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    2,000 paypal payment review ipn Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    ...ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomocí s vývojem ve Vue.js, TypeScript nebo ExtJS, ale není to nutnost, hledáme i čistě backenďáky. Na messaging používáme RabbitMQ, verzujeme v GITu, testy (Codeception) a statickou analýzu kódu spouštíme v Gitlabu. Pro napojení partnerů provozujeme API všeho druhu (REST, XML, SOAP), které dokumentujeme v Postmanovi. Úkoly evidujeme v Redminu, code review a merge requesty v Gitlabu. Docker pro lokální vývoj - v budoucnu i na produkci. Proč pracovat s námi? Vyjdeme ti vstříc v práci i v osobním životě, abys mohl/a skloubit práci, rodinu, z&...

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    Coinify bohužel není schopná v dohledném čase připravit svoji platební bránu pro WHMCS 8.x, nejnovější podporovná verze je 6.3.1 (výsměch, co?), ono to nějak funguje i pod 7.9.1 (kterou aktuálně používáme), ale hlásí to chybu pro platby menší než 0.001BTC, pravděpodobně se jedná jen o špatně definovaný typ proměnné, potřeboval bych to opravit.

    €625 Average bid
    €625 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.

    €7102 Average bid
    €7102 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Integrate PayPal Pro

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    For planned family beach resort I need new website. Expected design and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and f...I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery koupim. Poptavam pomoc pri nastaveni, instalaci a pripadnych drobnych upravach.

    €395 Average bid
    €395 Průměr. nabídka
    29 nabídky 2.0
    Ukončeno left

    ...Žák nahraje peníze na svůj účet. 3) Žák a učitel se závazně dohodnou na hodině a datumu provedení lekce v rezervačním systému. 4) Učitel má předem definováno, do kdy není rezervace zpoplatněna a poté do 24 hodin, kolik % platí, pokud neproběhne. 5) Žákovi se strhnou peníze z jeho účtu. 6) Po dokončení lekce jsou peníze připsány na účet učiteli a fee je odesláno do firmy. funguje přes PayPal, ale opravdu vůbec nevím, jakým způsobem se to dá takto implementovat. Moje požadavky: 1) Platební prostředí (jak jsem již psal, nemám prolém s použitím paypalu, thepay...) + implementace na ...

    €3287 Average bid
    €3287 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    ...GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s REST API a nejlépe integrací něčeho podobného který by nám s tímto pomohl. ...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky
    Napsat články
    Ukončeno left

    Naše nabídka práce zahrnuje psaní článků pro náš nově vznikající blog. Blog je aktuálně ve fázi příprav a finálních úprav jak po stránce grafické, tak po stránce obsahové. Plánujeme jeho zveřejnění koncem dubna. Naše spolupráce by měla do b...jeden článek týdně, ale můžeme se domluvit i na jiné časové frekvenci. Tematicky se bude jednat o ekonomický transformační proces v ČR - privatizace. Chceme zachovat určitou anonymitu v rámci publikování, aby bylo zachováno spojení blogu pouze v rovině tematické, ne prostřednictvím konkrétn&ia...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Jde o směnárnu prodej a výkup Zavedení platebních metod (kreditní karty , paypal apod) Ruzne API Grafický dizajn Uživatelské rozhraní pro adminy a klienty A další věci

    €3626 Average bid
    €3626 Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    ...Multiple Language E commerce site (Czech, German, English, Polish) We will provide the translations Hello, I'm looking to extend my website (WordPress) and introduce an effective SEO friendly online store. We aim to create the online store under our current domain and server. We will accept cash upon delivery within a specific area, we will also accept bank transfer, Paypal, Google Wallet and Stripe payments. This E commerce site will need to be integrated into our WordPress theme (Avada). There is 6 food products we will sell online (not much) We have already purchased WPML and its associated plugins that can offer multiple languages. I am looking for an experienced professional to do this job. Please read this brief before responding and include how you...

