Short link urlpráce
Hledám kreativního střihače short form videí pro sociální sítě. Kapacitně hrubým odhadem na 20 hodin měsíčně. Práce podobné kvality, jako jsou tato videa:
Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kon...
Ahoj , Hľadám video editora na projekt. Projekt zahŕňa tvorbu short form videi. Očakávam: Kreatívne úpravy a dodržiavanie termínov Predstavenie portfólia Ak mas záujem, daj mi vedieť, rád by som sa bližšie porozprával o projekte. Ďakujem, Vukasin
Hledám video editora, který má pokročilé zkušenosti s Final Cut Pro a má chuť si přivydělat několik hodin týdně za 150 Kč/hod. Znalost angličtiny nutná. Stříhání videí je pro kanál Kristi Travel Escape, na kterém budeme zveřejňovat jedno video za dva týdny. Nejčastěji se bude jednat o rychleji editovatelné vlogy, někdy také časově...rychleji editovatelné vlogy, někdy také časově náročnější travel guidy. Kanál je v anglickém jazyce. Hledám někoho na dlouhodobou spolupráci (ideálně minimálně rok). Někoho, kdo mi pomůže kanál budovat a růst. Proaktivita a nápady se cení. Mohu n...
...with promotion, sales or marketing? If so, you are the perfect match for this position! We are a young, innovative start-up company from Germany and will soon rank among the leading providers in the market for smoking accessories. You will showcasing our freshest products with the goal to gain new customers and partners. Send us your curriculume vitae and a recent photo, introduce yourself in a short video application and tell us why you are the right choice for this exciting career opportunity! You can contact us in the following languages: English, German, Russian. It is not important that you have a perfect command of one of these languages. ...
Hi, I need Download data from 3 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email The data will be in 3 files. Each url category will be 1 file. Sample file in attachment.
Hi, I need Download data from 4 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
This is a product that is used for painless hair removal. I would need approximately 3 short videos that I could use as an advertisement for tiktok. The company name is Smoothy and the website name is
Download data from 2 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
...bateriových článků. BCC exportuje data o napětí, atd do XML souboru, ale neumožňuje ukládání do XLS. Sháníme tedy programátora, který se chce na našem projektu podílet a vytvoří jednoduchou aplikaci, který bude sloužit k ukládání vyčítaných dat do PC. Požadavky: Spustitelný *.EXE SW s možností přidání do naplánovaných úloh. SW bude mít jen pár základních parametrů. 1) URL ke xml souboru (možnost zadání user & password) 2) Název souboru kam vyčítat 3) přípona (xls, xlsx, csv) 4) interval ukládání hodnot (xml je...
Jedná se o projekt do školy. Vytvořte jednoduchou fungující dynamickou webovou aplikaci s vy...Frameworku (F3). Dynamická webová aplikace by měla: • načítat data pro jednotlivé strany webové aplikace z MySQL databáze • vygenerovat menu, které zobrazí přehled stran daného webu • zobrazit dané stránky • NEmusíte programovat administrátorské rozhraní (back-end). Postačí prostředí pro zobrazení obsahu návštěvníkovi (front-end) • pro zobrazení jednotlivých stránek doporučuji v URL použít jejich ID, které webová aplikace z URL použije pro načte...
Hello everyone, we are looking for a billigual video editor that can : 1. translate a short piece of English text into Chinese 2. input the Chinese text on the video There are 5 videos that are less than 1 min, The video links are below: Promo gamme Loopy Looper Tuto flow Tuto edge Tuto Jump Tuto Hoop
Hledám člověka, který je schopný propojit feed Heureky do našeho eshopu. Shop běží na Shopify. URL: Díky Filip
...projekt na několik měsíců, rozsahem desitky hodin spolupráce. Požadujeme zkušenosti metodickým zpracováním a vytvořením materiálů a profesionální vedením tréninků soft skills. Zkušenosti jsou nutné. Účastníci jsou nároční na praktické vedení a odbornost. For the assistance service (assistance call center), we are looking for an external lecturer - trainer. The subject of delivery is to provide a short "standup" training for call center operators on topics such as communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials f...
