Freelance node js memberpráce
Hledáme k externí projektové spolupráci vývojáře se znalostí: PHP Javascript napojení na API Wordpress Zkušenosti v práci s member sekcemi, platebními portály, filtrováním, formuláři, zobrazením informací v mapě. Výhodou je zájem a cit pro grafiku a schopnosti aplikovat vizuální identitu do realizovaných projektů. Komunikace v češtině. Pracovní meetingy přes Teams.
We need a freelancer to create the user interface (UI) using Flutter. We've already made the design in Figma. You can find the...Figma link, take a look at the entire design, and then send us a quote for the project.
We need a freelancer to create the user interface (UI) using Flutter. We've already made the design in Figma. You can find the...Figma link, take a look at the entire design, and then send us a quote for the project.
...ubytovací portály. PWA aplikacích pro hotelové hosty a hoteliéry. Různých API na systémy třetích stran (zámky, vytápění, restaurační systémy, mobilní aplikace, aj.). Jaké technologie budeš používat? Backend píšeme v PHP8 (Zend 1 / Symfony 6) - pokud neznáš nevadí, stačí znát jakýkoliv jiný framework (Nette, Laravel, ...). Data ukládáme do MySQL (MariaDB), ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomocí s vývojem ve Vue.js, TypeScript nebo ExtJS, ale není to nutnost, hledáme i čistě backenďáky. Na messaging použ&...
Potřebuji vytvořit dashboard pro meho chatbota vytvoreneho v html css js a logika v pythonu. Chci ten dashboard mit jako webovou applikaci
Chceme tě v Praze! Jste společenský, rádi se spojujete s ostatními a umíte zaujmout potenciální zákazníky svým nadšením? Jste spolehlivý, cílevědomý a ovládáte perfektně národní jazyk? Máte řidičský průkaz, jste časově flexibilní a máte zkušenosti s propagací, prodejem nebo marketingem? Pokud ano, jste pro tuto pozici perfektní! Jsme mladá, inovativní začínající společnost z Německa a brzy se zařadíme mezi přední poskytovatele na trhu kuřáckých potřeb. Budete předvádět naše nejčerstvější produkty s cílem získat ...
potřebuji do svých stránek udělat sip klienta. Používám laravel, php a javascript. Takže nejlépe v JS. Potřebuji to promtně turbo rychle from 3rd party data provider (API). The UI code is ready but required to integrate with our API and 3rd part football API. the app design is ready and we developed the UI Widget design: This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news entered from the admin
[Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed Would be such 5000 Pages in Phase 1 to develop in batch of 100 or 1000 pages
Potrebujeme udelat nekolik updatu na jiz existujici aplikaci (Python, Django, JS). Vzhledem k tomu, ze vetsina updatu ma byt hotova pred Vanoci, potrebujeme nekoho, kdo se bude moci projektu plne venovat a bude to pro nej priorita. V pripade spokojenosti je zde sance na dlouhodobou spolupraci. Vice info povime ve zprave.
Sháníme zaměstnance na pozici "Prodejce letenek", úvazek freelance - práce z domu. Jedná se o exkluzivní prodej letenek pro nově vzniknou firmu. Prozice vhodná pro lidi se základní znalostí marketingu, prodeje, cestování.
Jiný, nebo nejsem si jistá/ý Javascript Vývoj komponent pro JS knihovnu pro spec. webové aplikace. Potřebujeme znalost zejm. JS. Okrajové též HTML/CSS a orientaci v XML.
EN App Stack Node backend application is written in asynchronous. Frontend in react. What is the problem? We have GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s...
...přenos, aniž by sis něčeho neobvyklého všiml. Ale chceme být ještě lepší, ještě větší. Chceme být nejlepší. A k tomu potřebujeme vytvořit dobrou webovou aplikaci, proto potřebujeme tebe! Hledáme: • Vývojáře na frontend single page webové aplikace pro zákazníky, v JavaScriptu. • Chceme ji mít dnešní, hledáme člověka se zkušenostmi s jedním z JS Frameworků a knihoven jako jsou Angular, React.js, Redux, Angular 2 (už se blíží release). • Orientace v JS ekosystému, určitě budeš znát slova a zkratky webpack, ES6/ES7, node.js, &hellip...
Dobrý den, našel jsem Váš profil tady na Rád bych Vás oslovil s nabídkou práce na webových projektech (z velké většiny možné dělat vzdáleně) - jedná se o klasické webové projekty - implementace webu v HTML, CSS dle šablony, případně JS. Momentálně se jedná o projekt pro jednoho z největších českých mobilních operátorů. Délka trvání projektu je 4-6 měsíců. Pokud by Vás to zajímalo, tak bych Vás poprosil o životopis (ideálně v .pdf), o Vaše časové možnosti, o možnosti (pokud nějaké) být on-site v Praze, a hodinov...
Dobrý den, našel jsem Váš profil tady na Rád bych Vás oslovil s nabídkou práce na webových projektech (z velké většiny možné dělat vzdáleně) - jedná se o klasické webové projekty - implementace webu v HTML, CSS dle šablony, případně JS. Momentálně se jedná o projekt pro jednoho z největších českých mobilních operátorů. Délka trvání projektu je 4-6 měsíců. Pokud by Vás to zajímalo, tak bych Vás poprosil o životopis (ideálně v .pdf), o Vaše časové možnosti, o možnosti (pokud nějaké) být on-site v Praze, a hodinov...
...přihlášení na událost - otevírání budou podle informace, kdy byl uživatel na poslední akci) --- možnost zvaní lidí na akci --- zobrazení kdo je na akci přihlášen a prostě určité listování tím seznamem lidí - typy členství - tři typy členství s omezenou časovou platností --- guest - nemůže takřka nic, pouze mít profil, nebo být osloven přes messanger --- member - může psát přátelům, může se hlásit na události --- gold - může vše co member + zvát x (x bude definované) lidí na událost (může pozvat i guesta) -- členství bude na rok, se kupuje ...
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po zaplaceni (preview mozne zdarma). Je mozne pouzit predpripravene (opensource) CMS systemy a templaty. Dle detailne pripraveneho zadani vcetne mockupu (pdf, Balsamiq) je potreba vytvorit portal o cca 20 ruznych strankach. Stranky by mely byt v HTML5/CSS3/JS a PHP (PHP neni podminkou) s responsivnim designem upravenym pro mobilni zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Pl...
I'm looking for an experienced Angular JS developer to help to optimize my angular js application for performance. I need you to go through my code and look for opportunities to fine tune the code for performance optimization. This is in person has to be done in my laptop the code cannot be shared hence i need you in Canada Ontario location Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Angular JS - Experience with E-commerce application development - Strong understanding of product catalog creation - Ability to build intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
I am seeking skilled and knowledgeable freelancers to provide tutoring and academic support services in various subjects. This role involves assisting with the development of learning strategies, explaining complex concepts, and creating custom study resources to enhance students' academic understanding. Areas of focus include STEM (e.g., Mathematics, Chemistry), Humanities (e.g., Literature, History), and Business (e.g., Economics, Marketing). Key Responsibilities: Subject Expertise: Provide guidance across a range of academic fields with a strong understanding of STEM, Humanities, and Business concepts. Resource Development: Create clear, original, and high-quality educational materials such as study guides, example problems, and practice quizzes. Timely Support: Deliver learning ...
I'm on the lookout for a skilled freelancer in the field of moderation. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in moderating across multiple platforms, specifically Social Media, Online Forums, and E-commerce Sites. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in online moderation - Familiarity with Social Media platforms - Proficient in managing Online Forums - Knowledgeable about E-commerce Sites - Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills. Your role will involve overseeing discussions, managing user interactions, and ensuring a positive and safe environment for all users.
We are seeking a telemarketer to assist us with cold calling translation companies in the USA to identify the most effective way to offer our freelance translation services, whether through email or an online platform. ### Responsibilities: - Cold call translation companies in the USA to gather insights on how best to present our services. - Use a database of companies provided via Google Drive. - Coordinate calls across different time zones to ensure they occur during business hours. ### Schedule: - Start with 6 hours per week, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. - Potential to increase weekly hours based on the quality of leads generated. ### Requirements: - Native English speaker preferred. - Proven experience in telemarketing or cold calling. - Access to a rel...
...and performance optimization. Clear and regular communication throughout the project. End-to-end testing and bug fixes before deployment. Reference Design: We have a Figma design prototype for the app. Please refer to the link below: Figma Design (Client-file)?node-id=0-1&p=f&t=Ef2tIlim0Z5rqrfG-0 (Client-file)?node-id=2104-3&p=f&t=mwD4iNpXi1Me116p-0&scaling=scale-down-width&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1 Budget and Payment Terms: Budget: Open for negotiation based on experience and expertise. Payment: Milestone-based payments preferred. How to Apply: Share your portfolio or past projects relevant to AI and web app development. Provide
I need a freelance who has created before a csv for facebook feed catalog for destinations that is abble to help me understand and create the csv for facebook, we need to be able to make alot of ads for same destination
I'm in need of a minimalist style logo for a telecommunications kit. Key Requirements: - The logo should primarily use blue as the color scheme. - It must incorporate elements representing an antenna or signal. - The design should be sleek and uncluttered, true to the minimalist aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic des...telecommunications products would be a plus. The name is Dynamic Mobile Network. The solution provides the following: 1. Mobility: A compact, one-case solution. 2. Enterprise-Grade Equipment: High-quality, professional-grade technology. 3. Affordability: A solution that fits within the budget of smaller organizations. 4. Real-Time Situational Awareness: Full visibility of every connected team member. 5. Reliability: Proven, dependable performance i...
Read the project carefully before applying – Textile Design & Clothing "I'm looking for an expert freelance designer to apply patterns to dresses, kimonos, and other garments. Over 500 designs to complete. I will provide the garment model (dress, kimono, etc.) and the pattern to apply. "Attached is a photo of a pattern and a blue dress. Please show me an example by applying the red rose pattern to the blue dress. If you cannot do this, do not apply." its Pay 1 euro per photo ⚠️ Please read before applying: Specify which software you will use for this work. Show an example of your work or create a simple test to demonstrate your skills. Do not apply if you don’t have the expertise to handle this project. I need professional, high-quality resul...
I need assistance with my cPanel. Node.js 18.16.0 is already installed but I'm facing issues with it. When I run 'node -v', it yields errors related to missing GLIBC and CXXABI versions. Please help me with the following: - Troubleshoot the existing Node.js installation - Ensure necessary system requirements are met - Install a working version of Node.js 18.16.0 I need a professional who is well-versed with cPanel and has experience dealing with Node.js installations.
Bonjour, Je cherche un freelance afin de développer une application pour la gestion d évènements
I'm seeking an experienced web developer skilled in Python, React JS, and AWS, to create an innovative healthcare website with integrated AI features. The specific role of the AI component will be open for discussion, so flexibility and creativity in suggesting potential functionalities such as patient diagnosis assistance, appointment scheduling, or personalized health recommendations will be highly valued.
solana copy trading bot required, important to submit transaction fast. preferable language Golang. solana experience, solana node experience, golang experience
...Application with p5.js and Python Development Tasks: Create a web-based audio application using p5.js and p5.sound. Implement playback controls (low-pass filter, waveshaper distortion, compressor, reverb, master volume). Include recording functionality (save as WAV file). Display spectrum for original and processed audio. Enhancements: Add filter type selector (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass). Allow live microphone input or pre-recorded file as the audio source. Integrate delay effect into the audio chain. Documentation: Write a ~500-word report explaining implemented effects and enhancements. Analyze how the low-pass filter and master volume impact the spectrum, with screenshots. Exercise 2: Audio CAPTCHA and Visualization Development Tasks: Create an audio CAPTCHA ...
...cutting-edge digital marketplace offering on-demand warehousing and logistics solutions for SMEs. We focus on providing flexible contracts, pay-as-you-go pricing, and integrated logistics support. We're looking for a talented web designer to create an impactful landing page that showcases our innovative solutions and resonates with our audience. Job overview: We're seeking a highly skilled freelance web designer to develop a dynamic, visually appealing landing page for WareOne. The page must include interactive 3D objects and animations to convey our innovative approach to warehousing and logistics. The goal is to create an engaging user experience that highlights WareOne's unique offerings and leaves a lasting impression on potential clients. Preference will be ...
...integration on the frontend. The Laravel backend and frontend should communicate via API or WebSocket for real-time updates. Wallet connection status and payment progress should be tracked and displayed to users in real-time. Blockchain Transactions: Web3.js or can be used to manage Blockchain interactions. Laravel should store transaction history and Blockchain verification results for auditing purposes. Requirements: Proficiency in Laravel framework and PHP. Experience with Blockchain wallet integration (WalletConnect, Web3.js, or ). Familiarity with the TokenLite script and ability to develop solutions that fit its Laravel-based architecture. Knowledge of WalletConnect’s QR code connection system and transaction signing processes. Deliverables: A fully functiona...
Hi!? We need good freelance to translate from English to Italian language!
Project Description: We are looking for a talented freelance web developer/designer to create a visually stunning, user-friendly, and engaging website for our comic book/entertainment brand. The website should serve as a hub for showcasing our universe of characters, stories, and media, similar to leading sites like and Key Features: Homepage: Eye-catching design with dynamic elements (e.g., carousels, animations). Featured content sections such as "Latest Releases," "Upcoming Events," and "Character Spotlights." Character Pages: Dedicated pages for individual characters with detailed bios, backstories, and media (images, videos). Character filtering/sorting options (e.g., hero, villain, team affiliation). Comic and Media Sections: Cat...
...president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) in which only president was present no other board members . president didn't involve any board member about the election process , he went door to door as per unit owners to take signature by lying to them that board wants to remove treasurer , all ballot papers of election were never shared with any board members. then we conducted a meeting as scheduled on 29th august , unit owners told that they voted because they think board wants to remove treasurer, we a...
...president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) in which only president was present no other board members . president didn't involve any board member about the election process , he went door to door as per unit owners to take signature by lying to them that board wants to remove treasurer , all ballot papers of election were never shared with any board members. then we conducted a meeting as scheduled on 29th august , unit owners told that they voted because they think board wants to remove treasurer, we a...
Seeking a talented developer to create a freelance application for both iOS and Android focused on the Saudi market. Key Features: - User profiles and ratings - Job posting and bidding - In-app messaging User Authentication: - Phone number verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iOS and Android app development - Experience in creating freelance platforms - Knowledge of user verification systems, specifically phone number verification. - Understanding of the Saudi market and freelance industry The developer should have a proven track record of creating user-friendly, secure and efficient applications. The goal is to have an application that not only meets the basic requirements but also provides a seamless experience for the users.
...product redirects to its details page, which includes a “Buy Product” button. • Clicking on “Buy Product” redirects to the order inquiry function. The balance under “4-2” will be displayed as unavailable. 3. My Orders: • Displays: all orders, pending, purchased, invalid, completed. • Orders are displayed with calculated prices, and products being ordered will show up in the order list. 4. Member Center: Recharge: Click to display recharge methods. Monitoring of payment methods is required. Upon payment arrival, it will automatically display on the user’s mobile device. Balance: Numerical status: displayed in different states, unavailable. Withdrawal Methods: Options to upload images and text. Confirmation from the ...
I'm in search of a seasoned freelance writer with a focus on technical writing. You must have a track record of creating high-quality, detailed, and precise technical documents. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in technical writing - Proven ability to adhere to detailed guidelines - Excellent writing skills, with a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines - Strong attention to detail Please note: - If you're a newbie, honesty is essential. Hard work is valued over deceit. - Copy-pasting in proposals will not be tolerated. - Proposals should be professional yet personal, showcasing your enthusiasm and commitment to the job.
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to assist with my website. The specific tasks and requirements can be discussed, but I'm open to various types of freelance work, from writing and content creation to programming and tech-related tasks. I haven't yet decided whether I need ongoing support or a one-time project, so I would appreciate flexibility and adaptability. Ideal Skills Include: - Web development and programming - SEO and content creation - Graphic design - UX/UI design Experience with similar projects will be highly valued. Please reach out if you think you can help.
Hi there we´re looking for developer to fix the Design isue and modify the Popups in our HTML Templete by following the Figma Design. the Popups are already added but they have have some issue we need to slove Issue we have - Style Issue - Color Issue - Image size Issue - Icons issue - Popup size - Font Type - Uploaded image Size - and there issue when we open the popups that need to fixed. here is the link i will provide u the sourcefiles i have the figma design and also the link of the HTML Design what i can can provide u
Hi!? We need experienced freelance translators to translate from English to Italian language! -
I'm on a mission to help people make money through freelancing, with a specific emphasis on writing and content creation, particularly copywriting. The project involves: - Sharing effective freelancing tips that can assist individuals in establishing a successful freelance career. - Providing guidance and insights into the field of writing and content creation, focusing on copywriting. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - A strong background in freelancing, especially in the field of writing and copywriting. - Excellent communication skills to convey tips and guidance effectively. - Experience in content creation to provide practical, real-world advice.