    €465 Average bid
    €465 Průměr. nabídka
    21 nabídky

    Zdravim, Už déle mám takový nápad udělat aplikaci na Android / IOS. Měla by to být aplikace podobná této: Jedná se o aplikaci, kde by si už Jedná se o aplikaci, kde by si uživatelé vytvořili účet a když by měli aplikaci zapnutou, přičítaly by se jim v určitém intervalu body. Po dobu zapnutí by se zobrazovaly reklamy, tudíž display zapnutý pořád. Po dosažení nějaké sumy by se jim automaticky poslala částka v určité hodnotě na PayPal. Je zde potřeba napojit tuto aplikaci na nějakou administraci na webu. Dále pak napojit jí na platební systém PayPal. A co asi nejví...

    €242 - €726
    €242 - €726
    0 nabídky

    osc , paymentech upgrade , review to assure completion

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    Potrebujeme: vytvorit multistore pre rozne jazyky, importovat produkty z 3 xml a cvs vytvorit prehladne menu na stranke (sablonu mame) implementovat skrill a paypal vytvorit exporty pre porovnavace

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    ...Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Plan je, ze se portal bude dale rozvijet, cili mame zajem o dlouhodobou spolupraci. Soucasne zadani je pouze pro verzi 1.0. Cenu prosim rozdelte na programovani (pro tech 20 stranek), cenu za hodinu nad ramec zadani a cenu za graficky navrh. Nejdulezitejsim kriteriem jsou r...

    €2428 Average bid
    €2428 Průměr. nabídka
    11 nabídky

    Poštovani Miloše, Vidim da si imao dosta poslova u prošlosti preko frellancer-a i imam jedno pitanje za tebe ako možeš da mi odgovoriš. Imam jedan mali problem sa transferom novca koji sam zaradio kao FL. Izvini, ne želim da te zaposlim! :) PayPal ne podržava slanje novca iz inostranstva na račun, već samo plaćanje, a kada pokušam da uradim express withdraw funds ne postoji mogućnost da se izabere Srbija. Ja kosistim račun banke Intesa. Kako ti uspevaš da prebaciš lovu sa freelancer-a na tvoj bankovni račun? Definistivno negde grešim, pa bih te molio za par saveta ako može. PS Izvini ali nisam provali kako da ti drugačije pošaljem poruku. Srdačan pozdrav Ivan

    €28 - €237
    €28 - €237
    0 nabídky
    Ukončeno left

    Poštovani Miloše, Vidim da si imao dosta poslova u prošlosti preko frellancer-a i imam jedno pitanje za tebe ako možeš da mi odgovoriš. Imam jedan mali problem sa transferom novca koji sam zaradio kao FL. Izvini, ne želim da te zaposlim! :) PayPal ne podržava slanje novca iz inostranstva na račun, već samo plaćanje, a kada pokušam da uradim express withdraw funds ne postoji mogućnost da se izabere Srbija. Ja kosistim račun banke Intesa. Kako ti uspevaš da prebaciš lovu sa freelancer-a na tvoj bankovni račun? Definistivno negde grešim, pa bih te molio za par saveta ako može. PS Izvini ali nisam provali kako da ti drugačije pošaljem poruku. Srdačan pozdrav Ivan

    €114 - €114
    €114 - €114
    0 nabídky

    Nejprve popis naší online služby: Služba umožňuje konverzi výpisů z PayPal do formátu, v kterém je výpis možné automatizovaně importovat do účetních programů. Služba tak redukuje čas potřebný na zpracování transakcí až o 98% a snižuje náklady na zaúčtování až o 94%. Logo by mělo vyjádřovat právě spomenuté benefity - velkou úsporu času / peněz při používaní naší služby. Zejména logem se může blížit logu , čímž hned návštěvníka ujistí o souvislosti služeb. Zachování současného sloganu "saving time and money" je preferovan&eacut...

