Share code between react web and react nativepráce
Spracovanie a obohatenie dát z webového formuláru do podoby, ktorej rozumie ÚPVS () aby občania Slovenskej republiky vedeli jednoduchšie komunikovať so samosprávou. No predtým ako ich vôbec pošleme ich musíme zvalidovať, tra...zvalidovať, transformovať a podísať. Veríme, že všetky tieto úkony by boli pre bežného developera otravné, no ak si ešte nerobil komunikáciu so štátom, práve toto by pre teba mohlo byť zaujímavou príležitosťou. Všetko toto robíme na pozadí v PHP a aplikujeme do CMS Wordpress, ktorá veríme, že ako otvorená a zrozumiteľná platforma pomáha samospráva ...
Jedná se o projekt nového pojišťovacího Core systému. Současný systém je napsaný na starých technologiích. Celý projekt je nyní na začátku a v přípravné fázi. Tento rok poběží přípravná fáze - vydefinování high level zadání a naplánování realizace na další období. Systém bude modulární a bude obsahovat věci pro správu pojistek, škody, likvidace, provize a další moduly. You will get more information during the interview
Hello everyone, we are an artificial intelligence company, in order to develop software, we want to recruit hundreds of Czechs to record Czech audio for us,We need to record 1050 sentences, each sentence is 2-8 seconds,and the pass rate must reach 96.5%. without violating any of your privacy. If you are interested in helping us record the audio, please contact me! Note: Those who have participated in the startask app recording cannot participate in this job. Ahoj všichni, jsme společnost zabývající se umělou inteligencí, abychom mohli vyvíjet software, chceme naverbovat stovky Čechů, aby nám nahráli český zvuk, Potřebujeme nahrát 1050 vět, každá věta má 2-8 sekund, trvá to asi 3 hodiny pro do...
Poptáváme React Native developera na remote spolupráci. Jsme plně remote, je nás šest a hledáme kolegu, který nás doplní. Máme dlouhodobý projekt. Jestli už máš dost korporátu a chceš zkusit zase příjemnější spolupráci, ozvi se.
On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users h...
Pro firmu zabývající se vyhledáváním a personalizací na eshopech a firemních webech hledáme kolegu na dlouhodobou spolupráci, který se bude starat o REACT komponenty, jenž obsluhují zobrazování výsledků hledání ve stránce. Ze začátku to bude práce na několik týdnů, dlouhodobě pak jednotky dnů za měsíc.
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that maintenance different contract. Will involve 1. Design and Integration of Wireframe in Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed
We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.
Co požadujeme: - Pokročilá znalost a zkušenost s Node.js - Schopnost psát čistý a udržitelný kód - Přemýšlet nad problémy a odvážně se pouštět tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - Nástup ideálně hned :). Pokud to nepůjde, tak co nejdříve. Co nabízíme: - Práce na projektu s mezinárodním přesahem a zajímavým tématem (travel) - Full remote práce na ŽL, bez nějaké pracovní doby od - do - Pohodový přístup bez zbytečného stresu - Na projektu je nás pár, budete se tak velkou měrou podílet na jeho tvorbě - 500-700 Kč na hodinu, dle zkušeností.
Dobrý den, do našeho týmu hledáme dalšího programátora. Ideálně někoho, kdo: - ovládá React Native - primárně potřebujeme někoho na front a aplikace, ale full stack by bylo velkou výhodou (backend je v node.js) - má minimálně do konce roku dostatek času se projektu věnovat - je precizní - přemýšlí nad problémy a odvážně se pouští tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - dodržuje domluvené termíny - může pracovat na ŽL Výhodou by byl vztah ke zdravé stravě, udržitelnosti a touha vytvářet něco s přidanou hodnotou pro společnost. Ale na tom nijak nelpím :).
Dobrý den, do našeho týmu hledáme dalšího programátora. Ideálně někoho, kdo: - ovládá React Native - primárně potřebujeme někoho na front a aplikace, ale full stack by bylo velkou výhodou (backend je v node.js) - má minimálně do konce roku dostatek času se projektu věnovat - je precizní - přemýšlí nad problémy a odvážně se pouští tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - dodržuje domluvené termíny - může pracovat na ŽL Výhodou by byl vztah ke zdravé stravě, udržitelnosti a touha vytvářet něco s přidanou hodnotou pro společnost. Ale na tom nijak nelpím :).
