Sms game project proposal examplepráce


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    2,000 sms game project proposal example Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Zdravím, chtěl bych vytvořit jednoduchý koncept hry pro android (poběží na smartphonu) s Augmented reality / mixed reality, která by používala externí kameru. Jednoduchou hru myslím něco na způsob plošinovky známé z nejstarších her. Jde mi o to skloubit to s tou externí kamerou a AR, rozjet ideálně na UE nebo unity, záleží co půjde lépe s tou externí kamerou a jedním, resp dvěma markery. Více bych doplnil později. Jak jste na tom s dostupností do budoucna? Moc díky za Váš čas a odpověď Vojta M

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Create a game
    Ukončeno left

    Ytyyk clip of Holi FL pakdo Pro hai kal

    min €29448
    min €29448
    0 nabídky

    Hi We are looking to create an ios football app - fetching data from 3rd party data provider (API). The UI code is ready but required to integrate with our API and 3rd part football API. the app design is ready and we developed the UI This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news entered from the admin panel or fetch from 3rd party. (our own API) - Like the posts - write read in your proposal beginning. - and other features in the design. thanks

    €519 Average bid
    €519 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky kamery, jakoby komunikuje s divákem (každá verze textu postupně). Po celou dobu zadní strana telefonu je otočena ke kamere (obrazovka by neměla být viditelná). Najednou na svůj telefon obdrží SMS (přidat zvuk), a hlavní postava se expresivně raduje, diví se a s emocemi poskakuje z místa. Poté, co se hlavní postava trochu nadechl, radí do kameřy, aby si diváci tuto aplikaci stáhli z odkazu pod videem a stejně skvěle si trávili čas. Texty: 1. Tak no, můžem pracovat v cirkuse, ale teď žongluji jen s penězi (ukázat peníze). Tohle všechno jsem vyhrál v téhle aplikaci! (V tuto chvíli jakoby přijde SMS, hrdina se dív&aacut...

    €499 Average bid
    €499 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...projekt je promyšlený a co nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen v ČR. Tohle není jedna z těch nabídek, za kterou dostaneš během měsíce zaplaceno pár desíte...

    €8 - €99846
    €8 - €99846
    0 nabídky

    Hra CityLine je zcela novým simulátorem, jehož nápad se u nás zrodil před cca půl rokem. Bude se jednat o simulátor městské hromadné dopravy v českém prostředí. Počáteční vývoj bude směřovaný hlavně k tramvajím, jelikož je jejich vývoj o něco jednodušší a méně nákladný. Postupně však přibudou i zbylé dvě trakce(autobus a trolejbus). Prostředí ve hře bude tvo...pracovat na full time za plnohodnotnou mzdu jako v práci. Berte to zatím jako menší výdělek ne jako full time job. Vše se uvidí po vytvoření prototypu a jeho následné prezentaci před weby a investory...

    €197 / hr Average bid
    €197 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky
    Sender SMS
    Ukončeno left

    I need a sender to send bulk sms.

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    My game is tic tac toe pro

    €236 Average bid
    €236 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Stránka na které budou zobrazeny tři až pět produktů na hlavní stránce a bude možno online zakoupit a jakmile zákazník zakoupí tento produkt tak mu obratem přijde email nebo sms zpráva a v té bude zpráva kterou náhodně vybere počítač z toho co jsme zadali do systému odešle ihned po provedení transakce odpověď zákazníkovi. Bude se jednat o automatické zasílání sportovních tipů zákazníkům online .

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky
    Tvorba softwaru
    Ukončeno left

    Systém musí být provázaný s: Webem - registrace RČ a firem online, vložení dokumentů v podobě pdf nebo jpg. Generování smluv, potvrzení smluv, vop a souhlasu se zpracováním osobních údajů zákazníkem + autorizace sms Komunikace s dalším softwarem-odesílá uložená data z back office do dalšího software a zpět+výstupy. Komunikace s účetním systémem Pohoda-vystavování faktur Bankovním účtem pro spárování přijatých plateb Home office pro obchodní zástupce: Registrace klientu+ nahrávání dokumentů Finančn&ia...

    €1417 Average bid
    €1417 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Dobrý den Matěji, pokouším se momentálně implementovat službu Premium SMS Action na webové stránky a řeším script který bude předávat automaticky generované odpovědi (PIN kód) plus upravit kód formuláře na stránkách (PHP), kam budou zákazníci tento PIN vkládat. Budu rád když mi s tím pomůžete. Určitě rád poskytnu podrobnější info. Děkuji, Tom Novak

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Project for matejs
    Ukončeno left

    Dobrý den Matěji, pokouším se momentálně implementovat službu Premium SMS Action na webové stránky a řeším script který bude předávat automaticky generované odpovědi (PIN kód) plus upravit kód formuláře na stránkách, kam budou zákazníci tento PIN vkládat. Budu rád když mi s tím pomůžete. Určitě rád poskytnu podrobnější info. Děkuji, Tom Novak

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    game to for you
    Ukončeno left

    cen tren

    €521 Average bid
    €521 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Zdravím, poptávám tvorbu webové aplikace, do budoucna i mobilní aplikace pro iOS a Android. Webová ...vyhledávač - kategorie, podkategorie více úrovní - nabídky a poptávky odděleně, řazení, filtrování,... - seznam uživatelů, řazení podle hodnocení, filtrování, atd... 2. Administrace uživatele - registrace, vyplnění profilu - control panel (moje poptávky, moje nabídky, moje hodnocení, profil, nabít kredit) - přidat nabídku / poptávku - titulek, fotky, popisek, cena, platba za topování přes GoPay + SMS - hodnocení uživatelů 3. Administrace admina - správa uživa...

    €511 Average bid
    €511 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    ...teambuildingovou hru do tabletů a mobilních telefonů. Hra bude založená na následujícím principu: 1. navštívení přesného místa - pozice tzv. "game point" 2. game pointy budou vyznačené viditelně a přehledně na celkové mapě 3. aplikace by měla podle GPS poznat kde se právě klient nachází 4. pořadí game pointů si klient bude volit z mapy sám - podle vlastní preference 5. každý game point bude mít různou bodovou hodnotu 6. na každém game pointu bude nějaký úkol (např. kolik soch je na mostě? nebo vyfoťte fontánu a odešlete fotografii, fotografie se odešle aut...

    €32622 Average bid
    €32622 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky


    €3740 Average bid
    €3740 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Aplikace DISPEČINK_ APLIKACE PRO ANDROID Průběh zakázky  Objednávka on-line, telefon, sms  Online objednávky jdou přímo do systému, ostatní zadává do systému dispečer ručně  Na základě pořadí řidičů v jednotlivých lokalitách DISPEČINK automaticky přiřadí zakázku volnému řidiči  Řidič prostřednictvím rozhraní v telefonu potvrdí přijetí zakázky  Nepotvrdí-li v časovém limitu, zakázka automaticky přechází na dalšího řidiče v pořadí  Zákazníkovi přijde automatická SMS s údajem o předpokládaném příjezdu vozidla  Řidič...

    €168 Average bid
    €168 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    Ukončeno left


    €1314 Average bid
    €1314 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    ...kliknutí na řidiče v mapě zobrazení zákl. informací (číslo posádky, jméno, auto, tel.) - po odeslání zakázky řidiči zobrazit potvrzení, že zakázku přijal - zobrazení cílové destinace, kterou řidič zadá v řidičské části na svém telefonu. - přijmutí informace z řidičské části o ceně, délce, datu začátku a konce ukončené zakázky a zapsání těchto dat do databáze. Na základě této informace odeslání SMS zákazníkovi. Základní body pro databázovou část: -evidence zakázek - pořadové číslo zak...

    €1028 Average bid
    €1028 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Dobry den, hledam programatora na node.js, mate nyni cas? Muzete poslat konatkt na vas? a nejake reference? Dekuji z vasi odpoved

    €214 Average bid
    €214 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    sms brana node.js
    Ukončeno left

    Dobry den, hledam programatora na node.js, mate nyni cas? Muzete poslat konatkt na vas? a nejake reference? Dekuji z vasi odpoved

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuTetris + memory game'

    €14 - €14 / hr
    €14 - €14 / hr
    0 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled JavaScript d...JavaScript developer to create a multiplayer, web-compatible dice game for me. The game should feature a realistic visual style, making use of intricate details and lifelike elements to enhance player engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a multiplayer dice game using JavaScript - Ensure the game is fully compatible with web browsers - Develop a realistic visual style for the game Ideal Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript with a strong portfolio of similar projects - Experience in game development and multiplayer setup - Strong understanding of web compatibility requirements - Ability to create intricate and engaging visual designs The game should support turn-based multiplaye...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an automated betting system for me. This system needs to be able to interact with multiple offshore betting accounts, monitor live game data and odds, and detect line movements before the sportsbook locks the bet. Key Features - Securely store and manage multiple betting account credentials. - Monitor live data and odds via both API and web scraping methods. - Detect line movements in real-time. - Automate bet placement based on user input. Bet Placement Mechanics - A single click prepares a bet slip with the correct amount. - A double click places the bet instantly. The system should run on a cloud VPS for optimal speed and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience - Proficiency in Python, specifically with libraries such as Se...