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Nejprve popis naší online služby: Služba umožňuje konverzi výpisů z PayPal do formátu, v kterém je výpis možné automatizovaně importovat do účetních programů. Služba tak redukuje čas potřebný na zpracování transakcí až o 98% a snižuje náklady na zaúčtování až o 94%. Logo by mělo vyjádřovat právě spomenuté benefity - velkou úsporu času / peněz při používaní naší služby. Zejména logem se může blížit logu , čímž hned návštěvníka ujistí o souvislosti služeb. Zachování současného sloganu "saving time and money" je preferovan&eacut...

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Poptávám nákódování template pro QuickCart. Jde o tuto template: šablonu zaplatím v "čístém html" a předám k nakódování pro QuickCart 6.2. Případně můžete nabídnout vlastní podobnou šablonu. Předem děkuji za nabídky.

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Trophy icon Design for Apparel/Merch
    23 hodiny left

    I need a design for merchandise and apparel for our company, Name the Game Outfitters. The design should include the phrase: "HUNT every season. every species." We want the design to showcase our outdoor and hunting lifestyle. I'll provide our company logos as attachments, and you can review our social media for inspiration and to understand our brand identity. Key Requirements: 1. The design must work on various merchandise (T-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc.). 2. Include the company name or logo: Name the Game Outfitters. 3. Be clean, professional, and appealing to outdoor enthusiasts. 4. Deliver in high-quality, scalable formats (vector preferred). Additional Info: I’ll provide our logos and social links for reference. Looking forward to seeing your creative ...

    €48 Average bid
    Doporučené Neodkladné Zaručené
    21 příspěvky

    Seeking expert guidance for our Google Ads campaign aimed at enhancing views on our daily changing product review videos, while simultaneously reducing our cost-per-view (CPV). Ideal freelancers should be skilled in: - Google Ads - YouTube marketing - Cost-effective advertising strategies Please bid only if you can provide strategic advice on how to implement these goals.

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    I am looking for an experienced PLC Engineer to urgently assist with a Siemens S7-300 PLC project requiring fault diagnosis and minor program optimization. Scope of Work: • Diagnose and resolve a recurring fault in an S7-300 PLC system. • Analyze and optimize specific PLC logic for better efficiency. • Review and enhance existing PID loops. • Test the updated program and ensure system stability. • Collaborate with our in-house team for seamless execution. Requirements: • Expertise in Siemens S7-300 PLC and STEP 7 software. • Proven debugging and troubleshooting skills. • Availability on an urgent basis for immediate engagement. • Ability to work effectively in a team environment.

    €412 Average bid
    €412 Průměr. nabídka
    15 nabídky

    I'm seeking an AI developer to create an intelligent system that checks legal documents, specifically concerning 'Right to Manage' procedures, against our database. Key Requirements: - The AI must validate specific aspects of the procedures such as the notification processes. - It also needs to ensure that data from our database is correctly imported into notices. - Experience with legal d...also needs to ensure that data from our database is correctly imported into notices. - Experience with legal document analysis is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development and programming. - Experience with data analysis and validation. - Understanding of legal processes, particularly 'Right to Manage' procedures. - Ability to create and implement an efficient AI...

    €2531 Average bid
    €2531 Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky
    Count On Me
    9 dní left

    Let's please get first draft review over by Tuesday. Thank you!

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    I'm in need of a skilled data scraper to extract product descriptions and customer reviews for liquor products from various platforms. The primary sources for this project include Google Shopping, Online Liquor Stores, and Review Websites. Key Requirements: - Proficient in web scraping techniques - Prior experience with eCommerce data scraping - Familiarity with liquor product market (preferred but not necessary) - Ability to deliver data in an organized and usable format Ideal Skills: - Data Analysis - Python or equivalent programming languages - Attention to detail Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed. Your bid will be evaluated based on your experience, the quality of your previous work, and your proposed timeline for the project. Please m...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Průměr. nabídka
    27 nabídky

    I need an experienced developer to integrate Affirm on two of my Shopify websites. The integration should include: - Displaying Affirm as a payment option at checkout - Showing Affirm cost breakdown on product pages - Adding Affirm promotional banners across the sites I have the necessary Affirm credentials ready for the integration. However, the design of the Affirm logos and payment options needs to match my websites' current design theme. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in Java and other coding languages - Extensive experience with Shopify and its payment integrations - Strong understanding of web design and ability to match existing design themes - Previous experience with Affirm integration is a plus

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Průměr. nabídka
    36 nabídky

    ...accuracy. Key Details: Purpose: This is part of a machine learning system that tracks foot traffic in retail stores. Your counts will help refine our AI's ability to differentiate between customers and staff. Task Requirements: Watch 12 short videos (each about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) per store. Videos are available online through our validation platform (attached image). Select Store 3 and review videos from 10 AM to 9 PM. Total of 12 videos. Identify staff members by watching a few minutes of footage; they are not explicitly labeled. Counting Rules: Count each unique customer who enters the store. If a staff member leaves and re-enters, count them again, as Staff. If a customer leaves and re-enters...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    ...lengths accurately Matching and organizing receptacles using AutoCAD Requirements Proficiency in AutoCAD (specifically AutoCAD 2024) Ability to work quickly and efficiently Strong attention to detail Prior experience with electrical layouts is a plus Compensation Payment is on a per-project basis, determined by the quality and timeliness of your work. Process I will send you the project files (in AutoCAD 2024 format). You will complete the edits and measurements to the required standard. You will then send back the updated file for review. If you meet these requirements and are interested in ongoing work, please reach out with your relevant experience and examples of previous projects....

    €106 Average bid
    €106 Průměr. nabídka
    44 nabídky

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet plac...quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the pro...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 20 sentences. Every sentences is 2 word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a qui...word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $1.5 dollar for 20 sentences record. Every sentences is 2 word If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of th...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    ...gamification elements, adaptive learning paths, and multimedia integration • Articulate Certified Training, Certified Instructional Designer/Developer (CIDD), or other related professional certification preferred. Job Competencies • Excellent written and verbal communication skills necessary for subject matter interviews, content development, storyboarding, collaboration, coaching, giving peer review feedback, and facilitating effective meetings. • Ability to customize e-learning design and user interfaces beyond the default templates including creating custom player skins, navigation controls, and interactive elements tailored to specific project requirements. • Adhere to accessibility standards (such as WCAG guidelines) and demonstrate responsive design prin...

    €34 / hr Average bid
    €34 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky
    Twitch Stream Highlights Creator
    6 dní left

    Twitch VOD Clipper I am looking for a reliable individual to help create highlight clips from my Twitch VODs. This job does not require any video editing software—simply use 's built-in clipping tool to create 1-minute video clips that capture engaging moments from my streams. Responsibilities: Watch VODs: Review full-length Twitch streams to spot engaging or noteworthy moments. Clip Highlights: Use Twitch’s built-in clipping feature to create 1-minute clips. Quality Check: Ensure each clip clearly highlights the intended moment and meets the 1-minute duration requirement. Organization: Label and manage the clips properly for easy reference and use. Requirements: Familiarity with Twitch and its built-in clipping tool. Ability to quickly identify highlight-worthy ...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    26 nabídky
    Need Portugal Speaker -- 5
    6 dní left

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet plac...quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the pro...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    I'm looking for a talented copywriter with a knack for crafting compelling opinion pieces. The piece will focus on the intersection of innovatio...with a specific emphasis on large-scale dream analysis. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly for esteemed publications like the Harvard Business Review. - Deep understanding and interest in innovation and technology. - Ability to articulate complex ideas in a clear, engaging and persuasive manner. Your task will be to: - Create an insightful opinion piece that explores the potential of large-scale dream analysis within the tech and innovation landscape (based on structure and draft already prepared) - Ensure the piece aligns with the standards and style of the Harvard Business Review. Looking...

