Line art kids lowerpráce
Dobrý den, jsem začínající podnikatelka v oblasti pilates. Potřebovala bych vytvořit webové stránky pro pilates studio, kde byla hlavní stránka a záložky ROZVRH (externí rezervační systém od bsport), CENÍK, LEKCE, ON-LINE, AKCE, KURZY, KONTAKT. Zároveň bych potřebovala pomoci s optimalizací pro vyhledavače, propojení s google analytics a propojení se sociálními sítěmi. Představu o vzhledu webu mám - jednoduché a intuitivní. Doménu mám registrovanou. Budu moc ráda pokud se mi ozvete.
Ahoj, hledám šikovného, klidně začínajícího človíčka na pomoc s rozvojem mého podnikání do on-line světa. Potřebuji pomoci postavit 2 základní pilíře. 1. Konverzní web - copy, grafika, reklama, konzultace nad skvělým řešením = získávání klientů 2. Soc. sítě - dlouhodobá strategie pro růst, scénáře, obsah, hooks atd... = získávání klientů Více info rád poskytnu na společném on-line callu. Předem děkuji a budu se těšit! David Buneš
...práci. Konkrétně pro ně (ale nejen pro ně) máme výhledově tyto záměry (záleží jak se firma rozjede v budoucnu): Náplň práce výhledová jednorázové práce (hodiny až desítky hodin) v níže uvedených oblastech. Jsme připraveni Tě zaškolit do těchto uvedených oblastí: Oblasti (výhodou je jejich znalost, není to ale podmínka) • Údržba databáze (MySQL) – záloha, aktualizace, nastavení TLS spojení, on-line replikace Master/Slave, nastavení cluster • Správa sítě – konfigurace a výměna prvků - switches, dohled, Správa a nastavení fi...
Zabýváme se výzkumy přičemž často využíváme různých chytrých on-line formulářů či SW aplikace s pokročilými výpočty a grafy. Máme dobrou úspěšnost projektů podpořených Technologickou Agenturou České Republiky. Některé z výsledků těchto projektů mají komerční potenciál, který je podmíněn správným technologickým řešením. Hledáme full stack vývojáře (MSSQL, ANGULAR, DotNET), který má chuť se podílet na inovativních řešeních v oblastech zdravotních, sociálních a ekologických společenských problé...
Hra CityLine je zcela novým simulátorem, jehož nápad se u nás zrodil před cca půl rokem. Bude se jednat o simulátor městské hromadné dopravy v českém prostředí. Počáteční vývoj bude směřovaný hlavně k tramvajím, jelikož je jejich vývoj o něco jednodušší a méně nákladný. Postupně však přibudou i zbylé dvě trakce( okolo 50 000 Kč. Tudíž, není možné pracovat na full time za plnohodnotnou mzdu jako v práci. Berte to zatím jako menší výdělek ne jako full time job. Vše se uvidí po vytvoření prototypu a jeho následné prezentaci před weby a i...
Vytváříme personalizované dřevěné předměty a potřebujeme zvýšit povědomí o značce, o produktech, zvýšit followers.
Hledáme specialistu na správu PPC kampaně v Google Adwords a Seznamu a copywriting reklamních textů na Facebooku a Instagramu, který má zkušenost v oblasti stomatologie, popřípadě zdravotnictví. Odměna dohodou. Česky jazyk - rodilý mluvčí.
...not an emerging event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening events, Company anniversaries, Open days, Roadshow, Garden parties, Galaevenings and other new format that are not so known) - External cooperation with agencies. - Production of "Re-decoration" (decoration, props, upcycling material - reuse, remake, recycle system). Claim: ...
...Salesforce a jine Vedlejsi funkce - Aplikace by mela umet spojovat dokumenty, napr. PDFka - napriklad mam dve sablony, a kdyz splni nejake kriteria, spoj dve sablony do jednoho PDFka - Prehledy - pocet vygenerovanych dokumentu, generovaci report (tzn. Muzu jit do tohoto reportu a projet vsechny merge policka a videt, co se presne ze Salesforce vytahuje a kam) - Jsem schopny generovat i Opportunity Line Items a custom objects atd. Vice detailu na online briefingu....
Jiný, nebo nejsem si jistá/ý Jiný, nebo nejsem si jistá/ý On-line konfigurator regálového systému. Několik typu regálu, možnost měnit rozměry a layout místnosti v niž si zákazník regály sám rozmistí.
Systém musí být provázaný s: Webem - registrace RČ a firem online, vložení dokumentů v podobě pdf nebo jpg. Generování smluv, potvrzení smluv, vop a souhlasu se zpracováním osobních údajů zákazníkem + autorizace sms Komunikace s dal...Komunikace s účetním systémem Pohoda-vystavování faktur Bankovním účtem pro spárování přijatých plateb Home office pro obchodní zástupce: Registrace klientu+ nahrávání dokumentů Finanční přehled +statistiky obchodů Dělení provizí při předání obchodu Novinky+pokyny od vedení společnosti Doku...
Potřebuji provést změny ve stávajících webových stránkách Níže uvádíme soupis základních požadavků na úpravy stávajících webových stránek s výhledem na dlouhodobou spolupráci i v CEE on-line prostředí. Součástí spolupráce pak bude i tvorba obsahu, FB kampaně, konzultace apod. web: spuštění webu: 1.7. 2016 SEO Analýza, SEO analýza konkurence, Analýza použitelnosti webu, Optimalizace webu, základní linkbuildig
Potřebujeme sjednotit roztříštěnou korporátní identitu, tj. web, tiskoviny, on-line inzerci, bannery - viz
...vybrané game pointy mohou mít další doplňující otázku 9. za správný výsledek klient obdrží přesně daný počet bodů 10. se za správný výsledek načte přidaná informace i místě (historické info, fakta, zajímavosti atd.) 11. nesprávný výsledek se neuloží a ukáže jako nesplněno 12. bodová hodnota se zapíše vždy až po splnění daného úkolu na konto klienta 13. bodová hodnota se zároveň objevuje on-line i dalším soutěžícím 14. každý soutěžící bude mít pro všechny viditelné označení - j...
Hledáme schopného e-commerce nadšence, nejlépe studenta, který pražské vzdělávací a poradenské firmě externě pomůže se SEO, content marketingem a on-line prodejem vzdělávacích programů pro manažery.
Aplikace DISPEČINK_ APLIKACE PRO ANDROID Průběh zakázky Objednávka on-line, telefon, sms Online objednávky jdou přímo do systému, ostatní zadává do systému dispečer ručně Na základě pořadí řidičů v jednotlivých lokalitách DISPEČINK automaticky přiřadí zakázku volnému řidiči Řidič prostřednictvím rozhraní v telefonu potvrdí přijetí zakázky Nepotvrdí-li v časovém limitu, zakázka automaticky přechází na dalšího řidiče v pořadí Zákazníkovi přijde automatická SMS s údajem o předpokládaném příjezdu vozidla Řidič je na ...
Přeměna našeho webu do nové moderní šablony. Vybráli jsme šablona wordpressu AQUA , tak aby zůstala paralela s původním webu. Salon poskytuje základní tři služby kadeřnictví, kosmetické služby péče o pleť a laserovou epilaci. V sekci kosmetické péče o pleť máme více jednotlivých služeb podle užívaných značek a druhů ošetření. U jednotlivých ošetření bude odkaz na zajímavé články na blogu, které se bodou vztahovat k danému ošetření. Vždy bude možnost se rezervovat on line na každou proceduru. Navrhnout hlavní stránku, stránku kadernictv&...
Hladame ilustratora/dizajnera, ktory nam bud vie na zakazku nakreslit artwork pre obal albumu (prednu aj zadnu stranu, pripadne aj napad na logo), alebo ponuknut uz vlastnu pracu, ktoru by bolo mozne odkupit a pouzit pre tieto ucely. Predstava prace je v style art nuovo, secesia - autori ako Mucha, Koloman Moser, John Dyer Baizley. Nazov kapely je Lyssete - pochadza z greckeho slova Lyssa - bohyna hnevu, preto nas prvotny napad je spojenie zenskej postavy s nejakym zvieratom (obdobny napad v prilozenych obrazkoch). Nebranime sa inym vhodnejsim navrhom. Linky na kapelu:
Apli...otevíracích hodin a umožní mu vykreslit trasu, jak se k danému místu dostat (vozidlem, pěšky a pod.). V interaktivní mapě bude uživatel jednoduše moci filtrovat sběrná místa podle typu místa a druhu odkládaného odpadu. V mapě se po kliknutí na sběrné místo zobrazí informační okno se základními informacemi o sběrném místě s proklikem na detailní kartu sběrného místa. Mobilní aplikace bude fungovat i off-line (tj. bez nutnosti datového připojení), s tím že bude umět si průběžně zaktualizovat databázi sběrných míst. Aplikace bude umožňovat navigaci na sběr...
Apli...otevíracích hodin a umožní mu vykreslit trasu, jak se k danému místu dostat (vozidlem, pěšky a pod.). V interaktivní mapě bude uživatel jednoduše moci filtrovat sběrná místa podle typu místa a druhu odkládaného odpadu. V mapě se po kliknutí na sběrné místo zobrazí informační okno se základními informacemi o sběrném místě s proklikem na detailní kartu sběrného místa. Mobilní aplikace bude fungovat i off-line (tj. bez nutnosti datového připojení), s tím že bude umět si průběžně zaktualizovat databázi sběrných míst. Aplikace bude umožňovat navigaci na sběr...
Hello I hope this message finds you well.I am currently working on developing a new line of Prebiotic soft drinks for the European market. The concept is centered around creating fiber-rich beverages, similar in essence to brands like Olipop or Wildwonder, while adhering strictly to European regulations. I am reaching out to inquire if you would be interested in collaborating on this project. Specifically, I would like your assistance in developing recipes for four different soft drink products tailored to the European market. These drinks should be rich in fibers and meet all applicable legal and nutritional standards in the region. Could you kindly let me know: 1. If this is something you would be interested in working on. 2. The estimated cost for your services, including th...
...Typography Headings & Subheadings: [Specify brand typeface(s), size ranges, and usage (e.g., bold vs. regular)] Body Text: [Specify the typeface, recommended size, line spacing, etc.] Accent Fonts (if applicable): For pull quotes or callouts Logo Usage Proper clear space, size guidelines, and color variations of the LiSyc logo. Placement preference (e.g., front cover, footers, repeated elements). Imagery & Stock Photos Photography: If LiSyc has a brand photo style (lifestyle imagery, color tone, etc.), indicate references or style guidelines. Stock Photos: Use brand-consistent imagery—professionally shot, modern, diverse, and in line with the brand’s aspirational tone. Ensure all stock photos are licensed properly and usage rights are documented. 6. ...
Project Brief for Image Editing and Website Updates Overview This project involves image editing and website updates for fine art pieces, requiring specific skills in image manipulation and website management. The tasks are split into two parts taking a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. I would like the tasks completed within a week. Scope of Work Part 1: Image Editing (4 Tasks, 40 Minutes) 1. Create High-Resolution Image Versions ◦ Resize images to specified dimensions. ◦ Add white borders and adjust canvas size. 2. Prepare A2 Size Images with Signatures ◦ Position the image within a pre-designed Photoshop template. ◦ Blend backgrounds for natural integration. ◦ Add and adjust the artist’s signature for visibility without obscuring the subject. 3. Create Instagram Story Images...
...aesthetic but subtle enough to highlight the content. 6. Color-Coding: • Lower Grades (1-4): Red/Orange tones with simpler symbols. • Mid Grades (4.5-7.5): Neutral tones like gray, silver, and blue. • Higher Grades (8-10): Gold, platinum, or holographic effects. Design Variations: 1. Grade 1: Simple red badge, rugged design with a warning-like feel. 2. Grade 1.5: Red with slight orange tones, unique cracked symbol. 3. Grade 2: Red shield, a faint star to signify slight improvement. 4. Grade 2.5: Red and silver combination with a diamond shape. 5. Grade 3: Bronze badge with a gear or cog design. 6. Grade 3.5: Bronze and white with a triangle and slight glow. 7. Grade 4: Subtle orange shield with a double-line border. 8. Grade 4.5: Orange and whit...
I'm seeking a professional content writer to craft compelling product descriptions for my electronics line. The ideal freelancer should possess: - Experience in writing for the electronics industry - A knack for professional tone - Ability to highlight product features in an engaging way Your task will be to transform technical specifications into persuasive and accessible product narratives. Your writing should instill confidence in the product's quality and utility, appealing to a broad range of potential consumers.
...Description: I am seeking a Power Automate specialist to configure an automated workflow in Microsoft 365 for invoice management, integrating Outlook and SharePoint. Scope of Work: 1. Trigger Setup: o The flow should be triggered when an email arrives in a dedicated mailbox (e.g., invoice_at_..... ). 2. Filtering Conditions: o The flow should filter emails based on specific keywords in the subject line, such as “Rechnung”, “Faktura”, “Invoice”, “Payment”, etc. 3. Attachment Management: o Only emails with attachments should be processed. o Save attachments to a designated SharePoint folder (e.g., /Rechnungen/01-Rechnungen zu überprüfen). 4. Email Notifications: o Send an alert to the administrator's email if an email d...
PLEASE READ COMPLETEY PLEASE READ COMPLETEY PLEASE READ COMPLETEY I need someone to build my faceless social media channels Something SIMILIAR (does not have to be exact) to I’m aware this work does not take long 5-20 mins per video but this is a long term gig but the point is to grow all social media channels as quickly as possible and there is room to add on more clients if you perform well with me The best way to get this job is to create me a sample video and the niche is therapy / mental health If you can do the job bid YOUR hourly rate no higher or lower than what you would charge and write the MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM weekly hours you are willing to work and say “I CAN DO THiS JOB & WILL CREATE SAMPLE” or “I CAN DO THiS JO...
I'm looking for a creative and dedicated marketer to boost brand awareness for my clothing line, targeting primarily teenagers and young adults. Your main focus will be on TikTok and Instagram, with the creation of diverse content types including influencer collaborations, user-generated content, and branded posts and stories. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job include: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly on TikTok and Instagram. - Experience collaborating with influencers. - Ability to create engaging and relatable content for a younger demographic. - Skills in encouraging and managing user-generated content. Your goal will be to increase our visibility and reach within our target demographic, sparking interest and engagement in ...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can convert my original PDF file into an EPS vector file with a die cut. The size of the new file should match the original exactly. Requirements: - Convert a PDF file to an EPS vector file - Include a cut line for the die cut - Maintain the original file size - Attention to detail is crucial to ensure the cut line is accurately placed Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating and editing EPS files - Experience with die cut design - Good understanding of maintaining file sizes The final deliverable should be a high-quality EPS file suitable for print.
I need a single line diagram (SLD) for a solar ground mount system. The primary purpose of this SLD is for permitting and inspection, so it needs to be meticulously detailed and adhere to the National Electrical Code (NEC). Key Components to Include: - Solar panels and inverter - Disconnect switches and breakers - Grounding system and transformers - Tigo - DC and AC breakers PE stamp massachusetts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating single line diagrams for solar installations - Deep understanding and adherence to NEC standards - Previous experience with designs intended for permitting and inspection - Familiarity with incorporating components such as Tigo and various breakers into SLDs. professional engineer 324 canadian solar 705w pane...
I'm looking for a React developer who can assist me with deploying my web application. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React development - Experienced in web application deployment - Familiar with AWS environment Please write 'AWS' in the first line of your bid to avoid auto-bid.
...artist and developer to collaborate on cutting-edge art projects that combine artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and creativity. The ideal candidate will have expertise in AI-powered art tools, VR art studios, and innovative art experiences. Responsibilities: 1. Create AI-generated artwork using tools like DALL·E or DeepDream. 2. Develop immersive VR art experiences using tools like Tilt Brush or Gravity Sketch. 3. Design and implement interactive art installations that combine AI and VR. 4. Collaborate with artists and designers to create innovative art projects. 5. Experiment with new AI and VR technologies to push the boundaries of art and creativity. Requirements: 1. Experience with AI-powered a...
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create a comprehensive design for a 46ft or 50ft catamaran. The project will encompass both exterior and interior elements, culminating in a detailed line diagram and a 3D model. Key Requirements: - Design to include: - Line diagram for both exterior and interior - 3D model featuring deck layout and engine room details - Interior to be styled in a minimalist manner - Experience with designing for resin and fiberglass construction is a plus Ideal candidates would be proficient in modern design software with a keen understanding of boat design, particularly catamarans. Previous experience with minimalist interior design is highly valued.
I need a poster designed for an upcoming Chamber music recital. The main goal of this poster is to provide information to the audience. Key information to be included on the poster: - Date and time of the event - Venue location - Program details - Photos of the performers The style of the poster should be classical, modern and elegant, in line with the theme of the recital. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, experience with event poster design, and a strong understanding of classical aesthetics.
I'm looking for a talented street artist to create a graffiti design on my trailer. The design should incorporate animal (panda hanging on a bamboo tree) as well as geometric patterns.
Hi I need this converted into two slides: As usual, please recreate slides in powerpoint template, using bullet point form recreate excel charts where you can and insert as objects When finalised upload data file
I'm in need of a creative clothing designer who specializes in casual wear, specifically graphic T-shirts. Your task will be to conceptualize and design a line of unique, eye-catching casual graphic T-shirts that cater to a wide audience. Key requirements: - Proven experience in clothing design, particularly casual wear and T-shirts - Strong graphical design skills - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail - Ability to follow current fashion trends and predict future ones - Excellent communication skills for understanding and executing design concepts Please provide a portfolio of your previous work in T-shirt design.
...we did a great work (using Manage Engine system to document all requests and follow up the tickets based on the SLA) and ask to activate Level 1 support for All IT services such as Applications and network. Overall, I need to show that IT operations play a crucial role in aligning technology with business goals and ensuring that IT services are reliable, efficient, and secure and it’s the front line for the whole IT department....
I'm seeking a skilled UGC video creator for my e-commerce business specializing in perfumes. The main purpose of these videos will be to serve as product reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Create high-quality, professional and formal UGC videos reviewing our perfume line. - Ensure each video maintains a consistent tone and style reflective of our brand. Ideal skills and experience include: - Prior experience in creating product review videos, particularly for e-commerce. - Strong understanding of the perfume industry is a plus. - Exceptional video editing skills. - Ability to maintain a professional and formal tone in all videos.
... Lighting and Effects: • Use of laser lights, smoke machines, and holographic displays to create a visually dynamic environment, especially in the evening. • High-quality lighting that enhances the premium feel of the stand while ensuring all areas are well-lit and attractive. 6. Interactive Features: • Interactive screens showcasing Brand’s global presence, franchise opportunities, and product line. • Holographic displays and 3D projections to narrate the Brand story and highlight key product features. 7. Giant Beverage Models: • Oversized replicas of Brand cans placed strategically as focal points for branding and visitor interaction. 8. Comfortable Seating and Ambiance: • Modern and stylish seating options that are both functional and visual...
In the first line of your application I want you to send me links to your motion graphic work. Before any greeting or hello, paste the links. I usually hire Freelancers designers directly & manage the freelancers work myself. But I am very busy & need to find someone that has a VERY GOOD eye for design. You don't have to be a designer yourself. But you do need to be able to instruct a amateur designer how to make good professional & attractive designs. If something looks bad or okay, but could look better. Explain it to them. 1. If you think you can take a video design like this: and instruct the motion designer to create a design like this:
...approachable feel, particularly for the word "Dost" (meaning friend), which should convey trust and guidance in financial matters. Symbolism: Profitable Dost: The channel name should be prominently displayed in a modern, professional font to emphasize trust and support. The word "Dost" can be given a slightly softer touch to reflect friendliness in financial guidance. Colorful Candlestick (Higher High-Lower Low Pattern): Include a dynamic upward zig-zag pattern to represent price action in the markets (higher highs and higher lows). This could be an arrow that moves from left to right, symbolizing market progress. Integrate a stylized candlestick chart with green for bullish (upward movement) and red for bearish (downward movement) trends. The candlesticks can...
I have a 285 line Python code that's intended to execute trades on the Ethereum blockchain. However, the transactions are failing. I need help modifying the code to ensure successful transactions. I have already verified the account balance before making the transactions, so that is not the issue. The inputs for the code are sourced from an ENV file and a spreadsheet. The code is correctly set up to interact with the blockchain, but modifications are needed to rectify the transaction failures. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Proficiency in Python and familiarity with Ethereum blockchain - Experience with debugging transaction errors in blockchain - Ability to modify existing code for successful execution - Understanding of trading transactions (buy, ...
...of them should be highlighted, with the text, with each of them a second of rest between each highlight. They must keep visible once highlighted, with at the end, showing all of them for 3 seconds. The highlighting duration of each should be approximately four seconds, a little longer than the example of three seconds, as we use more text. Each of the areas must include an icon, and one short line of text: Area 1: LTE Icon Text, two lines: White text: Alert: Sleeping LTE Device Detected Red Text: Automatically Disable Transmission Black table with Red Border + Icon round background Area 2: Phone Icon Text, two lines: White text: Known Staff Device Identified Orange Text:
...ideal for someone passionate about art, technology, and results-driven marketing strategies. What I Offer: -Commission-based payment: a percentage of total sales generated through your efforts. -A fully operational Shopify store with high-quality, AI-generated digital artworks. -Creative freedom to develop and implement marketing strategies. Responsibilities: -Drive traffic to the Shopify store using social media marketing, SEO, email campaigns, or other methods. -Increase visibility and awareness of the store and products. -Convert traffic into sales while building a loyal customer base. What I’m Looking For: -Experience in e-commerce marketing, preferably with Shopify. -Expertise in social media marketing, paid ads, email marketing, and SEO. -A passion for art a...
I'm in need of a talented UI designer who can create a modern, minimalist workout tracking website. This site will primarily be used for tracking exercise routines, and needs to be optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. It should be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, in line with a modern and minimalist design style. Key Responsibilities: - Design a website that allows users to track different types of workouts, including gym routines, cardio, yoga, and more - Ensure the site is fully optimized for both desktop and mobile use - Implement a clean, modern and minimalist design style Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in UI design, specifically for websites - Strong understanding of modern, minimalist design principles - Experience with creating res...
I am looking for an experienced event photographer to capture the special moments of my child's birthday party. The event will be filled with joy, laughter, and lots of energetic kids - so a photographer who is not only skilled but also good with children will be essential. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience in event photography, particularly children's parties - Patience and ability to interact well with kids - Ability to capture candid moments and create a lively photo story of the event - Professionalism and punctuality - Owns high-quality photography equipment - Can deliver edited photos within a reasonable timeframe after the event.
...from us each day** The Task: Want you to design a warp text around the design for the words " AUSTRALIA BODYBUILDING GYMROOS" In-between each word i want you to use a kangaroo to break up the text as per the sample attached. I also want you to CUSTOM design the main kangaroo design in the middle of the design. The kangaroo must be lifting some sort of gym weight and must be a similar style line design as per the example of the brand attached. Text Style : cracked or washed effect - similar to the example. Please show me a mockup of your design on a gym tank along with your work on a black and white background. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in graphic design and illustration - Previous experience designing for clothing brands - Ability ...
...illustration, graphic design, and sketching (portfolio required). -Proficiency in design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or equivalent software. -Strong creative and conceptual thinking skills. -Familiarity with T-shirt printing requirements and techniques is a plus. -Ability to work within tight deadlines and deliver quality work. Ideal Skills: -Create high-quality illustrations and graphic art based on our brand's themed concepts. -Design characters, scenes, and sketches with a modern and trendy aesthetic. -Collaborate with our team to refine ideas and translate concepts into designs suitable for T-shirt printing. -Ensure designs are adaptable for different T-shirt fits (normal, oversized) and unisex styles. -Provide print-ready artwork in required formats. Proj...