Market research auto parts indiapráce
Dobrý den, potřebuji ze stránky na binance vyextrahovat obchodovaný symbol, cenu, směr nákupu (buy long/short, close long/short) a zaslat přes API zprávu do binance na vytvoření objednávky, která bude vypadat dle github binance následovně: order = client.futures_create_order( symbol=symbol, side=side, type='MARKET', quantity=quantity, positionSide=positionside, closePosition=close kde symbol = pár (např. SOLUSDT); side = BUY nebo CLOSE; quantity = aby byla hodnota 120 USD, tzn. je nutné vypočítat dle přečtené ceny na stránce; positionSide: LONG nebo SHORT. Vize je, že chci kontrolovat nov&a...
...potential customers with your enthusiasm? Are you reliable, goal-oriented, and do you speak the national language perfektly? Do you have a driver license, are flexible in time and have some experience with promotion, sales or marketing? If so, you are the perfect match for this position! We are a young, innovative start-up company from Germany and will soon rank among the leading providers in the market for smoking accessories. You will showcasing our freshest products with the goal to gain new customers and partners. Send us your curriculume vitae and a recent photo, introduce yourself in a short video application and tell us why you are the right choice for this exciting career opportunity! You can contact us in the following languages: English, German, Russian. It is not impor...
In order to understand the real estate market in a specific city (Praha) in a small European country (Czech Republic), I would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy:
...Podmínkou je sekce pro přihlášené, kde budou mít k dispozici dokumenty ke stažení – ceníky apod. Ideálně aby po registraci muselo proběhnout schválení registrace z naší strany. Případné zkušenosti s aplikací 3D modelu bude vítana, není pdomínkou. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a representative of the company on the CZ/SK market, we want to create a copy of the website , functionally and structurally. Everything built ideally on Wordpress so that we can fulfill and manage ourselves. Alternatively, another editorial system, but we prefer Wordpress. CZ and SK langu...
...clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of tests spread over 1 month. Job description: -Tasks will include user testing and bug reporting: documentation of process, tests, results and analysis. Job Requirements: - Experience in testing or software development. - Proficiency in English. - Experience in...
I need 3D scanned models in any of the following formats: Autodesk Alias (*.wire) AutoCAD DWG Files (*.dwg) Autodesk Fusion 360 Archive Files (*.f3d) Autodesk Fusion 360 Toolpath Archive Files (*.cam360) Autodesk Inventor Files (*.ipt, *.iam) CATIA V5 Files (*.CATProduct, *.CATPart) DXF Files (*.dxf) FBX (*.fbx) IGES (*ige, *iges, *igs) NX (*prt) OBJ (*.obj) Parasolid Binary Files (*.x_b) Parasolid Text Files (*.x_t) Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric Files (*.asm, *.prt) Pro/ENGINEER Granite Files (*.g) Pro/ENGINEER Neutral Files(*.neu) Rhino Files (*.3dm) SAT/SMT Files (*.sab, *.sat, *.smb, *.smt) SolidWorks Files (*.prt, *.asm, *.sldprt, *.sldasm) STEP Files (*.ste, *.step, *.stp) STL Files (*.stl) SketchUp Files (*.skp) 3D scanning models of the following models required Models Hero ... is preferred. Similar to this (open this link) :
Ahoj, jmenujeme se NYBE garage a rozjíždíme nové centrum autoslužeb, pro které hledáme líbivé logo, korporátní design a potřebujeme také vytvořit jednoduchý web, FB a Instagram, aby se o nás zákazníci dozvěděli ? Logo by mělo být v duchu old school/ retro/ graffitti a hlavní služby?, které poskytujeme jsou: auto/ pneu servis, ruční mytí a detailing centrum.
1) Rozsah článku v českém jazyce: 1.500 - 2.000 slov, tj 8.000 - 10.000 znaků 2) Důležitý bude poctivý research na českých i zahraničních webech, protože chceme kvalitní, a ne jen "copy+paste" texty 3) Musí obsahovat: - číslované seznamy - podtituly 4) Musí obsahovat klíčová slova: - nebankovní půjčka - nebankovní půjčka bez příjmu - nebankovní půjčka bez registru - nebankovní půjčka ihned - nebankovní půjčka online - nebankovní půjčka bez nahlíženi do registru - nebankovní půjčky bez potvrzení příjmu Vhodný příklad z hlediska titulků a obsahu: PRAVIDELNÁ SPOLUPRÁCE NA RO...
ENG: Creating a social network / application / web / backend for users / ecommerce solutions / all for one market segment. More information in chat, thanks for the offers CZ: Vytvoření sociální sítě / applikace / webu / backendu pro uživatele / ecommerční řešení / vše pro jeden segment trhu. Více informací v chatu, děkuji za nabídky Ondra B.
POtřebuji napsat indikátor pro market analyzer na ninjatrader 8. Bude to kolonka, kde se napíše ano x ne x poslední, podle toho, jaké bylo volume. Pokud ano, tak bude 1,5x větší volume, než je průměr za posledních 10 svíček.
Dobrý den, Jedná o vytvoření jedinečného prostředí e-commerce marketplace na podporu nezávislých švýcarských hodinářu nikoliv mainstream (rolex atd.) jedná se zakázkovou výrobu limitovaných kusů méně známých značek, které třeba ani lidi neznají. Obchodní stránku (exekuci) zařizuji já již jsem na největší výstavě ve Švýcarsky a navázal konexe. Potřebuju někoho kdo se postará o výrobu samotného marketplace prostředí, jeho udržování a nebude chtít za to hned statisíce (chápu druhou stranu a zadarmo to taky nechci) přece jen to budu...
Dobrý den, Jedná o vytvoření jedinečného prostředí e-commerce marketplace na podporu nezávislých švýcarských hodinářu nikoliv mainstream (rolex atd.) jedná se zakázkovou výrobu limitovaných kusů méně známých značek, které třeba ani lidi neznají. Obchodní stránku (exekuci) zařizuji já již jsem na největší výstavě ve Švýcarsky a navázal konexe. Potřebuju někoho kdo se postará o výrobu samotného marketplace prostředí, jeho udržování a nebude chtít za to hned statisíce (chápu druhou stranu a zadarmo to taky nechci) přece jen to budu...
...dokument) do te appky na Salesforce. Tento template ma takzvane merge policka. Tj. kod, kterym si zakaznik bude moci vytvorit libovolny template a dat tam vzdy to policko ze Salesforce, ktere potrebuje, aby se mu ukazalo na finalnim -dokumentu - Zde jsem schopen spravovat ruzne sablony, rozhodnout se, jaka bude finalni podoba dokumentu (pdf, word nebo jine), dat dokumentu jmeno, kde muzu vlozit auto datum, policka ze Salesforce atd. - Jako druhy krok by melo prijit spojeni techto merge policek s policky v Salesforce (aby system vedel, odkud informaci brat) - Toto musi byt flexibilni, tzn. muzu si vytvorit nekolik variant propojeni merge policek s polickami v -Salesforce a dat jim napr. ruzna kriteria, na zaklade kterych se budou tyto mapy/spojeni vyvolavat a generovat dokument ...
Postavili jsme na Coral Estate Curacao dvě vily, které pronajímáme. Celkem máme k dispozici 10 ložnic. Potřebujeme zaměstnat 1 člověka (manželský pár) na plný úvazek (na poloviční úvazek pro dva lidi). Práce obsahuje péči o dům i servis pro naše hosty. Obsah práce dohodneme podle schopností uchazeče. Můžeme dát k dispozici auto a telefon. Vyžadujeme řidičský průkaz a alespoň slušnou znalost angličtiny.
Cílem je přepsat některé naše terapeutické aplikace do IOS. Některé jsou již hotové a je potřeba pouze dodělat nové funkce. Příklad aplikace pro android: a pro IOS:
Ahoj hledám rychlou tvorbu loga na téma náhradní díly automobilů a pneumatiky / Hello! I am looking for fast creation of logos on the theme of spare parts for cars and tires
...přihlásí a vyplní svoje steam trade url (Pokud již nemá vyplněno u BOT_1 -trade url bude stále uloženo, pokud si hráč nezmění.) 2. Po prokliku na tlačítko Deposit items příjde hráčovi na steam trade offer, kam tento hráč zadá itemy, které chce vsadit a potvrdí. 2. Tyto itemy se následně přidají do databáze a zobrazí se po prokliknutí Withdrawal (nebo Marketplace viz. ) 3. Hráčovi se v ceně jeho vložených itemů přidělí virtuální měna, za kterou bude moci hrát jednotlivé hry. 4. Pokud hráč vyhraje, může si za tuto měnu zvolit libovolný předmět v ceně z nabídky. 6. V tomto ohledu...
Dobrý den SigmaVisual, všiml jsem si vašeho profilu a rád bych vám nabídl svůj projekt. Podrobnosti můžeme probrat na chatu. It is a simmilat project you applied earlier
speciální projekt na náhradní díly na auta /special project for car parts
Hledáme vývojáře který je schopný vytvořit android aplikaci která bude umět : Krokoměr, automatickou inicializaci (kolo,běh,chůze,auto), počítání kalorií daného uživatele, všechny hodnoty bude vracet v grafické podobě. Možnost počítání formou start a stop na začátku a konci jakékoliv aktivity viz. Výše (běh,kolo). Skica : -login (zatím jen staticky později se nápoji na server) - dashboard steps - grafy aktivit - možnost Play a stop (manuální měření)
Potřebuji provést průzkum polského internetu, více informací v chatu.
...bude aplikace porovnávat dojezdové časy dalších řidičů v pořadí, až najde toho, který se do limitu vejde a tomu zakázku přiřadí. - možnost zadání zakázky ručně konkrétnímu řidiči mimo pořadí - možnost odebrání zakázky řidiči - možnost zadávání zakázek do fronty. Při uvolnění řidiče automatické přiřazení zakázky. - po kliknutí na řidiče v mapě zobrazení zákl. informací (číslo posádky, jméno, auto, tel.) - po odeslání zakázky řidiči zobrazit potvrzení, že zakázku přijal - zobrazení cílové destinace, ...
Long-Term Fundraising & Partnerships Specialist (French Required) Hello, I am looking for a long-term freelancer to help my NGO, MetanoTalk, secure funding, grants, and strategic partnerships. The NGO is based in France and serves French-speaking communities, so fluency in French is required. Responsibilities: ? Fundraising & Grant Applications • Research and apply for relevant grants, sponsorships, and funding opportunities. • Draft compelling grant proposals and reports. • Identify new sources of revenue for the NGO. ? Partnership Development • Find and reach out to potential corporate, institutional, or NGO partners. • Negotiate collaborations that can bring financial or strategic benefits to MetanoTalk. • Maintain relationships wi...
I require someone to research the best ways in terms of script, flow of the animation and video and elements in it-to create my Fiverr gig videos. I require the second person to create a video for my fiverr gig. I will request fro 1-4 gig videos. 100 rupees for one video. Write I understood Ansaf. at the start of bid. And confirm the price for this project per video, deadline, and quality of your editing skills or research skills if applicable. Confirm your fluency in English to communicate with me as I do not speak any other languages except Malayalam. I will pay your project fees so you earn exactly I mention. Looking forward to meet great hidden talents. Ansaf
I have a ready app for which I need someone who can help in submitting app to play market through his accnt, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev acnnt,the dev accnt must be old made in order to skip the 14 days testing process I.e accnt must not have compulsory testing requirements
Job Title: Startup Consultant – Product Development & Market Strategy About the Role We are looking for a Startup Consultant with expertise in market research, product strategy, and go-to-market execution. If you have a passion for building and launching successful startups, we want to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: Market Research & Competitive Analysis • Conduct thorough industry research to identify market size, trends, and pricing models, accompanied by relevant data sources. • Analyze competitor strategies to uncover product-market gaps and differentiation opportunities. Marketing & Audience Analysis • Evaluate customer demographics, industry dynamics, and digital traffic sources to...
I need a 2D animated video for my product trailer. The main purpose of this video is to elucidate the features of the product in a clear and engaging manner for the general consumer audience. Video length = 60 secs Voiceover to be i...Video length = 60 secs Voiceover to be included Story ideation will be provided based on which script also have to be written. Ideal skills would include: - Proficiency in 2D animation techniques - Previous experience in creating product feature trailers - Ability to translate complex product features into easy-to-understand visuals - Understanding of creating content for the general consumer market. Please provide samples of previous similar work. Reference video links
Hi there, We are looking for a professional 3D landscape designer to create a realistic 3D visualization of an adapted version of the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival for the Middle Eastern market. The concept should maintain the core essence of a sand sculpture festival while integrating local elements (palms, desert vegetation, modern lighting) to make it more immersive and aesthetically aligned with the region. ? Deliverables: ✅ High-quality 3D renders of a desert or beachfront festival featuring large-scale sand sculptures ✅ Detailed landscape design incorporating: Pathways for visitors Palm trees, desert vegetation, and water features for a Middle Eastern ambiance Lighting design (spotlights for nighttime ambiance) ✅ Multiple angles & perspectives (day &...
I'm seeking a dedicated SEO professional to enhance my business's online presence through strategic on-page SEO. Key Focus Areas: - Keyword Optimization: Help me identify and implement the most effective keywords for my industry. - Content Quality: Assess and improve the quality of my ...quality of my current content to boost engagement and ranking. - Meta Tags and Descriptions: Optimize all meta tags and descriptions for maximum visibility and click-through rates. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in on-page SEO. - Exceptional content creation and editing skills. - In-depth knowledge of keyword research techniques. - Familiarity with SEO tools and software. Your expertise will be crucial in assisting me with keyword research and implementing th...
BrightEdge Recruitment – Junior Recruitment Specialist Role ________________________________________ Position: Junior Recruitment Specialist Company: BrightEdge Recruitment & Consulting – India/Dubai Location: Remote Salary: INR 12K per month + Annual Incentives (INR 30K – 100K) + Travel Perks Working Hours: Monday – Friday (9:30 AM – 7 PM), Saturday (Half-day) Joining: Immediate (within 5 days preferred) ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities • Screen candidates and assess their suitability for roles • Communicate effectively with candidates via calls and emails • Arrange and schedule interviews between candidates and hiring managers • Ensure compliance with the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and maintain...
Rewrite and AI removal project from research paper
I'm in need of a seasoned consultant with a strong focus on business strategy, specifically market analysis. The primary objective of this consultancy is to gain insightful understanding into market trends and forecasting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business strategy consultancy - Expertise in market analysis - Strong skills in market trends and forecasting - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to provide actionable insights and recommendations
I'm seeking a product development expert to create an innovative, environmentally-friendly skincare herbal product formula for women in Pakistan. The product should to create an innovative, environmentally-friendly skincare herbal product formula for women in Pakistan. The product should address common skincare concerns and be suitable for the local climate and skin types. Key Responsibilities: - Research and propose unique skincare product ideas. - Conceptualize the product in various forms (e.g. creams, scrubs, serums). - Ensure the product is made from sustainable, herbal ingredients. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of skincare and herbal ingredients. - Experience in product development and market research. - Understanding of environmental sust...
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help boost my e-commerce sales through strategic SEO practices. Key Responsibilities: - Keyword Research: Identify keywords that can drive sales. - On-page Optimization: Optimize website content for these keywords. - Link Building: Create high-quality backlinks to improve our site's authority and visibility. This project is primarily focused on increasing conversions, specifically e-commerce sales, through enhanced organic traffic. Therefore, a solid understanding of e-commerce SEO and proven track record in improving e-commerce site rankings and conversions is a must.
...the meaning of the company name which is Alhudhud (Hoopoe). Understanding the Islamic culture and values is a big plus. We need a modern, sleek, and professional logo that resonates with both individual clients and business partners in the real estate sector. The design should evoke the concepts of wisdom, guidance, and leadership, while also signaling trust and reliability in the real estate market. The logo should be versatile, able to scale well for both large and small applications, and fit seamlessly into various marketing and branding materials. Key Values to Convey: Trust & Stability: Our clients must feel that Alhudhud Real Estate is a dependable, secure company that offers expert advice and quality service. Guidance & Wisdom: We provide our clients with thought...
...and ranking. - Meta Descriptions and Titles: Crafting compelling meta descriptions and titles that can drive clicks and improve my site's search engine performance. As I currently do not have a list of target keywords, I would require your expertise in creating one. Therefore, experience in keyword research and analysis is essential. A knack for crafting catchy meta descriptions and titles will be a plus. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in On-page SEO - Proficiency in keyword research tools - Excellent understanding of crafting SEO-friendly Meta descriptions and Titles - Experience in working with various content management systems - Up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices. Please provide examples of previous SEO projects you've w...
I need a freelancer to help me rewrite an academic paper with a word count of around 4000 words. The primary focus will be on: - Removing any traces of AI-generated content - Eliminating plagiarism - Rewriting the paper to en...a word count of around 4000 words. The primary focus will be on: - Removing any traces of AI-generated content - Eliminating plagiarism - Rewriting the paper to enhance clarity and coherence The final document should adhere to the Harvard formatting style. Ideal candidates should have experience in academic writing and a deep understanding of the Harvard style. A prior background in academic research would be a plus. Please provide samples of your previous work and your strategy for ensuring the paper is original. The project needs to be completed by tomo...
...minimalist landing page by 9 PM IST today. I’m looking for a talented UI/UX designer to create two sections for a lead-generation landing page for businesses. This is just the start — I am seeking a long-term design partner or agency, with many more design needs to come. If you also have coding skills, that’s a big plus! If you can code, you'll definitely get more work in the future. Requirements: India-based designers only (Preference given to freelancers based in Chandigarh Tri-City area) Available for calls and future availability aligned with USA time Skills Needed: Expert in UI/UX Design with a strong understanding of modern design trends Proficient in Figma Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, HubSpot, WordPress If you're passionate ab...
...proficient in Node.js and Angular, to enhance my existing crypto-related site. The project requires the integration of several key components: - Automated Trading Options: This feature will enable users to set pre-defined trading parameters, allowing for trades to be executed automatically based on market conditions. - Advanced Analytics Tools: Real-time trading charts must be equipped with sophisticated, user-interactive analytics tools. This will provide users with the capacity to conduct in-depth market analysis and make informed trading decisions. - Stop-Loss Orders: Essential for risk management, this feature will allow users to set automatic sell orders to limit potential losses on their investments. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experie...
...based in Nairobi, Kenya, to conduct comprehensive market research on safari travel packages. The focus is on pricing and cost structures, understanding customer preferences and trends, and conducting competitor analysis. The primary target for this research is international tourists. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the pricing and cost structures of various safari travel packages. - Understand and report on customer preferences and trends in the safari travel sector. - Conduct a thorough competitor analysis within the safari travel market. The research should cover a variety of safari packages, specifically luxury, budget, and family packages. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - In-depth knowledge of the Nairobi safari travel marke...
NOTE - *ONLY I...visible number plates) from different cities/states. requirements- 1)minimum pixels 1920*1080. 2)No blur images. 3)Images to be clicked in Landscape mode. 4)visible number plate(either front or back- any side will work). 5)Need minimum of 500 images daily - if not then try at least uploading 250 images. 6)Multiple Hiring for this Project(I need more than 20,000 images from different states of INDIA). 7)Pay cut will be 1.75rs per qualified image; Deliverables- Kindly while uploading the images on "Files Tab" zip the folder and upload it.; as soon as your images are qualified I will give you the Drive link to review your submissions and after you confirm I will release payment on immediate basis. Duration- Ideally need 20,000 images in 15days. Looking f...
I'm seeking a virtual assistant to help me with market research in Vietnam, specifically to source manufacturers. The ideal candidate should have experience in market research in vietnam Key Responsibilities: - Conduct market research to identify potential manufacturers in Vietnam. - Communicate with potential suppliers in Vietnam Ideal Skills: - Experience in market research. - Excellent communication skills. The market research should focus on identifying potential manufacturers of textiles and plastics in Vietnam. The project is expected to be completed within 1-2 weeks.
...opportunity ✅ Opportunity to work with a reputed export company ✅ Long-term collaboration based on performance Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential international buyers/importers - Promote and sell our export products in global markets - Develop business strategies to increase sales - Build and maintain strong client relationships - Provide regular sales updates and market insights Who Can Apply? ✔️ We encourage freshers and experienced candidates to work with us ✔️ Strong communication and negotiation skills ✔️ Self-motivated and goal-oriented professionals ✔️ Candidates with an existing network of importers/buyers preferred ✔️ Individuals with experience in exports, international sales, or marketing is a plus If you're a resul...
We are looking for a detail-oriented Content Writer to create 6 weekly blog posts (800-1000 words) on the benefits of Mastic Gum. Topics include digestive health, oral care, and anti-inflammatory properties, with research-backed claims. Each article should be SEO-optimized, error-free, and engaging. Payment is AUD $15 per article. Articles must be original, with no plagiarism.
I'm looking for a professional who can help me craft a high-quality PowerPoint presentation for my veterinary healthcare business plan. This presentation is crucial as it aims to attract potential investors. Key Sections: - Market Analysis: I need a thorough breakdown of the target market, including trends, demographics, and potential growth in Italy. Most of these details will be provided by me. - Financial Projections: This section will be provided by me - Competitive Landscape: An in-depth analysis of our competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and our unique selling proposition. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PowerPoint - Experience in crafting investor presentations - Strong understanding of the veterinary healthcare industry in Italy - Ability to present comp...