so budget is very small. Required - prepare and optimize the app for integration into Google Play as a subscription-based app - prepare backend for subscription API logistics and integrate into the app (7 days free use, $ thereafter per month) - pull the LLM API out of the app and have the app securely access it remotely for security using Google services - prep the owner on use of the updated app and Google Play billing, how to update the app if needed, how to update the hidden LLM API if needed - add in graceful fail error messaging in case of API call problems - optimize text input and text output displays, with chatGpt-style responses (slow displaying text) - update text response displays to display slowly rathe...
...process and provide a guide on how to use the build server effectively. Project Details: 1. Server Configuration: • Use public SSH for console access. • Server details: • Host: • Username: root • Password: • Port: 22 2. Tasks to be Completed: • Access the server via the console using SSH. • Configure the server to function as a build server. • Optimize the server for performance and security during the build process. 3. Documentation: • Provide step-by-step documentation on how the build server was set up. • Include instructions on how to use the build server for future builds. Requirements: • Proven experience with server setup and configuration, particularly on OVH. • Expertise in working with S...
I need an expert to integrate Google reCAPTCHA into the contact form of my Webflow website to prevent spam and abuse. Key requirements: - Create a Google reCAPTCHA account on my beha...requirements: - Create a Google reCAPTCHA account on my behalf if necessary. - Expertly implement the reCAPTCHA to ensure the contact form is fully protected. - Provide advice on the most suitable version of reCAPTCHA (v2 or v3) to use for my site. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong experience with Webflow. - Proven track record of implementing reCAPTCHA. - Excellent understanding of website security and spam prevention techniques. - Ability to explain technical details in a simple, understandable way. I would also like someone that I can use on a regular basis when we need something done on ou...
I'm seeking a detail-oriented freelancer for data entry of a food menu in an Excel sheet. The task involves cataloging items with their name, price, and description. Key responsibilities: - Accurately inputting data into an Excel sheet - Finding and selecting appropriate images from stock photo websites - Ensuring descriptions are correct and relevant Ideal skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Strong attention to detail - Experience with data entry tasks - Ability to source relevant images online We shall be sharing a PDF menu card rest all to be done
I need a Spring Boot expert to finalize an almost complete password change feature. The system should allow users to change their passwords in the Settings module, with the following functionalities: - Pre-filling user information from the User table. - New password input. - Verification of password against security requirements using the Passay library. - Encryption of the new password and updating it in the User table. - Displaying a confirmation of the password change. You will also need to handle an alternative flow for invalid passwords, where the system displays an error and the user can try inputting a new password. You don't need to worry about the integration with Docker, PostgreSQL, or Thymeleaf, all of that is already set up. Your main focus is on th...