    €457 Average bid
    €457 Průměr. nabídka
    22 nabídky

    I'm looking for a Windows 10 compatible macro for an Online 2D Pixel Art game. The macro needs to control a player and manage various tasks, including mining, fighting spiders, and handling mine collapses. Key Features of the Macro: - Control a player near the screen center - Mine a rock wall with varied inputs - Move to the side and repeat mining - Return to the original position after a few cycles - Handle random events like spiders appearing or mines collapsing - If a spider appears, swap weapons and attack it - If a mine collapses, quickly head to the exit, re-enter and return to original position - Implement dynamic movement patterns to avoid detection from anti-cheat systems/game Admins lurking. Detection Methods: - Use pixel color detection to identify events A...

    €128 Average bid
    €128 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    1. Project Goal The goal is to create a program that plays Polish checkers (8x8) at a very high level. The program should be extremely difficult to beat and use all possible strategies and tricks. The most important rule that the program must implement is "if you miss a capture, you lose a piece". Most checkers programs do not include this rule, so it must be a priority. 2. Key Requirements Advanced AI – the program must play at a high level and be hard to defeat. The "if you miss a capture, you lose a piece" rule – most important! Capturing is mandatory, but if the player does not capture when possible, they lose the piece – the program does not force the capture but simply removes the piece if the player fails to make the move. Capturin...

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    Advertising platform web app pwa development When an advertiser registers an advertisement, the user sees the advertisement and the advertisement fee is deducted. The user can play a simple casual game and it works on the web app (pwa). Only those with relevant (casual game) development experience should bid. When communicating with the development client, translation is essential. If you can't use a translator, don't bid.

    €172 Average bid
    €172 Průměr. nabídka
    22 nabídky

    We are looking for an experienced UI/UX freelancer to design and enhance our digital product’s user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in user-centered design, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. This project requires a deep understanding of modern design trends, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility standards. Project Scope: User Research & Analysis: Conduct market and competitor research. Identify user needs and pain points. Wireframing & Prototyping: Develop low and high-fidelity wireframes. Create interactive prototypes for usability testing. UI Design: Design aesthetically pleasing and functional interfaces. Ensure consistency in branding and design elements. UX Enhancements: Improve user journey and n...

    €401 Average bid
    €401 Průměr. nabídka
    43 nabídky

    I am seeking a talented illustrator to create a captivating book cover for my epic fantasy novel. The cover should prominently feature the main character set against a breathtaking fantasy landscape. Key Requirements: - The main character, a male fairy warrior, in a lush forest should be central elements of the cover - The mood of the cover should convey a blend of magical and mysterious ...experience in creating book covers, particularly in the fantasy genre - Ability to create detailed, captivating illustrations, not photo manipulation or AI images. - Understanding of how to convey a specific mood or tone through visual art The final artwork will need to be of high quality and suitable for both print and digital formats. Please provide a portfolio of relevant work with your pro...

    €174 Average bid
    €174 Průměr. nabídka
    48 nabídky
    Facebook / Instagram API
    6 dní left

    Hello, I am looking for someone that has worked with the Meta/Facebook/IG Graph API to build a consumer facing app where multiple users can login and interact with my application and perform tasks that call the API. NO AI BOT RESPONSES ALLOWED Answer both question in your proposal.... 1) Have you used the FB Graph API in the past and for what? 2) Will you sign an NDA

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Startup game project, I'm seeking an experienced Unity developer to work on an ongoing billiard game project (2D). The primary focus is to integrate a payment gateway while ensuring the game maintains a realistic feel through advanced physics. The ideal candidate should have a solid background in game development (Full stack) but be transparent with his work.

    €600 Average bid
    €600 Průměr. nabídka
    22 nabídky

    I'm in need of a skilled audio engineer to edit my radio shows for social media. The editing will primarily involve: - 30 min- shows - Volume leveling to ensure consistent loudness throughout the track - Cleaning the voice to remove any background noise or imperfections - Including pitch adjustments to enhance the overall sound quality - Emphasizing certain emotions at specific points in...enhance the overall sound quality - Emphasizing certain emotions at specific points in the show - Ensuring proper pronunciation is highlighted and maintained I'm looking for someone with relevant experience and a deep understanding of audio editing for radio. Ideally, you should be able to make my voice sound as appealing and professional as possible. Please provide examples of past work in y...

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    ...integrates both Balinese and Javanese traditional architectural styles. This project will incorporate a variety of water features, including pools, fountains, and ponds, as well as meticulously designed gardens. Key elements of the project include: - Use of Alang-alang roofing, stonework, and timber - Incorporation of Balinese and Javanese art work - Detailed pool and garden design Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in traditional Balinese and Javanese architecture - Proficiency in landscape design - Skill in detailed stone and timber work - Ability to source and incorporate traditional art pieces Please include examples of similar projects you have worked on in your proposal. I look forward to collaborating with you on t...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    24 nabídky

    ? Job Title: Web App Development for SlidePedia – Digital Presentation Library ? Project Description: We are looking for an experienced web developer or development team to build SlidePedia, a digital presentation library where users (teachers, students, and parents) can browse, filter, and access educational presentation templates. The project will include: ✅ User-friendly UI/UX with a modern, engaging design ✅ Library system to categorize presentations by grade level, subject, and type ✅ Search & filtering for quick access to presentations ✅ Integration with Canva (users should be able to open templates directly in Canva) ✅ Download options (PDF/PPT) for users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving favorite presentations) ✅ SEO opti...

    €420 Average bid
    €420 Průměr. nabídka
    57 nabídky

    --- Project Brief: MASTER SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT 1. Project Overview - **Objective:** To develop a comprehensive Master Software Subscription Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for Corporate Nerd’s SaaS offerings. The agreement should clearly define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both Corporate Nerd and its subscribers. - **Target Audience:** Corporate clients subscribing to Corporate Nerd’s SaaS services. #### **2. Scope of Work** - **Drafting the Agreement:** The freelancer will draft a detailed and legally compliant SaaS agreement, incorporating best practices and essential clauses relevant to software subscriptions. - **Customization:** The agreement should be tailored to Corporate Nerd’s b...

    €241 - €724
    Doporučené Neodkladné Zapečetěný DOM
    €241 - €724
    6 nabídky

    I'm in need of an experienced application developer who can create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity tool for me. The application should be integrated with Sage. Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in developing both iOS and Android applications. - Prior experience with creating productivity tools. - Knowledge about Sage...need of an experienced application developer who can create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity tool for me. The application should be integrated with Sage. Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in developing both iOS and Android applications. - Prior experience with creating productivity tools. - Knowledge about Sage and how to integrate the app with it. Please include in your proposal examples of similar projects you ...

    €1187 Average bid
    €1187 Průměr. nabídka
    40 nabídky

    I'm looking for a freelancer with expertise in affiliate marketing and website development to help me create a website focused on product reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an engaging, user-friendly website - Incorporate affiliate links into product reviews - Optimize the site for SEO to drive traffic Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in affiliate marketi...into product reviews - Optimize the site for SEO to drive traffic Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in affiliate marketing - Strong website development skills - Excellent understanding of SEO strategies - Content creation skills, particularly for product reviews - Familiarity with affiliate marketing platforms Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in y...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    27 nabídky

    ...both SMS and WhatsApp. This AI is an AI companion Girl Friend and should be able to have conversation with a user using specific open source LLMs designed for girl friend companionship conversation available on HuggingFace and other sites. This AI should have the ability to send and receive both text and media messages (photos and videos) and should utilize advanced natural language processing to facilitate engaging and dynamic conversations. A key capability, and challenge, in the project is the AI MUST know when the user is asking for media as well as suggest media and respond with the right media along with text that matches the media. Key Features: - Conversational AI Companion Girl Friend conversation using opensource LLMs specifically designed for this purpose. -...

    €2413 Average bid
    0 příspěvky

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Discord bot using Node.js. The bot should be able to handle various interactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Node.js and Discord bot development - Ability to create interactive and engaging bots - Knowledge of Discord's API and best practices for bot de...for a skilled developer to create a Discord bot using Node.js. The bot should be able to handle various interactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Node.js and Discord bot development - Ability to create interactive and engaging bots - Knowledge of Discord's API and best practices for bot development - Experience in implementing moderation tools, automated responses, and game integrations - Strong problem-solving skill...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Průměr. nabídka
    42 nabídky

    Complete proposal like the sample

    €241 Average bid
    €241 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    I need a cross-platform (iOS and Android) AppSheet application. The main functionality involves scanning a QR code, which contains a URL leading to different forms based on the code's parameters. Key Requirements: - The app should be able to interpret a QR code and, depending on the U...code's parameters. Key Requirements: - The app should be able to interpret a QR code and, depending on the URL it contains, direct the user to the appropriate form (form 1, form 2, etc.). within the app sheet - The forms need to be interactive and allow users to fill them out before submission. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AppSheet - Skills in creating interactive forms within an app Your proposal should highlight similar projects you've worked on, and please provide examples of ...

    €232 Average bid
    €232 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I'm seeking a highly skilled app designer to create a productivity app aimed at enhancing task management and collaboration. This app should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Task Management: The app should have a user-friendly interface for creating and tracking tasks. - Collaboration Tools: Incorporate features that allow users to work together seamlessly....tracking tasks. - Collaboration Tools: Incorporate features that allow users to work together seamlessly. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in app design, particularly for productivity tools. - Proficiency in designing for both iOS and Android platforms. - Demonstrated ability to integrate collaboration tools into an app. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in y...

    €492 Average bid
    €492 Průměr. nabídka
    64 nabídky

    I need help modifying my Eagle PCB design. The changes involve: - Adjusting the copper across all layers to align with the Gerber files. - Making routing adjustments to ensure the design matches the Gerber. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a deep understanding of PCB design and routing, particularly with Eagle software. Experience with Gerber files and copper layer adjustments is crucial. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    €364 Average bid
    €364 Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky

    I'm seeking a talented video editor to transform my 3:53 music video into a captivating 60-second version. The editing should focus on syncing with the beat of the audio while cutting out the best bits to create a fast-paced, energetic piece. Key Requirements: - Implement fast-paced cuts throughout the video to maintain a dynamic feel - Apply color grading to enhance the visual appeal cuts throughout the video to maintain a dynamic feel - Apply color grading to enhance the visual appeal Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in music video editing - Exceptional timing and rhythm skills - Proficiency in color grading techniques - Ability to create fast-paced, engaging edits Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your ...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Průměr. nabídka
    18 nabídky
    Google Play Console -- 3
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for an expert Google Play Console developer to create and launch a game application. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in google play console development - Previous experience with Google Play Console - Strong understanding of game design principles - how to create Please note that specific game features haven't been decided yet, so the ability to suggest and implement popular game features is a plus.

    €406 Average bid
    €406 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I'm looking for an expert Google Play Console developer to create and launch a game application. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in google play console development - Previous experience with Google Play Console - Strong understanding of game design principles - how to create Please note that specific game features haven't been decided yet, so the ability to suggest and implement popular game features is a plus.

    €483 Average bid
    €483 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I need a professional graphic designer to convert my minimalist, modern logo into high-quality vector art. The main aim is to prepare the logo for printing on various materials, ensuring it maintains its quality at any scale. I am sharing visuals and i will give more...logo - Deliver the final vector file also in PDF format suitable for sharing with clients or printers. Requirements: - Proven experience in vector design (please provide examples of previous work) - Ability to accurately recreate logos in vector format - Attention to detail and a strong understanding of color and design principles - Timely delivery and clear communication Please include in your proposal an estimated timeline for completion and your price. If you require more information about the logo, do not hesita...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Průměr. nabídka
    99 nabídky

    ...Smooth and natural character movements. Delivery in high resolution (1080p or higher), suitable for music video use for Youtube and for IG reels / TikTok. Budget: Open to proposals based on expertise and tool availability. Timeline: Thinking of having it by the end of March, but we could work faster. If you have examples of content similar to the described one, I'll be happy to receive your proposal. Looking forward to collaborating!...

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky
    Realistic 3D Wolf Model Design
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for a product manufacturer who can design a 3D model image of a realistic wolf with interchangeable glow in the dark eyes of 5 colors. This model will be used on a backpack with my logo and name. The backpack features a dual...costs, shipping, and handling. Requirements: - Willingness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). - Experience in product manufacturing and 3D model design. - Ability to provide a detailed quote including production costs, shipping and handling with insurance. - Credentials, geographical location, turnaround time, and any relevant certifications or licenses should be included in your proposal. I am located in NY and looking to get started as soon as possible. Serious inquiries only. Have a blessed day and weekend. Sincerely, D...

    €1564 Average bid
    €1564 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky