Mobile app security auditpráce
Ahoj, jsme malá firma, proto hledám administrátora...záloha, aktualizace, nastavení TLS spojení, on-line replikace Master/Slave, nastavení cluster • Správa sítě – konfigurace a výměna prvků - switches, dohled, Správa a nastavení firewallů, včetně práce s WAF - Web Application Firewalls a aplikace na loadbalancing • Zálohování – provádění, kontrola, nastavení • Instalace, nastavení a správa VMware virtualizačního prostředí • Práce se software SIEM - Security Information and Event Manager • Práce s IPS - Intrusion Prevent Systems • Linux Debian • Bezpečnost – ...
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Oldřich Míša, jsem ze Znojma, OSVČ a poskytuji Privátní finanční audit. Vlastním web domenu a potřebuji z webové domeny vytvořit a zprovoznit komlet i email s vl. domenou a v tomto přenastavit DNS, SPF a DKIM záznamy - ideálně propojit s outlookem a nastavit patičku atd. kontakt na mně je tel.: 605 208 390
...About us: We are an advertising agency together with a video and graphic studio, which focuses on medium and large companies. Form of audit and brochure: Technically describe how a particular industry works, list the subcategories that may be audited for the proper functioning of the brand or project. In individual branches and mention and incorporate the methodology of work (not the solution; the solution is the subject of another assignment). Form of text output: - Module name: XY - Methodology of work of our company - Content (as determined by headings and numbering of individual categories) - Name and number audit subcategories + describe the text theoretically. Here is an example of the form of work of one developed module for strategy:
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Portal T-Mobile a Slovak Telekom se rozviji rychlym zpusobem a hledame dalsi lidi do teamu na kratkodobou ci dlouhodobou spolupraci.
Aplikace pro Android Potřebuji ji navrhnout a vytvořit Poptávám aplikaci, která z našeho interního systému vytáhne servisní tikety z MySQL databáze, zobrazí přihlášené u uživateli jen to, co je přiděleno k práci pro něj. Aplikace by v ideálním případě měla sloužit pro zpracování Tiketu na místě, jeho podepsání uživatelem na displayi a následně odeslání údajů do naší databáze.
Aplikace pro iPhone/iPad Pouze iPhone Potřebuji ji navrhnout a vytvořit
Aplikace pro iPhone/iPad Pouze iPhone Potřebuji ji navrhnout a vytvořit
Mobilní verze mobilních stránek (pouze mobilní) Návrh již mám
Aplikace pro iPhone/iPad Pouze iPhone Návrh již mám Mám zájem o vytvoření appky, podobné aplikaci Strava, ale ne pro cyklisty, ale běžce. Různě po čr by byli námi předem nadefinované trasy (od 500metrů až do maratonu). Uživatel by se zde zaregistroval a když by šel běhat, měl by aplikaci zaplou. Jakmile by proběhl startem určené trasy, appka by automaticky začala měřit čas a proběhnutím cíle by se čas zaznamenal do výsledků. Poté by bylo možno sledovat průbězné statistiky (tydení rekordý, měsíční a pdobně) zároveň by mohli běžci závodit mezi svými přáteli. Požaduji modrní design! Jelikož nám jde hodně o cenu, n&aac...
Aplikace pro Android Potřebuji ji navrhnout a vytvořit
Aplikace pro iPhone/iPad Pouze iPhone Potřebuji ji navrhnout a vytvořit
ComSource s r.o. Společnost Comsource, s.r.o. je mladá dynamicky se rozvíjející společnost působící v oblasti komplexních řešení v oblasti networkingu a security pro velká ISP poskytovatele, Datová centra a velké společnosti. JavaScript frontend developer na ultra super projekt Děláme velkou věc a děláme ji dobře, používají nás firmy po celém světě. Chráníme Internet přes DDoS útoky a jinou digitální havětí. Vlastně sis díky nám mohl koupit oblíbenou věc ve svém oblíbeném e-shopu, dívat se na video, na Live přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml...
Hledáme progra...Možnost práce odkudkoli – pracuj si kdekoli chceš, pouze buď na příjmu Vhodné pro studenty čehokoli, záleží nám jen, jestli to zvládneš Jsme relativně tolerantní k termínu odevzdání práce Nabízíme práci na hře, která bude nejoriginálnějším počinem v jejím odvětví s obrovským potenciálem. Tato hra se umístila v Top10 projektech Plzeňského kraje soutěže organizované společností T-Mobile Pokud si budeme rozumět, může se vyvinout dlouhodobější spolupráce na dalších projektech. CO OCENÍME: Když má&...
Hledáme do svého týmu zkušeného front-endového technologa, který svou samostatností a přehledem bude schopen pracovat na zajímavých úlohách se zajímavými technologiemi tak aby v několika inkrementech společně s námi doručil na trh novou mobilní platformu, kterou bude používat cely svět. Co se od tebe očekává: • Minimum 5 let zkušeností jako frond-end developer za použití Javascript, HTML, • CSS Zkušenosti s AngularJS na velice pokročilé úrovni - 2 roky zkušeností • Schopnost používat HTTP REST a JSON je nutnost • Zkušenosti s TDD • Znalosti verzovacíc...
I’m looking for a budget‑conscious, experienced full‑stack developer to audit and enhance the first iteration (MVP) of my GroceryDeal platform. The current MVP is built with Flask/Python and integrates with the Kroger API to aggregate grocery deals. However, the app currently only has a few screens and is facing issues with API endpoint configuration and token management (e.g., 404/403 errors and invalid tokens). Project Goals for MVP: Screens (3–4): -Home/Search Page: A simple page where users can enter a product query and zip code. -Results Page: Display aggregated grocery deals from the Kroger API (or fallback dummy data) based on the search query and location. -Product Details Page: Show detailed product information including nutrition data and images. -Blog...
We already have screenshots designed for our mobile application listing for our Apple App store and Google Play store app. We need to add a background to these screenshots and then we need to export these screenshots in the size and format recommended by Apple and Google so that we can upload these screenshots for our app listings. I will share the background ideas that we have via Freelancer chat.
I'm establishing a delivery company and need a talented professional from Alexandria to help me with digital transformation. My team consists of 8 employees, and we need you to help us: - Set up and optimize a Zoho ERP system tailored for our needs. - Integrate this system with our website and social media and mobile application The ERP system should generate crucial reports covering sales, employee performance, accounting, and HR. Training is a key part of this project. Once the system is set up, you will need to instruct my team on how to use it effectively, interpret the reports, and apply the insights to improve our processes. Ideally, you should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Zoho ERP , odoo - integration skills. - Strong training abilities. - A kna...
I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create a simple, user-friendly ride share app for both iOS and Android. The app should enable car pooling with a listing rides page. This won't be an online/offline model like Uber; rather, it will have a straightforward interface. Key Features: - User Ratings and Reviews: To foster trust and community amongst users. - In-App Messaging: To facilitate communication between riders and drivers. - Ride History: Allowing users to keep track of their rides. User Authentication: - Sign up and login should be exclusively via Phone number and OTP for security and simplicity. Payment Integration: - The app should support Digital Wallets for transactions. Ideal skills for this project...
I need a vibrant, professional design for my Transit Connect van. The design should avoid a daycare vibe, yet be colorful and appealing. Key details to include: - Emphasize my mobile crafting DIY service - Highlight the various events I cater to (corporate events, private parties, date nights, gal pal nights, etc.) - Convey a friendly and fun atmosphere I envision some subtle, clever details like a paint brush, a glue gun, and other crafting implements integrated into the design. The van should also include: - My website and a QR code - My contact number - My social media handles I am looking for someone with strong graphic design skills, preferably with experience in vehicle advertising. A knack for creating visually compelling designs that communicate a message effectively ...
I'm seeking an experienced consultant who can help in creating a property management mobile application. The consultant's responsibilities will include: - Developing comprehensive project requirements and technical specifications - Recommending the optimal technology stack - Overseeing vendor selection - Monitoring all development phases from planning through deployment. The app needs to support both iOS and Android platforms, with the main functionality being a home rental booking solution. It should also cater to three user roles: Property owners, Tenants, and Property managers. The ideal consultant for this project should have: - 7+ years of experience in mobile app development - Extensive knowledge and experience in property management.
...embedded engineer with experience in IoT development, specifically home automation. The primary focus of this project is to use the ESP32 to control and monitor security systems within a home setup. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement an IoT-based home security system using the ESP32. - Ensure smooth integration of various security components (cameras, alarms, sensors) into the system. - Provide a user-friendly interface for easy control and monitoring. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with ESP32 and embedded engineering. - Strong background in IoT and home automation. - Proven track record in designing and implementing security systems. - Excellent problem-solving skills. - Ability to create intuitive user interfaces. Please include relevant...
...[X]% within [X] months. (you fill in the X with what you know you can do) - Optimize for local, national, and international SEO (for Texas USA). - Outrank competitors in [HVAC, AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE COMPANIES]. - Improve user experience (UX) and conversion rates (CRO). --- ### **2. Technical SEO Requirements** Ask the freelancer to confirm expertise in: - **Core Technical SEO**: - Mobile-first, responsive design (Google’s Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID, CLS). - Page speed optimization (target <2s load time). - Clean URL structure (SEO-friendly permalinks). - HTTPS/SSL implementation. - XML sitemap + optimization. - Structured data markup ( for rich snippets). - Canonicalization to avoid duplicate content. - 404 error handling and redirects (301/302...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in blockchain technology and wireless sensor networks. The primary focus of this project is to design a robust security scheme centered around single-factor, password-based authentication. Key Aspects: - The main security concern is ensuring the integrity of the authentication process. - The method of choice for this project is password-based authentication. - I do not require multi-factor authentication; the system should be designed for single-factor authentication only. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in blockchain technology. - Comprehensive understanding of wireless sensor networks. - Expertise in designing secure authentication systems. - Experience with password-based authentication systems. Your bid will be considered b...
This project aims to develop a mobile application leveraging assistive technology to aid visually impaired users by recognizing images and providing detailed, real-time descriptions. The app uses a camera to capture images of the environment, processes these images through advanced image recognition algorithms, and then generates audio descriptions of the identified objects. These descriptions are conveyed to the user through a text-to-speech (TTS) system, ensuring that visually impaired individuals can better understand their surroundings. The app focuses on accessibility, allowing users to point their phones at objects, capture photos, and hear detailed information about the contents of the image, such as the presence of objects (e.g., people, animals, buildings), th...
I'm looking for a skilled MERN stack developer to help me enhance an existing internal business application. The task will primarily involve adding new features to this tool. Key Features to be Implemented: - Reporting Dashboard: I need a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights and analytics. - User Authentication: Enhancing security and user management through robust authentication systems. - API Integration: Connecting our tool with other software and services for seamless operation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). - Experience in developing and adding features to internal business tools. - Knowledge in creating reporting dashboards. - Expertise in implementing user authentication systems. - Proficiency in API ...
I need a skilled developer to fix some alignment problems with my website's model popup. The issues are present across all device types - mobile, tablet, and desktop, so responsiveness is key. - Main Task: Fix alignment issues with model popup across all device types. - Secondary Task: Integrate WeatherAPI to display current weather on the site. Ideal skills for this project include strong web development experience, a keen eye for alignment and styling issues, and familiarity with WeatherAPI.
I need a modern and sleek mobile detailing website urgently, with a deadline set for today. The primary purpose of this website is to showcase our services. Key Requirements: - Website design and development similar to , could be a direct replica. - Adherence to a modern and sleek design style. - Use of a color scheme skin to Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design. - Experience with creating service showcasing websites. - Ability to work under tight deadlines.
...The website will feature an admin panel to manage content dynamically, allowing the addition, editing, and deletion of: • Solutions • Products • Brands • Clients The admin panel will also allow users to set SEO meta titles and descriptions for each page to improve search engine rankings. Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ Dashboard with an overview of website content ✅ Add/Edit/Delete Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ SEO Management: Set meta...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a mobile inventory management application specifically for Android. The application should primarily focus on real-time stock updates. Key Features: - Real-time stock updates: This is a critical aspect of the application. The ability to monitor inventory in real-time is essential for the successful management of the stock. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Mobile App Development: Proven experience in Android mobile app development is a must. - Inventory Management Systems: Previous work on inventory management applications will be highly regarded. - Real-time Data Handling: Expertise in creating applications that handle real-time data efficiently will be crucial.
...The website will feature an admin panel to manage content dynamically, allowing the addition, editing, and deletion of: • Solutions • Products • Brands • Clients The admin panel will also allow users to set SEO meta titles and descriptions for each page to improve search engine rankings. Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ Dashboard with an overview of website content ✅ Add/Edit/Delete Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ SEO Management: Set meta...
...understand what we do. Also besides all the services on the old website, i want the website to present us as an AI first software consulting firm. Not just typical digital transformation. Also need graphics and animations to show that besides the text We are AI technology consulting firm that provides software consulting services like software development, AI, testing, automation, infrastructure and security. But we are also would like to be presented as AI first company which means we provide AI services in software and the tools we use in our day to day work The idea is that when an investor or a client browse the website, they should get the feeling that we are software consulting firm but also AI capable I'm also looking for some animation and maybe presentations to s...
I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer to revamp the user interface and experience of my existing, live Android and iOS app. The areas of focus for this redesign are the Home screen and the User profile. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in UI/UX design, particularly for mobile applications. - A deep understanding of usability principles and best practices. - Ability to provide innovative design solutions without specific references. - Previous work demonstrating a capability to modernize app interfaces and improve user engagement. The primary goal of this redesign is to enhance the overall usability of the app. I am open to creative suggestions and do not have specific design references or inspirations. Your expertise in this area will be crucial t...
...must be at peace with this. • Our culture within our team is important to us – so no toxic energy. Once you are okay with the above, please feel free to continue reading our job posting! Job Description: We are seeking an experienced cross-platform mobile app developer to build an AI-powered, offline-first enterprise-grade application for iOS and Android. The app will feature advanced AI/ML capabilities, work seamlessly in offline mode, and integrate with a secure enterprise backend. Key Requirements: • Minimum 5 years of experience in mobile app development. • Expertise in cross-platform frameworks (React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin). • Strong AI/ML experience – TensorFlow Lite, ONNX, Core ML, or similar. • Exper...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Financial Auditor & Bookkeeper Position (2025-2026 Audit Season) About the Role We are an established accounting firm seeking experienced financial auditors for the 2025 audit season with potential for long-term collaboration. The primary focus is financial audit work, with a supplementary bookkeeping component to evaluate technical capabilities. Audit Responsibilities ($5,000 total) Serve as part of our audit engagement team from November 2025 through March 2026 Work with clients remotely via Zoom/WhatsApp/Skype Conduct thorough financial reviews and document findings $1,000 monthly compensation Bookkeeping Responsibilities ($100 per month) Process approximately 200 bank transactions Record approximately 400 journal entries (including invoices, de...
I'm looking for a skilled React and Tailwind CSS UI developer to enhance the existing user interface of my project. The UI needs to be optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Key Requirements: - Improve the overall layout of the existing UI - Optimize the UI for all device types - Implement design references I will provide Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React and Tailwind CSS - Experience with responsive design - Strong understanding of overall UI/UX principles Given that I have specific design references, a keen eye for detail and the ability to translate these references into a functional UI will be crucial. The project is expected to last for about 10-15 days.
I am looking for a skilled Android developer with proficiency in Kotlin and hands-on experience integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) into mobile applications. The primary focus will be on implementing chatbot functionality and text analytics within the app. Key Responsibilities: Develop and integrate NLP-powered chatbots into the app. Implement text analytics for enhanced user interaction. Ensure multilingual support for chatbot functionalities. Ideal Candidate: Strong expertise in Kotlin and Android development. Proven experience in NLP implementation within mobile apps. Background in chatbot development and text analytics. Experience working with multilingual applications. This is a long-term opportunity, and compensation will be discussed based on e...
### **Project Title:** E-Commerce Saree Shop App Using Angular – Admin & User Management ### **Project Description:** I am looking for a skilled **Angular developer** to build a **custom eCommerce application** for my **saree shop**. The platform will have **two panels**: 1️⃣ **Admin Panel** – To manage products, categories, orders, and customers. 2️⃣ **User Panel** – To browse products, place orders, and make secure payments. ### **Key Requirements:** ✅ **Tech Stack:** **Angular (Frontend), Node.js (Backend), MongoDB/MySQL (Database)** ✅ **Admin Panel Features:** - Product & category management - Order tracking & processing - Customer & inventory management - Sales reports & analytics ✅ **User Panel Fea...
I am looking for a virtual assistant with an Android phone to help clean up and format 55 articles on a mobile app. This project must be completed within 48 hours, so only bid if you are available to start immediately and finish on time. Requirements: • Must have an Android phone (as work will be done within a mobile app). • Must understand spoken English on video (I will provide video instructions). • Basic web editing skills required (editing in a WYSIWYG editor). • Do not delete any content or modify anything outside of the specified cleanup tasks. • If this goes well, I may have other virtual assistant tasks for you in the future. Tasks Involved: • Author Attribution: Add missing author names prominently for member-writt...
...Services ✅ Edit & Manage Services, Pricing, and Plans ✅ Monitor Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing Requests ✅ Integration with Google Analytics & Rank Math SEO for performance tracking ✅ Easy Content Management via Elementor or Gutenberg 6️⃣ Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing Page ✅ Showcase of Available Security Services in a professional layout ✅ Request a Comprehensive Security Audit for websites & applications ✅ Track Security Reports & Findings via the client dashboard ✅ Book Security Assessment Appointments & Track Request Status ✅ Client Interaction via Support Tickets & Live Assistance 7️⃣ Contact & Support Page ✅ Quick Contact Form via WPForms or Contact Form 7 ✅ Display Contact Information (Email, Phone...
I'm seeking a seasoned cyber security expert to conduct a comprehensive audit of our security systems. The primary aim of this audit is to identify vulnerabilities within our infrastructure. Key Requirements: - Perform an in-depth evaluation of both our internal and external networks. - Propose actionable solutions to mitigate identified risks. - Deliver a detailed report outlining discovered vulnerabilities and recommended remediation steps. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in cyber security audits. - Strong understanding of network security protocols. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
I'm seeking a skilled game developer to create a mobile real-time strategy (RTS) game with a focus on online multiplayer. Core Features: - The game must include a robust multiplayer matchmaking system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing mobile games, particularly RTS titles. - Expertise in implementing multiplayer systems. - Knowledge of mobile game monetization strategies, even though in-game purchases are not a core feature, some insight into this would be beneficial. Please share your previous work that aligns with this project.
...and app development, hosting, cybersecurity, penetration testing, and server & domain sales. The platform is dynamic, fast, and secure, featuring a professional dashboard for both clients and administrators. Core Features ✅ User Registration & Login with secure authentication using JWT ✅ Client Dashboard to manage orders, services, servers, and domains ✅ Admin Dashboard for managing users, orders, services, and analytics ✅ E-commerce Store for selling domains and servers with WHMCS integration for sales management ✅ Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing Services with a dedicated request system ✅ Simple & Professional Design (Minimalistic and Dynamic) compatible with all devices ✅ Professional Database Management ensuring efficiency and security for all opera...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer with extensive experience in Magento and e-commerce site development. The project entails creating a mobile application for an e-commerce platform built on Magento. Key requirements: - Proficient in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce platforms. - Extensive knowledge and experience with Magento. - Ability to integrate e-commerce features into the mobile app. - Understanding of user-friendly interface design for e-commerce apps. Your task will be to translate an existing or new Magento e-commerce site into a fully functional, seamless mobile application. Skills in data analysis could be beneficial for optimizing user experience and app performance based on user da...
...System Design & Architecture: Design and structure a SaaS platform focused on educational management. Ensure scalability, security, and performance of the system. Create a multi-tenant architecture to allow different institutions to use the platform simultaneously, with their own data and configurations. Develop core modules such as student registration, class scheduling, grade management, teacher-student interaction, etc. 2. Frontend Development: Design and implement responsive, modern user interfaces for both web and mobile platforms. 3. Testing & Optimization: Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve bugs. Optimize the platform for performance, security, and usability. Skills and Qualifications: Proven experience in SaaS design and deve...