Penny auction website design portfoliopráce
Hledáme grafického designéra, který vytvoří profesionální a vizuálně atraktivní brožuru pro naši stavební firmu. Brož...Specifikace: Formát: Skládaná brožura A4 (na třetiny) nebo A5. Obsah brožury: Představení firmy. Přehled služeb (rekonstrukce bytů, domů, renovace koupelen atd.). Fotografie realizací (dodáme). Kontaktní údaje + QR kód na web. Design: Profesionální, přehledný, moderní. Barvy sladěné s naším logem a webem (logo poskytneme). Jazyk: Dvojjazyčná verze (česky a německy). Co očekáváme: Návrh designu brožury včetně úprav podle našich připom&i...
Přidejte se k nám do společnosti Optimis Agency! Hledáme dynamického a výsledkově orientovaného jednotlivce na pozici obchodního zástupce, který bude mít za úkol rozšiřovat naše portfolio klientů prostřednictvím aktivní akvizice nových obchodních příležitostí. O nás: Jsme mladá a perspektivní marketingová agentura s dvouletou historií na trhu. Zaměřujeme se na výkonnostní, obsahový a brandový marketing. Naši osmičlennou tým tvoří zkušení marketingoví experti, kteří využívají moderní technologie pro zvýšení...
Ahoj, ✋ hledám copíka, který by chtěl rozšířit svoje portfolio a formou barteru si navzájem pomoct. Já Vám můžu pomoct s PPC kampaněmi a celkově s marketingem. Od vás bych potřeboval zkontrolovat pár článku (cca 10). Zkontrolovat znamená pravopis a formulaci textu a případně opravit. Předpokládám, že jeden článek zabere cca 15-20 min takže nic náročného pro Vás. Celkem práce odhaduji zhruba na 4-5 hod. Do budoucna pokud si budeme rozumět vidím vzájemnou spolupráci s finančním ohodnocením. Děkuji za případné nabídky. ?
Dobrý den, Potřebujeme specialistu na targetingovou reklamu v Google Ads a Facebook. Reprezentujeme beauty studia...klikach, objednávkách . Dle ních i konverze v % ze zhlednutí v kliky, z kliku v objednávky. Dodatečně je třeba informace o ceně: rozpočet, cena za klik, cena za objednávku. Ještě potřebujeme mít možnost filtrovat tuto informaci zvlášť podle vyhledávací reklamě, podle banerů Google | Facebook a podle remarketingového publika Požadavky: ⁃ Napište jak dlouho pracujete v tomto oboru ⁃ Zašlete portfolio, pokud ho nemáte, ukažte klienty se kterými jste spolupracovali a jakých výsledků dosáhli Bonus: pokud máte koleg...
Jedna se predevsim o portfolio fotografa s moznosti seznamit se se zluzbami a objednat foceni. Je treba vytvorit responsivni design (mobile: portrait/landscape; tablet: portrait/landscape; browser). Duraz na vice zamereni (3): Svatby, Portrety, Moda. Sekce: Domovska stranka, landing page, galerie, blog, cenik, kontakt, kalendar pro rezervace. Logo jiz existuje, avsak neni nikterak prilis stylizovane, tudiz ruce kreativite nesvazuje. Freelancers in Czech Republic only.
Potřebuji kodéra který dokáže nakódovat portfolio pro designera. Jedná se o jednoduchou webovou stránku (homeoage, stránky s projekty, a kontakt nebo o mě). Desig je jednoduchý a čistý, potřebuju k tomu napojit nějáký redakční systém přes který bych tam mohl nahrávat projekty a aktualizovat informace.
...který bude schopný předat své znalosti lidem a pomoct jim dosáhnout úspěchu v tomto oboru. Hledáš práci s možností se neustále rozvíjet, chceš být součástí grandiozního projektu a dělat opravdu úžasné věci? Welcome! Co u nás budete dělat? 1) Záznam výukových lekcí 2) Pomáhat studentům s řešením všech otázek v rámci vzdělávacího kurzu 3) Hodnotit výsledky studenta Co od Vás očekáváme? 1) Portfolio uskutečněných projektů 2) Dobré komunikační dovednosti 3) Schopnost vyučovat probíranou látku 4) Nem&aac...
Vytváříme grafiku, design, přes 5 let praxe. Děláme webdesign, appky, logotypy, tiskoviny, bannery atd. Dále se zabýváme kódováním stránek, copywrite. Umíme vytvořit e-shop od skici až po plně funkční obchod s chytlavými texty a aplikací. Hledáme do našeho týmu obchodníka, který by nám rozšiřoval portfolio a hledal nové zákazníky.
Dobrý den, hledáme dodavatele kreativní grafiky pro webové prezentace a e-shopy, které vytváříme pro naše klienty. Rádi bychom navázali dlouhodobější externí spolupráci s nějakým kreati...odvíjejí. 1. Menší klienti, kterým tvoříme weby ze zakoupených HTML šablon Pro tyto klienty poptáváme většinou tvorbu kreativních bannerů a případně log do zakoupené šablony 2. Nároční klienti, kteří chtějí webdesign na míru U těchto klientů bychom kompletní návrh nechali na Vás. Případně můžeme zpracovat wireframe a nechat na V&aac...
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace za účelem aktivní a efektivní ochrany zvířat. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019...WordPress) Příležitostná spolupráce do budoucna (údržba, nové microsites, rozšíření funkcí) Požadujeme: Dostatečnou časovou kapacitu v dubnu/květnu 2018 Zodpovědnost, spolehlivost a kreativní přístup k problémům Reference (stručný popis předchozích projektů / portfolio s kontaktem na referenty). Nabízíme: Spolupráci na IČO Rozumné finanční ohodnocen&iac...
Potřebuji eshop napojit na EET. Zádání a návrh viz přiložené PDF.
Zdravíme Developery! Stokrle hledá profíka, který bude schopný: - Postavit jednoproduktový e...podle dokumentaci a zašli nám ji 3) Ozveme se ti zpět a pokud budou naše představy v souladu s tvými, domluvíme se na spolupráci. Co opravdu potřebujeme vědět než začneme spolupracovat: - Na kterou e-commerce platformu jsi expert (WooCommerce/Shopify) - Cenovou nabídku - Časový rámec ve kterém jsi schopen/a shop vytvořit - Návrh šablony, ze které by jsi při kódění vycházel/a - Tvé portfolio a weby, které jsi vytvořil/a - Které extra featury dokážeš implementovat PS: Grafická ...
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro podnikání. propagace SEO, reklamní služby AdWords. Provádíme revizi služby a modifikaci stávajících stránek, mobilní verzi, online kalkulačky, analyz...jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: zna... (Lehce preferováno) Samozřejmě očekávám originální a jedinečný koncept, který bude přehledný pro každého uživatele. Stránky budou nabízet následující hry : Klasickou Jackpot hru : ( nebo ) - zde musí fungovat automaticky BOTi viz. níže (BOT_1) Roll the dice () Auction () Roullete ( or ) Lucky spin () Diamonds () - zde musí fungovat automaticky BOTi viz. níže (BOT_2) BOT_1 1. Hráč, se přihlásí a vyplní svoje steam trade url 2. Po prokliku na tlačítko Deposit items příjde hráčovi na steam trade offer, kam
Jedná se o vytvoření webových stránek pro naši firmu, která se zabývá zakázkovou výrobou elektroniky. V tuto chvíli již stránky vytvořeny máme a běží na adrese chtěli bychom aby se vedli v podobném duchu, možná i barvách, protože barvy naší firmy jsou žlutá, naši firmu, která se zabývá zakázkovou výrobou elektroniky. V tuto chvíli již stránky vytvořeny máme a běží na adrese chtěli bychom aby se vedli v podobném duchu, možná i barvách, protože barvy naší firmy jsou žlutá, černá, modrá a bílá, tyto barvy vesm...
Popis: Potřebuj sběr účtenek obchodních řetězců s minimálním počtem 10 položek na 1 účtenku. Účtenky je třeba nascanovat do PDF či jiného grafického formátu (JPG). Lokalita: ČR - prodejny potravin Tesco, Albert, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny, Globus prodejny drogerie: dm, Rossman, Teta hobymarkety: OBI, Hornbach Termín: září 2015 Doplňující informace: - scan účtenky musí být ostrý, účtenka nepomačkaná, čitelná - ne účtenky se špatným tiskem (kde dochází barva) - minimálně na 1 účtence musí být 10 položek - datum účtenky musí být v rozmezí...
Firma pracující v oblasti e-commerce se zaměřením na slevy, šetření, slevové kódy a akce hledá spolupracovníka. Požadavky: -Schopnost psát zajímavé texty o šetření při internetových nákupech, značkách, produktových ka...šetření při internetových nákupech, značkách, produktových kategoriích a akcích. -Uvítame znalost základů práce s grafickým softwarem a tvoření jednoduchých grafik -Uvítame přehled v českém internetovém prostředí (obchody, blogy, nejznámější portály) V případě zájmu o spolupr&aa...
Pro naší nově vzniklou cestovní agenturu a platformu pro mladé umělce hledáme člověka, který nám pomůže vytvořit přehlené, moderní webové stránky ve Wordpressu. Stránky by měly být vícejazyčné. Měly by obsahovat seznam nabízených pěších túr a workshopů, s přehledným popisem a možností bookingu (rezervace ome...měli být blíže představeni lidé kteří za projektem stojí. Na stránce by měl být také blog a menší e-shop nabízející designové výrobky a obrazy lidí s kterými spolupracujeme. U stránek by mělo být dobře...
I'm seeking a professional photographer or photo editor capable of delivering 50 product images for my website Requirements: - Each photo should be 2000x2000 pixels and have a transparent background. - The final images should be delivered in JPEG format. - Basic retouching is required on each image. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio of product photography and image editing, particularly with transparent backgrounds. Experience with basic retouching is a must. Please include past work samples in your proposal.
I'm in need of a classic-style logo for my private fiduciary firm. The firm manages a variety of professionals for family trusts, including lawyers, accountants, and investment advisors. Key Aspects: - Color Scheme: The logo shou...classic-style logo for my private fiduciary firm. The firm manages a variety of professionals for family trusts, including lawyers, accountants, and investment advisors. Key Aspects: - Color Scheme: The logo should be in green and gold. - Design Element: An oak tree should be incorporated into the design. Ideal Candidates: - Experience in creating classic-style logos is a must. - Proficiency in using the specified color scheme is essential. - Creativity in incorporating an oak tree into the logo. - Portfolio of previous work ...
I'm looking for a podcast logo that reflects a vintage and retro style for a podcast called 'Bitcoining History'. The logo needs to incorporate the Bitcoin symbol and some elements of historical imagery. Key Elements: - A design that is modern yet has a vintage and retro feel to it. - Simple - Incorporation of the Bitcoin symbol and historical imagery. - Open to different colors and palettes. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with a strong portfolio in vintage and retro styles. - Experience with creating podcast logos or similar audio branding. - Ability to understand and creatively incorporate specific thematic elements (Bitcoin and history). Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this brief. I look forward to seeing your ideas!
...skilled web designer for shopify to create a funky, trendy website for my clothing reselling business, aimed at the 15-35 age demographic. Key Aspects of the Project: - Website Design: The site should have a clean, minimalist layout that allows high-quality product images to take center stage. A balance of trendiness and usability is key. - Product Showcase: The primary purpose of the website is to showcase products. The designer should have experience in creating visually appealing product displays. -Image Handling: The website should be optimised for high-quality product images, ensuring they load quickly without sacrificing quality. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in creating similar website co...
I'm looking to adapt my existing logo for a T-shirt and Hoody. The alterations should focus on the text and font, making them bold and vibrant. The new design should incorporate primary colors like black, white, and yellow. Using the Shakedown Logo and Shakedown text with a tag line "A JUMBO OPERATOR KNOWS THE FEELING". We would like the logo in a bolt yellow outline similar the the Billabong logo attached. Please look at the files attached before entering. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in graphic design with a strong understanding of typography and color schemes. A portfolio showcasing previous logo adaptations will be highly regarded.
...cartoon animation and a creative approach, we would love to see your portfolio and discuss this project further. The scene is very simple. The kid sits in the middle of a drs office looking a little nervous from the left side of the screen a drs arm comes in holding a figurine toy. The kids same smiles with excitement as they are distracted and takes the toy from the dr. We then see from the right side of frame another drs arm comes in with a needle for an injection. Please note we don't see the needle go into the kids arm. The kid is not paying attention to the needle. Please answer the question below. otherwise I will reject your proposal.. 1) Have you done 80's and 90's style cartoons before? 2) Describe your typical design process and methods? 3) Desc...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce website employing React.js for the frontend and Django for the backend. The site will primarily cater to the clothing sector. Key features: - Email and password based user authentication - Efficient product management system - Seamless cart functionality - Payment integration (specific gateways to be discussed) Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in React.js and Django - Experience in developing e-commerce platforms - Strong understanding of user authentication and product management systems Please provide your portfolio showcasing relevant projects and an estimated timeline for completion.
I'm looking for a professional web developer with experience in casino game websites. The site should mirror the features of with a contemporary and sleek design. Key Requirements: - The site should host a variety of casino games, specifically Slots, Poker, and Blackjack. - It should incorporate multiplayer options in the games. - The design should be modern and sleek, avoiding a traditional casino look, but still being engaging and user-friendly. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in developing casino game websites. - A portfolio demonstrating modern web design. - Skills in implementing multiplayer options in online games.
Redesign and Build a Modern E-Commerce Website for Health Supplements Project Overview We are AHS, a health and wellness brand based in Australia, offering premium, Australian-made supplements. We are looking for a talented and experienced freelance web designer to redesign and modernise our website. The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional e-commerce site that aligns with our brand values and enhances customer experience. Key Objectives 1. Redesign the current website to improve aesthetics, functionality, and responsiveness. 2. Integrate a seamless e-commerce system to showcase and sell products. 3. Highlight key sections like: - Product Categories: Probiotics, joint care, liver health, etc. - Informative pages: About...
I am in search of a skilled programmer who can design a comprehensive administrative software tailored for businesses. The software should encompass crucial features such as Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Financial Reporting. Key Requirements: - The software needs to be compatible with touch screen functionalities, web-based platforms, or server operations. - There is no need for this software to integrate with any pre-existing systems or software, allowing for complete flexibility and independence of the software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development with a strong portfolio in creating administrative software. - Experience with designing user-friendly interfaces for touch screen compatibility. - Knowledge of incorporating ...
I'm seeking a designer to create a series of minimalist designs for T-shirts and totes. The designs will primarily incorporate quotes, so a knack for typography and layout is essential. Details: - The style should be minimalist, focusing on clean line...designs will primarily incorporate quotes, so a knack for typography and layout is essential. Details: - The style should be minimalist, focusing on clean lines and simple forms. - I will provide 10-15 quotes, and you will only need to change the accompanying imagery for each design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with Minimalist Aesthetic - Strong understanding of Typography - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator or similar software - Experience with T-shirt and Tote Bag Design Please provide a po...
I'm looking for a dropshipping professional with proven experience and a record of successfully sourcing products from Amazon to eBay. Your primary task will be product sourcing, specifically focusing on profitable products. What I need from you: - A track record of dropshipping experience, particularly in sourcing converting in demand products from Amazon to eBay - A portfolio or proof of past successes in dropshipping - Skills in identifying profitable, trending products for dropshipping What I will provide: - Access to my autods account for product listing - Customer service will be handled by my team Your ultimate goal will be to increase my eBay store's inventory of quality products and drive sales through effective product sourcing. We need a maximum of 50 produc...
...a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive website dedicated to individual tax consultation services, specifically focused on GST and taxation. The website should primarily function as a platform for providing tax consultation services to individuals. Key Requirements: - Development of an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly website. - Implementation of a reliable and efficient appointment booking system for consultations. - SEO optimization and integration of relevant tax and GST content to attract and educate potential clients. - Ensure the website is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. - Integrate a secure payment gateway for online consultation fee transactions. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio of similar...
I’m looking for a talented and experienced web designer with strong UX/UI design skills to redesign the home page of my memorial website. You are only designing 1 page. The website allows subscribers to create heartfelt memorial pages for their deceased loved ones. Project Details: • Scope: Home page redesign only (future pages possible if the work is excellent). • Design Tool: Figma. • Content: I will provide a detailed document outlining the elements and structure I’d like on the home page. • Focus: Clean, user-friendly design with an emotional connection suitable for a memorial website. What I’m Looking For: • Proven experience with UX/UI design. • Strong portfolio showcasing...
Hi, I'm Jesse Gill, and I'm seeking a creative scriptwriter for a mid-length (30 to 90 minutes) movie. This film will be shot on an iPhone,...dark and serious, light and humorous, or suspenseful and thrilling, I'm open to your ideas. - Budget: The film has a $0 budget. However, the scriptwriter will receive 10% of the profits from the movie. Ideal Skills: - Creative scriptwriting - Understanding of filming constraints - Ability to write for various genres and tones Ideally, you should have previous experience in screenwriting and a portfolio of works that can demonstrate your creativity and versatility. I encourage you to think outside the box and come up with something truly unique. Please reach out to me via phone at 0424 301 445 if you're interested. I loo...
...subconscious reinforcement. • Clear pacing and pauses for breathwork cues. 9D Sound Design & Mixing: • Full 9D audio immersion (headphone-optimized). • Binaural beats integration (Theta for deep relaxation, Gamma for intelligence enhancement). • Background nature sounds, subtle breath cues, and heartbeat rhythms to enhance depth. • Affirmations layered as undertones (some whispered, some spoken). • Smooth sound transitions for each phase of the breathwork journey. Ideal Freelancer: • Experienced voice-over artist with a calming, authoritative tone. • Skilled audio engineer with experience in 3D/9D sound mixing. • Ability to integrate binaural beats, subliminal affirmations, and immersive effects. • Strong portfo...
...development. The game should be optimized for standalone VR headsets without requiring external PC processing. Integration with a learning management system (LMS) for progress tracking is a plus. Ideal Freelancer Experience in VR game development using Unity or Unreal Engine. Strong understanding of UI/UX design for VR to ensure intuitive interactions. Familiarity with healthcare cybersecurity concepts is a bonus. Ability to deliver assets and code efficiently within a defined timeline. Portfolio showcasing previous VR training or simulation projects is preferred. The anticipated duration of the training game should be between 1-3 hours. The hospital environment should have high-detail textures and realistic designs. The 3D hospital environment should have high-detail tex... who can help create a comprehensive resource allocation sheet that auto-calculates and generates an easy-to-read dashboard. As a clinical researcher, we are looking for a Smartsheet expert to help us manage our clinical trials. From managing budgets, resource allocation, budget reconciliation, to coordinating activities across multiple programs within our portfolio. We need to build a Clinical Project, Program, and Portfolio Management solution within Smartsheet! Things we must have: 01. Timelines & Milestones With smartsheet we need visibility for a single source of truth for trial timelines, milestones, and budgets. This can help you ensure that your trial stays on track and within budget. 02. RAID Tracking Mitigate risks and issues: So we can quic...
I'm seek...OBS. Looking to do scrolling text. **Ideal Skills and Experience:** - Proficiency in XML and RSS feed creation and management. - Previous experience with weather data APIs and understanding how to integrate them effectively. - Ability to implement location-based functionalities within the RSS feed. - Strong attention to detail to ensure accuracy of weather alerts and location information. - A portfolio demonstrating previous projects involving data feeds, API integration, or weather-related applications. This RSS feed aims to become a trusted resource for individuals seeking timely and accurate weather alerts. Your expertise will play a crucial role in bringing this vision to life, ensuring that safety and preparedness are prioritized through reliable and actionab...
...integrate your program into a much larger one. You will be paid once you finish all the work and it works on my machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. • Workplace You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work experience and portfolio. Without similar experience, you are unlikely to be awarded, as you may not finish the project anyway. • IP The intellectual property, including the source code, belongs to Sors Markets Ltd. • Interview We may interview you to see if you can work on the project. • Demo We will need to do a demo on Freelancer. If you have any questions, please se...
I'm seeking a professional screenwriter to adapt my book manuscript, a biblical historical memoir, into a screenplay. The document is a 330 page published ...dialogue can be altered. Key Aspects to Focus On: - Historical Accuracy: The screenplay should meticulously reflect the historical context of the memoir. - Character Development: This is crucial. The screenplay should effectively translate the character arcs from the book, capturing their growth and evolution throughout the story. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in screenwriting, with a strong portfolio of similar adaptations. - Detail-oriented, with a passion for historical accuracy. - Skillful in translating character development onto the screen. - Experienced in using Final Draft 13. - Able to adhere strictly to the ori...
I'm looking to develop a website akin to The site should be simple to manage and feature a clean layout. Key Components: - A user-friendly backend for easy management. - A visually appealing, uncluttered front-end. An ideal candidate for this project would have: - Proven experience in web development. - A portfolio of similar projects. - Strong understanding of clean, minimalist design principles. Please note, specific features, a preferred CMS, and user login methods are yet to be decided. Your input as a professional will be invaluable in shaping these aspects.
I'm entering a design competition and need a professional to help me create a winning minimalist logo. Key Requirements: - Expertise in minimalist design - Proven track record in design competitions - Ability to deliver high-quality designs under tight deadlines Your role will be to collaborate with me to create a logo that is not only visually appealing but also stands out in the competition. Please include a portfolio of your previous work, particularly any minimalist designs.
I'm in need of a simple yet captivating website for my AI startup, due by 2/11/2025. The main purpose of the site will be to provide information and updates about our company and services. Key Elements: - A minimalist design that captures a futuristic aesthetic. - Main sections: Home, Services, and Contact. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and design, ideally with experience in creating minimalist and futuristic designs. - Ability to build a user-friendly, informative website that caters to our needs. - Understanding of incorporating a sleek, simple, yet high-tech feel into the website. Freelancers with a portfolio of similar projects will be prioritized. I look forward to seeing your creative proposals!
I'm seeking an experienced and highly skilled Figma designer to create an interface for a Light Mode, modern, minimalist LLM-based Web3 chatbot web application. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Figma with a portfolio of top-quality, modern, minimalist designs - Understanding of Web3 and LLM-based applications - Ability to deliver within a tight deadline of 2 days The design must be perfect and to my complete satisfaction. Please attach 3 links to your previous work, ensuring that your response is not generated by ChatGPT. it will be straight away rejected.
I'm seeking an experienced Blender specialist who can perform simple bone rigging on my mouse model. (Model will be provided). The rigging should enable the model to demonst...and running movements. I'm having issues making a rig and really need your help. Key requirements: - Minor adjustments to the model may be necessary before rigging. Your keen eye for detail will be essential in ensuring the model is optimally prepared. - The rig should be simple but robust enough to support the intended movements. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Blender with a portfolio demonstrating previous rigging work. - Experience with character rigging, specifically simple bone rigging. - Ability to make minor model adjustments as needed. - Understanding of animal locomotion f...
I'm looking for a unique, one-color art piece in black, tailored to an abstract style. This piece is intended as a gift, so it should be well-crafted and visually striking. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong portfolio of abstract art - Experience creating pieces intended for gifting - A keen understanding of modern aesthetics - Excellent craftsmanship skills Please include examples of your work in your proposal. The art piece should be small, up to 12x12 inches. The art piece should incorporate geometric shapes.
...seeking a specialist in photorealistic rendering to help with visualizing my product. The product is currently in its final stages, so the primary focus will be on product design rather than architectural visualization or animation/film. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in 3D photorealistic rendering - Strong background in product design visualization - Ability to work with final stage prototypes - Excellent attention to detail - Proficient with industry-standard rendering software - Experience with realistic material texturing techniques - Proficiency in CAD software for seamless integration - Strong portfolio showcasing previous photorealistic renderings - Knowledge of advanced lighting techniques for photorealism The rendered images will be used in ma...
? Professional Logo Design for "Barrãozinho" Description: Looking for a sleek, modern, and dynamic logo design for Barrãozinho, a brand that represents movement, energy, and creativity. The design should convey sportsmanship, culture, and agility with a gold, green, and black color scheme. Design Requirements: ✔ Logo Name: "Barrãozinho" ✔ Main Elements: A bold, stylized figure performing an acrobatic move Circular shape for unity and flow Gold and green tones to highlight vibrancy and prestige 3D embossing effect for a premium look ✔ Typography & Colors: Modern, strong sans-serif font Color Palette: Gold, green, and black for a striking yet elegant look Minimalist but eye-catching aesthetic ✔ Style & Format: 3D me...
Looking for a freelance video editor skilled in logo animation and motion graphics to create engaging promotional content—apply with your portfolio and rates!