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Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuCreation of Professional Product Images'
We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months
...systém v ČR, působíme také v Maďarsku, Polsku a na Slovensku. Každý měsíc zpracujeme půl milionu rezervací v 3.645 hotelech. Naším cílem je maximálně automatizovat provoz hotelu tak, aby si hosté dopřáli zasloužený komfort a užili si svůj pobyt bez zbytečných starostí. Čekají nás nové výzvy a hledáme další vývojáře. Na čem budeš pracovat? Na vývoji cloudové aplikace, kterou využívá provoz a management pro správu hotelových rezervací. Na vývoji rezervačního systému pro hotelové hosty. Chanel Manageru, který každý den p...
...generate clear reports and facilitates decision-making in personnel management. What the Video Should Look Like: Are you a manager struggling to keep track of employee work hours, vacations, and salaries? Don't worry! Introducing Working People, an easy-to-use app that simplifies employee management. In the video, you will see a frustrated manager facing challenges in managing employee work hours and ongoing projects. But fear not, Working People is here to help! Witness how the app effortlessly records ongoing projects, individual employee activities, work hours, vacations, and salaries. With just a few clicks, the manager gains insights into employee work plans, making workforce planning easier. The intuitive interface of Working People allows manag...
...2021: vstup silného investora Emma Capital k naší další expanzi, podpore akvizic a rozvoje IT. Co by tě u nás mohlo zaujmout? TMS – náš transport management systém je klíčová služba pro nás fulfillment Spolu s seniorním týmem přispěješ k odesílání desítek tisíc zásilek denně přes více než 20 dopravců Pracovat budeš nejen na inovacích ale částečně i na code refactoring. Máme prostor pro kariérní růst v odborných kompetencích, případně do oblasti team leadingu. Později se třeba můžeš zapojovat do extra projektů, co Tě baví – eventy, mentoring...
...aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření report...
... we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of tests spread over 1 month. Job description: -Tasks will include user testing and bug reporting: documentation of process, tests, results and analysis. Job Requirements: - Experience in testing or software development. - Proficiency in English. - Experience in software testing/QA/Software development - Live in Hungary or Czech Republic Do you want to learn more about us? Check out: Crowdtesting Platform: Managed
...rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. V Aireen se zabýváme diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) a protože většina týmu používá běžně python, rozhodli jsme se využít situace přepsat aplikaci do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, Use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření re...
Hi, I am looking for someone able to customize my Wordpress website. I have a functional site built with template and plugins, but I have some more requirements that I need to adjust. It is a private project about selling Sphynx cats. Expected start of cooperation: March 2022 I prefer Prague located, czech speaking developers.
I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)
...před sebou. Author's foreword This book gets into the hands of you, dear readers, thanks to the three Marys. The first was my mother. It was for her pleasure and consolation that I wrote Údolí and Uncle František. I was inspired to the Valley by the memory of a "black watch" with her sitting in a dark room with me, a child, and I encouraged her again and again to tell me about once walking with her mother through the Silent Eagle Valley and then through the tunnel to Willingly at the station where her dad worked, and how the train once ran, and how terribly afraid it was then, hidden with her mother in a tunnel alcove. How vividly I remembered it then, what horror I experienced with her and how vividly I still have it in front of...
Zdravím , potřeboval bych vytvořit jednoduchý web firmu. Web bude na redakčním systému wordpress. Webové stranky musí mít zelený design jelikož i logo je zelene. V příloze zasílám texty na web a logo. Translation: Hi, I need to create a simple web business. The website will be on the WordPress content management system. The website must have a green design as the logo is also green. In the attachment I send texts to the website and logo.
I need 3D scanned models in any of the following formats: Autodesk Alias (*.wire) AutoCAD DWG Files (*.dwg) Autodesk Fusion 360 Archive Files (*.f3d) Autodesk Fusion 360 Toolpath Archive Files (*.cam360) Autodesk Inventor Files (*.ipt, *.iam) CATIA V5 Files (*.CATProduct, *.CATPart) DXF Files (*.dxf) FBX (*.fbx) IGES (*ige, *iges, *igs) NX (*prt) OBJ (*.obj) Parasolid Binary Files (*.x_b) Parasolid Text Files (*.x_t) Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric Files (*.asm, *.prt) Pro/ENGINEER Granite Files (*.g) Pro/ENGINEER Neutral Files(*.neu) Rhino Files (*.3dm) SAT/SMT Files (*.sab, *.sat, *.smb, *.smt) SolidWorks Files (*.prt, *.asm, *.sldprt, *.sldasm) STEP Files (*.ste, *.step, *.stp) STL Files (*.stl) SketchUp Files (*.skp) 3D scanning models of the following models require...
...trainer. The subject of delivery is to provide a short "standup" training for call center operators on topics such as communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials for topics - in polish language. Current materials are in the Czech language. - listening to calls for understanding issues and incorporating specific situations into training - provide training topics for smaller groups with several reps - length is 3hrs per training Communication during preparation will ideally be in Czech or English. We plan the project for several months but depend on the lecturer abilities to have even more and longer cooperation with us ...
Poptávám kvalitní překlad článku z AJ do ČJ, nemusí se jednat o doslovný překlad. Quality translation of the article from English to Czech, it doesn´t have to be a literal translation.
Dobrý den, začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, jak produkt funguje a jaké má výhody. Výhody vám napíši, abyste s tím neměli starosti. Toto video se bude používat pro placenou reklamu na sociálních sítích facebook a instagram. Rád bych tedy člověka, který má zkušenosti s natáčením produktů pro reklamní účely. Hezký den.
...procesních oblastí pro dohled nad hazardními hrami, např. metodická činnost, registrace provozovatelů, povolení k provozování hazardních her, řízení o přestupcích, povolení k umístění herního prostoru atd. IS bude rozdělen do několika modulů, jako jsou veřejný portál, procesní engine, registry pro dozorovou a správní část, identity management, integrace, atd. Z technologického pohledu se bude systém skládat z komponent pro zabezpečení systému (IDM, AM), procesní management (BPM), webové aplikace postavené na frameworku Angular2, backendové java aplikace zajišť...
Hello, I need to design a logo for my new emerging brand, including an inverse variant. The name of the company is: "Evenťačka" It is about a single female person / group of independent professionals and artists that are producing tailored made highly creative events. It is not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christm...
monte Carlo simulation, contingency, budget report
Hledám někoho, kdo mi přeloží 3 strany dokumentace XML k účetnímu systému Abra do EN. Termín do pondělí 14.8.2017
Hledám někoho, kdo mi přeloží 3 strany dokumentace XML k účetnímu systému Abra do EN. Termín do pondělí 14.8.2017
Mezinárodně úspěšná vývojářská agentura Argo22 se sídlem v Českých Budějovicích hledá freelancery za účelem dlouhodobé spolupráce na vývoji webových a hybridních mobilních aplikací. Mezi chystané projekty patří například: - SaaS webová aplikace na management leadů - Publikační systém pro zákazníka z USA - Mobilní aplikace pro čtení magazínů pro zákazníka z Filipín - Příprava Wordpress / Magento / Shopify šablon pro klienty z UK Hledáme talentované vývojáře, kteří se budou schopni na dálku z...
Ahoj hledám rychlou tvorbu loga na téma náhradní díly automobilů a pneumatiky / Hello! I am looking for fast creation of logos on the theme of spare parts for cars and tires
Blognames: 1. HeyImVictor 12. HowToSurviveTomorrow 13. FreeSpinSiteReviewer
Remarketing setup in AdWords Campaign setup and performance management - bid and budget optimization Optional: API setup for automated reporting
Creating any design on T-shirts. Creating on my computer. Photoshop and other programs
I'm looking for an SEO expert who can devise a comprehensive optimization plan for my animal-themed blog posts. Key Objectives: - Increase site traffic by improving the visibility of my blog posts on Google search. - Implement effective SEO techniques tailored to the animal niche. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO, specifically for blog content. - Deep understanding of animal-related topics. - Ability to increase site traffic through strategic SEO practices.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system or strategy used by businesses to manage interactions with customers, improve relationships, and streamline processes. It helps companies track customer data, sales, support tickets, and marketing efforts. ## Company Management - Add Company - Edit Company - List Company - Delete Company - Filter - Example : Tata Motors, Tata Communication, Tata Capital, TCS ## Business Type Management - Add Business Type - Edit Business Type - List Business Type - Delete Business Type - Filter - Example : Medical, Petrolium, IT, Finance, ## User Management - Add User - Edit User - List User - Delete User - FIlter ## User Role & Module Permission Management - Add User Role & Module Permiss...
I'm seeking a versatile social media expert who can create, manage, and design content for my Facebook and Instagram accounts. The primary goal is to drive sales and conversions through engaging posts and stories. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and design a...drive sales and conversions through engaging posts and stories. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and design appealing content for Facebook and Instagram - Create captivating posts and stories that drive engagement - Monitor, manage and respond to interactions on posts and stories Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in content creation, social media management, and graphic design - Experience with driving sales through social media - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms and best practices - Excellen...
...system that automates waste sorting using machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. The main focus for the right candidate will be on Computer Vision integration, specifically image classification. What I’m looking for: - A skilled AI & Robotics Engineer with expertise in computer vision and image classification. - Someone who can help bring this vision to life and revolutionize waste management. - An individual who is committed to improving efficiency, reducing landfill waste, and promoting sustainability. Please include in your application: - Your past work relevant to this project. - Proven experience in AI, Robotics and Computer Vision. - Demonstrated ability in image classification tasks. The ideal candidate will have experience with: - Object detectio...
I'm in search of a dedicated virtual assistant who can take charge of my social media management, specifically on Facebook and Instagram. This role will primarily involve creating, scheduling, and managing posts, as well as engaging with followers and responding to comments. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in social media management - Excellent understanding of Facebook and Instagram - Good communication skills for follower engagement Please note, tasks related to customer service, data entry, translation, and management of other social media platforms are not required for this project.
- Our App is currentky in development Position Overview We seek an experienced React Native developer to transform Figma designs into a polished, production-ready mobile application. This long-term role (5-10 years) combines design implementation with occasional backend collaboration, offering stability and growth within our team. Key Responsibilities - Transform Figma designs into high-quality, reusable React Native components with pixel-perfect precision. - Develop core app functionalities using React Native CLI, adhering to best practices. - Integrate modern SVG icons and maintain visual consistency across platforms. - Collaborate on design refinement within Figma when needed. - Propose creative technical solutions to enhance user experience. - Utilize GitHub for version contr...
I'm looking for a seasoned social media manager to help boost our brand visibility on Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging promotional posts, interactive stories, customer t...looking for a seasoned social media manager to help boost our brand visibility on Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging promotional posts, interactive stories, customer testimonials, and Reels. - Brand Awareness: Implement strategies to enhance our visibility across these platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Creative content creation skills, particularly for interactive stories and Reels. - Experience with brand aware...
Good morning, for a client of mine we need to do this work: • Set-up of tracking pixels (and API) for Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok in the Google TAG Manager platform • Set-up of events, attribution models and conversion windows in Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e. up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinte...
I am looking for an experienced freelancer with expertise in smart screen management, cloud-based solutions, and digital advertising systems to assist in establishing a digital advertising company utilizing smart screens, similar to the business model of Nitx. Key Responsibilities: 1. Consultation & Planning: Assist in creating a clear strategy for setting up the company, selecting the best available technologies, and evaluating suitable software and hardware options. 2. Technical Development: Identify or develop a cloud-based platform for managing smart screens, enabling remote control and content scheduling. 3. Screen Selection: Research and recommend the best smart screens (LED, LCD, etc.) that support advanced digital display technologies. 4. Software Integrat...
...managing users, orders, and functionalities. Implement secure authentication and payment gateway integration. Ensure a scalable backend (Node.js, Firebase, or Laravel preferred). Optimize app performance Provide post-launch support for debugging and improvements. Skills Required: Flutter / React Native (for mobile development). Node.js, Firebase (backend experience). REST API integration & database management (MongoDB/MySQL). UI/UX implementation based on Figma designs. Admin panel development (Vue.js, React.js, or similar). Project Timeline: ? App MVP: 2 months. ? Admin Dashboard & Backend: 1 month. ? Budget: Negotiable, based on experience....
My eBay template is experiencing layout issues primarily within the header and the CSS navigation. I need a professional with strong CSS and HTML skills to check the coding, fix the errors, and re-design the header and a few parts within the main body. This template is for eBay and therefore cannot use Javascript, so a complete understanding of HTML/ CSS capabilities are needed. This is urgent, so please only enquire if you are able to start immediately.
I'm looking for a creative professional who can help me produce a stickman video with a yoga theme. This ...used for marketing purposes, so it needs to effectively convey our brand message while also being engaging enough to capture viewers' attention. Key points: - The style of the video should be 'Yoga', incorporating elements of calmness, balance and flexibility typical of the practice. - The video will be shared across various platforms, including YouTube and social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in animation and video production - Experience with creating marketing content - Understanding of yoga to portray it accurately and effectively in stickman form - Knowledge of ...
1. We have a _well-built_ existing data processing app built by an experienced professional. 2. The code is well-abstracted (DRY, using adapter pattern to plug in data sources), uses version control (git) and unit tests, and is overall pretty simple and robust. 3. It's been in production for about 2 years and the output of the app is used by 2-3 clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggrega...
I'm looking for a seasoned content creator to design a professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 meticulously crafted slides per course, all developed in a creative and colorful style. Management toics: Quality Management Quality Assurance and Quality Control Continuous Improvement Methodologies Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators Customer Satisfaction Index and User Experience Management Continuous Improvement and Performance Optimization Requirements: - The slides must incorporate: - High-quality images, graphs, infographics, and charts to facilitate comprehension. - Content that is clear, concise, and logically sequenced. - Proper referencing for all sourc...
I run an Etsy shop selling custom tools and I'm looking for a professional to help me with social media management. - Main Platform: My primary focus is on Etsy, so most of the marketing efforts will be centered there. - Social Media Management: I need assistance in managing my presence on both Facebook and Instagram. This includes posting updates, interacting with followers, and growing my audience. - Product Promotion: Help needed in promoting new product launches, particularly through engaging content on social media. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in e-commerce and social media marketing, particularly with Etsy and Shopify. Experience with online costume tools is a plus.
...achievements in a 'Hall of Fame' format. Key Aspects of the Project: - Main Section: The site will feature a 'Hall of Fame' section, dedicated to highlighting the greatest Polynesian entertainers and their accomplishments. - Media Content: The website will include a variety of media content, such as videos, photos, and interactive elements to keep visitors engaged and entertained. Needs to sell our merchandise, and sell tickets for an annual gala event. We also want to have a space where the pubic can vote for their favorite entertainer, or nominate a candidate. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and design, with a portfolio of interactive websites. - Ability to integrate various types of...
I'm in need of a 3D animation video that illustrates the operation of a valve manifold designed for dental chairs. The video should be between 1 to 2 minutes in length and emphasize certain key aspects of the valve manifold's capabilities. Key Points: - The animation needs to be high-quality 3D work, as opposed to 2D or Whiteboard styles. - Specific attention should be paid to the safety mechanisms, as well as the durability and reliability of the valve manifold. - The final product needs to effectively communicate these points in a clear and engaging manner. Ideal skills and experiences for this job include: - Proficiency in 3D animation software. - Previous experience creating product animation videos, particularly in the dental or healthcare sect...
I'm in need of a seasoned content creator who can design a comprehensive and visually appealing professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 slides that are not only informative but also engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Create 300 professionally designed slides for the course. - Use of high-quality pictures, graphs, infographics, and charts to aid understanding. - Ensure content is clear, concise, and logically structured. - Provide proper references for all sourced material including academic papers, industry standards, and case studies. Management topics: Finance Management Budgeting and Forecasting Cost Control and Containment Measures Financial Analysis and Reporting Inves...
We are looking for a talented Human Resources Specialist to support our team in recruiting qualified entry-level Property Managers. The ideal candidate will have experience in sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates for property management positions. Your expertise will be essential in helping us find and hire the best talent for our expanding organization. If you're passionate about matching people with the right roles and have a strong understanding of the property management industry, we'd love to hear from you!
...is intended for entertainment purposes and will require a blend of creativity and technical skill. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and visually appealing 3D animations in a cartoon style. - Collaborate with me to understand the narrative and pacing of the film. - Deliver high-quality animations that are suitable for a short film format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max). - Prior experience in creating animations for short films. - Strong understanding of cartoon-style animation. Experience in the entertainment industry, particularly in short film production, will be highly advantageous. A creative mindset and the ability to meet deadlines are crucial for the success of this project. I look f...