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2,000 joomla alternative asp Nalezené pracovní možnosti

– Vytvoření template projektu z hotových HTML/CSS šablon – Programování jednoduchých komponent z využitím externí DB

€1065 Average bid
€1065 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

Potřebuji provést změny ve stávajících webových stránkách Prosím o úpravy webu v systému Joomla a PHP. Jedná se mi o přidání textů, obrázků, přidání aktualit atp.

€178 Average bid
€178 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

Dobrý den, poptávám migrace internetových stránek na Joomla z 2.5.x na verzi 3.... Jedná se o internetové stránky Předem vělice děkuji a jsem s pozdravem Lukáš Daška [Removed by Admin]

€430 Average bid
€430 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

webhosting WP Joomla Drupal

€2102 Average bid
€2102 Průměr. nabídka
54 nabídky

...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...

€524 Average bid
€524 Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

...FTP. Hlavní konkurence: Požadavky: 1) 2-3 různé návrhy designů - Každý design Mobile friendly nebo verze mobile/desktop, jednoduchá orientace, jiné než stávající barevné schéma než na současném webu (bez růžové). Pozitivní, veselý, dávající pocit luxusní služby. 2) Založené na php CMS jako je Wordpress / Joomla / Drupal ... 3) Uživatelská přívětivost, snadná orientace uživatelů na stránkách, dostupné informace. 4) Garance validního kódu html 5) Web optimalizovaný z pohledu SEO on-page faktorů (nadpisy, struktura textu, roboti, sitelinky, meta) 6) Integrace Google...

€521 Average bid
€521 Průměr. nabídka
42 nabídky

Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro...mobilní verzi, online kalkulačky, analyzátory, psaní modulů, webové stránky redesign a další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost a zkuše...

€231 Average bid
€231 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Zdravím, poptávám tvorbu webové aplikace, do budoucna i mobilní aplikace pro iOS a Android. Webová aplikace může být i jako komponenta do Joomla nebo Wordpressu. Níže posílám hrubý náčrt funkcí, které by měl projekt splňovat. 1. Front end - propracovaný fulltext vyhledávač - kategorie, podkategorie více úrovní - nabídky a poptávky odděleně, řazení, filtrování,... - seznam uživatelů, řazení podle hodnocení, filtrování, atd... 2. Administrace uživatele - registrace, vyplnění profilu - control panel (moje poptávky, moje nabídky, moje hodnocení, ...

€488 Average bid
€488 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky
editace komponenty
Ukončeno left

uprava formuláře, při změně načíst jiny obsah.... Jedná se o uprade stránek, ale systémově to má fungovat jako na starých stránkach. jde především o úpravu javascriptu. jde o joomla 3.4.8 a adsmanager komponentu

€20 Average bid
€20 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Jedná se o rekonstrukci tohoto webu Bylo by potřeba vytvořit šablonu wp/joomla. Design dodáme.

€472 Average bid
€472 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky
fix Joomla component
Ukončeno left

fix jmailing

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

vytvořit 2 funkční e-shopy se zakomponovanými blogy založené na open source joomla 3 a virtuemart 3 - viz rámcový popis v příloze a vzájemná domluva - Oba e-shopy budou kopie, ale s jiným obsahem.

€136 Average bid
€136 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...našeho projektu na vývoj aplikace pro mobilní zařízení hledáme urgentně programátora pro Joomla!, PHP případně JavaScript. Boxed je společnost zabývající se dodáváním ICT řešení především do školního prostředí. V rámci našich aktivit jsme před dvěma leta spustili portál sloužící mj. ke sdílení výukových materiálů mezi pedagogy. Na tomto portálu jsme zpřístupnili i jednoduchý nástroj pro podporu výuky – modul iTřída. V současné době se snažíme vyhovět posledním trendům a připravujeme podle tohoto mo...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

Hledáme zkušeného a kvalitního programátora, který se dobře orientuje v jazyce ASP. Především potřebujeme aktualizovat webové stránky o nový obsah a posouvat je stále dál - vývoj nových sekcí, postupné budování administrace, vkládání článků, videí, obrázků do fotogalerie a další. Samozřejmostí je také budování SEO a přinášení nových vlastních nápadů, jak web vylepšit. Specifikem našeho webu je, že obsahuje 5 jazykových mutací, které se snažíme budovat rovnoměrně. Předpokládan&yac...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky
joomla 3.3.x moduli
Ukončeno left

Pozdrav Imate li iskustva s izradom Jooomla 3.3 modula ? Radi se o pretraživanju baze podataka.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...stránky pre spoločnosť Tara, s. r. o. V súčasnej dobe spoločnosť disponuje doménou a webom , založeného na joomla platforme. Keďže sa spoločnosť začína rozrastať na trhu B2C (business to consumer), web-stránka si vyžaduje väčšiu prepracovanosť a pútavejší dizajn. Web spoločnosti si predstavujeme podobne ako túto stránku , , čistý, moderný, jednoduchý s dôrazom na detail. Dizajn webu by sme si dokázali zabezpečiť aj sami ale prosíme Vás o vytvorenie cenovej ponuky: a) Cenová ponuka komplet web-stránka aj s dizajnom b) Cenová ponuka bez designu (len naprogramovanie stránky) Nie je nutnosťou založenia webu na platf...

€632 Average bid
€632 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuWebsite with Shopping Cart - Joomla or Wordpress'

€14 - €14 / hr
€14 - €14 / hr
0 nabídky

Sháním externího programátora pro dlouhodobou spolupráci na úpravy, případně vývoj nových aplikací pro platformu Joomla! a Virtuemart.

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

I'm experiencing a major issue with my Wordpress site. Both CSS and JS are not loading on a specific page, resulting in a blank page. I need an expert...related to single sign-on (SSO). I'm using SAML for this. I need assistance to make a second request in the background, which is currently being blocked. I'm open to alternative solutions, but the priority is to get everything working smoothly again. Please note: - I am only willing to pay when the issue is fully resolved. - If you don't resolve the issue, you won't get paid. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with Wordpress and troubleshooting custom plugins/themes - Proficiency in CSS and JS - Familiarity with SAML and single sign-on methods - Problem-solving skills and abili...

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
61 nabídky

I need a freelancer to help me extract data from LinkedIn profiles. Given a list of LinkedIn profile URLs (provided in an Excel or Google Sheet), I need t...basic information, as well as for the basic and extended data for the following volumes: - 10,000 profiles - 100,000 profiles - 1,000,000 profiles - 10,000,000 profiles Data Format: Extracted information should be delivered in Excel. Profile Visibility: I need data from both private and public profiles. Handling of Private Profiles: For private profiles that cannot be accessed, please use alternative methods to retrieve data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in LinkedIn data extraction - Experienced with handling large datasets - Excellent Excel skills - Familiar with data privacy policies and ethical data retriev...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Průměr. nabídka
63 nabídky

...Question text - Correct answer - Several incorrect answer options - The order of answer choices is randomized each time a question is displayed. Management & Updates: - Terms, questions, and answers can be maintained via an admin panel (optional). - Manual or automated extraction of terms from an existing German-English PDF. Technical Implementation: - Frontend: React (Alternative: Vue.js) - Backend: Firebase or Supabase (Database & Authentication) - Data Storage: Storing terms, questions, answers, and user results in a structured database This process description ensures that the web app is structured and efficiently implemented. If adjustments are needed, it can be modified accordingly....

€472 Average bid
€472 Průměr. nabídka
140 nabídky

I need assistance migrating 3 corporate email domains, with a total of 646 accounts, from the paid service to a suitable free alternative. Options include Zimbra, Postfix + Dovecot, Mailcow, or iRedMail. Key Tasks: - Recommend and set up the optimal free email server - Configure email records (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for each domain - Ensure stable sending/receiving of new emails post-migration - Test the email functionality after the move - If possible, transfer old emails (not necessary, but ideal) You will have access to all required domains and existing server. I am open to suggestions for the server and configurations. The sooner this can be done, the better. The ideal candidate should have experience with email server setups and migrations, with a strong understanding of the ...

€152 Average bid
€152 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky make the cost of membership feel insignificant compared to the access received Application & Waiting List No direct sign-up—only an "Apply for Consideration" form Collect name, contact details, business/industry, net worth (optional), and reason for interest Automated response confirming "Your application is under review" Functionality & Features Membership Payment Processing (Stripe or alternative) Secure, Private Members-Only Area (Future upgrade potential) SEO Optimized, Mobile-First Design Smooth UX/UI with intuitive navigation Strong Call-to-Action but Subtle Execution (Must feel exclusive, not salesy) References & Inspiration The refined elegance of luxury brands like Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Bentley The exclusivity of Soho House,...

€236 Average bid
€236 Průměr. nabídka
162 nabídky

...suggest the most suitable fitness product. - Fetch product details (including Amazon links) from a structured database or sheet. - Automate the delivery of recommendations (via email, WhatsApp, or other channels). - Ensure the system is **scalable and easy to update** for new products. --- ### **Ideal Freelancer:** - Strong experience with **Zapier, OpenAI, and Google Sheets** (or alternative automation tools). - Background in **no-code automation, database management, and API integrations**. - Ability to **suggest improvements** and optimize the setup for efficiency. - (Bonus) Experience in **affiliate marketing or e-commerce automation**. --- ### **Deliverables:** ✅ A working automation flow that **generates and delivers** personalized recommendations. ...

€6 - €16
€6 - €16
0 nabídky

My Joomla website is experiencing functionality issues, specifically a plugin error. The error message states: "Website failure - JoomlaCMSPluginCMSPlugin' not found". This is causing various interactive elements to be non-functional. I was in the process of updating joomla and my website crashed. I cannot access my control centre in joomla and my webiste it down showing: JoomlaCMSPluginCMSPlugin' not found I am seeking a freelancer with extensive experience in Joomla who can troubleshoot and resolve this plugin error swiftly. The ideal candidate would have a deep understanding of Joomla's architecture and plugins, and be able to restore full functionality to my website.

€69 Average bid
€69 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

Project Summary: I need a Freelancer to create a detailed Excel spreadsheet focusing on New Jersey’s Community Solar Energy Program (CSEP). The spreadsheet will support an analysis of current programs, legislative recommendations, and alternative strategies, requiring four key tabs: Project Data: List all 150 approved CSEP projects (243 MW total capacity, 88 operational), including project names, capacities (e.g., up to 5 MW each), locations, utility territories (e.g., 158 MW for PSE&G), start dates, and subscriber numbers (over 16,000 households). Source data from NJ Clean Energy reports. State Comparisons: Compare New Jersey to states like New York (over 1 GW capacity) and California, using metrics like total capacity, project count, subscriber numbers, and policy featu...

€500 Average bid
Neodkladné DOM
€500 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

I'm looking for someone to help me understand holistic digestive health and the various health care approaches, including Western, complementary, and alternative medicine. The task involves: - Defining holistic health in your own words with proper citations. - Researching and defining Western, complementary, and alternative medicine in your own words, also with citations. - Discussing the importance of understanding these diverse approaches to align medical advice with personal values and needs. The primary focus is on how different health care systems can collaboratively or individually support overall well-being, especially concerning digestive health. Ideal candidate should have: - Strong research skills - Ability to articulate complex concepts simply - Proficien...

€15 Average bid
€15 Průměr. nabídka
39 nabídky

I'm looking for a thorough exploration of holistic digestive health, integrating diverse healthcare perspectives. This project involves defining holistic health, alongside Western, complementary, and alternative medicine. Key Tasks: - Define holistic health in your own words and cite sources. - Research and define Western, complementary, and alternative medicine in your own words, with citations. - Stress the importance of these approaches in aligning medical advice with personal values and needs. The primary focus is on understanding how these different health care systems can collaboratively or individually support overall well-being, particularly regarding digestive health. Proper research and citation from peer-reviewed journals are essential to avoid a zero score...

€13 Average bid
€13 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

...This project requires a complete end-to-end setup, covering everything from model creation to scaling revenue streams. The AI influencer should be highly realistic, consistent in appearance, and able to generate content across images and videos for social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Additionally, it should be monetized through exclusive content platforms like DeFans (alternative to OnlyFans), brand sponsorships, and AI-driven content automation. Scope of Work: 1. AI Influencer Creation (Realistic & Consistent Model) Develop an AI-generated influencer that looks realistic and human-like (not obviously AI-generated). Ensure facial consistency across multiple poses, expressions, and environments in both images & videos. Use AI generation tools like...

€208 Average bid
€208 Průměr. nabídka
26 nabídky

We are seeking an experienced web develo...Create a structured, searchable database for resources. • Content Collection & Curation: Gather climate reports, research papers, and policy documents relevant to Sierra Leone. • SEO & User Optimization: Ensure smooth navigation and accessibility. • Testing & Maintenance: Conduct testing and provide minor updates post-launch. Skills & Qualifications • Experience in web development (WordPress, Joomla, or custom CMS). • Knowledge of database management (MySQL, MongoDB, or similar). • Strong skills in UI/UX design for easy navigation. • Familiarity with climate change, environmental policies, or research repositories is a plus. • Previous experience developing knowledge platform...

€1138 Average bid
€1138 Průměr. nabídka
85 nabídky

We are looking for a skilled Python developer to create an advanced, automated SMM Pak Panel software that includes ethical YouTube view generation as ethically in our project. The system should work via GoLogin or any best alternative, but fully automated. It must use premium residential proxies and run across different browsers while preventing detection by bot protection systems. For YouTube views, the system should simulate real user behavior—randomized watch times, natural interactions (mouse movements, scrolling), and diverse IP addresses—to ensure compliance with YouTube's policies. Requirements: Expertise in Python automation (Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer, or custom undetectable browsers). Experience developing SMM panels and integrating APIs for socia...

€118 Average bid
€118 Průměr. nabídka
20 nabídky

...-Strong programming skills in Python (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, or similar tools). -Experience with task scheduling and automation (e.g., cron jobs, Airflow, cloud-based scheduling). -Ability to work around anti-scraping protections while ensuring compliance with ethical standards. -Knowledge of databases (SQL, NoSQL) for storing extracted data. -Experience with API integration as an alternative data collection method. -Strong attention to detail for data accuracy and consistency. Preferred Skills: -Experience working with serverless functions, cloud computing, or containerization (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Docker, etc.). -Knowledge of proxy management, rotating user agents, and CAPTCHA-solving techniques. -Familiarity with real-time data pipelines and automate...

€326 Average bid
€326 Průměr. nabídka
94 nabídky

...professional with extensive experience to construct a detailed financial business plan for my company. The objective is to assess our current financial status, cash flow requirements, and build a compelling proposition for potential investors. Key Areas of Focus: - Cash Flow Analysis: The plan should include monthly projections and revenue forecasting and be able to be easily flexed based on alternative scenarios. Also P&L and balance sheet projections would be an additional benefit. - Investor Presentation: The plan needs to be investor-ready, with an executive summary, financial projections, and a clear depiction of our business model. The ideal candidate should be highly proficient in Excel, and ideally familiar with LivePlan. Excellent feedback and ratings are crucial,...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Průměr. nabídka
51 nabídky

Hello, I am planning to start a project with Joomla 5 and DJ-Classifieds soon and need a very important function for me: Review & Ratings: I absolutely need the possibility that USER can rate each other and these ratings are then visible on the user profile page (example: ,867=). And ideally, it should also be possible to rate the ITEMS (Adverts). The following requirements would have to be met: 4 to 5 freely definable rating criteria (delivery time, price/performance etc.) + rating text

€145 Average bid
€145 Průměr. nabídka
34 nabídky

...reforming, giving it an otherworldly presence. God Tier: Reality-warping distortions, where faint cracks in space-time appear and vanish, with mirage-like waves pulsing outward, giving the artwork an almost unreal presence. These examples serve as a general guideline for the level of complexity and style we’re looking for at each tier, but we’re open to creative interpretations. If you have alternative ideas for animated visual effects that fit within our static PNG + GIF overlay format, feel free to pitch them. The key is to ensure the effects are scalable across multiple artworks of the same tier while maintaining a subtle yet premium aesthetic. The final designs must be transparent GIFs which work as an overlay for a PNG file....

€94 Average bid
€94 Průměr. nabídka
81 nabídky

...understand why the Testimonials and Blog sections are not displaying. Identify any compatibility issues between the current version of Elementor (Free) and any other plugins or custom code on the site. Testimonial Section Restoration: Investigate the structure of the Testimonials section to determine why it is not displaying. Ensure the section is compatible with Elementor Free, or find an alternative solution to create and display testimonials without Elementor Pro. Implement the solution and verify that the Testimonials section displays correctly across different devices and browsers. Blog Section Restoration: Review the code or settings associated with the blog display. Resolve the issue causing the blog posts not to display correctly. Ensure that the blog section shows th...

€130 Average bid
€130 Průměr. nabídka
191 nabídky

About Us: Fortis Concierge Corp, based in Surrey, Canada, is a security services company looking to create “Fortis Guard”—a simple, affordable mobile app to manage our security guards. We want a low-cost alternative to expensive tools like Novagems, built with a no-code/low-code platform like Bubble or Glide. This is a one-time project—build it, deliver it, and we’ll take it from there! What We Need: A mobile app (iOS/Android) and web dashboard with these 5 features: - Clock-In/Clock-Out: Guards tap buttons to log shift start/end times (with timestamps). - Scheduling: Calendar showing guard shifts (e.g., “John, March 6, 8 AM-4 PM”), editable via web. - Daily Reports: Guards submit short updates (text + optional photo, e.g., “All cl...

€31 Average bid
€31 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

I need a small VirtueMart online shop set up on my Joomla website, which needs to be multilingual (supporting English). The shop will feature up to 20 articles, for which all content is already prepared. I already have a design ready for the VirtueMart shop. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Joomla and VirtueMart - Experience with setting up multilingual websites - Ability to implement a pre-existing design - Good understanding of e-commerce setup on Joomla Please ensure you can meet these requirements before bidding. Thank you!

€26 Average bid
€26 Průměr. nabídka
35 nabídky
Email Reset Link Issue Fix
4 dní left

I'm experiencing an issue with my website where the "forgot password" link does not send an email to reset the password. - Email Service: The website is using Hostgator's provided email service. - CMS: The website is custom-built using PHP, not a standard CMS like WordPress or Joomla. - Recent Changes: The only recent change made was an update to the PHP version. I'm looking for an experienced PHP developer with a solid understanding of email servers, especially with Hostgator, to debug and fix this issue. Please provide examples of similar issues you've resolved in your proposal.

€54 Average bid
€54 Průměr. nabídka
44 nabídky

...discussions to build a loyal following. (no mycology experience needed—we’ll guide you along the way) What I’m Looking For: • Proven experience in social media management & content creation (portfolio preferred). • Creative mindset with the ability to create unique, viral-style content. • Understanding of audience growth strategies and platform algorithms. • Familiarity with mycology or alternative wellness spaces is a plus, but not required. Budget & Timeline: This will be a monthly ongoing role, with expectations for consistent content output and engagement. Looking for someone long-term who can grow with the brand. If you’re passionate about social media, love creating standout content, and want to be part of a moveme...

€353 Average bid
€353 Průměr. nabídka
54 nabídky

I'm seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in pooled investment in alternative assets. Key Requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create engaging, informative content - Writer will need to do good amount of research to assemble the content for the blog - Writer will need to deliver the sources of all the numbers & stats mentioned in the content - Writer will need to search for 3-4 matching royalty free images, which can be used in the post - Average 1000 words / post Initial engagement will be for 20 posts, with potential of long term engagement.

€361 Average bid
€361 Průměr. nabídka
66 nabídky

...customer accepts & signs the offer online (sign module). The customer pays an initial deposit or full amount (payment module). ✔ The sales team can manually modify the order in Odoo if needed. 4️⃣ Follow-Up Reminder After 7 Days ✔ If the order is not confirmed within 7 days, an automatic email follow-up is triggered (crm). ✔ The follow-up includes the original quote and offers a discount or alternative (if configured). 5️⃣ Order Execution & Final Invoice Generation ✔ After service completion, the actual disposal weights and volumes are entered into Odoo. ✔ The final invoice is automatically generated based on: Measured weight (tons) Fuel volume (liters) ✔ Invoice is sent via email to the customer. ✔ A disposal confirmation document is included. 6️⃣ Payment Tracking &...

€533 Average bid
€533 Průměr. nabídka
96 nabídky

I am looking for a clean logo and brand name for my milk-based spread. The design should reflect the simple, natural ingredients of the product and allude to its handmade, artisanal quality. Additionally, it should position the spread as a healthier alternative to other sweet spreads on the market. Key Requirements: - A minimalistic, modern and clean logo design - An earthy, pastel color palette - A design that embodies freshness and purity Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in modern logo design, particularly within the food sector. Experience with branding for health-focused, artisanal products will be a significant advantage.

€74 Average bid
€74 Průměr. nabídka
156 nabídky

All the Design Work has been done, and half of the Configuration/Deployment/Joomla Work has been done. For this project you don't need design/artistic skills, you only need Joomla Experience. You can see the website design in & Layout.docx. You can also view the existing Joomla Website: For this project, you simply need to finish configuring/deploying the website.

€31 Average bid
€31 Průměr. nabídka
30 nabídky

My primary goal with this project is to improve team collaboration, with a specific focus on our communication processes. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Excellent task management capabilities - Proficient analytical thinking and problem-solving skills Please note, ou...a specific focus on our communication processes. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Excellent task management capabilities - Proficient analytical thinking and problem-solving skills Please note, our current communication tool is email. If you have experience with enhancing communication processes via email, or can suggest alternative tools that can be implemented, that would ...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

Web development - Blog I am looking for a web developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 week...developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 weeks. Specific functionalities and features are already outlined in a detailed list, which will be provided to the chosen developer. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla - Knowledge of responsive design and mobile optimization - Ability to incorporate SEO best practices for improved search engine visibility The developer should be able to create a visually appealing and user-friendly blog website that meets all the specified req...

€27 Average bid
€27 Průměr. nabídka
32 nabídky

...API with the ERP system and the fulfillment network. The WMS API will play a crucial role in managing inventory, order fulfillment, and tracking. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that this integration supports all relevant functions, such as inventory updates, order status tracking, and shipment management. 8. **Native ERP API Integration (Alternative Option)** If integration with the WMS API is not sufficient, we will consider an alternative approach using the native API of the ERP system. This will require a detailed understanding of the ERP system’s API capabilities and the necessary adjustments to ensure that all required functionalities (order synchronization, status updates, inventory management, etc.) are supported. The integration should be flexible en...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

I am looking for a 3D modeler to create printable 3D letters in the "Aero" font optimized for resin printing with an Anycubic Photon M7. Each letter, number, and punctuation mark should be a separate 3D model and include a support structure for wall mounting. Requirements: Font: Aero (If unavailable, a similar alternative can be proposed) Dimensions: Height: 12 cm (120 mm) Thickness: 5 mm Hollow Back with Support Bar for Stability: The back should be hollow to save material. A support bar on the back for added stability and wall mounting. The support bar should be approximately 1-2 cm wide and 3-5 mm high to ensure reliable wall adhesion. Additional adhesive point: A small recess or flat hole on the support bar (about 1-2 cm in diameter) to accommodate adhesive pads or d...

€15 Average bid
9 příspěvky