Potřebujeme PHP skript který z daných odkazů (v textovém souboru - jedna URL na jeden řádek) stáhne z Amazon webu potřebné informace - tj. nadpis, popis, pokud je tak také krátky popis, náhledové obrázky, varianty (může se vložit klidně jako produkt zvlášť - tj. bílá bude produkt zvlášť a černá také, nemusí to být v sobě) a cenu. Společně s cenou potřebujeme její cenu snížit o 20%, automaticky. Takže produkt se přidá s o 20% nižší cenou a to vše se uloží do WooCommerce
...automaticky BOTi viz. níže (BOT_1) Roll the dice () Auction () Roullete ( or ) Lucky spin () Diamonds () - zde musí fungovat automaticky BOTi viz. níže (BOT_2) BOT_1 1. Hráč, se přihlásí a vyplní svoje steam trade url 2. Po prokliku na tlačítko Deposit items příjde hráčovi na steam trade offer, kam tento hráč zadá itemy, které chce vsadit a potvrdí. 2. Tyto itemy se následně přidají do jakéhosi prize poolu k ostatním na stránce 3. Pro tyto vsázené itemy bude na stránce limit 50 vsazených itemů, nebo 60vteřin na každou jednu hru. 4. Od této chvíle začne odpočítáván... viz. například stránka (Sign with steam vpravo nahoře) Tato stránka musí být velice přehledná a jednoduchá ve formě viz. například Napojení na Steam analyst API viz. Součástí této stránky musí být funkční BOTi, kteří zvládnou následující komunikaci : 1. Hráč, se přihlásí a vyplní svoje steam trade url 2. Po prokliku na tlačítko Deposit items příjde hráčovi na steam trade offer, kam tento hráč zadá itemy, které chce vsadit a potvrdí. 2. Tyto itemy se následně přidají do jakéhosi prize poolu k ostatním na s...
...sowtware poskládán z open sorce , který bude schopen sosat data z webů a to buď na serveru , nebo na vlastním serveru. Preferuji však vlastní server. umožňu v podstatě vše co potřebuji, avšak nelze zadat podmínka u jednotlivých pavouků dle obsahu stránky,tak aby stahoval data pouze některá data. Umožňuje omezovat pouze dle url ale potřeba je dle obsahu. Tedy možnost zadat pokud např id, či div obsahuje nějaké slovo stahni pokud ne - nestahuj. Např. pouze chceme získat všechny košile, víme, že se slovo shirts vyskytuje v drobečkové navigaci,atd
...sowtware poskládán z open sorce , který bude schopen sosat data z webů a to buď na serveru , nebo na vlastním serveru. Preferuji však vlastní server. umožňu v podstatě vše co potřebuji, avšak nelze zadat podmínka u jednotlivých pavouků dle obsahu stránky,tak aby stahoval data pouze některá data. Umožňuje omezovat pouze dle url ale potřeba je dle obsahu. Tedy možnost zadat pokud např id, či div obsahuje nějaké slovo stahni pokud ne - nestahuj. Např. pouze chceme získat všechny košile, víme, že se slovo shirts vyskytuje v drobečkové navigaci,atd
Popis úkolu: vytvořit dotazník, který bude sdílet link na webové stánky na facebooku Vytvořit jednoduchý generátor kódu pro dotazník / anketu, který bude mít následující funkce: - v generátoru chci mít možnost nastavit základní jednu otázku - k otázce pak chci vytvořit v generátoru dvě až tři možnosti odpovědí Hlavní funkcí dotazníku však bude, že když osoba klikne na tlačítko u možnosti jedna, nebo na tlačítko u možnosti dvě, tak dojte hned bez dalšího automaticky k tomu, že se bude sdílet webová stránka, na které bude dotazní... na vlastní prestashop řešení. Z eshopu bychom chtěli hromadně přenést produkty (xml nebo csv) a kdyby to bylo možné, tak i dosavadní objednávky a nějaká další data. Od systému prestashop bychom poté požadovali tyto funkce: xml import produktů (automatický z feedů dodavatelů), xml export na srovnávače (heureka, zboží, hyperzbozi,...), možnost SEO optimalizace (úprava meta informací, "dobré" url adresy), možnost integrace platební brány, integrace Ulož (výběr z odběrných míst), generování faktur a nakonec jedna z nejdůležitějších funkcí a to možnost napojení google a...
...rozhrani(Api): - Vytvoreni, editace, mazani HTML kampani - Rozdelovani do kategorii ( samozrejme by to bylo propojene s Vasim systemem ) - Hlidaci pes, pro sledovani ktera IP a kolik emailu poslala za dane obdobi. - Casovaní nastaveni rozesilek dle konkretniho data casu, pripadn e opakovane v intervalech - Cron skripty pro rozesilani - Vytvareni HTML obrazu emailu v pripade spatneho zobrazeni na URL odkazu. - Sledovani otevreni emailu a statistiky. Tato cela api by byla samozrejme propojena s administracnim rozhrani tudiz by se vse spravovalo z jednoho mista....
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
As a dedicated freelance video editor, I specialize in bringing your footage to life with professional editing that enhances storytelling and visual appeal. Whether you're looking for short-form social media content, promotional videos, or full-length features, I craft videos that align with your vision and goals. My services include: Video Editing: Cutting, trimming, and arranging footage for a smooth flow, while maintaining the core message. Color Grading: Enhancing visual aesthetics with color correction and grading to give your videos a professional, polished look. Sound Editing: Improving audio quality by adjusting levels, adding sound effects, and syncing dialogue or music. Motion Graphics & Animation: Adding dynamic elements such as titles, lower thirds, transitio...
I'm looking to create ...automates a TikTok search based on a keyword I enter into Slack. The goal is to identify the top 100 profiles based on follower count. Key Requirements: - The automation should trigger a TikTok search when I add a keyword in Slack. - It should return detailed information on the top 100 profiles, including: - Profile name - Follower count - Content category - Total Likes - Bio - Profile URL - The retrieved data should be formatted neatly in Google Sheets or airtable Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in - Experience with Slack and TikTok integrations - Ability to format and organize data in Google Sheets - Understanding of social media metrics and profile analysis Note: A keen interest in social media and its various content categories would be ...
I'm in need of a talented video and audio editor for a short film, aimed at the entertainment sector. The project is performance-based and requires a keen eye for detail and a creative approach to editing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Strong audio editing skills - Prior experience with short films - Creative mindset with a passion for performance-based content - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently
I'm a student in need of a rotoscoping expert to help me with a short film project. The film is less than 5 minutes long and requires rotoscoping on people. Key Responsibilities: - Rotoscoping of individuals in the film - Ensure smooth and precise cuts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with rotoscoping in film or video - Proficient in industry standard software (e.g. Adobe After Effects, Nuke) - Attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines - Prior experience with student projects is a plus
...eLwGfN1cRRiZrK57s3tjh/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113815940897516390627&rtpof=true&sd=true Task Details: Extract the following information for each restaurant: Company Name (including web link) Website Address Location Telephone Number Email Address (via web search if not listed on Neotaste) Sorting Requirement: Ensure data is sorted by "Am beliebtesten" (Most Popular). Email Collection: Google search to find the restaurant's official email. Requirements: Fast turnaround – The task must be completed within 2 hours. Accuracy is crucial – All details must be correctly copied. A team is preferred – Given the short deadline, a team will have a higher chance of selection. Failure to meet the 2-hour deadline results in no payment. Budg...
...collaborators. Collaboration: Plan to allow multiple users to collaborate on projects in real-time, with features like live coding, chat, and video conferencing. Learning Platform: Plan to offer a range of learning resources, including tutorials, courses, and exercises, to help users improve their coding skills. In summary, set up a technology stack based on our reference platform (we will provide a URL as a reference): Use a combination of React, Node.js, , and PostgreSQL to build the frontend and backend. Implement authentication and authorization: Use OAuth 2.0 to enable authentication with Google, GitHub, and Facebook. Build a code editor: Create a web-based code editor with features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and real-time collaboration. Develop project...
I'm in need of a talented WordPress developer with extensive Elementor experience to transform a Figma homepage design into a fully operational, responsive, and...homepage design into a fully operational, responsive, and mobile-ready website. Key Details: - Project involves only the homepage using Elementor. - A precise, pixel-perfect conversion from the Figma design is essential. - I'll provide an Elementor-compatible WordPress theme and grant access to my hosting account. - A subdomain will be created, with WordPress installed and ready to go. - Control panel URL and SFTP details will be shared. The deadline for this project is Sunday or Monday evening, 5 PM IST at the latest. Please confirm your interest and availability within this timeframe. Thank you for your tim...
...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My case: I have a hotspot at work. The page that is accessed is very simple, there is only one button to then go to the internet. It's free internet, no username, no password. only the button has to be pressed. I just have no idea about HTML etc. The hotspot uses NoDogSplash Captive Portal, which is very simple. The URL on the login button looks like this: (null) What I need: a fully function auto login script Information I have for you: 1. The HTML page downloaded as .zip 2. Example scripts that run on github: 3. Openwrt travelmate info
We are seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a magazine-style site using Gutenberg, without use of a page builder (to allow us easy future management), limited custom code, short codes, and plugins to keep it lean and easy to manage. Project start date is near future. Ongoing maintenance or support will not be required. Partial requirements: Magazine style with unique, photo-centric clean theme highlighting branding. Related Content block for posts, based on taxonomy. Popular Content row/grid for home page. Featured Content grid/row for home page. Event Calendar - no public entry - back end entry only, event block for home page with upcoming events. Can use "Events Calendar" plugin. Ad banner integration by adserver code blocks. Mobile/tablet responsiveness, cr...
I am working on a URL. And i get access to another website, and both website design are the same.
...own design system) ✅ Understanding of dynamic UI components & JavaScript functionalities ✅ Ideally experience with IoT or control systems Bonus: knowledge of WebSockets, REST API If you have creative ideas, a flair for design and functionality and would like to work on an innovative project, then I look forward to receiving your application! ? ? Send me your portfolio, your references and a short introduction of yourself....
I will send you a short film script which is already written by me.
Hi, Can you please add a short side video on the page of LH & RH- C scale when I refer to it on 2:14?
...with the Resi GG platform, which provides access to 100 million premium residential IPs. Responsibilities: Develop a Python script that can request a webpage using authenticated proxies (username & password) from the Resi GG website. Integrate proxy authentication and handle IP address rotation to ensure efficient, anonymous browsing. Work with an existing AI ChatGPT script and adapt it to load a URL via premium proxies while maintaining performance. Update and optimize the script with the latest Python libraries to ensure the process is smooth and reliable. Test and troubleshoot the script to handle errors, timeouts, and proxies rotation effectively. Ensure proper logging and error handling throughout the script to keep track of proxy usage and webpage requests. Collaborat...
...startup focused on automated people counting in retail stores, and we need human validation to ensure accuracy in our system. Task Overview: We need a detail-oriented person to watch a series of short store surveillance videos and manually count the number of unique customers and staff members entering the store. Your validation will help improve our AI model's accuracy. Key Details: Purpose: This is part of a machine learning system that tracks foot traffic in retail stores. Your counts will help refine our AI's ability to differentiate between customers and staff. Task Requirements: Watch 12 short videos (each about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) per store. Videos are available online th...
We are looking for a talented video creator to produce a short, engaging introduction video for our brand, SecondSkin – a Palestinian and vegan skincare line, where a portion of the profits is donated to Palestine, Yemen, Sudan and Congo. What we need: • Duration: 30-60 seconds • Style: Professional, inspiring, modern, and authentic • Content: A mix of video footage, graphics, and maybe text animations • Goal: To introduce SecondSkin, our values, and our mission in a way that captures attention on social media The video should include: 1. Introduction: A strong opening with visually compelling and emotionally engaging content – e.g., “Beauty with a Mission.” 2. Brand Story: A brief but impactful explanation of SecondSkin, its Pales...
I'm on the lookout for a talented and flexible writer who can craft engaging stories across different genres, primarily targeting an adult audience. If you have a knack for weaving tales that can span ...flexible writer who can craft engaging stories across different genres, primarily targeting an adult audience. If you have a knack for weaving tales that can span from fantasy to mystery and romance, we would love to hear from you! Key Requirements: - Ability to write in a variety of genres - Proficient in crafting compelling narratives for adults - Experience in writing different types of stories (short stories, novellas, full-length novels) - Creativity and original thinking If you have a portfolio of diverse stories, please submit it with your proposal. Let's create ...
Homepage Content for AlLahjah Institute Color: #711011 Design Prototype link Hero Section: Headline: "Learn Emirati Arabic ? Speak like a local!" Subheadline: "? Interactive & Fun Classes | Online or Face-to-Face ?? Embrace Emirati culture with expert instructors. Join our engaging classes for kids and adults at all proficiency levels." Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Supporting Image: Smiling students engaged in a virtual and classroom learning experience. Why Learn with AlLahjah Institute? At AlLahjah Institute, we specialize in teaching Emirati Arabic to students of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s what sets us apart: Expert Instructors: Native Emirati speakers...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
I'm looking for an experienced Laravel ...will be no traditional milestones since the only value to me is a completed project. 8. You will receive 75% when the project is completed and I can see it working on your server. And the final 25% after all bugs are worked out, hopefully in 10 days after that. In order to determine the full scope of work so you may submit a proper bid, go to the site: create a simple (short-version) account at “sign up.” For your user name, use “freelancer” followed by any 2 numbers, such as freelancer33. I will approve you within a few hours. When you are on the site, click on EVERYTHING. Get a feel for the complexity. 9. You must have a server to upload my new site and test it. I will delete your account after you check ...
...find others with similar family goals) Smoking (Non-smoker, Social smoker, etc.) Drinking (Non-drinker, Social drinker, etc.) Pets (Do they have pets, or do they like pets?) Dietary Preferences (Vegetarian, Vegan, etc., for lifestyle matching) Lifestyle/Activity Level (Active, sedentary, etc.—helps match with people with similar energy levels) Personality & Interests: Short Bio or Introduction (A freeform section where users can describe themselves in their own words) Hobbies & Interests (Common activities or passions that help find compatibility) Music/Movies/Books (Favorites that give deeper insight into personality and shared interests) What are you passionate about? (Helps users connect over shared passions or causes) Wh...
...the Guru extension. The website is already set up with the required software. The training course will be approximately 14 hours in length. The PowerPoint is complete but is not setup for online elearning. The exact number of slides would be determined while setting it up. But it could be 13 to 20. Mental health section has 80 slides PowerPoint Slides. The slides are approximately 350. Format: Short quiz after every section/module (5 question / multiple choice and or yes/no) And then a final at the end of 30 questions. (Mixture of multiple choice and yes/no) Key Requirements: - Organize the content into module-based sections. - Incorporate quizzes and video tutorials as interactive elements in the training modules. - Apply a minimalistic style to the website's design. I...
I'm looking for a talented video editor to enhance my YouTube Shorts with special effects and animations. Core Responsibilities: - Apply dynamic visual effects like explosions or light flares to my videos. - Suggest and implement creative, engaging edits that will capture v...talented video editor to enhance my YouTube Shorts with special effects and animations. Core Responsibilities: - Apply dynamic visual effects like explosions or light flares to my videos. - Suggest and implement creative, engaging edits that will capture viewers' attention. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in using video editing software. - Experienced with creating effects and animations for short format content. - Able to provide creative input and suggestions. Please provide examples of simil...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm looking for a talented WordPress developer to create a short term rental website using wp rental for showcasing individual short-term rental homes. The site should focus on presenting the properties in an appealing and user-friendly manner. The domail already registern and the premium theme is already installed. Key Features: - Property Gallery: A comprehensive and visually pleasing gallery to display the homes. - Booking System: An integrated, seamless booking system to facilitate reservations directly from the website. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in WordPress development. - Proven track record in developing property showcase/review sites. - Proficiency in integrating secure, user-friendly booking systems. The goal is to create an engaging platform that... Score Over 0.5 First Half Goals ...etc. The bubbles float, slightly pulsate, and then fade back into the crystal ball. The fortune teller speaks in German, saying: "Willkommen zur heutigen Fußball-Prophezeiung!" He then says something funny and makes amusing sounds while staring into the crystal ball, making the scene more engaging and entertaining. I envision something similar, with a short and amusing or intriguing storyline. The fortune teller should be likable, professional, and humorous. The entire concept should be engaging and captivating. Requirements: High-quality 2D or 3D animation with smooth movements. Mystical yet modern visual effects, suitable for social media. Editable text fields for the bubbles, so I can change football predictions...
I'm looking for a talented animator to create fun and playful stop-frame anima...children's audience. Key Responsibilities: - Develop playful and engaging stop-frame animations that resonate with children - Incorporate brand elements strategically within the animations Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in stop-frame animation - A strong understanding of what appeals to children - Creative storytelling abilities to weave brand promotion seamlessly into the animations. Short videos between 50 ad 90 seconds. We will send you the toys for this. Please fidn here an actual example. We have changes all colors of teh products so we need new ones : We will need 4 - 5 vidoes and will have more request in the futore. the quote is for the 1st one