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2,000 need internet research worker Nalezené pracovní možnosti

...users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of tests spread over 1 month. Job description: -Tasks will include user testing and bug reporting: documentation of process, tests, results and analysis. ...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

We are looking for an experienced web designer and graphic artist who is able to make a website that would differentiate us from our boring competition. We would like a website that will have a proper wow effect for anyone who looks at it. We are not looking for any dozen websites, of which there are many on the Internet. We operate in the field of Automotive and therefore the website should have a professional and technically appealing design with a dose of various animations and interactions for users. You can find comments on individual websites in the attachment Further work would concern the graphic design of various advertising and sales materials. Sites we like: Thanks and have a nice day David Hujer Hledáme zkušeného webového designé...

€930 Average bid
€930 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

na routeru UBNT ER-X potřebuji nastavit interfaces a DHCP Požadavek: port Eth0 - Internet, statická IP port Eth1 - vlan10, subnet s DHCP serverem(1-254) port Eth2-4 - vlan 20, subnet s DHCP serverem (10-254) Obě vlany nebudou mít přístup k sobě, nebude se moct dostat z vlany 10 na vlanu 20 a opačně

€29 Average bid
€29 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

1) Rozsah článku v českém jazyce: 1.500 - 2.000 slov, tj 8.000 - 10.000 znaků 2) Důležitý bude poctivý research na českých i zahraničních webech, protože chceme kvalitní, a ne jen "copy+paste" texty 3) Musí obsahovat: - číslované seznamy - podtituly 4) Musí obsahovat klíčová slova: - nebankovní půjčka - nebankovní půjčka bez příjmu - nebankovní půjčka bez registru - nebankovní půjčka ihned - nebankovní půjčka online - nebankovní půjčka bez nahlíženi do registru - nebankovní půjčky bez potvrzení příjmu Vhodný příklad z hlediska titulků a obsahu: PRAVIDELNÁ SPOLUPRÁCE NA RO...

€45 Average bid
1 příspěvky
Analysis & research
Ukončeno left

Consultoria de investigación

€2143 - €3572
€2143 - €3572
0 nabídky

...komunikace bude z mé strany probíhat výhradně v českém jazyce, z důvodu správného pochopení funkčnosti. Hledám programátora, který vytvoří mobilní aplikaci pro jachtaře. Aplikace bude spolupracovat s internetovým serverem, ale musí pracovat i zcela offline (tudíž musí být nativní) a zadaná data odeslat až v momentě, kdy je dostupný signál či uživatel ručně zadá odeslání dat na server (Ne vždy je internet na lodi dostupný). Při prvním spuštění si aplikace stáhne data ze serveru a při každém dalším se zeptá serveru na změny či novinky. Celou serverovou...

€483 Average bid
€483 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

hledám softwarovou firmu, která je schopná postavit "fund generator" podobnný, jako invester, kickstarter, startupyards a podobně, který by generoval finance pro charitativní projek pro postižené

€366 Average bid
€366 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Cílem je přepsat některé naše terapeutické aplikace do IOS. Některé jsou již hotové a je potřeba pouze dodělat nové funkce. Příklad aplikace pro android: a pro IOS:

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

Jsme malá společnost ŠPIZZA PIZZA s.r.o., zabývající se výrobou a prodejem rychlého občerstvení. V současné době provozujeme 5 provozoven. Na jedné z provozoven klesají obraty a nedaří se nám oslovit lidi klasickou formou reklamy. Hledáme někoho kdo nám pomůže s cílenou reklamou na internetu pro konkrétní provozovnu v Zábřehu na Moravě a dosah by měla mít v okolí 17 km. Přiznám, že se v tomto oboru vůbec neorientuji.

€61 Average bid
€61 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky
Perl Consulting
Ukončeno left

Potřeboval bych konzultace nad programy v Perlu, které upravuji a které nefungují nebo hlásí chyby. Konzultace v nějaké internetové kavárně nad notebookem, server je hostován v cloudu, vše je dostupné přes internet. Znalosti Git, javascript, XML, MySQL, Linux Debian, debugery, Ubuntu jsou vítány. Místo konzultací nejlépe Praha, možno ale i po celém Česku, s dobrým spojením na Prahu. Platím hned na místě. Četnost schůzek asi tak 1x měsíčně, několik hodin. Nevyžaduji experta, neboť moje znalosti Perlu jsou chabé.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
€369 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

ComSource s r.o. Společnost Comsource, s.r.o. je mladá dynamicky se rozvíjející společnost působící v oblasti komplexních řešení v oblasti networkingu a security pro velká ISP poskytovatele, Datová centra a velké společnosti. JavaScript frontend developer na ultra super projekt Děláme velkou věc a děláme ji dobře, používají nás firmy po celém světě. Chráníme Internet přes DDoS útoky a jinou digitální havětí. Vlastně sis díky nám mohl koupit oblíbenou věc ve svém oblíbeném e-shopu, dívat se na video, na Live přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml...

€3727 Average bid
€3727 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

Internet stranica traži ozbiljnu suradnju sa suvremenom, odgovornom i kooperativnom poslovnom osobom (sa kredibilnim reg. preduzečem u Srbiji) koja bi omogućila našu internetnu delatnost i njeno kompletno financisko poslovanje ( izdavanje / vodenje računa, financisko poslovanje i računovodstvo ). Traži se duža suradnja uz mogućnost nadgradnje posla i zapošljavanja.

€195 Average bid
€195 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
Internet research
Ukončeno left

Potřebuji provést průzkum polského internetu, více informací v chatu.

€9 Average bid
€9 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Dceřinná společnost INTERNET - DATA - s.r.o. hledá do svého týmu vhodné ucha-zeče na pozici “Junior tester softwarových aplikací“. Forma pracovního poměru: -Part time, zkrácený úvazek (cca 6 hodin denně) Místo: -Czech Republic, Ostrava Náplň práce: -Testování vyvíjeného software podle připravených scénářů. -Vlastní analýza a vytváření výstupu z testovacího prostředí. -Zaznamenávání výstupu a komentářů do administračního systému. -Komunikace s vývojáři aplikace a projekt managerem. Požadujeme: -Zna...

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Internet stranica traži ozbiljnu suradnju sa suvremenom, odgovornom i kooperativnom poslovnom osobom (sa kredibilnim reg. preduzečem u Srbiji) koja bi omogućila našu internetnu delatnost i njeno kompletno financisko poslovanje ( izdavanje / vodenje računa, financisko poslovanje i računovodstvo ). Traži se duža suradnja uz mogućnost nadgradnje posla i zapošljavanja.

€169 Average bid
€169 Průměr. nabídka
6 nabídky

stranka co sa tyka optimalizacie : + zdrojovy kod k dispozicii

€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 nabídky
Android aplication
Ukončeno left

Hello, Your Request I create a simple application that will communicate with the server. Function application is simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that assumes the dates and stored in the database) - START background (applications are minimized...simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that assumes the dates and stored in the database) - START background (applications are minimized, but still sends location information) - Shut down button (Applications will be turned off) The application therefore has access to the Internet and GPS. no...

€92 Average bid
€92 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
Internet searching
Ukončeno left

Nabízím vyhledání jakýchkoliv informací z internetu a následné zadání do word, excel atd. Vyhledám informace ve všech jazycích.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Je potřeba vytvořit reklamni banner pro umisteni do google reklam. Bližší informace popíšu každému osobně.

€25 Average bid
€25 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

I am working on a Market Research Project, for which I looking for Female shoppers living in France. And are open to recording a 2-3 minutes video of shopping in-store and also record some At-home videos. (videos can be recorded using their smartphones). One shopper can record up to 3 video. I am willing to pay per usable video. So, if you can have your friends/family record videos for you then you can earn more with it. For more details please reach out to me.

€231 Average bid
€231 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
SEC Researcher Needed
6 dní left

I'm in need of a skilled SEC researcher with a keen eye for detail and a solid understanding of financial analysis. The primary focus of this project will be to analyze SEC filings of a specific company. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in financial research and analysis - Familiarity with SEC filings and understanding of their significance - Ability to identify potential investment opportunities and assess financial health - Strong attention to detail and critical thinking skills Your task will be to conduct thorough research on the SEC filings of the specified companies, with the aim of identifying investment opportunities and assessing their financial health. Please note, previous experience dealing with SEC research is preferred. I w...

€13 Average bid
€13 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

...requirements: A final project that uses GIS analysis is due by the end of the quarter. This project requires that you select, research, and evaluate an IPM-related problem or issue, using GIS as the primary tool of analysis. You will create a storymap for your final project. The text included in the story map should be roughly equivalent to five to seven pages (not including maps and figures), your storymap should include an overview of the problem/issue; a research question; the methodology of your analysis, including data sources; findings, include maps and figures to support findings; and discussion of findings, including any recommendation or policy implications. The aim of the research project is to reinforce course content and challenge you to design and execu...

€106 Average bid
€106 Průměr. nabídka
6 nabídky

I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance the visibility of my international translation website on Google. The primary goal is to increase our ranking for specific keywords on a global scale, with a focus on attracting businesses as our main audience. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive keyword research and identify the most effective terms for our target audience. - Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies to improve our site’s visibility. - Monitor and report on SEO performance and make necessary adjustments. - Perform competitive analysis to identify SEO opportunities and threats in the translation services market. - Conduct technical SEO audits to ensure our website is optimized for global SEO best practices. - Develop and implement a content strategy tha...

€55 Average bid
€55 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

"NEEDS TO SHOW PROOF THAT YOU KNOW HOW TO COMP PROPERTIES I WILL SEND YOU 3 ADDRESSES AND YOU WILL SEND ME THE CORRECT COMPS THANK YOU THIS IS A LONG TERM PROJECT...SHOW PROOF THAT YOU KNOW HOW TO COMP PROPERTIES I WILL SEND YOU 3 ADDRESSES AND YOU WILL SEND ME THE CORRECT COMPS THANK YOU THIS IS A LONG TERM PROJECT" I'm in need of a Virtual Assistant with strong expertise in real estate property valuation and analysis. The assistant will primarily focus on single family homes, duplexes, and multi-family properties. Key Responsibilities: - Data entry and organization - Property valuation and analysis - Market research Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proficiency in Zillow and Redfin - Strong analytical skills - Excellent data organization capabilities - Experienc...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Průměr. nabídka
31 nabídky

I'm seeking an experienced academic writer to help me with a research paper in the field of humanities, specifically focusing on history. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in writing academic papers, particularly in the field of history. - Strong research skills and ability to critically analyse historical sources. - Excellent command of English and ability to write in a clear, concise, and academic style. - Experience with formatting and referencing according to academic standards.

€14 Average bid
€14 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky need of a detail-oriented proofreader and editor for an elementary school level history textbook. The ideal freelancer should be proficient in grammar and punctuation, have a knack for enhancing clarity and readability, and possess a strong understanding of historical accuracy. Key responsibilities include: - Thoroughly proofreading the text for grammatical and punctuation errors - Editing the content to improve clarity and readability for an elementary school audience - Verifying the historical accuracy of the content Skills and experience required: - Proven experience in proofreading and editing educational materials, particularly history textbooks - Exceptional understanding of grammar and punctuation - Ability to simplify complex ideas for young readers - Strong ...

€56 Average bid
€56 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

I'm looking for a LaTeX expert to format my research paper. The specific sections that need attention are: - Abstract and Introduction - Methodology and Results - Discussion and Conclusion The paper should be formatted according to standard LaTeX formatting guidelines. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with LaTeX - Attention to detail - Ability to understand and implement formatting guidelines correctly. Please submit a bid if you can help.

€9 Average bid
€9 Průměr. nabídka
6 nabídky

I am looking for an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in data engineering and basic AI/ML to help build a prototype for a legal research platform. The platform will involve: - Designing and implementing a database to store and organize legal documents in Arabic. - Developing a search functionality with advanced filtering options, supporting Arabic text. - Integrating basic AI/ML capabilities for text classification, similarity analysis, search, and summarization. - Creating a simple frontend for searching and viewing documents. The ideal candidate should have: - Strong experience in full-stack development (backend and frontend). - Knowledge of database design and data pipelines. - Familiarity with AI/ML tools and frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, or NLP libraries...

€13 Average bid
€13 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

I'm seeking a skilled writer with expertise in Science and Technology for a research paper focused on molecular docking and simulation. Ideal freelancers should: - Have a strong background in writing research papers - Understand the principles of molecular docking and simulation - Be able to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.

€20 Average bid
€20 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

objetivo principal avaliar a eficiência de fundos de investimento que seguem critérios ESG, comparando-os com fundos tradicionais, e investigar se a adoção de práticas ESG impacta positivamente o desempenho financeiro desses fundos. Para isso preciso que a pessoa tenha capacidade de coletar os dados, pelo REFINITV, moornin, Bloomberg Terminalgstar ou MSCI ESG Research. Preciso que seja Feita a analise DEA pelo R STUDIO e me traga os resultados encontrados bem explicados. Quero ter acesso a base de dados usada para analise e preciso que seja esclarecida como foram coletadas cada variaivel. E simplesmente depois fazer a analise dos resultados. A base de dados deve trazer pelo menos os dados de 5 anos sendo de 30 fundos ESG e 30 fundos tradicionais ...

€46 / hr Average bid
€46 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

I am looking for a freelancer to create over 500 manual local citations for my business in Canada. The primary focus will be on healthcare-specific directories, but general local directories can also be included when appropriate. It is essential that the citations are created manually, without the use of any tools or AI. **Key Requirements: ** - Research and identify suitable Canadian healthcare-specific directories. - Create accurate and consistent citations across all platforms. - Prioritize quality over quantity to ensure citations come from reputable sources. - Vet directories for relevance and domain authority. - Ensure directories are free of spam and have good site health. - Ensure directories have relevant categories for a healthcare business. - Double-check the consistenc...

€31 Average bid
€31 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

I need three whiteboard/animated videos showing the day in a life of three different characters using technology. No sound needed as someone will be narrarating these in person. We just want to be able to show the actions happening in a compelling way with animation. I will provide relevant contextual screenshots or videos of what should be shown on any computer screens or in any specific office space. Our timeline is less than a week to get this project done. Here is the script for context on timing: (Storyboard can be provided if needed for shot by shot, what should show.) Information Worker: Alex It's the evening, and Alex is home planning his workday for tomorrow. Using Copilot, he summarizes his tasks and meetings. He doesn't normally plan to go into the of...

€316 Average bid
€316 Průměr. nabídka
32 nabídky

I'm looking for a professional data collector to gather email addresses of Chemists based in South Australia, particular...looking for a professional data collector to gather email addresses of Chemists based in South Australia, particularly in and around Adelaide. The collected data will be used for email marketing campaigns, so it's essential that this information is accurate and up-to-date. Key Responsibilities: - Research and compile a comprehensive list of Chemists in South Australia - Ensure all data is current and correct - Deliver the data in an easy-to-use format for email marketing Ideal Skills: - Strong research skills - Experience with data collection and email list building - Familiarity with the chemist sector in South Australia is a plus - Proficie...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
28 nabídky

I am seeking a skilled professional to assist in launching a casual wear clothing brand based in Canada, targeted towards teens an...will focus on vintage and retro styles, so a strong understanding and appreciation of these aesthetics is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive business plan. - Create unique, appealing vintage and retro designs. - Conduct market research to understand current trends and preferences among the target audience. - Assist with brand development and marketing strategies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of vintage and retro fashion. - Experience in casual wear design. - Strong business acumen and market research skills. - Proven track record in brand development. - Excellent understanding of teen and young adul...

€218 Average bid
€218 Průměr. nabídka
20 nabídky

Job Description: I am looking for a virtual assistant to help me create eBooks. It is mandatory that the freelancer has basic English knowledge, as the eBooks will be generated in this language and converted to PDF format. Tasks: (Mandatory!) ✅ Have an active account on the website ? ✅ Create eBooks in PDF format following the provided guidelines. ✅ Research and organize content for the eBooks. ✅ Ensure that the material is well formatted and ready for use. Requirements: ✔️ Active account on the website ? ✔️ Basic knowledge of English to handle eBook creation. ✔️ Experience in content creation or virtual assistance. ✔️ Organizational skills to properly format and manage eBooks. ✔️ Ability to suggest ideas for new eBooks! ⚠️ ATTENTION! ? Before

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
22 nabídky

I run a startup and I require a dedicated assistant. Your primary tasks will revolve around conducting market research and managing my Facebook pages and groups. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct market research to inform our business strategy - Manage and curate content for our Facebook pages and groups Skills Required: - Proficient in using Facebook for business - Experience with conducting market research - Strong administrative skills Your research will help us better understand our market and our competitors so we can strategize effectively. In your bid, only write the word "bluebird" so I know you read this far, and I'll message you. With a simple task to see if you can work fast. Please don't bid if you won't do the task. Thanks...

€27 Average bid
€27 Průměr. nabídka
36 nabídky

...on brand launches? We’re looking for a proactive Virtual Assistant to help us execute our go-to-market strategy for our wellness brand. This role is not a simple administrative position—we need someone who can think critically, leverage AI for efficiency, and execute growth-driven strategies. You will work directly with the Founder/CEO and collaborate with our creative and digital teams to ensure a seamless product launch and marketing rollout. ⸻ Key Responsibilities E-Commerce & Amazon Expansion • Lead the Amazon launch process, including product listings, PPC optimization, and A+ Content. • Research DTC and retail expansion opportunities to grow the brand’s reach. AI-Driven Workflow & Automation • Leverage AI (and non-AI) ...

€7 - €14 / hr
€7 - €14 / hr
29 nabídky

I am looking for a skilled web developer with experience in website hosting and backend database management. The project involves creating a folder in File Manager/public_html, where an HTML script will be saved and published as a tool page on the internet and social media platforms. This page will extend our main website (e.g., ). The final goal is to convert the HTML file to PHP, create a backend database for storing customer inquiries, and ensure the tool functions correctly. Additionally, the developer will train me via MS Teams to ensure I understand the process for future maintenance. The intention is to publish the tool successfully and correct any issues in the PHP script and backend setup during the process. Scope of Work: 1. Folder Creation & File Upload:

€125 Average bid
€125 Průměr. nabídka
139 nabídky
Research on UK Stock
6 dní left

...transaction that took place in relation to a specific UK listed stock that was listed on the London Stock Exchange. Research Focus: - Identify whether there were any market rumours, leaks or speculation regarding a particular M&A transaction before it closed in 2023. - Time period: the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Deliverables: - Details of findings and the sources checked - Copies of source references Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong research skills - Access to and familiarity with both free and subscription-based information sources where market rumour, speculation or leaks might be found such as Bloomberg Chat Please include in your proposal: - Details of the research tools you have access to. - Your estimated timeframe for completion ...

€785 Average bid
€785 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky

I am in need of an expert in operations research and mathematical modeling who can develop a multi-objective, multi-period location-routing model, based on several critical assumptions like heterogeneous vehicle and differents types of products. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing complex models for multi-objective optimization. - Strong understanding of both location and routing optimization. - Proficiency in GAMS programming. For this task, I expect the following deliverables: 1. Review the proposed model and adjust the formulation as needed to ensure valid results. 2. Refine the mathematical model in GAMS and validate it using test instances in Excel. 3. Implement the multi-objective weighting method to solve the problem and assess the relative importance of the...

€256 Average bid
€256 Průměr. nabídka
9 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled digital illustrator specializing in fantasy art to bring to life a mythical character named Dronuas. The Lord of the Unmanned. Character Details: - Dronuas resembles Conan the Barbarian. - He wears FPV Goggles on his head. The goggles look through seeing ...leading a charge, with various types of drones in tow. Illustration Requirements: - The style must be detailed, vibrant, and immersive fantasy art. - The mood is 'heroic and inspiring'. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proficiency in creating digital illustrations. - Previous work in fantasy art. - Ability to convey a specific mood or atmosphere in illustrations. Please do your research on similar characters and themes. A clear understanding of the project will help...

€318 Average bid
€318 Průměr. nabídka
93 nabídky

...passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ✅ Ensure all videos align with our branding, tone, and visual style while maintaining high quality. ✅ Select relevant background music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enhance engagement. ✅ Repurpose long-form content into YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Průměr. nabídka
41 nabídky

I'm seeking help with a university-level research paper. The project is centered around software development for mobile platforms. Areas of need include: - Literature Review: Assistance in sourcing and reviewing relevant literature. - Data Analysis: Help in analyzing gathered data. - Writing and Editing: Support in drafting and refining the paper. Ideal candidates should have experience in academic research and mobile software development, with strong skills in data analysis and academic writing.

€94 Average bid
€94 Průměr. nabídka
44 nabídky

Dear Freelancer, We are Agape IMR, a Market Research Agency specialized in Fieldwork services for various industries. Currently we are searching for an expert of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, to develop Puerto Rican Market and to attend one of our clients 1 or 2 days in the week of March 12-15th. We offer the opportunity for professional development and to work in a nice environment with like-minded people. Desirable profile : Business language and professional experience to deal with corporate clients Any gender Any age ( preferrably 30+) Market Research Fieldwork experience is a must ( at least 1 year or having participated in some projects ) If worked in companies like Ipsos, GFK, Kantar and the like will be a strong plus and will be considered ...

€81 Average bid
€81 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

I am in need of a skilled thesis writer with expertise in the field of ENT within medicine. My research is an observational study, and I am seeking a professional who can help bring my ideas to fruition in a compelling and academically rigorous manner. Key qualifications: - Strong background in medical writing, particularly in ENT - Experience with observational studies - Excellent research, writing and editing skills

€221 Average bid
€221 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

I am seeking an expert in Amazon product research with a proven track record using various tools such as Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZScout. Your main responsibilities will include: - Identifying profitable products - Analyzing the competition - Conducting market trends analysis In addition to product research, I need assistance with: - SEO and keyword research - PPC advertising - Listing optimization Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Amazon FBA and be proficient in all mentioned tools. Strong analytical skills and a good understanding of Amazon's ecosystem are crucial for this role.

€106 Average bid
€106 Průměr. nabídka
40 nabídky

We are looking for a fresher to join our startup as an Inventory Management Assistant. This role is perfect for someone who is eager to learn about inventory control, stock management, and supply chain processes in the fashion and apparel industry. As a growing garments brand, we need a dedicated individual who can help us keep track of stock, manage entries, and assist with order fulfillment. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Inventory Tracking & Management: Maintain accurate stock levels, update inventory records, and ensure real-time tracking of available products. ✅ Amazon & Meesho Listings: Add and update inventory on Amazon, Meesho, and other e-commerce platforms to ensure stock accuracy. ✅ Stock Entry & Updates: Regularly update stock counts in spreadsheets or inventory ma...

€19 Average bid
€19 Průměr. nabídka
20 nabídky

I'm in need of a seasoned data analyst with a solid command of inferential statistics to assist with the analysis of laboratory data for a medical research project. The data consists of multiple groups for comparison, and the primary aim is to extract valuable insights that can reinforce our research outcomes. Key Responsibilities: - Implement inferential statistical techniques to interpret the laboratory data. - Analyze the data using mean and standard deviation, frequency distribution, and cross-tabulation. Ideal Skills: - Mastery of inferential statistics. - Prior experience working with laboratory data is a plus. - In-depth understanding of specified statistical methods (mean and standard deviation, frequency distribution, cross-tabulation). The data is la...

€101 Average bid
€101 Průměr. nabídka
26 nabídky

I'm seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets...seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in pooled investment in alternative assets. Key Requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create engaging, informative content - Writer will need to do good amount of research to assemble the content for the blog - Writer will need to deliver the sources of all the numbers & stats mentioned in the content - Writer will need to search for 3-4 matching royalty free images, which can be used in the post - Average 1000 words / post Initial engagement will be for 20 posts,...

€359 Average bid
€359 Průměr. nabídka
59 nabídky