Nadějný startup , který využívá jedinečného systému pro spolupráci lokálních podniků, nadstandardně ohodnocuje zaměstnance a přináší nové zákazníky. A to i hlavně pro podniky ve světe Offline (právě v offline světě je prostor pro růst) :o Hledáme...jedinečného systému pro spolupráci lokálních podniků, nadstandardně ohodnocuje zaměstnance a přináší nové zákazníky. A to i hlavně pro podniky ve světe Offline (právě v offline světě je prostor pro růst) :o Hledáme Fronted developera, který s námi projekt dotáhne. Bude dostávat plat od úkolu a když bude...
Vyvíjíme projekt, který změní celou hru v daném odvětví. Plány jsou jasné, projekt je promyšlený a co nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen v ČR. ...
Dokumentaci musíte zabalit do jedné prezentace ve formátu PDF. Což v důsledku toho pošleme sponzorům jako komerční nabídku. Co znamená prezentace ve formátu PDF sama o sobě? Je nutné popsat, co Giveaway je, pak napsat, jak to projde, jaké jsou výhody pro sponzora a folofers. Pošleme vám příklady, na které budete také muset napsat. ONLY FOR CZECH NATIVE PEOPLE.
Hledáme šikovného kodéra (nebo firmu) na vytvoření javascriptové webové single-page aplikace. Máme vytvořenou mobilní aplikaci v Angularu a pro ni chceme vytvořit webovou alternativu. Zadání je dokonale definované naší mobilní aplikací a ušetříme si tak tápání a prošlapávání slepých cestiček. Požadované technologie jsou ideálně Angular, případně React nebo Vue.js. Jsme tvůrci online jazykových kurzů, kterými prošlo již více než 90 tis. uživatelů v České republice a na Slovensku. Nyní chceme dobýt svět a proto se pouštíme...
Aplikace na vytvareni automatizovanych dokumentu pro Salesforce - Diky ktere budou uzivatele schopni jednim kliknutim vygenerovat dokument ze Salesforce (faktura, smlouva, marketingova brozura atd…) - Ktera bude native na Salesforce, ale pozdeji bude schopna pridat i ruzne dalsi systemy - software na elektronicke podpisy, ostatni CRM atd.) - uvitam navrhy reseni jak toto provest Jak by to melo fungovat (hlavni funkce): - Vytvorim a nahraji sablony (word, excel, powerpoint nebo text dokument) do te appky na Salesforce. Tento template ma takzvane merge policka. Tj. kod, kterym si zakaznik bude moci vytvorit libovolny template a dat tam vzdy to policko ze Salesforce, ktere potrebuje, aby se mu ukazalo na finalnim -dokumentu - Zde jsem schopen spravovat ruzne sablony, rozhodno...
EN App Stack Node backend application is written in asynchronous. Frontend in react. What is the problem? We have GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s...
- Český jazyk (Only native Czech language!!!) - Asistence pri tvoreni websites (Vhodne pro studenty) - Tvoreni databaz - Psani clanku - Korekce clanku - Vyhledavani na webu - Asistence pri obchodnich aktivitach
Mám 2 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.
Mám 3 programy (kódy pro mikroprocesor STELLARIS) a potřeboval bych jejich jednoduchou úpravu, podle zadání. Více info pošlu do zprávy.
I want few methods from objective c to java to be translated.
Looking a person with excellent knowledge of the English language (EN - native language) . Original text is in Russian, which text is translated. Need to edit texts in english language. Offer about 100$.
? Job Title: Web App Development for SlidePedia – Digital Presentation Library ? Project Description: We are looking for an experienced web developer or development team to build SlidePedia, a digital presentation library where users (teachers, students, and parents) can browse, filter, and access educational presentation templates. The project will include: ✅ User-friendly UI/UX with a modern, engaging design ✅ Library system to categorize presentations by grade level, subject, and type ✅ Search & filtering for quick access to presentations ✅ Integration with Canva (users should be able to open templates directly in Canva) ✅ Download options (PDF/PPT) for users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving favorite pres...
The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.
...that outlines the terms and conditions for Corporate Nerd’s SaaS offerings. The agreement should clearly define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both Corporate Nerd and its subscribers. - **Target Audience:** Corporate clients subscribing to Corporate Nerd’s SaaS services. #### **2. Scope of Work** - **Drafting the Agreement:** The freelancer will draft a detailed and legally compliant SaaS agreement, incorporating best practices and essential clauses relevant to software subscriptions. - **Customization:** The agreement should be tailored to Corporate Nerd’s business model, addressing subscription models, service level expectations, and compliance requirements. - **Review and Revisi...
