Image hosting system scriptpráce
Web hosting již mám, nyní stačí vytvořit web
Pro vydání mobilní aplikace pro Android sháním programátora schopného vyvíjet v Apache Cordova, se znalostí Java script a na straně serveru se znalostí PHP.
Καλησπέρα, διαθέτω 2 eshop το ένα κατασκευασμένο με OpenCart και το άλλο ειναι κατασκευασμένο με custom CMS (αρκετα αρχαίο) απο ελληνικη εταιρεια η οποια έχει και το hosting , και...
Hledám někoho šikovného na vytvoření webu ubytování. Web se bude skládat z pěti stránek: Úvodní stránka, vybavení, okolí, ceník a rezervace, kontakty. Na stránce rezervace bude umístěn rezervační formulář, vedle kterého bude kalendář s obsazeností objektu, tento kalendář bude měnit majitel. Doménu i hosting mám, designér dostane přihlašovací údaje a může začít tvořit. Termín vyhotovení do konce září.
Projekt adopce kryptomen mezi sirokou verejnosti Hledám programátora blockchainu, dApp, Defi apod. v Solidity, Script, Rust, Haskell Plutus, JavaScript apod., dále platformy Moralis, Agoric apod. Seniorní i juniorní. Za U.S. odměny požadujeme U.S. kvalitu. Mzda podle U.S. standardu Práce z domu.
Help me fix a FileMaker Pro script via Teamviewer:
bug fixing, drobné úkoly webové aplikace; JAVA script, Angular 5, TypeScript nutností face to face contact in Prague, Czech Republic is a must
Jsme Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytv...Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytváření 2D micro-learningových animovaných videí (Adobe after effects a Illustrator) pro globální projekt. Každé video je zhruba na 1:30 až 2min a jedná se o vytváření různých microlearningových modulů a budování e-learningové knihovny. Spolupráce bude probíhat s product development team typu script - brainstorming, core ...
I need a pro to install a bitexchange script for me.
Dobrý den, potřebuji vytvořit web s placeným obsahem Na webu budu nabízet placená školící videa + nějaká videa úplně zdarma v rámci blogu a nějaká videa registrovaným. Také budu později prodávat software. Potřebovala bych tedy (nejspíš): - vytvořit stránky, které budou třeba (úvodní stránka, registrační a př...kartou + pokud to půjde, tak propojit s ekonomickým systémem POHODA kvůli fakturám a EET Mám koupenou šablonu DIVI a na placené členství plugin MEMBERPRESS, takže můj požadavek je, aby to bylo tvořeno v tomto. Potřebovala bych, abych si web mohla kdykoli nějak graficky upravi...
Potřeboval bych vypracovat projekt, jehož zadání je v příloze. V případě zájmu Vám k tomu pošlu další data, na ceně se dohodneme.
need this done asap by a pro adobe illustrator
Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!
Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Dobrý den Matěji, pokouším se momentálně implementovat službu Premium SMS Action na webové stránky a řeším script který bude předávat automaticky generované odpovědi (PIN kód) plus upravit kód formuláře na stránkách, kam budou zákazníci tento PIN vkládat. Budu rád když mi s tím pomůžete. Určitě rád poskytnu podrobnější info. Děkuji, Tom Novak
Potřebuji napsat script (php nebo java), který po implementaci do webové stránky rozpozná, zda je návštěvník mé facebookové stránky. Účel : zobrazení určitého obsahu jen pro fanoušky / nefanoušky dané fb stránky
web stranky pro Leikadesign, jedná se o designové podlahy a obrazy. Mám hosting, napojený wordpress, vybranou šablonu, po schválení, zda je dobrá, mohu zakoupit. Nejedná se o eshop
Potřebuji jednoduchý php script program který bude mít administraci + uživatelské prostředí. Jde o přidělení firmě dle výše faktur určitý počet bodu dle nastaveného koeficientu. Příklad 1000 € = 100 bodů, firma bude akorát vidět číslo faktury suma faktury a stav bodů, administrátor bude jenom přidávat k jednotlivé firmě částky a body se budou automaticky navyšovat.
Potřebuji script pracující velmi podobně jako épe od někoho kdo umí česky nebo rusky.
Za použití zakoupené wordpress šablony Avada a různých pluginů dotvořit a designově vyladit webovou prezentaci firmy včetně doladění designu atp. Vytvořit několik HTML landingů - opět ze zakoupených šablon. Texty připraveny k dodání, pluginy vybrány, šablony zakoupeny, hosting zřízen a nastaven, wordpress nainstalován v poslední verzi. Pro cenovou nabídku nutno dohodnout rozsah prací a rádi bychom dlouhodobou spolupráci.
Vytvoření 3D interaktivní šachovnice pro web stránku, jednotlivé pozice reagují na myš, click, a naopak PHP třída nebo script po zavolání rosvítí pozici, řadu nebo prusečík pozic.
Stávající stránky přetvořit za pomoci Wordpress. Mám zakoupenou šablonu BeTheme od muffingroup, funkční hosting, nainstalovaný WP i šablonu. Potřebuji jen sestavit web, nemám na to čas. vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikládám link s dalšími...
watch series
Potřebuji velice jednoduchou webovou stránku, která budé mit jedinou funkci: Kromě základního menu, potřebuji na hlavní stránce text box, kde uživatele anonymně pošlou dotaz ohledně plastické chirurgie, třeba i s přiloženou fotkou(nebo fotkami) - na dotaz bude pak reagovat kvalifikovaný lékař. Dotaz se zobrazí na hlavní stránce po schválení ad...plastické chirurgie, třeba i s přiloženou fotkou(nebo fotkami) - na dotaz bude pak reagovat kvalifikovaný lékař. Dotaz se zobrazí na hlavní stránce po schválení administrátorem stránky. Zobrazený dotaz bude propojený s FB comunitou kde se tyto d...
Pracovní náplní je vytvoření šablony pro WordPress podle námi dodaného grafického návrhu. Dále pak nainstalovat instanci CMS WordPress na hosting a s využitím vytvořené šablony naplnit námi dodaný obsah. Součástí vytvoření šablony bude i rozdělení grafického návrhu na jednotlivé segmenty webu ( záhlaví, tlačítka, atd...)
Na serveru () probíhá neidentifikovaný script, který každé 3 minuty, úplně zahltí VPS. Občas dojde k úplnému výpadku. Potřebuju script najít a opravit. _____ On the server () runs unidentified PHP script that every three minutes, completely overwhelms the VPS. Sometimes there is a complete failure. I need find script find and fix it.
I need a freelancer who can convert an image into a clean, simple, single-page website. The webpage should mirror the layout and design of the provided image, without any complex animations or interactive elements. Key Requirements: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience with single-page web applications - Ability to replicate a design accurately - Understanding of creating a simple, user-friendly interface Please keep it straightforward, in line with the design of the image.
I'm seeking a telemarketer to reach out to a database of nursing and care homes to introduce my new software product. The primary aim of these calls is to collect feedback on the product and its potential use in these facilities. Key Aspects: - Contacting nursing and care homes via phone - Introducing the software and gathering their input Skills and Expe...potential use in these facilities. Key Aspects: - Contacting nursing and care homes via phone - Introducing the software and gathering their input Skills and Experience: - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Prior experience in telemarketing, preferably in the healthcare or software industry - Ability to listen, record and relay feedback accurately - Proficient in using a simple call script and improvisi...
I'm looking for a developer who can build an IoT based smart parking reservation system. This system should allow users to reserve a parking slot upon their arrival, ideally using an Android mobile application or a web interface. The software needs to be connected to an IoT system circuit and operate in real-time, showing available parking slots in the present. Key requirements: - Design of the software application for an embedded system. - Use of ESP32 Wifi/Bluetooth as the main microcontroller. - Real-time tracking of parking slot availability. I would also appreciate guidance on the IoT building or a provided circuit for the connection. The ideal candidate will have experience in IoT system design, embedded software development, and ideally a ba...
I have created a program that extracts the JSON object of a Figma design file (of websites only not mobile UI) using Figma's restful API. Furthermore there is an another script already in place that enables parsing the JSON and updating the 'type' keys to a desired value, eg a key having type value 'FRAME' can then be updated to say 'Button', this mechanism is called tagging which is also done by other figma-based code extensions to improve code accuracy. Now I want a python script that takes this tagged design JSON as input and then translates it to HTML and CSS codes. Required components Header, Footer, Navbar, all form elements, text elements, media elements like images, videos and audios nested elements like Cards, tables, lists and oth...
I need a freelancer to make the white colored silhouette to be transparent. I would also like to know how to do that step in photoshop. I can't seem to figure it out.. Thanks.
...editions which share a single code base and will use the Salesforce Feature Control System to determine which edition the customer has licensed. Consultant qualifications or certifications: • Release management. • GitHub setup, management, best practices. • VScode 2nd generation managed package development • VScode and GitHub automation script writing. • AppExchange package development • Familiarity with Salesforce Flow and Apex code development. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with GitHub CI/CD. - Strong background in CI/CD best practices. - Previous experience with Salesforce application development Deliverables: 1. GitHub Source Code Control & Processes • Configure GitHub as the primary source control system. &bu...
I'm seeking an expert in deep learning for a project involving image data augmentation and classification. The project utilizes Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for data augmentation and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for classification. Key components of the project include: - Using GANs to augment image data - Employing a CNN for classification purposes Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed in deep learning techniques, particularly with GANs and CNNs. Experience with image data is crucial. While I have no specific preference for the deep learning framework, proficiency in TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras will be an added advantage. Your expertise will help enhance the quality of the model and improve its classification accuracy.
I'm seeking assistance with image processing task for an academic project involving simulation of medical images. The key tasks I need help with encompass: - Image Segmentation: Specifically, I require expert input on how to effectively segment medical images using thresholding techniques or other digital image processing techniques. Ideal candidates would possess: - Extensive experience in image processing, Edge detection techniques like Canny Edge detection particularly with medical images - Proficiency in thresholding techniques for image segmentation - A strong academic background or experience in research-related image processing tasks
...connectivity (ping) work fine. This is likely a Traefik 3 + firewall + container networking issue. This job requires live collaboration over Zoom – no direct network access will be provided. ? Technical Environment & Network Setup ? External Network Setup WAN IP (.148) → pfSense Firewall pfSense forwards port 80/443 → Docker VM pfSense handles DNS & NAT Docker VM (Primary Hosting Machine) Runs Traefik v3 as the main reverse proxy Hosts a website container (which needs API access) Forwards requests for to another VM Appwrite VM () Runs Appwrite, an API service with Traefik integrated Exposes HTTP (80) & HTTPS (443) Uses a self-signed certificate for HTTPS Receives A...
...focus of this website will be to showcase our services in a professional and corporate manner. Key Responsibilities: - Website Design: Create a website with a modern, sleek and corporate feel, with the primary goal of showcasing our services. - Company Profile Creation: Develop a compelling narrative and design for our company profile to be featured on the site. - Website Hosting: Set up reliable and efficient hosting for the site. - Company Email Setup: Create a professional company email linked to the website domain. - Social Media Campaign: Design and implement a strategic social media campaign to promote our services and drive traffic to the site. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in web design and development, particularly for co...
I'm looking for an experienced backend developer to help identify and fix a small bug in web application. Work to be completed within 2 days Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with backend development in php and code igniter, java script - Familiarity with web applications - Problem-solving skills Experience: - Prior work with bug fixing in backend systems - Experience with web application development - Must have had at least 5-6 years of experience
Core Features & Modules 1. User Roles & Access Control • Admin (Owner): Full control over system functions. • Staff (Employees): Can add expenses, view their reimbursements, and check vehicle file status. 2. Vehicle File Management • Ability to create a new file for each vehicle clearance using: o Chassis Number / File Number (Unique Identifier) o Client Name o Vehicle Details o Status: Pending, In Progress, Cleared o Total Expenses Incurred • Staff members can only add expenses if the file is active. • Admin has access to re-open a file in case a staff member forgot to add an expense. 3. Expense Tracking & Reimbursement • Staff members can log daily expenses for each file by selecting: o Chassis/File Number o Expense Type (Custom Duty, Po...
We're seeking a seasoned Apps Script Consultant for a long-term engagement with a major retail company. The goal is to enhance and automate existing processes using Google Apps Script, Google Workspace API, and AppSheet. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze current sales processes and pinpoint quick improvement opportunities. - Automate tasks through Google Sheets, Slides, Apps Script, and AppSheet. - Manage a backlog and oversee the implementation of solutions. - Coordinate between business and technical teams. - Track results and continuously optimize. Essential Requirements: - A minimum of 3 years experience with Google Apps Script, AppSheet, and Google Workspace API. - At least 5 years of experience as a Product Owner or Technical Project Manage...
...need a skilled web developer to replicate a PNG image into pure Bootstrap HTML and CSS. All elements of the image need to be meticulously copied including the layout, modal, typography, colors, and navigation menu. Light hover effects should also be incorporated to enhance interactivity. The content of the page will be static, so no dynamic elements are required. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in HTML/CSS and Bootstrap - Excellent eye for detail - Experience with translating design into code - Knowledge of implementing CSS hover effects - Ability to work with PNG files I will provide the design image via chat. Please message me if any clarification is needed. Based on working on this page, we have above 20-25 image files of the sam...
I'm looking for a freelance System Analyst to join my project in the Tech and IT industry. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze system requirements and collaborate with developers - Evaluate and improve IT systems - Conduct data analysis and interpret results Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a System Analyst - Strong understanding of IT systems - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Proficient in data analysis tools and techniques
Title: Amazon Product Image & Packaging Designer (English to Arabic Localization) Description: We are looking for a skilled graphic designer who is fluent in both Arabic and English to help localize our Amazon product images and packaging design for the Middle Eastern market. We already have the English version, and we need a designer who can: ✅ Translate and integrate Arabic text while maintaining design aesthetics ✅ Adapt typography and layout for right-to-left (RTL) orientation ✅ Ensure compliance with Amazon’s image and packaging guidelines ✅ Provide high-quality, print-ready packaging files ✅ Optimize images for Amazon PDP (Product Detail Page), including infographics and enhanced A+ content Requirements: ? Experience with Amazon product image design ...
I need a simple script that can be implemented on a website to forward text messages to my Telegram. The messages should be forwarded from the website to my Telegram account. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in website scripting - Familiarity with Telegram's API - Experience in creating message forwarding systems
I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create an engaging image ad for Facebook aimed at increasing brand awareness. The ad will need to be tailored to a Tamil-speaking audience, so fluency in Tamil is a must. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience with Facebook advertising - Creative mindset with a keen eye for design - Fluent in Tamil, with an understanding of the culture and nuances
...passes. Admin Panel: Manage passes, track sales, and user activity. Mobile-Friendly & Fast: Optimized for all devices. Multi-language Support (Optional). Secure Payments (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). SEO-Friendly for better visibility. ? Tech Preferences: Frontend: React.js or Vue.js (fast and interactive UI). Backend: Node.js with Express or Laravel (for scalability). Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Hosting: AWS, Vercel, or similar. I need a freelancer who can design, develop, and deploy the platform efficiently. Please share your experience, relevant projects, and estimated timeline. ?...
I'm seeking a skilled web and Android app developer to create a liquid inventory management system for tracking fuel consumption in vehicles. Key Features: - Integration with QR/Bar Codes: Each vehicle will be assigned a QR/Bar Code, which will be scanned by the fuel attendant at each fueling. The volumes consumed will be captured in real-time and uploaded to a central server. - Real-Time Data: The system should provide real-time data on fuel consumption, enabling tracking of how much fuel a vehicle owner uses monthly. - Data Analytics: The app should be able to analyze fuel consumption trends over time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both web development and Android app development - Experience with QR/Bar Code integration - Skills in developing real-time data tracki...
I have a Python script that I want to transform into a Chrome extension. The primary purpose of the extension is to automate tasks on a single specific website. Key Requirements: - The extension should be capable of opening a webpage and injecting JavaScript into the console, which I have already coded. - Understanding of Chrome extension development is crucial. - Ability to integrate Python script into the extension smoothly. - Experience with automating tasks on websites will be a plus. Please note that the extension will only need to interact with one particular website. It is important that the freelancer has a good grasp of the Chrome extension ecosystem and can deliver a product that is reliable and efficient. experienced developer to create a bidirectional API interface between our cloud-based ERP system and a fulfillment network. The goal is to ensure seamless data flow between the two platforms to optimize order processing, inventory management, shipment tracking, and goods receipt. The integration should support real-time updates, automate data transfers, and reduce manual entry errors. Key Requirements: 1. **Order Synchronization (ERP → Fulfillment Network)** We need the system to automatically transfer sales orders from the ERP system to the fulfillment network. This transfer should include all relevant order data such as products, quantities, and customer information. Additionally, the system should allow for optional inclusion of batch/lot numbe...