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2,000 general supplies company profile samples Nalezené pracovní možnosti

We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months

€4994 - €9989
Neodkladné Zapečetěný
€4994 - €9989
3 nabídky

... Do budoucna až bude projekt kompletně hotový uvažuji o přijetí investora, který by nám pomohl s jeho rozjezdem s "Big Bang". General: Technologie: WordPress, Elementor, Astra, Python, SQLLite, Django, Pandas, Numpy Provider: Forpsi / Webglobe / AWS / Jiný (s největší pravděpodobnosti služba: "Virtuální privátní server (VPS)" nebo "Virtuální managed server (VMS)" --> na serveru poběží ještě můj python code generující obsah, plus vlastní doména Data: jsou uložena zatím na MS SQL, ale WEbglobe MS SQL nemá (pouze My SQL), takže uvažuju že přepíšu kod na MySQL a nebo na pythoní SQLLite...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

Hello everyone, I need to make four versions of logos for my startup company. #1 - black version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see #2 - blue version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this blue is just example, you have to use R=22 + G=63 + B=134) #3 - green Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this green is just example, you have to use R=56 + G=178 + B=77) #4 - red version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this red is just example, you have to use R=190 + G=22 + B=34) The winner send me PDF of each version and main source of work (.eps, .ps – PostScript, .adp – Adobe Illustrator Artwork, .cdr – Corel Draw, .svg – Scalable Vector Graphics or .zmf – Zoner Callisto).

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
27 nabídky
company logo
Ukončeno left

Company name:SEKKA Field : PRO SERVICES

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
80 nabídky

I need a company profile in 3 pages

€74 Average bid
€74 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

2-3 page company profile writeup

€69 Average bid
€69 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

Handmade leather products company

€73 Average bid
€73 Průměr. nabídka
47 nabídky

Design a company profile, 7-10 pages.

€107 Average bid
€107 Průměr. nabídka
32 nabídky
Project for veikakh
Ukončeno left

Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.

€231 Average bid
€231 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.

€231 - €231
€231 - €231
0 nabídky
Project for Soniatko
Ukončeno left

Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.

€231 Average bid
€231 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.

€193 Average bid
€193 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.

€193 Average bid
€193 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
General Labour
Ukončeno left

Ahoj! Hledáme mladého a šikovného truhláře pro náš Start-Up!

€226 - €677
€226 - €677
0 nabídky

Tvorba ...přepsat do webové podoby. Jde o to, že v prostředí webu nakreslím vývojový diagram, každému prvku vývojového diagramu přidělím nějaké atributy. Výsledný graf předám ve formě JSON na server, který si jej uloží v databázi (serverová část není součástí zadání), zadání je pouze na tvorbu webového interface. - stavět se bude pravděpodobně na hotové knihovně pro tyto účely GoJS - - napřed je třeba knihovnu detailně nastudovat a ověřit, že je vhodná pro naše účely, aby nedošlo k rozčarování v momentu, kdy bude část hotová. - bude připr...

€1011 Average bid
€1011 Průměr. nabídka
6 nabídky

Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuWebsite design - Software developer company'

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuLogo for my company + web page background'

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Mam pro Vas nabidku prace na projektu, jehoz zakaznik je na Novem Zelandu. Je to docela zajimavu projekt v oblasti stavebnictvi. Jake mate zkusenosti s programovanim v C#, MSSQL? Jake mate zkusenosti s anglictinou? Na jake jste urovni? Jaka je Vase hodinova, mesicni sazba pri dlouhodobejsi spolupraci? Mate zkusenosti s vyvojem software na dalku? Zakaznik si preje platit hodinove a spoluprace by byla na 2 - 3 mesice a pripadne i dale. Ja jsem momentalne na Novem Zelandu, muzeme se klidne domluvit na Skype, pokud budete chtit. Pekny den. Petr Kott

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hi there, I am able to create your logo refine with high resulation. So, let's start

€9 Average bid
€9 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I'm looking for a professional to create a personal website for my self-owned company. This website should embody a classic and formal design style, avoiding any overly complex or colorful elements. As the project entails designing a personal site, I would appreciate a touch of professionalism balanced with personal warmth. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a classic and formal personal company website - Ensure the site is user-friendly and intuitive - Assist with the hosting process on to the Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development - Strong portfolio of classic and formal design styles - Familiarity with hosting on - Excellent communication skills I'm keen to collaborate with a freelancer who is responsive, understands my vision, and ...

€151 Average bid
€151 Průměr. nabídka
108 nabídky

I'm in need of a playful, cheeky, cartoonish-style hedgehog illustration. This hedgehog should be holding a garden hedge trimmer. The illustration will be used for print, specifically for posters and flyers, so it needs to be clear and impactful at various sizes. Key Requirements: - The hedgehog should be depicted in a bright and vibrant color scheme. - Th...bright and vibrant color scheme. - The illustration should embody a fun, cheeky and playful demeanor. - The hedgehog should be cartoonish, not realistic or minimalistic. - Experience with creating illustrations for print is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Cartoon-style illustration - Print design - Understanding of vibrant color schemes - Ability to create engaging, playful characters Please provide samples of similar work in ...

€31 Average bid
20 příspěvky

I'm seeking a modern logo for my roofing company. The design should incorporate: - Roof imagery - The company name - Tools or equipment - An animal The preferred color scheme is blue and gray. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software - Previous experience designing modern logos - Strong understanding of color theory - Ability to incorporate various elements into a cohesive design - Animal design experience is a plus Please provide a portfolio showcasing your previous logo designs.

€277 Average bid
€277 Průměr. nabídka
157 nabídky

I'm seeking a skilled voice-over artist with experience in narration for e-Learning content aimed at adults. The project involves recording scripts in a clear, engaging, and professional manner, suitable for a radio format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in e-Learning narration - A voice suitable for adult audiences - Ability to convey inform...suitable for a radio format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in e-Learning narration - A voice suitable for adult audiences - Ability to convey information clearly and engagingly - Professional recording equipment and environment - Experience with radio format preferred The goal is to create high-quality, accessible content that enhances the learning experience. Please provide samples of previous wor...

€89 Average bid
€89 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

...for distribution on audiobook sites. The project involves: - Compiling MP3 files: Each poem and segment of the introductory material is currently in a separate file. These need to be combined in accordance with my general instructions. - Technical preparation: The final product needs to meet the technical specifications required by audiobook platforms. Your skills and experience should include: - Proficiency in audio editing software (e.g., Audacity, Adobe Audition) - Previous experience working with audiobooks or poetry is a plus - Attention to detail to follow general instructions for segment breaks - Ability to deliver high-quality audio files on time I do not require noise reduction or audio cleaning services, so the focus will be on the compilation and t...

€461 - €923
€461 - €923
10 nabídky

I'm seeking a professional video creator to shoot, edit, and produce a 25-minute, 3D animation educational video on "Geology for Engineers". The video should be appealing to the general public and engineering students and delivered in both Spanish and English. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in creating live-action educational content - Exceptional skills in simplifying complex concepts - Advanced editing skills to keep viewers interested Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video production and editing - Expertise in scriptwriting for educational purposes - Deep understanding of techniques to engage an audience I already have an outline for the video, but it needs development into a full script. The tone of the video should be engaging and entertaining, rathe...

€76 Average bid
€76 Průměr. nabídka
28 nabídky

I'm looking to build three AI systems that will primarily serve the general public. The intended systems are: 1. **Natural Language Processing AI**: This system will be deployed as a chatbot. It should be capable of understanding and processing human language with a high degree of proficiency. The chatbot should be able to engage users in meaningful conversations, answer queries, and provide assistance on a range of topics. 2. **Predictive Analytics AI**: This system will analyze data and make predictions based on trends. It's crucial that this AI can handle large datasets efficiently and deliver accurate forecasts. 3. **Image Recognition AI**: This will serve as a CV (Curriculum Vitae) analyser. The AI should be able to assess and analyse CVs, identifying key skills a...

€547 Average bid
€547 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

I have designed a logo for my company which specializes in smartphone/computer repairs, websites, applications, and online marketing. The logo is complete but needs professional refinement and conversion into a high-quality vector format suitable for printing on business cards, stationery, and digital use. Specific Tasks: - Adjust the proportions of the icon/graphics to enhance the overall balance and appeal of the logo. - Professional polishing and minor adjustments to enhance the existing logo design. - Convert the final design into a high-quality vector format (AI, EPS, SVG) for versatility across different mediums, including both print and digital use. - Recommendations for color and typography adjustments if necessary for a professional and cohesive look. Ideal Candidate: - ...

€120 Average bid
222 příspěvky

...skills and responsiveness. Attention to detail and creative problem-solving abilities. Payment & Terms: Starting with a budget of 500 INR for the first 5-minute video. Long-term collaboration, with the potential for increased payment based on performance and satisfaction. I’m looking for someone who can deliver quality work consistently and communicate well. If you're interested, please provide samples of your previous work and explain how you would approach this project. I look forward to establishing a long-term working relationship!...

€6 Average bid
€6 Průměr. nabídka
4 nabídky

...match stock footage (AI-generated or sourced) to the script’s key messages. Strong video editing skills using Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar. Portfolio showcasing spokesperson-led explainer videos. Additional Notes: If using an AI avatar, it should be highly realistic and professional. AI-generated stock footage should align seamlessly with the script. Please provide portfolio samples of similar work....

€112 Average bid
€112 Průměr. nabídka
45 nabídky

I'm seeking a facilities maintenance salesman to promote handyman services tailored for retail stores and restaurants. The handyman will be responsible for a variety of tasks including plumbing repairs, electrical repairs, general maintenance, and electrical equipment repairs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in sales, particularly in facilities maintenance, is highly desirable. - Technical knowledge and experience in handyman tasks is a plus. - Excellent communication skills to effectively promote the services to potential clients. - Ability to understand and convey the value of our comprehensive maintenance services.

€1846 Average bid
€1846 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

I need someone who will be a perfect partner to work with for life I need prompt replies and a quick turnaround for work. I'm in need of an expert web scraper to identify individuals and companies seeking products available on the Allego Revenue Enablement platform. The ideal candidate would be proficient in searching across multiple social media platforms and the general internet. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, and Quora for potential leads. - Prioritize finding professionals in need of training software, sales teams seeking conversational intelligence tools, and companies needing coaching AI. - For LinkedIn, filter prospects to those working for companies with a headcount of 350+. - Collect relevant data points a...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

I'm launching a new construction company and need a comprehensive marketing package to get the word out. This includes: - Social Media Posts: Targeted for Facebook and Instagram with a professional tone. These posts should highlight our services and establish our presence as a reliable, top-tier construction company. - Brochure: This should cover our company's services, showcase some of our previous projects, and include client testimonials. The brochure needs to be visually appealing and professionally designed. - Emailer: This should be a digital file ready to send out to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders. Ideal skills for this project include social media marketing, graphic design, and copywriting. Experience in the construction industry would be ...

€314 Average bid
€314 Průměr. nabídka
120 nabídky

We are looking for a skilled graphic designer to transform an AI-generated image into a high-quality, usable vector file (SVG, EPS, AI, or PDF). The redesign will maintain the original shape and structure but require some modifications to color and texture for a refined and polished look. Project Requirements: Convert the AI image into a clean, Strong experience in vector tracing and digital refinement Ability to match color tones and textures based on provided references Attention to detail in maintaining proportions and accuracy of the original design Image is attached If you’re confident in your vector conversion skills and can make subtle yet effective refinements, we’d love to hear from you! Please share relevant work samples or a portfolio showcasing...

€18 Average bid
€18 Průměr. nabídka
61 nabídky

I'm seeking a wordpress professional with a strong focus on user interface and experience. I have a wordpress website with a default template. it needs to be customised. The website encompasses about 10 to 12 pages. For example i need a floating header, a hero area, some mouse hover pictures and so on. Specific areas of improvement include: - Navigation and Layout: Streamlining site navigation and optimizing page layouts for intuitive use. - Visual Design and Branding: Enhancing the site's visual appeal and ensuring brand consistency across all elements. - Interactive Elements and Usability: Refining interactive components for improved usability and user engagement. Ideal candidates should have a robust portfolio demonstrating previous work in these areas, alongside strong s...

€151 Average bid
€151 Průměr. nabídka
82 nabídky

...setting up a new Shopify store and need a complete integration with ’s API to automatically import product data, including images, descriptions, prices, and stock levels. Additionally, I require an automated email system to handle order confirmations and customer approvals before production. Below are the specific tasks that need to be completed. Scope of Work: 1. Shopify Setup & General Configuration Configure the basic settings of my Shopify store Select and set up a suitable Shopify theme Optimize payment and shipping settings 2. Midocean API Integration Establish a stable API connection with Automatically fetch and sync product data (names, descriptions, images, prices, stock levels, etc.) Ensure daily automatic updates for stock and price changes 3.

€1109 Average bid
€1109 Průměr. nabídka
59 nabídky

I'm looking for a website developer to create a platform for my pre-recorded video courses. The site should allow me to upload teaching videos and provide downloadable PDF notes for students who pay the course fees. Key features include: - User Registration: A simple email and password system for user authentication. - Payment Gateway: The site should ...simple email and password system for user authentication. - Payment Gateway: The site should support transactions through both UPI and Card. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development and e-commerce integration. - Experience in creating user-friendly, secure platforms. - Knowledge of implementing video hosting and document sharing features. Please provide samples of similar projects yo...

€95 Average bid
€95 Průměr. nabídka
41 nabídky

I'm looking for a developer to create a highly intuitive news platform. The platform should be easy to update, allowing general public/users to contribute content. Key features should include: - User Comments: The platform should have a section for user comments, fostering engagement and discussion among readers. - Social Media Sharing: A crucial aspect of the platform is its shareability. It should have easy-to-use social media sharing buttons to facilitate the spreading of news. The type of news content to be featured on the platform has not been decided yet, so flexibility and scalability are key. Ideal candidates for this project should have significant experience in developing interactive platforms, with a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to create user-friendl...

€18 Average bid
€18 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

I need assistance with organizing my bank statements from three banks into Excel sheets. The project involves statements from 2018 to 2025. Key Requirements: - Categorizing transactions into general categories (e.g., utilities, rent). - Creating new categories as needed. - Organizing the Excel sheets with one sheet per bank. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel. - Experience with bookkeeping. - Strong attention to detail. - Ability to create new categorization systems.

€22 Average bid
€22 Průměr. nabídka
41 nabídky
Trophy icon Thriller Book Cover Design
4 dní left

I'm seeking a professional book cover designer to create a gripping cover for my fiction thriller. The cover needs to fit the KDP Amazon template. Key Requirements: - Experience with KDP Amazon book cover templates is essential. - A strong portfolio in designing covers for fiction, particularly thrillers. - Creative skills to incorporate dark imagery into the design. Please provide samples of your previous work, especially covers in the thriller genre. The cover is for a fictional detective murder mystery. The story concerns an author of a sex novel that might have used real names who is killed and posed in a scene from her book. As the detectives investigate, they learn the book itself was used to incapacitate the victim by hitting her across her face. I have a copy of a boo...

€46 Average bid
27 příspěvky

Hey! I am looking for a professional to create / edit one YouTube video about [video topic]. The length of the video should be between 10-15 minutes long and I pay $10 dollar per video. I will provide can be very creative to make the video entertaining and engaging. If you have read the middle of this job description, please type your favorite animal at the beginning or end of your proposal. Video examples: Also, if you've ever made a youtube cash-cow video in the Travel or any niche, please attach samples of your work. I look forward to hopefully working with you! Questions: Share the best video that you made (which cost around our budget) Make sure you only share Google Drive / you tube links.

€19 Average bid
€19 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

I am seeking a branding professional to help establish my new consulting services, which focus on the educational and health sectors. Key tasks include: - Fine-tuning of service offerings and messaging - Designing a logo Ideally, you have experience in brand development for consulting firms, particularly in the education or health sectors. Please provide samples of relevant work in your proposal.

€307 Average bid
€307 Průměr. nabídka
129 nabídky

I'm seeking a professional presentation designer to help craft a compelling HR proposal focused on our interview process within the hiring and onboarding framework. The main objective of this presentation is to pitch enhancements to our current strategies. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Previous experience designing presentations for HR proposals or similar - Strong u...creating persuasive sales pitch presentations - Understanding of the importance of the interview process in hiring and onboarding - Ability to work collaboratively and incorporate feedback Your role will involve: - Transforming complex ideas into understandable visuals - Creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation - Helping to convey our proposal in a persuasive manner Please provide samples of ...

€90 Average bid
€90 Průměr. nabídka
87 nabídky
YouTube Thumbnail Designer
6 dní left

I'm looking for a skilled graphics designer to create professional style thumbnails for my educational tutorials on YouTube. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing YouTube thumbnails - Ability to create clean, minimal, yet eye-catching designs - Proficiency in integrating title text into thumbnail design Please include examples of similar work in your application. Send drive link of some samples . Only for Individual not for Agencies .

€53 Average bid
€53 Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a minimalist-style logo for my company. The logo should cleverly incorporate aspects of the golden ratio and subtly connect with astrology. Key Requirements: - A deep understanding of the golden ratio and ability to apply it in design - Knowledge of astrology and ability to incorporate it subtly into a minimalist design - Expertise in creating modern, minimalist designs - Proficiency in vector design, particularly with AI and SVG formats The final deliverables should be in vector format (AI, SVG). Please, no JPEG/PNG or PDF submissions. I'm looking for a clean, simple, yet impactful design that embodies my company's ethos and vision.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky

I have an Excel file with thousands of rows where the first column contains a few sentences mentioning local companies, while the second column contains the company name identified by a pre-trained language model. I need a freelancer to manually review the accuracy of the detected names and make corrections where errors occur. Key requirements: - Manual review for 600,000 rows - Correction of identified errors - Adherence to a standardized format for company names Please provide a bid for the total cost and an estimate of how long this task will take. Your attention to detail will be crucial in ensuring the quality of the output.

€568 Average bid
€568 Průměr. nabídka
41 nabídky

I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a simple, yet effective website for selling my book. The site must be SEO optimized, both on and off the page. The website's primary features should include: - A blog section for updates and articles - An author biography page - A contact form While I have a general concept for the design, I will need your expertise and guidance to bring it to life. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - SEO optimization - Web design - E-commerce - Blog integration Experience in creating author or book-related websites would be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. I'd love to see your past work. MUST BE BEAUTIFUL!

€138 Average bid
€138 Průměr. nabídka
166 nabídky

I'm looking for a web developer who can create a sleek, modern 6-page company website. I have all the content ready, and it's perfectly fine to use AI tools to assist in the process. Key Pages: - Home Page - About Us - Contact Us - Products - (2 additional pages) Ideal Skills: - Web Development - UI/UX Design - AI Tool Proficiency - Content Integration The selected freelancer should have a strong portfolio of modern and sleek web designs. Experience with corporate websites is a plus. I am looking for someone who can deliver a high-quality, professional website in a timely manner.

€401 Average bid
€401 Průměr. nabídka
252 nabídky

**THE ENTERIES MADE BY AI WILL NOT GET ACCEPTED. ** I'm seeking a minimalist logo design for my company NetZilch Power Insights. This is a tech and energy management as a service company. This logo will primarily be used on a website, marketing brochures, business cards, and merch. So it needs to be web-friendly, and scalable at the global scale. For context, Our mission is to shape a future where efficiency is maximized, costs are slashed and peak performance is unlocked by harnessing the power of raw energy data, crystal-clear insights and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We work with small to medium-sized businesses all the way to enterprises and franchises and help them save on energy wastage by monitoring and measuring their energy usage. Our target audience i...

€64 Average bid
369 příspěvky

...goal is to create viral shorts that capture the excitement of race highlights, delve into driver profiles, and showcase funny moments on the track. Key Responsibilities: - Write entertaining scripts that blend humor, drama, and factual information. - Identify appropriate audio and video cues for each script, guiding the editor on what to use. Target Audience: - The scripts should appeal to a general audience, so they must be accessible and engaging for viewers of all ages. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in scriptwriting for YouTube or similar platforms. - A deep understanding and passion for Formula 1. - Ability to write in a humorous, dramatic, and informative tone. - Experience in identifying and suggesting audio and video content. If you think you can make my channe...

€12 Average bid
€12 Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky