Powerpoint design template natural greenpráce


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    2,000 powerpoint design template natural green Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Hello everyone, I need to make four versions of logos for my startup company. #1 - black version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see #2 - blue version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this blue is just example, you have to use R=22 + G=63 + B=134) #3 - green Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this green is just example, you have to use R=56 + G=178 + B=77) #4 - red version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this red is just example, you have to use R=190 + G=22 + B=34) The winner send me PDF of each version and main source of work (.eps, .ps – PostScript, .adp – Adobe Illustrator Artwork, .cdr – Corel Draw, .svg – Scalable Vector Graphics or .zmf – Zoner Callisto).

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Průměr. nabídka
    27 nabídky

    Hi, I am looking for someone able to customize my Wordpress website. I have a functional site built with template and plugins, but I have some more requirements that I need to adjust. It is a private project about selling Sphynx cats. Expected start of cooperation: March 2022 I prefer Prague located, czech speaking developers.

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    27 nabídky
    Video template
    Ukončeno left

    Adobe primere pro text template

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Zdravím , potřeboval bych vytvořit jednoduchý web firmu. Web bude na redakčním systému wordpress. Webové stranky musí mít zelený design jelikož i logo je zelene. V příloze zasílám texty na web a logo. Translation: Hi, I need to create a simple web business. The website will be on the WordPress content management system. The website must have a green design as the logo is also green. In the attachment I send texts to the website and logo.

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    We need to turn this picture into an infograph / process flow with some animated features. Needs to work on PowerPoint presentations and online environments such as social media and website. Three correction rounds to be included. CMYK colors to be used: [67, 28, 86, 30], [17, 25, 76, 25], [17, 25, 76, 25], black, white Fonts to be used: DIN Condensed Pro Regular, Avenir Next Pro Condensed, Avenir Next Pro Condensed Demi

    €298 Average bid
    €298 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    ..."dlouhý list" kde bude minimum textu a hodně fotek. Bylo by tam pouze "části" -o nás -naše nabídka (obědy, rauty, finger food) - nejde udělat nějak šikovněji než to otevírání nového okna s pdf? -FAQ -obrázky - naposílal bych + propojení na náš IG -kontakt nevadilo by mi použít nějakou šablonu. Díval jsem se třeba zde: Asi bych toho mohl napsat víc, ale nejdřív otázka jestli to budete umět? Budete na to mít čas? A kolik to bude stát? Těším se na nabídku. Martin [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please

    €297 Average bid
    €297 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    – Vytvoření template projektu z hotových HTML/CSS šablon – Programování jednoduchých komponent z využitím externí DB

    €1107 Average bid
    €1107 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    Pro naši společnost GREEN Center hledáme externího personalistu, který by zajistil průběh náborů na nové pracovní pozice. V současné chvíli se jedná o cca 4 pozice do konce roku 2018. Při vzájemné spokojenosti bychom upřednostnili dlouhodobou spolupráci. Základní požadavky na správu náborů: - vytváření inzerátů podle požadavků na pracovní pozici - třídění životopisů, vytipování vhodných kandidátů - kontakt a výběr kandidátů pro pohovor s vedoucími oddělení, domluvení termínů - uzavření výběrového řízení

    €12 - €18 / hr
    €12 - €18 / hr
    0 nabídky
    HR náborář
    Ukončeno left

    Pro naši společnost GREEN Center hledáme externího personalistu, který by zajistil průběh náborů na nové pracovní pozice. V současné chvíli se jedná o cca 4 pozice do konce roku 2018. Při vzájemné spokojenosti bychom upřednostnili dlouhodobou spolupráci. Základní požadavky na správu náborů: - vytváření inzerátů podle požadavků na pracovní pozici - třídění životopisů, vytipování vhodných kandidátů - kontakt a výběr kandidátů pro pohovor s vedoucími oddělení, domluvení termínů - uzavření výběrového řízení

    €12 - €18 / hr
    €12 - €18 / hr
    0 nabídky

    ...Salesforce (faktura, smlouva, marketingova brozura atd…) - Ktera bude native na Salesforce, ale pozdeji bude schopna pridat i ruzne dalsi systemy - software na elektronicke podpisy, ostatni CRM atd.) - uvitam navrhy reseni jak toto provest Jak by to melo fungovat (hlavni funkce): - Vytvorim a nahraji sablony (word, excel, powerpoint nebo text dokument) do te appky na Salesforce. Tento template ma takzvane merge policka. Tj. kod, kterym si zakaznik bude moci vytvorit libovolny template a dat tam vzdy to policko ze Salesforce, ktere potrebuje, aby se mu ukazalo na finalnim -dokumentu - Zde jsem schopen spravovat ruzne sablony, rozhodnout se, jaka bude finalni podoba dokumentu (pdf, word nebo jine), dat dokumentu jmeno, kde muzu vlozit auto datum, policka ze S...

    €3065 Average bid
    €3065 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Průměr. nabídka
    29 nabídky

    Vytvoření moderního template pro kurzy v LMS Moodle.

    €188 Average bid
    €188 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Zdravím, rád bych aplikaci nechal postavit na tomto (případně dle vašeho uvážení) Rád bych tam měl (seřazeno dle nutnosti, 1 je nejvíc, 5 je nejméně nutné): 1. - zobrazování vtipů s nadpisem a nějak běžně (aby tam nebylo žádné místo pro náhled, budou to textové vtipy, nebo možná místo toho náhledu dát ikonu do jaké kategorie ten vtip patří?) 2. - automatická aktualizace pro offline přístup obsahu (online přístup preferuji spíše, kvůli reklamám) 3. - reklamy (už tam ta možnost je, pouze nastavit) 4. - u každého vtipu ideálně tlačítko sdílet (rád bych ...

    €213 Average bid
    €213 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Mám práci navazující na náš dřívější projekt 'Convert a Template to a Website '

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Dobrý den, hledáme vývojáře pro vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Př...

    min €4795
    min €4795
    0 nabídky

    Projekt zabezpečuje rozvoj osobnosti vo všetkých oblastiach, formou predaja a propagácie zelených potravín.

    €704 - €1409
    €704 - €1409
    0 nabídky

    Přidat funkčnost free downloadu dokumentů výměnou za emailovou adresu včetně funkce smart emailingu (plug in je instalován - jde o doprogramování a spuštění) a login pro stahování premium materiálu. Upravit layout dvou stránek dle individuálního návrhu a doplnit standardní pluginy jako events, přihlášky na semináře, apod. Web bude sloužit k nabídce školení, workshopů a individuálního poradenství. Potřeboval bych to nutně co nejrychleji zprovoznit alespoň v základu a pak dodělat nadstavbu. Přesnou cenu a termín bychom domluvili přes email. Ozvěte se na email @, resp. 607 887 318, pokud je zájem.

    €192 Average bid
    €192 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Poptávám nákódování template pro QuickCart. Jde o tuto template: šablonu zaplatím v "čístém html" a předám k nakódování pro QuickCart 6.2. Případně můžete nabídnout vlastní podobnou šablonu. Předem děkuji za nabídky.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    I ´m looking for coding of template for QuickCart. This template: template pay in "clean html" and pass the coding for QuickCart 6.2Alternatively. The result is a template for QuickCart 6.2 You can offer a similar custom template.   Thank you for your offer and I apologize for my English

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    ...The joint sponsor must meet specific income or asset requirements to qualify. Who Can Be a Joint Sponsor? To qualify as a joint sponsor, you must: 1. Be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (green card holder). 2. Be at least 18 years old. 3. Reside in the United States. 4. The minimum annual income is $60,000 5. Be willing to provide the necessary financial documents (listed below). What Documents Are Needed? As a joint sponsor, you’ll need to provide: • Completed Form I-864 (Affidavit of Support), • Proof of U.S. citizenship or green card (e.g., passport, naturalization certificate, green card copy), • Proof of income (tax returns, W-2s, pay stubs, or IRS transcripts for the most recent tax year), • Proof of domicile in the U.S. ...

    €343 Average bid
    €343 Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky
    Trophy icon Superhero Stat Card for Instagram
    7 dní left

    I'm seeking a designer to create a Superhero trading card template, which will be posted on my Instagram. The primary aim of the post is to engage with my audience. Your task will be to design an appealing and fun superhero stat card that can capture my audience's attention. This project will be done ONLY on Canva Pro because I want to be able to customize it after completion. You can share links in Canva. I will post picture about this. Please use 'Frames' in canva so that I can change pictures very easily. The stat bar should be out of 10. Please use Instagram Square Post Template on Canva. The stats that i want displayed are: Strength, Speed, Durability, Reflexes Agility, Health, Combat, Abilities, iq, battle iq, Stealth, endurance, leaders...

    €166 Average bid
    15 příspěvky

    I need an expert to re-build and debug my Xcode FileMaker plug-ins (written in C++) using the p...FileMaker Pro I can use them. The plug-ins must work as flexible as Apple will allow through Xcode for at the life of the plug-ins (until such time as Claris decides to remove the plug-in feature from all future FileMaker Pro apps). Thanks, and good luck! Attached is a screenshot of the FileMaker Pro plug-ins folder showing how they are organised- plug-ins source code at bottom, FileMaker plug-in template in the middle, and general information at the top. Technically you should be able to open up a plug-in folder, find the Xcode project file, open it, and start building, but under Apple Silicon and latest Xcode, various changes are needed, which is where your programming expertise is...

    €740 Average bid
    €740 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    I need an expert photo editor to help me with a regular mirror photo. The job involves removing a person from the image and replacing them with someone else who is standing. The editing style should be realistic and seamless to ensure that the final product looks natural and believable. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in advanced photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop - Experience with photo manipulation and retouching - A keen eye for detail to ensure the editing is seamless - Ability to understand and replicate the lighting, shadows and perspective of the original photo. I needs the shoes and power button light removed as well I’m taking the girl from the photo w/ the tan jacket & placing her over the photo of the girl wearing black. ...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Průměr. nabídka
    63 nabídky

    ...skilled full-stack developer for a groundbreaking app we're creating. This application will utilize 3D modeling, AI, and AR technologies and will be designed for iOS, Android, and a web/desktop version. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and integrate 3D modeling and AR features to allow for user customization. - Implement AI-based functionalities including user recommendations, image recognition, and natural language processing. - Ensure secure data handling and full compliance with privacy regulations. - Create a user-friendly interface and a scalable cloud-based backend. Required Skills: - Extensive full-stack development experience. - Proficiency with AI, AR, and 3D modeling frameworks, specifically Unity3D and Three.js. - Strong knowledge of API integration and data secu...

    €4068 Average bid
    €4068 Průměr. nabídka
    29 nabídky

    World Map Design Overview Project Context We are creating an anime-inspired JRPG with a strong focus on exploration, storytelling, and gameplay variety. The map is designed around the four elemental regions: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Each region represents its respective elemental theme through environment, gameplay mechanics, and narrative significance. The freelancer’s role is to design the world map and implement the regions conceptually and visually in Unity, using the assets and tools provided by us. --- Key Deliverables 1. Full World Map Concept: A visually engaging map that represents the four elemental regions and their connections. Natural transitions between regions (e.g., volcanic cliffs between Fire and Earth, waterfalls flowing from Water...

    €6 - €12 / hr
    Doporučené Zapečetěný
    €6 - €12 / hr
    0 nabídky

    I'm looking for a talented Photoshop professional who can seamlessly integrate the man into the dog and girl photo. Could you also please remove the drink out of his hand and make the clouds look bit better. If you can make his smile look a little bit more natural if you can without making it look to photo is mainly about the the dog in the photo so I her to be the main character in the photo This is for personal use, so the final image needs to be realistic and natural, not overly edited or stylized. The ideal freelancer for this job should have a keen eye for detail and substantial experience in photo manipulation.

    €190 Average bid
    €190 Průměr. nabídka
    79 nabídky

    I'm in need of a simple yet tropical-themed logo for my dad's 50th birthday. This logo should incorporate the initials A, J, and B, and be suitable for use on various party items including signage, plastic cups,...incorporate the initials A, J, and B, and be suitable for use on various party items including signage, plastic cups, and napkins. Key Requirements: - The logo should be simple and tropical in style. - It should incorporate palm leaves, as this is a key feature of the party theme. - The primary color of the logo should be green, to reflect the tropical setting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience, particularly in creating logos. - Ability to design for various mediums (signage, plastic cups, napkins). - Strong understanding ...

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Průměr. nabídka
    102 nabídky

    ...video synthesis, voice synthesis, and video editing. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it happen: 1. AI Voice Generation: • Generate the voiceover: Use a text-to-speech AI tool like Descript or Replica Studios that can generate a voice based on an actor’s or a pre-recorded voice. You could upload a sample of the actress’s voice to create a more personalized output. Ensure the voice sounds natural and conveys the intended emotion of the scene. 2. AI Video Generation/Deepfake Technology: • Deepfake software or AI video tools: Tools like Synthesia or Hour One allow you to upload a real actress’s image or video footage and then animate that image to create specific actions and expressions using AI. Some tools also let you input specific...

    €274 Average bid
    €274 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky

    I am interested in getting a logo for one of our new company, an e-commerce site called "Kraytomic" We sell herbal supplements like "Kratom", "Ashwagandha" "Moringa" etc. However, our main products a...asia. It's often pronounced as "Kraytom", this is why our brand is called "Kraytomic" PLEASE NO AI GENERATED LOGO! Our quality control team will verify every logo. What are we trying to accomplish with this logo? - Logo should be bold enough for people to know it's kratom or herbal supplement replated - Logo should create a brand style - Let's create this nature inspired logo as kratom is a natural product We are ONLY looking for original artists who can use their best imagination to create this logo. Pleas...

    €192 Average bid
    259 příspěvky

    Title: Create a Realistic Damaged Nissan Hood Image Photoshop or Digital Art I have an image of a Nissan hood that needs to be digitally altered to appear realistically damaged. The damage can include one or more of the following: • Folded or bent • Punctured • Hit with a baseball bat The final image should look natural and believable, as though the damage occurred in real life. You are welcome to use Photoshop or any other editing software to achieve the desired effect. Requirements: 1. Use the provided hood image as the base. 2. Ensure the damage looks realistic and matches the texture and lighting of the hood. 3. Deliver the final image in high resolution. Preferences: • The hood should primarily look bent or punctured. • Bonus points for creat...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    67 nabídky
    Trophy icon Face Cam Template Design for IG
    2 dní left

    I'm in need of a visually appealing and engaging face cam template for my Instagram videos. My IG is @realsuperheroempire, so the design should resonate with a comic book, superhero aesthetic, while avoiding any copyright infringement with major franchises. Key Requirements: - The template should be simple, yet cool and vibrant - The color scheme should be a bright and lively comic book, superhero style - While the design doesn't have to strictly adhere to comic book elements, it should be simple, fun and engaging Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Experience with social media content creation - Familiarity with comic book aesthetics - Creativity and ability to design engaging visuals

    €16 Average bid
    5 příspěvky

    ...Deadline is 30 copies: 25 delivered to Canada and 5 to me by end January. (I am in Sydney Australia) The issue here will be taking my PowerPoint file and resetting to match a required standard format for existing print and cover sizes or do a custom size paper and cover to match my current layout with almost no modifications. You need to be more than someone who can format but have the right format confident in knowing the printer service requirements and outcome. In short you will need a relationship with printing service or familiar with how to get "self-publishing" done at an online or quick print service. I basically want to send you my PowerPoint file and have you coordinate with the printer service. You would quote for your services of reformatting...

    €214 Average bid
    €214 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky

    I'm looking for a well-structured, comprehensive weekly schedule template for my dental office. This template will help manage patient appointments and coordinate our dental procedures. Key Features: - Appointment Times and Durations: The template should allow for precise scheduling of each patient's appointment. - Dental Procedures Type: There should be a section to denote the specific procedure each patient will be undergoing and the monetary production associated with each appointment type, with calculations of daily and weekly production. - Provider Designation: It needs to include space to designate where providers are used during appointments, to keep providers efficiently moving from patient to patient. - Procedure Difficulty/Stress Level: It should...

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Průměr. nabídka
    108 nabídky

    I'm looking for a 3D visualisation of the exterior of an architectural project. The visualisation should capture the basic structure and form, with some material details. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Proficient in 3D modelling software - Experience in architectural visualisation - Strong understanding of structure and form I need to chage some basics of the...skills for this project would include: - Proficient in 3D modelling software - Experience in architectural visualisation - Strong understanding of structure and form I need to chage some basics of the foot print so a little brain storming is needed before we start everything. The visualisation should follow a sustainable style. The visualisation should have material details as specified: wood and natural...

    €1727 Average bid
    €1727 Průměr. nabídka
    30 nabídky

    I'm looking for a modern-styled logo for my company, BuyBack Direct. The logo should incorporate the company name, as text elements play a crucial role in the design. Key Requirements: - The logo must be predominantly in white and green. - A minimalist yet modern approach to the design is preferred. - Strong typographical skills to creatively incorporate the text into the logo. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, scalable design suitable for various platforms. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Typography - Adobe Illustrator or similar software BuyBack should be the main title and the word direct can go under it. Please do not use logo generators and waste my time with that.

    €192 Average bid
    226 příspěvky

    ...and proper permissions management. Additionally, implement template management and enable sending of all message types (templated and non-templated) from the CRM, leveraging the full capabilities of the WhatsApp API. Functional Requirements 1. Template Management • Develop a module to manage WhatsApp-approved templates: • Template Creation: • Header: Text, image, or document. • Message body with support for dynamic variables (e.g., {name}). • Footer: Optional. • Interactive buttons: • Quick replies. • External links. • Upload and Edit: • Allow the upload of pre-approved templates from the business account. • Limited editing of templates pending approval. • Preview: • Real-time simulation...

    €412 Average bid
    €412 Průměr. nabídka
    109 nabídky
    Trophy icon Modern Logo Design for SrrijanTech
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for a professional logo designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my organization, "SrrijanTech". The organization is engaged in creative designs around IoT and Automation. Key Requirements: - A modern and sleek design style. - Use of blue and green color scheme. - A combination of both text and a symbol or icon in the logo. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek logo designs. - Creativity in combining text with visual elements. I need source file with all the fonts and elements. Thank You !!!

    €89 Average bid
    123 příspěvky

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can integrate 25 different app APIs into my project. This includes the gemini natural language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification center - A profile page Additionally, an Admin panel is required for overseeing the operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with API integrations - Proficiency in openai gpt API - Strong background in developing both mobile and web apps - Prior experience in creating admin panels - Excellent understanding of implementing user-friendly features

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Průměr. nabídka
    144 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled HTML developer to create a simple copy of a redirection page to an affiliate, specifically for traffic coming from TikTok. The page should be designed to detect whether the user is on an Android or iOS device and respon...different templates for TikTok traffic. - Implement device-specific graphics, content layout, and functionality. - Use provided affiliate links. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and web development - Experience with user agent detection - Ability to create device-specific templates - Familiarity with TikTok traffic patterns and requirements. I will provide the exact method for the detection and template creation, your role will be to implement the HTML based on this guidance. Please ensure that the templates are easy to understan...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Průměr. nabídka
    51 nabídky

    I'm in need of a freelancer to assist in optimizing a projec...requires inspectors to report issues in properties using any solution such as Power Apps, and upload photos in PDF format. Key Responsibilities: - Design a system using Power Apps for inspectors to document structural, utility, and cosmetic issues. - Create a workflow that automatically transfers this information into pre-designed PowerPoint templates. - Suggest alternative tools and methods to improve this process. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in automating workflows and streamlining processes. - Proficient in Power Apps, with the ability to design user-friendly interfaces. - Strong understanding of data visualization and presentation in PowerPoint. - Open-minded and willing to propos...

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Průměr. nabídka
    56 nabídky

    I'm seeking a photographer with experience capturing pets in their natural environment. The photograph needs to feature my dog in our home, showcasing his playful posture. Ideal Skills: - Pet photography - Indoor photography - Ability to capture and convey emotions through images

    €362 Average bid
    €362 Průměr. nabídka
    49 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create an informational website using As a template. Key Features: - The new site should maintain the structure and design elements of the template site. - The ability for visitors to refer the site to others is essential. This could be achieved through social share buttons or a more intricate referral system. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. - Experience with creating informational websites. - Knowledge of implementing referral systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.

    €505 Average bid
    €505 Průměr. nabídka
    49 nabídky

    I'm seeking a photographer with experience capturing pets in their natural environment. The photograph needs to feature my dog in our home, showcasing his playful posture. Ideal Skills: - Pet photography - Indoor photography - Ability to capture and convey emotions through images

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    59 nabídky
    Policy Manual Word Formatting
    6 dní left

    I need assistance with formatting my Policy and Procedure Manual in Word. Key Requirements: - Properly organizing headings and subheadings - Ensuring consistent page layout and margins - Formatting bullet points and numbering accurately You will be working with my existing template and style guide, which I am happy with. Your attention to detail will be crucial as we prepare this document for professional use. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience with document formatting - Strong attention to detail

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Průměr. nabídka
    102 nabídky

    ...Interaction and Dynamic Visual Port Job Description: We are looking for an experienced developer (or team) to create an agentic chatbot solution that features voice-based conversation, AI-driven explanations, and dynamic visual content in a visual port. Our goal is to build a robust, scalable platform that integrates an advanced AI model (e.g., Google GenAI or another leading large language model) for natural language understanding and generation, along with a Python-powered service for producing dynamic animations or images. Key Requirements & Technologies Agentic Framework & Model Context Protocol Strong familiarity with agentic frameworks for AI-driven conversation management. Ability to maintain conversational state and context across multiple user queries. Experie...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I have 49 slides template ppt and I need to redesign according to Branding guide There is no content; this is just a PowerPoint template with slide masters. I want a new design similar to what I attached jpg images the two examples but it needs to have the same color scheme as the current brand. Please use Segoe UI for all fonts. Here are our brand guidelines for reference. I want primarily white pages, with some all-blue pages. Write "Master" in your bid

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Průměr. nabídka
    65 nabídky

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to help beautify the content of my PowerPoint presentation. The presentation is an informational report, and should adhere to a professional and clean style.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    101 nabídky

    ...strategische Entscheidungen auf Basis von Erkenntnissen zu treffen. Das System wird auf einer neu eingerichteten WordPress-Installation mit dem Impreza-Template entwickelt und auf maximale Erweiterbarkeit ausgelegt. Hauptmerkmale: Datenüberwachung: Automatisierte Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Daten. Berichte und Benachrichtigungen: Automatisch generierte Berichte und Alerts bei relevanten Veränderungen. Dashboard: Übersichtliche Darstellung der analysierten Daten mit Filtern. Mehrsprachige Unterstützung: Integration von 5 Sprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch) mit SEO-optimierten Inhalten. Modulares Framework: Flexibles Design zur Hinzufügung weiterer Funktionen. Rechtliche Konformität: Integration von Im...

    €4388 Average bid
    €4388 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    I'm launching an organic food line, and I need a professional to design the packaging for 20 different SKUs. The design should be rustic and natural, in line with the organic theme. Key Requirements: - Design of product packaging for 20 different SKUs - Incorporation of nutritional information, ingredient list, and usage instructions into the design - Creation of a rustic and natural style for the packaging Ideal Candidates: - Prior experience in product packaging design, especially for food products - Strong understanding of incorporating necessary product information into design - Portfolio demonstrating rustic and natural design style - Ability to deliver designs for multiple SKUs in a cohesive manner.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky