Flash speed test sourcepráce
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
...with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of t...
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Jedná se o úpravu na míru Open Source produktu Dolibarr ERP and CRM () pro potřeby střední firmy
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro podnikání. propagace SEO, reklamní služby AdWords. Provádíme revizi služby a modifikaci stáva...další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: znalost ...
V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokumentaci. Pište p...
Dobrý den. V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokume...
Popis zadání úkolu je v příloze emailu. Důležité: navrhněte jednu cenu za vytvoření daného úkolu, která bude konečná, není možné cenu dodatečně navyšovat. Uveďte i reáldou dobu dokončení projektu. Úkol: Vytvořit 2 webové stránky, která bude založená na open source řešení s vlastnostmi, které jsou popsané níže Před zadáním úkolu ve zprávě navrhněte jaké open source řešení byste pro vytvoření webové stránky použili a proč. Více v příloze
Streamování videa z webkamery - flash (rtmp) na server red5/wowza ke klientům (flash, html5). Přenos dat z webu pomocí do node.js.
Potřebuji SW, který na podkladě zadání dotiskne obsah (texty z databáze, obrázky, popřípadě i vektory) na etiketu viz. fotografie v příloze. Mělo by to fungovat tak, že vyberu zákazníka, odrůdu vína, ročník a případně číslo šarže, zadám množství a dám tisk. Data se načtou dle zadání z databáze, vzhled určí uložená šablona. Texty z databáze bude možné editovat. Podle mne by něco takového zvládla webová Flash aplikace, ale možná existuje lepší způsob.
Vytvořit 5 různých webových řešení založených na open source – webové stránky, členské stránky a web pro online kurzy. Kompletní popis projektu je v příloze. Před udělením projektu navrhněte, jak byste daný projekt řešili v jakých open source platformách.
Podrobný popis úkolu je uveden v příloze. Před udělení projektu: Navrhněte, který open source redakční systém hodláte použít pro daný úkol. Vytvořit jednoduché webové stránky založené na open source redakčním systému. Stejný model formy jednoduchých webových stránek na open source redakčním systému se použije na více domén, tedy více webových stránek. – Takže úkolem je tento model open source redakční systém nahrát na webhosting/server a přiřadit k příslušné doméně – webhosting a domény již...
project test project test project test project test project testv project test project test project test project test
Mám průběžnou práci vztahující se k dřívějšímu projektuFlash Banners'
Job Description: RCT Coin is an innovative memecoin project built on the Solana blockchain. Our website needs to be user-friendly, dynamic, and visually appealing. The project aims to provide a humorous yet valuable asset in the decentralized finance world, ... Required Qualifications: Experience in web design and development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies). Experience with UX/UI design and a strong portfolio. Experience with Solana blockchain or crypto projects (preferred). Creative, innovative, and solution-oriented approach. Ability to work well in a team and meet project deadlines. Preferred Qualifications: Knowledge of web speed optimization. Interest in cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and memecoin projects. Basic understanding of SEO and digital ...
I would like to develop a net monitor and drive test tool application for 5G/4G/3G/2G network. It allows monitoring and logging of mobile network serving and neighbor cells information without using specialized equipment. It’s a tool and it’s a toy. It can be used by professionals to get better insight on the network or by radio enthusiasts to learn more about wireless networks.
...module based on the WT2003 chip, preferably without external flash memory if possible. The module should be capable of recording and playing audio when connected to a speaker. Here are the key requirements: Audio Amplifier: A low-cost audio amplifier (Waytronic also offers affordable amplifiers also PMA8302A). Speaker: The module should support a 1.5W 4Ω speaker (I will provide the speakers later). WT2003 Functionality: The WT2003 chip can record directly to its internal flash memory for at least 26 seconds with a sampling rate of 24kHz, eliminating the need for external flash memory. Summary: A module with the WT2003 chip, a microphone, and an amplifier capable of recording and playing audio through a 1.5W 4Ω speaker. External flash memory is...
...high-quality, maintainable code. **Responsibilities:** - Develop and maintain Android applications. - Collaborate with the design and backend teams to integrate app features. - Write clean, efficient, and reusable code. - Conduct code reviews and ensure the app runs smoothly on different Android devices and versions. - Troubleshoot and debug issues in a timely manner. - Optimize the performance and speed of applications. - Stay up to date with the latest Android development trends and technologies. **Requirements:** - Proven experience as an Android Developer with a strong portfolio of apps published in the Google Play Store. - Proficiency in **Java** or **Kotlin**. - Solid understanding of **Android SDK** and Android development best practices. - Experience with RESTful APIs, ...
Design a Power Glitch Hardware for an external MCU using the STM32H743VIT6 (LQFP-100). I have an example schematic to start with. Develop a new schematic and PCB based on the provided example, maintaining the same footprint as our 125kHz PCB for enclosure compatibility. The STM32H7 is chosen for its high-speed processing, USB support, and ~8-10ns GPIO toggle speed, enabling high-resolution power glitching.
...video editing. 4. Details: Highlight your experience in the field, including how long you’ve been editing. Evaluation Process: We want to ensure the process feels fair and transparent. Here’s how it works: 1. Video Replication Test: • You’ll receive a product and a video format to replicate. • Submission Deadline: You’ll have 24 hours to complete the video. While we value quality, early submissions are appreciated. • To protect your work, you can include a watermark, use neutral colors, or add other elements to ensure your video isn’t misused. 2. Compensation for Test: • After reviewing and approving your submission, we’ll pay $15 as a token of appreciation for your time and effort. • If your video meets ou...
? HIRING: WordPress WooCommerce Website Assistant (Paid 3-Hour Test - $9 Fixed Price) Hello! We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to help us duplicate Shopify stores into Wordpress WooCommerce. ?️ Test Task Details: Fixed Price: $9 (3-hour test at $3/hour) If successful, we will offer long-term work at $3/hour Step-by-step training provided - Easy process to follow Great for freelancers looking for stable work! ? What You'll Do: ✔️ Download and duplicate a Shopify store's pages un ✔️ Organize the site structure (folders & files) ✔️ Upload pages to Wordpress ✔️ Fix URL paths to ensure links point to the new domain ✔️ Create Woocommerce products ? Who Are We Looking For: ✅ Experience with Wordpress ✅ Basic HTML & file management skills ✅...
Error en aplicación. He desarrollado una aplicación web en Python y Flask que implementa un test adaptativo (en este caso, un test de eneagrama) y se comunica con Google Sheets a través de su API (usando las librerías gspread y oauth2client). La aplicación se despliega en Render y está integrada en mi sitio web mediante HTML. El 99% del proyecto está funcionando correctamente; sin embargo, al desplegar la aplicación en Render se produce un error relacionado con las credenciales. Inicialmente, se intentaba cargar las credenciales desde un archivo físico (), lo cual generaba errores (por seguridad y porque el archivo no se sube al repositorio). Se realizó una migración para cargar las credenciales a ...
...validation, and integration with SF. SAP SF Integration (OData API, Integration Center): Enables workflow automation. Deliverables: Configured SF onboarding and document workflows integrated with Power Automate. Testing, validation, and documentation. User training on the updated processes. Timeline & Responsibilities: Client: Provide API access and confirm workflow requirements. Vendor: Develop, test, and integrate workflows, provide training. Timeline: ~6-7 weeks (setup, testing, deployment). Acceptance Criteria: Seamless onboarding process within SF. Efficient document handling and validation via Power Automate. Integration approved by HR team. Conclusion: This integration will enhance onboarding efficiency and document management within SAP SuccessFactors b...
...to estimate material costs, labor costs, and provide a total project cost summary. Example: Key Requirements: - The calculator must support both Imperial and Metric units of measurement. - It should be compatible with WordPress platform. - It should not affect website speed & be compatible with wordpress speed optimization plugins. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress plugin development. - Knowledge in construction cost estimation. - Experienced in creating user-friendly interfaces. The successful candidate will be able to create a tool that is both functional and easy to use for anyone in the construction industry. Please include examples of similar plugins you have developed
I'm seeking an experienced developer to assist with modifications on my website hosted on Vercel. Tasks...be formatted and added to the website. This involves updating, replacing, deleting, and adding text in the terms, privacy, and cookie policies. 2. Watermarking: Applying a watermark to digital confetti to prevent copying. The watermark will be my logo. 3. Subscription Adjustments: Modifying text for one-time and monthly subscriptions. This task will also require testing of Stripe payments in test mode. Ideal Skills: Proficiency in web development, with specific experience working on Vercel. Familiarity with Stripe payment testing is a plus. Attention to detail is crucial for formatting and applying text accurately. Experience with watermarking digital content would b...
My Wordpress website needs a series of improvements to enhance user experience and performance. I am looking for a professional with proven expertise in Wordpress and a deep understanding of optimizing website speed, enhancing search functionality, and fine-tuning mobile responsiveness. Check attached PDF with 3 requests. FIX BUDGET 30$ + TAXES for this job. It's something easy.
I'm looking for an experienced QA professional to help me set up a Java Selenium Cucumber framework. The pri...QA professional to help me set up a Java Selenium Cucumber framework. The primary focus will be on testing the navigation flows of my personal website using Chrome as the browser. Key requirements: - Expertise in Java, Selenium, Cucumber - Experience in setting up test automation frameworks - Understanding of web navigation flows - Knowledge of testing on Chrome - Previous work with personal or corporate sites Your job will be to create a few test scenarios focusing on the navigation of my site. Please include relevant test cases that can cover different aspects of the website's navigation. A keen eye for detail and a methodical approach to testin...
We are looking for someone to perform an in-person audit at a testing center in Tokyo, Japan. This audit is being conducted to assess if the staff on site is following the rules and regulations and are monitoring test takers to ensure there is no cheating going on. This is a great opportunity to help improve standardized test administration. We provide full training and this assignment. ***PLEASE NOTE: Once you are booked the audit cannot be postponed or assigned to a different freelancer.***
...interface and user experience, focusing on: - Navigation: Streamlining the user's journey through the plugin. - Visual Appeal: Enhancing the aesthetic elements of the plugin to make it more engaging. - User Interaction: Optimizing how users interact with the plugin to make it more intuitive. In addition to the UI/UX improvements, I also require crucial performance enhancements, specifically: - Speed Optimization: Making the plugin run faster and more smoothly. - Improved Compatibility with Themes/Plugins: Ensuring the plugin works seamlessly with a variety of themes and other plugins. I have specific examples of the design improvements I want to implement, which I can provide upon request. Your expertise in this field will be invaluable in helping me achieve a more polis...
We are looking for someone to perform an in-person audit at a testing center in Algiers, Alger, Algeria This audit is being conducted to assess if the staff on site is following the rules and regulations and are monitoring test takers to ensure there is no cheating going on. This is a great opportunity to help improve standardized test administration. We provide full training and this assignment. ***PLEASE NOTE: Once you are booked the audit cannot be postponed or assigned to someone else.***
We need a simple, strong, and compact logo for “Anında Garanti”, a company providing secure and instant payment services. The design should be modern, professional, and easily recognizable. Clean typography and a minimalistic icon reflecting trust, speed, and reliability are preferred. Keep it sleek and powerful. ? Name: Anında Garanti ? Industry: Payment Services ? Style: Minimal, Bold, Professional ? Keywords: Instant, Secure, Trustworthy Looking forward to your creative ideas! ?
...if it’s AI as long as it’s good I’ll award it. Green and yellow gold are the theme Key Details to Include: It’s a summer “Fast Break Basketball Clinic” “Sharpen Your Skills. Speed Up Your Game. Play With Confidence!” FLYER CONTENT (Eye-Catching & Action-Driven) ? FAST BREAK BASKETBALL CLINIC ? Improve your shooting, ball handling, speed, and court vision in just one day! ? Date: Friday, May 31 ⏰ Time: 3-Hour Intensive Training ? Cost: $35 ? Location: [Your Gym Name] ? Ages: 8 - 14 WHAT TO EXPECT: ✅ Shooting Fundamentals & Game-Ready Accuracy ? ✅ Elite Ball Handling & Control ? ✅ Fast Break Execution & Game Speed Drills ⚡ 5005 e Los Angeles ave Simi valley ca 93063 - Date and time of the clini...
I'm in search of a proficient freelancer to create a high-performance Forex and Crypto Trading AI Bot. This bot needs to support both scalping and day trading strategies, while ensuring high-speed trade execution and real-time market data integration. Key Features: - Seamless API connectivity with major exchanges such as Binance and Kraken - Automated, high-speed trade execution - Integration of live market feeds and analytics - A user-friendly dashboard for monitoring trades The ideal candidate should possess: - Backend proficiency in Python, particularly for algo trading and automation - Frontend experience with React.js or Vue.js for UI/UX design - Competence in using Node.js as a backend framework for real-time processing Experience with trading bots and a solid ...
...high-quality, professional finish. ✅ Advanced Custom Fields (ACF Pro) – The website should be built using ACF for content management, including flexible blocks that can be toggled on and off as needed. ✅ Gravity Forms – Must integrate Gravity Forms with HubSpot via Zapier (our existing workflow). ✅ Minimal Bloat – No unnecessary plugins or bloated code. The site must be lightweight, optimized for speed, and built with best coding practices. ✅ Dynamic Listings Module – The website should include a styled and fully coded module to display land lots and house & land packages. The developer only needs to create the frontend structure (HTML, CSS, and necessary WordPress hooks), ensuring it is styled according to the design. API integration is not required&m...
I'm looking for an Arduino-based device to test my NiMH Prius hybrid battery. The batteries range from 200V to 220V (7.2-7.5V per cell and it has 28 cells) and I specifically need the tester to measure the capacity (mAh) of the whole battery. Imagine, you can easily check battery health when the battery is in the car, you can plug OBD2 device and measure the battery's SOH using the Dr. Prius app. I need a device to inspect the hybrid battery when it's not in the car. I need that device to be built and shipped to me with basic instructions on how to use it. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in Arduino programming - Experience with battery testing equipment - Understanding of NiMH battery specifications - Capability to design a device that can measure batte...
...Tracker: Timer to track how long the child wears an eye patch daily. ✅ Doctor Dashboard: Secure login for ophthalmologists/orthoptists to input treatment details (e.g., “Patch right eye 2 hours daily”). ✅ Pharmacological Treatment Tracker: Ability to log atropine 1% drops for penalization therapy. ✅ Educational Content: Engaging visuals and explanations to help kids understand their treatment. ✅ Self-Test Vision Feature: Simple vision tracking to motivate kids & show progress. ✅ Push Notifications & Reminders: Alerts for parents to apply patches or medication. ✅ Data Sync & Reporting: Ability to share compliance reports with doctors via PDF or cloud integration. ✅ User-Friendly & Child-Friendly UI: Simple, fun, and engaging design. Ideal Developer: &...
...high-octane driving game where speed, skill, and chaos define your journey! Inspired by the thrill of high-speed pursuits and adrenaline-packed stunts, this game brings realistic driving physics and intense chases to life. ? Key Features: ? Realistic Car Physics – Experience smooth and responsive vehicle handling. ?️ Open-World Streets – Navigate through bustling city roads, highways, and off-road shortcuts. ? Police Chases & Street Races – Dodge cops or challenge rivals in intense races. ?️ Customization – Upgrade and modify your rides for max performance. ? Dynamic Soundtrack – Feel the rush with high-energy beats (powered by Mureka AI). ? Action-Packed Missions – Escape roadblocks, drift through sharp turns, and dominate the stre...
I'm looking for a skilled engineer to develop a high gain observer for my induction motor. The primary purpose of this observer will be speed estimation. I currently have current sensors in place, but no position sensors. Thus, the observer will need to be designed to work with the available sensor data. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in designing and implementing high gain observers for induction motors. - Experience with sliding mode observers. - Strong understanding of speed estimation techniques. - Ability to work with current sensor data. The implementation of the observer should utilize the sliding mode observer method. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you.
We are seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a magazine-style site using Gutenberg, without use of a page builder (to allow us easy future management), limited custom code, short codes, and plugins to keep it lean and easy to manage. Project start date is near future...page with upcoming events. Can use "Events Calendar" plugin. Ad banner integration by adserver code blocks. Mobile/tablet responsiveness, cross-browser support, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Newsletter signup block. Contact form page. Social media links. Required Accessibility features. Custom post types as needed. Optimize for speed, performance, and search engine visibility, preserve existing links/traffic through redirects. Page load speed meeting upper end of Google standa...