...the Costa Blanca SPAIN. **Who We Are:** Propli is revolutionizing the Spanish real estate industry, equipping agents with cutting-edge AI-powered tools and an extensive portfolio of developments. With a strong presence in the **Costa del Sol** and **Costa Blanca**, our goal is to **replace outdated MLS systems** and become the go-to platform for real estate professionals. **What You’ll Do:** ✅ **Close Deals:** Convert real estate agents into **paying subscribers**. ✅ **Show Value:** Ensure agents **explore and maximize** Propli’s powerful features. ✅ **Overcome Objections:** Use expert sales strategies to **handle concerns** and close sales. ✅ **Support Agents:** Provide **basic troubleshooting** to keep clients engaged. **...
I'm looking for a live-action video reminiscent of Jack Pembrooke's style, where we test bizarre store policies. The video should be humorous in tone, engaging viewers with a light-hearted approach to the subject matter. Key Aspects: - Length: The video should be between 5 to 10 minutes. - Style: It should be shot in a live-action format, with a similar stylistic approach to Jack Pembrooke's videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in creating humorous, live-action videos. - Understanding of comedic timing and delivery. - Ability to mimic or be inspired by Jack Pembrooke's style. - Experience with content that involves testing real-world scenarios. I'm open to suggestions for bizarre store policies to test. Ill be charging ...
Hello, I am looking for a skilled frontend developer with experience in React.js or Vue.js to implement a simple website using an already provided design. The project only involves creating the frontend—no backend ...Vue.js to implement a simple website using an already provided design. The project only involves creating the frontend—no backend development is required. Project Requirements: Accurately implement the provided design. Develop the frontend using React.js or Vue.js with clean and well-organized code. Ensure the website is responsive and compatible with all browsers and screen sizes. Deliver maintainable and scalable code for future updates. Budget: $100 Delivery Time: To be discussed and agreed upon. Please sha...
...real estate search portal with the functionality of or Zillow, enhanced with AI-driven insights and lead generation tools. The platform will be a multi-tenant SaaS system, allowing real estate agents to white-label and resell it under their own branding. It will use IDX and VOW feeds to provide real-time MLS data, including access to sold listings from the past 24 months. Core Features 1. Real Estate Search & Listings - MLS integration via IDX/VOW feeds. - AI-powered personalized home search based on user behavior. - Advanced filters (price, amenities, equity potential, etc.). - Map-based search with school, crime, and commute overlays. - Saved searches, AI-driven alerts, and virtual 3D tours. 2. AI-Driven Equity Insights & Lead Magnets - AI...
...developer to create an Android application that allows users to read and listen to the Quran offline, with the ability to add their own audio files. Key Features to Implement: 1. Offline Quran Text Display: The app should load and display the text of the Quran without requiring an internet connection. 2. Audio Playback: Users should have the capability to add and listen to their own audio files, similar to a group WhatsApp chat. 3. Audio File Management: The app should allow for the addition, deletion, and organization of these audio files. 4. Monetization: I need ads integration (like AdMob) for potential revenue generation. 5. User-friendly Interface: The app must have a simple, smooth navigation system between surahs and for managing audio ...
...for an Angular specialist to create and enhance my existing restaurant menu website. The site should be fully responsive, with a mobile-optimized design that is mirrored on larger screens. The menu will need to be interactive, with a sliding functionality for different categories. Key Tasks: - Implement a dark, modern design theme on the website. - Ensure the site works seamlessly on mobile, tablet and larger screens. - Use online resources to source small, high-quality images for each menu item. - Create a sliding menu function to navigate between different categories. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Angular with a strong portfolio of similar projects. - Experience in designing responsive, interactive websites. - Ability to source and optimize images for ...
I'm looking for a simple drumming app to be developed for both iOS and Android. The core functionality of the app should be a virtual drum kit. Key Requirements: - Development of a basic yet functional virtual drum kit - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android) Additionally, I want the app to feature: - A single native hand drum with our logo on it Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficient in both iOS and Android app development - Experience in creating interactive music apps - Graphic design skills to integrate our logo into the app Please note, this is a straightforward project focused on functionality rather than complexity. I look forward to your proposals. The app should include preloaded custom sounds. The app should also include a do...
...personnel, including engineers and operators. This app serves multiple purposes: - Company News: A section dedicated to the latest updates from our company. - Social Interaction: Users can post questions, share pictures, and engage with each other. The more they interact, the more 'farming points' they earn, which can be redeemed for company merchandise. - AI-Enhanced Knowledge Search: Instead of a simple PDF search, users can utilize an AI tool to navigate our company knowledge base. This will also check the news feed for similar issues faced by other users, with points awarded for participation. - Parts Ordering: Users can search for parts, generate proposals, and place orders. The app should facilitate the payment process via credit card or PO ...
Website: for Consultancy - Business, Finance and Accounting. Target 8-10 pages. Also I put together this checklist or bullets point, can you just put an answer next to each if you are providing or not or able to provide is needed? • Unlimited Pages Website, although targets per website • Conceptual and Dynamic Liquid Website, Custom Made High End Tier 1 Design • Content Management System (CMS) • Team of Expert Designers & Developers • Mobile Responsive (compatible with IOS, Android, Tablets, etc.) • Custom Forms • Lead Capturing Forms • 15 Stock Images – David will provide specific topic related stock images, Developer to provide general design stock photos; • 8 Unique Banner Designs • Jquery Sliders • Fr...
I need logo for my website Name: clean code My website for programming
...of a seasoned web developer who can faithfully recreate the aesthetic and operational aspects of for my service-oriented business. The site should be interactive, visually captivating, and engineered for optimal performance and SEO. Key Features: - Design and layout mirroring - Fully responsive, mobile-friendly interface - Built on WordPress (preferred) or a similar CMS - User-friendly backend for effortless content updates - Comprehensive SEO optimization and swift loading times - Integration of forms, blog, and service pages - E-commerce functionality (if necessary) - Clean, professional UI/UX Timeline: Ideally, the project should be wrapped up within a week. Additional Notes: - If you've previously created similar websites,...
I'm seeking a talented writer who can craft engaging articles and blog posts aimed at educating the general public about public health issues. Key Requirements: - Write clear and informative pieces that break down complex health topics into digestible content for the everyday reader. - Create content that is not only educational but also engaging, encouraging readers to share and discuss. - Understand and incorporate public health principles and facts into your writing. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in health writing or public health communication. - Strong understanding of public health issues. - Exceptional writing and editing skills. - Ability to create engaging content that appeals to the general public.
...seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Mobile Developer to join our dynamic team. This is a remote position working with a leading US-based client, offering a competitive monthly salary ranging from $500 to $2500, depending on experience and expertise. Please note that US sponsorship is NOT provided. If you are passionate about mobile app development, have a proven track record of delivering high-quality mobile solutions, and possess excellent communication skills, we'd love to hear from you! Key Responsibilities - Design, develop, and maintain high-performance, reusable, and reliable mobile applications for iOS and/or Android platforms. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and ...
...rather, a blend of moody and cinematic elements. Key Requirements: - The use of monochrome tones throughout the video - Subtle and minimalist text animations - A balance between cinematic and girly visuals - Delivery of a high-resolution video file - Ensure visual consistency throughout the video - Accurate synchronization of lyrics with the song - Design a cohesive intro and outro for the video - Inclusion of subtle special effects to enhance mood - Offer at least two draft reviews for client feedback - Use of a font that aligns with the song's theme - i have a mood board already made so you can get a feel and the video will help as well Ideal Candidate: - Experience with lyric video production - Strong understanding of visual aesthetic...
...the design and some issues with the frontend, you need to update it to match the Figma layout. There was a separate version for mobile, but not all pages had a mobile version. So the goal is to merge existing mobile versions with the desktop versions and make everything responsive. Pages without a mobile version should be adapted to be responsive since there's no Figma layout for them. For reference, you can look at the website as an example. I'll provide the Figma link, some additional notes, the used font, and other files below. Finally, as you're now using this design in a Laravel project, it is important to maintain the existing class names for easier integration of the changes. If you'd like help with specific tasks or have files to ...
I'm an affiliate of a diamond ring company and I'm looking for someone to promote this with my affiliate link. I need someone who can share and publish the diamonds with my link across various platforms and methods. Key aspects of the project include: - Promoting on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok) - Email marketing - Blogging The target audience for this promotion is primarily engaged or soon-to-be-engaged couples. Therefore, experience or understanding in reaching this demographic will be advantageous. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Social Media Marketing - Experience with Email Marketing - Skilled Blogger - Knowledge of the Engagement Ring Market - Ability to create engaging content to reach the target audience
I need a cross-platform (iOS and Android) AppSheet application. The main functionality involves scanning a QR code, which contains a URL leading to different forms based on the code's parameters. Key Requirements: - The app should be able to interpret a QR code and, depending on the URL it contains, direct the user to the appropriate form (form 1, form 2, etc.). within the app sheet - The forms need to be interactive and allow users to fill them out before submission. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AppSheet - Skills in creating interactive forms within an app Your proposal should highlight similar projects you've worked on, and please provide examples of your cross-platform apps.
We're looking for a professional specialist to design and build a multi-page website for our logistics company catering to clients shipping E-commerce products. The ideal candidate will have expertise in: - Creating websites specifically for logistics, freight forwarding, or freight broker companies. - Building user-friendly and responsive designs. - A proven track record with an impressive portfolio to showcase previous work. Deliverables include: - Website design and development - Technical implementation based on our detailed concepts - Collaboration throughout the process to ensure all requirements are met Budget: $4000 Timeline: 1.5 months, with the possibility of initial discussions between the client and selected freelancer.
Hey all! I'm looking for someone who can do it all for me. My project needs and artist, designer who can provide images of solar system planets, some of which may require using best available data and the rest would be up to you to create. Our project is web and mobile based which means there needs to be a fine line between extremely high resolution imagery and load times. 3D Planet modeling (high resolution) Delivery will be whole planet 3D Planet Topography / Map (high resolution) Delivery will be incorporated on the whole planet but also provide flat extremely high resolution file. Example of type of work, reference loading time. If this is you, I'm ready to hear from you.
...plugin to be added to our directory, and the project is approximately 75% complete. However, due to time constraints, I am unable to resolve certain outstanding issues. The plugin is a popup builder with a live editor, and the remaining work primarily involves finalizing the editor and ensuring its output is correctly rendered as HTML. Once this is completed, I will take over and finalize the popup functionality. Most components within the editor are functioning as expected, but I have encountered challenges with implementing form fields. Specifically, I need these fields to visually resemble real input elements within the editor while supporting live updates, similar to other elements. Additionally, they should retain their settings when deselected and...
...Development of a Chat App & Website (React Native/ EXPO + Firebase Login) Project Overview : I am looking for a skilled freelance developer or development team to build a fully functional chat application available on both web and mobile platforms (iOS & Android). The application should be developed using React Native for mobile and React.js (or another suitable framework) for the web, with Firebase authentication for user login and data storage. Key Features & Requirements: 1. User Authentication: Users should log in via mobile number and OTP verification. Firebase Authentication should be used for OTP-based login. Secure user session management. 2. Dashboard & Chat Options: The main dashboard sho...
I’m seeking an artist to help bring a minimalist, black-and-white webcomic to life. The style is inspired by xkcd, featuring simple stick-figure characters and basic expressions. The comic follows a comedic miscommunication between a mech, its pilot, and a girl trying to play catch. There are no background elements—just two characters (plus the mech) interacting in empty space across approximately 10 panels. Style & Key Details Stick-Figure Characters: Very simple lines, with basic facial expressions (e.g., happy, sad, neutral). Minimalist Art: No backgrounds; black-and-white only. Consistent Panels: Most panels show the mech and the girl from a side-on perspective. Panel Layout: The mech is usually on one side, the girl on the oth... Saudi Arabia and the GCC. The platform should be trustworthy, simple, and free to use, with a pay-later model when a match results in marriage. Key Features: • Profiles with Verification: Users create structured profiles (education, profession, values, etc.). • Connection Requests: Users can send requests like LinkedIn but for serious marriage discussions. • Moderation & Privacy: Strict user verification and moderation to ensure Islamic compliance. • Tech Stack: Preferably Flutter (so it can be converted into an app later), with Firebase/MySQL for backend. Developer Requirements: • Experience in Flutter Web Development. • Strong understanding of secure authentication & user verification. • Experience in b...
...will depict fictional interactions between well-known people, similar in style to Unknown Collective. The video is for a hip-hop song, so the appearance must be engaging and stylish. The video will accompany a 4-minute song, but a loopable 1-minute 20-second sequence is sufficient. What I Will Provide: 3 to 4 scene concepts with clear descriptions of the interactions. We can talk about this more in depth, to evaluate viability. Reference images or examples for character likeness and atmosphere. Requirements: Experience in AI-generated video tools. Ability to create high-quality, realistic depictions of famous personalities. Smooth and natural character movements. Delivery in high resolution (1080p or higher), suitable for music video use for Youtube a...