    €335 Average bid
    €335 Průměr. nabídka
    60 nabídky

    ...Search & API Integration: Seamless product search capabilities linked with various APIs from Multi Marketplace like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Others - Proxy purchasing and bidding systems - Develop a consolidation warehouse system - International shipping calculators. - Multi-language (English, Japanese, etc.) and multi-currency support. - Order Processing & Payment Integration: Incorporate reliable payment systems such as Stripe and PayPal for hassle-free transactions. - Shipping API Integration: Connect with trusted 3rd party shipping partners like easyship, goshippo. - Dashboard for Order Tracking & Management: The user dashboard should prominently feature order tracking capabilities. - Web Scraping: Implement efficient web scraping techniques for an opt...

    €726 - €1452
    Zapečetěný DOM
    €726 - €1452
    28 nabídky

    Job Description - Job Title - ServiceNow Consultant Duration - 2-3 month project with probable extension based on performance. Offshore Interview mode - Video Location - Remote Job description:- Requirements: -Jenkins, GitHub action, Argo CD, JIRA -Review and design Change automation process for DevOPs, Cloud Operations Build & Test- DEV -integration between DevOps and ServiceNow Change -Jenkins to ServiceNow -GitHub Action to ServiceNow -ArgoCD to ServiceNow -Jira to ServiceNow

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky on our website and access domain name management services. 2) Allowing users to sign up for hosting, which automatically sets up hosting on the reseller account and gives users access to hosting management services. 3) Create a custom page for website plans, where users can select and purchase/subscribe to website setup and maintenance plans. Users should also have access to a dashboard to review invoices, renew, and cancel services. 4) Implementing a user dashboard that allows for the creation and viewing of support tickets. YOUR SKILLS & EXPERIENCE: - Proven experience in web services integration - Proficient in website development - Previous work with domain registration and hosting services - Knowledge of user-friendly design principles - Familiarity with set...

    €63 Average bid
    €63 Průměr. nabídka
    36 nabídky

    My team of developers and I are looking for an expert to set...configure GitLab for our organization. We want to manage our projects efficiently using GitLab's features. Key Requirements: - Implement Role-based access control for different team members. - Configure and enable the use of CI/CD pipelines, Issue tracking, and Code review features. - Evaluate our current server situation and set up a server for GitLab if necessary. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with GitLab configuration. - Knowledge of setting up servers. - Understanding of CI/CD pipelines, Issue tracking, and Code review processes. - Ability to implement and manage role-based access control. Please note, we are uncertain about our server status and would require your expertise to determine the ...

    €86 Average bid
    €86 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me with a data entry project. The task invo...freelancer who can help me with a data entry project. The task involves taking mixed data from a spreadsheet and entering it into a specific website. Details: - The data is organized in the spreadsheet as single rows with different fields. - The data types include both text and numerical data. - If an error occurs while submitting a row, the process should skip the erroneous row and log the error for review. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with data entry. - Proficiency in using websites for data input. - Ability to troubleshoot minor issues. - Familiarity with logging errors. Please note that the project requires careful attention to detail, as accuracy is critical in da...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Průměr. nabídka
    68 nabídky

    I am a CPC-certified medical coder with 4.2 years of experience specializing in Evaluation and management (EM OP, IP), OB-Gynecology, and General Surgery coding. I offer accurate ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS coding, ensuring compliance, optimized reimbursements, and reduced claim denials. I am looking for freelance medical coding projects, such as: ✅ Medical Chart Review & Auditing ✅ Outpatient/Inpatient Coding ✅ Claim Submission ✅ Insurance Verification & Pre-Authorization What I Need from You: Specialty/Practice Type ((EM OP, IP), OB-Gynecology, and General Surgery) Volume of charts per day/week Required coding system (ICD-10, CPT, HCPCS) Any specific payer guidelines (Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance) Preferred documentation format (EHR/EMR system) Why Choose Me? ✔ Cer...

    €610 Average bid
    €610 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm seeking a professional web developer to create two interconnected platforms. The first platform is a Multi-Service Payment Website. This will allow users to pay their electricity bills, insurance premiums, and hotel bookings at launch, with potential for future enhancements like ticket purchases, cab bookings, and more. The platform will earn a commission from service providers for each successful transaction. Key requirements for this platform include: - User authentication and account management via email and password - Integration of various payment methods: Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers, and Digital Wallets The second platform is a Fund Management System. This will manage and invest the commission earned from the first platform. The goal is to generate rev...

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Průměr. nabídka
    9 nabídky

    Design done key_auth implemented

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    We are developing an Android app that utilizes ARCore to place virtual content in an AR view using specific coordinates. Unfortunately, we've encountered issues with placing the content accurately, and the current implementation does not work as expected. We're looking for an ARCore expert who can quickly diagnose and fix the issue. Responsibilities: Review and understand the existing ARCore implementation in our Android application. Identify the bug(s) that prevent accurate placement of AR content using coordinates. Modify the code to ensure precise and stable AR content placement within the AR view. Test the solution across multiple devices to ensure compatibility and performance. Requirements: Proven experience with ARCore and Android development. Strong understandi...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    My Web3 game platform has encountered an npm start issue and is no longer functioning. I believe it's a minor problem that the right candidate can resolve quickly. Here's the MVP V1 repository: Please review the code and apply if you think you're capable of fixing it. Applications that do not reference this GitHub link will be disregarded. Thank you.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Průměr. nabídka
    46 nabídky

    I'm seeking a skilled illustrator for my children's book "Dilly and Pals See Me Read." This is for a 6x9, 26-page beginner reader, including a cover. The second edition needs all new illustrations, as the first was poorly received. Key Requirements: - Realistic, playful and fun illustra...Requirements: - Realistic, playful and fun illustrations that capture the expressions of the main character, a young boy, and his stuffed and real animal friends. - Previous experience with KDP and Ingram Spark formatting is essential. - A quick turnaround is necessary due to budget constraints. To be considered, please preview the current book and share your vision for the new illustrations. I will only review proposals from illustrators who demonstrate an understanding of t...

    €330 Average bid
    €330 Průměr. nabídka
    112 nabídky

    I'm looking for a talented WordPress developer to create a short term rental website using wp rental for showcasing individual short-term rental homes. The site should focus on presenting the propert...domail already registern and the premium theme is already installed. Key Features: - Property Gallery: A comprehensive and visually pleasing gallery to display the homes. - Booking System: An integrated, seamless booking system to facilitate reservations directly from the website. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in WordPress development. - Proven track record in developing property showcase/review sites. - Proficiency in integrating secure, user-friendly booking systems. The goal is to create an engaging platform that effectively showcases the properties and ultimately d...

    €157 Average bid
    €157 Průměr. nabídka
    194 nabídky

    Drupal 10 paragon payment module

    €416 Average bid
    €416 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Shopify PayPal Gateway Setup
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for an expert to help with a payment gateway my store located in india and i have razorpay and cash on delivery and paypal so if customer buy from india then they show razorpay and cash on delivery but when some one buy from outside of india then they show paypal. Please only apply if you have the relevant experience and can demonstrate a successful history of similar projects. Thank you.

    €198 Average bid
    €198 Průměr. nabídka
    23 nabídky

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a library app primarily focused on book cataloging. The app should: - Allow users to authenticate with email/password - Enable users to review and rate books Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Android app development and experience with user authentication systems. Knowledge of integrating review and rating systems is crucial. Please, include examples of similar projects you've completed in your application.

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Průměr. nabídka
    16 nabídky

    ...collating evidence and learning and using it to influence institutional policies and practices. This consultancy will specifically focus on creating training and a strategy to fulfil Goal 3 and related commitments outlined in Agile’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan. What we need We are seeking support urgently for: 1) Approximately 10 days of consultancy work over Feb-Mar, 2025 to: • Conduct a rapid review on various types of institutional influencing strategies related to research culture and EDI, with examples from likeminded research programmes and universities, and propose a suitable format for the Agile Initiative • Facilitate an internal consultative process with Agile’s EDI Officer on the core elements and focus of the institutional influencing str...

    €11155 Average bid
    €11155 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky