Microcontroller based projects home pagepráce
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu
Zabýváme se výzkumy přičemž často využíváme různých chytrých on-line formulářů či SW aplikace s pokročilými výpočty a grafy. Máme dobrou úspěšnost projektů podpořených Technologickou Agenturou České Republiky. Někter...nakódované v Bootstrapu • Na backend používáme C# a ASP.NET Core • Data jsou uložená v SQL Serveru a pro přístup používáme Entity Framework • Celý projekt udržujeme na Githubu. Co Vám nabízíme • Nabízíme ohodnocení v rozmezí od 3800 - 5200kč za MD. • Spolupráci formou d&iacu...
? O pracovní příležitosti Spravuješ weby, SEO máš v malíku a zároveň tě baví grafika? U nás tenhle unikátní skillset patřičně v...Instagram, ▪ navržení jednoduchého náborového letáku. ? Co na oplátku nabízíme? ▪ Pestrou práci v božím kolektivu, ▪ mzdu odpovídající tvému skillsetu ▪ extra vánoční dovolenou, ▪ možnost rozvíjet vlastní schopnosti, inovovat, realizovat nápady. Hledáme plný úvazek, který se skládá hlavně z výše uvedených úkolů. Zároveň ti můžeme slíbit, že se určitě nebudeš nudit ...
...testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of tests spread over 1 month. Job description: -Tasks w...
Dobrý den, poptávám vytvoření jednostránkového webu, který bude sloužit jako osobní webová prezentace. Moje představa: Jednoduchost a čistota Jednostránka Na úvodu foto v jedné části, v druhé text (představení) Níže text (skills) Reference 5x - logo firmy, osoba, pozice, text reference Kontakt Nechám si doporučit vhodné řešení. Předem děkuji za nabídku. S pozdravem, David
Práce na full-time, úvazek minimálně 1 rok - možnost prodloužení. Návrh, design komunikace, doporučení/optimalizace komunikačních rozhraní výrobních zařízení (převážně PLC), zprostředkování dat mezi systémy s využitím Kepware server (OPC komunikace, různé PLC drivery), poskytnutí dat nadřazeným systémům. Definice standardů. Výkon u zákazníka (Mladá Boleslav) , po zapracování možný částečný home office.
Home decor metal products hard goods
Page Optimizer Pro Expert NO GENERALIST!!!
...budujeme škálovatelnou službu využívající pro procesování událostí Kafku, data ukládáme v NoSql databazi a s webem a mobilními aplikacemi komunikuje přes REST API Koho hledáme? - Vývojáře. Kodéra, který/á nám pomůže s vývojem nových komponent backendu a API - Člověka, kterého baví novinky na trhu a pokud nám zlepší práci, je ochoten je implementovat - Práce z kanceláře na Malé Straně, částečný home office možný Co nabízíme? - Práci ideálně na IČO nebo DPP/DPČ - Mzdu vymyslíme v závislosti na zkušenost...
Dobrý den, sháním někoho, kdo mi zpracuje logo podle vizitky, kterou používám a také vytvoří návrh na jednoduchou grafiku pro mé posty na fb, abych do nich mohla doplňovat jednotlivá hesla, příklady správného použití slov a gramatiky apod., zkrátka si je obměňovat dle potřeby. Také uvítám návrh obrázku v hlavičce fb fan page (úvodní a profilový obrázek). Nebudu se zlobit ani za případnou radu jak na fb fan page :-) Projekt: Jazyková polepšovna. ()
...Webem - registrace RČ a firem online, vložení dokumentů v podobě pdf nebo jpg. Generování smluv, potvrzení smluv, vop a souhlasu se zpracováním osobních údajů zákazníkem + autorizace sms Komunikace s dalším softwarem-odesílá uložená data z back office do dalšího software a zpět+výstupy. Komunikace s účetním systémem Pohoda-vystavování faktur Bankovním účtem pro spárování přijatých plateb Home office pro obchodní zástupce: Registrace klientu+ nahrávání dokumentů Finanční přehled +statistiky obchodů Dělení provizí ...
web stranky pro Leikadesign, jedná se o designové podlahy a obrazy. Mám hosting, napojený wordpress, vybranou šablonu, po schválení, zda je dobrá, mohu zakoupit. Nejedná se o eshop
Pracujte pro 16 REAL FRIENDS! - jsme parta lidí, kteří věří, že by se lidé měli častěji vídat se svými přáteli offline, věnovat se jim a nekoukat pořád do obrazovky svého mobilu. Máme za sebou silného investora a jsme kousek od spuštění. 2015 byl rok, kdy jsme získali investici pro náš projekt a začali ho vyvíje...Co od TEBE očekáváme: Umění tvořit kvalitní kód Spolehlivost Touhu posunout se někam dál a výš Odhodlanost dát projektu kus sebe Použitelná angličtina pro základní komunikaci Co nabízíme: Unikátní příležitost být u sp...
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuLogo for my company + web page background'
Project for akshay for creating a custom wp plugin
Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci)
Instalace šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci)
Chceme rozšířit naší marketingovou kampaň o buzz marketing(page off marketing). Měl by pomoci získat dobrou pověst značky a obecné povědomí o ní.
Zdravím, měl bych nabídku na dlouhodobější projekt (vývoj standalone aplikace, ne webové) a v případě zájmu pošli více informací.
I'm looking for an expert to help me expand my eBay store. The focus will be on sourcing high-demand, used Home & Garden products and creating optimized listings to enhance visibility and sales. Your responsibilities will include: - Conducting thorough market research to identify trending, in-demand used Home & Garden products. - Providing a curated list of recommended products for my eBay store. - Assisting in the creation of optimized product listings, including crafting compelling titles, detailed descriptions, and selecting appropriate images. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with product sourcing, particularly in the used Home & Garden category. - Expertise in eBay listing optimization. - Strong market research skills. - Excellen...
We are currently running google ads, but we would like to run social media ads.
I'm looking for a professional who can create an exterior elevation of the front of my house to submit to the building department in my local jurisdiction in hopes of them approving a permit for me to convert half of my garage into living space. The drawing will only need to show the two garage bays with one being converted to hardy with a window and the other staying the same.
I'm looking for an expert web developer to create a landing page for showcasing our services. The design should be minimalist and clean, focusing on user experience and easy navigation. The landing page should give the client an option to buy there and there should be a small portion that shows all my expertise that shows my authority in the industry. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a landing page with a minimalist and clean aesthetic. - Showcase our range of services effectively. - Prioritize user experience and easy navigation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. - Experience with creating landing pages for service showcases. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles.
I am seeking a professional architect or designer to create a floor plan for a single-family home, primarily for residential use. This property will accommodate 2-3 bedrooms. Key Requirements: - Design of a practical and efficient layout for a 2-3 bedroom home - Consideration for modern residential needs and aesthetics - Experience in creating floor plans for single-family homes Please include relevant samples of your previous work. NEED SOMEONE CAN WORK ON RIGHT NOW AND TURN AROUND IN LESS THAN 10 HOURS
I'm looking to alter the Bluetooth app for a device that facilitates the control of a specific smart home device - a garage hoist called My Lifter. I need to add timer delays, directional functions and for it to be continuous. Key Requirements: - The app should utilize Bluetooth technology for device control - It should be specifically designed for controlling a garage hoist - The interface should be intuitive for users Ideal Skills: - Proficient in mobile app development with a focus on Bluetooth technology - Prior experience in developing smart home device control apps - Strong skills in UI/UX design for creating user-friendly interfaces
I'm looking for a social media expert who can help me attract real, region-specific followers to my Instagram and TikTok accounts. My content primarily revolves around a ride-hailing platform aimed at the youth. The main goal of this project is to boost my brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Proven track record of growing social media accounts with real, region-specific followers. - Experience in targeting and engaging with the youth demographic. - Knowledge of ride-hailing industry is a plus. - Skills in creating engaging content and strategizing posts for maximum reach. Please note, I am not interested in bots or fake followers. The goal is to establish a genuine and engaged audience.
I am looking for a creative branding design for my French macaron and pastries business, currently taking home orders. The branding should reflect elegance, simplicity, and the delicate allure of French desserts. Requirements: - A primary logo centered around the theme of French macarons and pastries. - Design should evoke sophistication using subtle pastel tones or other fitting artistic styles. - Preference for clean, modern typography. Deliverables: - A logo in multiple formats (vector, PNG, and JPG). - Branding elements like color palette suggestions and variations of the logo for different uses (optional). Ideal Freelancer Qualifications: - Proven experience with elegant and food-related branding. - Proficient in design tools like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. ...
I need a qualified design professional to redesign and create a mockup for a transportation software website Home page based on the attached outline. The design should have a clean, modern look appropriate for a professional corporate Software company. Typography, imagery, and color theme should give off a sterile, contemporary feel, with a simplified user interface and a layout that is easy to navigate with curved dividers and light background pattern abstract, ultimately creating an ideal user experience for the end-user. Current Website: Logo & outline Attached Colors: #02538a, #489ed7, #c9c9c9
Organic 1st page rankings on Amazon for Merch on Demand for T-shirt listings Must do a free test listing to prove you can rank to achieve an organic ranking. Amazing how nobody knows Merch on Demand for T-shirts. This is not for products, FBA, storefront or anything else. Not interested in automated responses You either understand Merch on Demand or you don't
I need a PHP-based fingerprint authentication system utilizing a ZKTeco Live10R fingerprint reader. This project does not require any integration with existing systems or databases, as it will be a standalone solution. Key requirements: - Developing a user authentication system using the fingerprint reader. - Implementing a robust, secure, and user-friendly login process. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in PHP and fingerprint scanner integration. - Strong understanding of user authentication systems. - Experience in developing standalone systems.
I'm launching a new product in the house and kitchen category and need a complete branding package. This includes a logo, product packaging design, and high-quality, Amazon-compliant photos. The main goal of this branding project is to target a specific audience - individuals who prioritize co...appeals to individuals who prioritize comfort and convenience in their daily lives. - Logo creation - Product packaging design - High-quality photography that meets Amazon's guidelines Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Brand development - Product packaging design - Professional photography Experience: - Prior work with house and kitchen products - Successful targeting of home owner demographic in previous projects - Experience with Amazon product photography and unders...
I am in need of a highly skilled web developer with extensive e-commerce experience to create a sophisticated yet minimalistic design website that reflects the historical landmarks of the ancient Silk Road. The website will feature products such as Rugs, Home Decor Essentials, and a separate category for our subsidiary brand focusing on textile products like Bath Towels and Robes. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in designing minimalistic yet sophisticated e-commerce platforms - Ability to integrate various brand features seamlessly - Strong understanding and appreciation for cultural aspects and historical landmarks to incorporate into the design - Ability to work collaboratively with our team and meet tight deadlines The main functionality of the homepage will be to showcase...
Urgent need, expected to complete in 5 hours. I need a professional, high-quality A5 advertisement designed for my business, Victorian Portable Homes Pty Ltd. The ad should include 7 images (which I will provide) and the following text content: " Victorian Portable Homes Pty Ltd Your Trusted Solution for Portable Living! ✅ Double Bedroom Portable Homes Elegant Look Premium Exterior Claddings Front Yard Included ✅ Single Bedroom Homes ✅ All type of Dome Shelters Durable, Weatherproof, and Perfect for Agricultural Use Ideal for Storing Equipment, Livestock Protection, and Crop Storage ✅ Trailers – Wood Pizza Trailer, Kebab Trailer, Coffee Trailer, Saloon Trailer, Ice cream Trailer, and Food Trailer. Victorian Portable Homes Pty Ltd Factory 2/15-16 Natio...
I'm looking for a specialist to set up AI to be my personal assistant. Key requirements: - The primary function of the AI will be to manage scheduling and reminders. - Integration is needed with my smartphone, desktop, and smart home devices. - The AI should be configured for interaction through voice and text commands. -meeting notes and tracking action items. -maintain personal and business action items and schedules Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in AI configuration and selection - Strong understanding of scheduling and reminder management, meeting notes and action items, workplans - Skills in device integration across various platforms. - Expertise in voice-command system setup. - maintain two separate sechedules and to-do lists (personal and business)
I need a professional home stager for my residential properties. The staging will primarily focus on the living room, bedroom, and kitchen. The desired style for these stages is modern. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in residential property staging - Strong understanding and capability in modern interior design - Excellent spatial awareness and ability to optimize room layouts - Strong communication skills and ability to work within a timeline. The aim of this project is to enhance the appeal of these homes to potential buyers, showcasing their potential in a contemporary and attractive way.
I need a professional to design the interiors of my new home. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in interior design for new constructions. - Ability to create stylish, functional spaces. - Knowledge of contemporary design trends.
...interested in the Fashion and Accessories, Beauty and Personal Care, and Home and Garden categories. Here's what I need: - Category Approval: Your main task will be to help me get approved to sell in these categories, and potentially more. - Product Sourcing: I have some products in these categories but I need help finding more. Experience in sourcing popular and trending items on TikTok is a plus. - Listing: I can handle the optimization of my product listings, but if you have insights or recommendations, I'm open to them. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job include: - Proven track record with TikTok Shops - Strong product sourcing and market research skills - Familiarity with the Fashion, Beauty, and Home & Garden sectors - Excellent ...
I'm looking to have a 6-page website designed for showcasing a portfolio. Key Requirements: - The website should be in a modern and minimalist style. - It should mimic the layout of the 6 pages in the attached presentation. - The first page should feature an animation similar to that on the reference website. Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - Animation creation - Experience with modern and minimalist design Please include your estimated timeline and cost for this project in your proposal.
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a comprehensive home management system for me. The system should include the following key functionalities: - Task Scheduling: A feature to schedule and assign household tasks. - Expense Tracking: A module to monitor and manage household expenses. - Inventory Management: A system to keep track of household items. The system will require user authentication via email and password. There will be two distinct user roles within the system: Admin and Member. The Admin will have full control over the system, while Members will have limited access and functionalities. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Bubble.io. - Be proficient in creating user authentication systems. - Understand how to impleme...
...gate placements. We need the key information condensed into a shorter, visually engaging animated video (duration to be discussed, but ideally under 3 minutes). The animation should clearly illustrate the measurement process in a way that makes it simple for customers to follow and order online. What We’re Looking For: Experience in animated explainer videos (preferably in a construction, DIY, or home improvement niche). Ability to simplify technical concepts into engaging visual storytelling. Professional editing skills to extract the most important parts of the video. High-quality graphics and animations that align with our brand. Voiceover and/or text overlays to ensure clear communication. Deliverables: A fully animated, easy-to-understand explainer video that walks c...
...Collection** Develop a form using a Make.com-compatible tool (e.g., Typeform, JotForm, Google Forms) to capture: - Client Information: - First Name - Last Name - Email - Address - Radon Test Details: - Standing average radon level - High and low radon readings - Test duration (start and end dates) - Test type (Short-term or Long-term) - Age of the home - Technician Information: - Technician's Name - Certification Number - Recommended Mitigation Strategies (select multiple if applicable): - None (if no mitigation is required) - Sub-Slab Depressurization - Sealing Cracks & Foundation - Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) - HEPA Filter System 2. **Automated PDF Generation** Upo...
I'm in need of a professional who can create a dedicated landing page for my cars. This webpage should effectively showcase car details, while also being user-friendly and visually appealing. Key Features: - Display detailed car specifications - Incorporate a comprehensive photo gallery - Feature customer reviews to build trust and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with creating landing pages - Knowledge of integrating interactive elements like review sections and galleries
I'm seeking a professional who can build a Power BI dashboard that pulls from Excel/CSV files to represent customer data. The main focus of the dashboard will be on customer service metrics. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Power BI - intermediate Experienced with Excel/CSV data manipulation - Understanding of customer service metrics Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Thank you!
I'm seeking a developer to enhance the loading speed of my real estate property pages, particularly through image compression techniques or lazy loading or any other suggestion you may have. You can test the site here: - Primary Goal: Improve the loading speed of the property pages. - Technique: Primarily focusing on image compression to reduce load times without sacrificing quality. -Image Management: I currently provide clients with two sizes of photos and do not wish to create a third. I need your expertise to advise on the best approach, whether to maintain my current dimensions (2048x1536 at 72dpi). Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in web development and speed optimization. - Strong skills in image compression and managing loading speeds. - Ability to provide...