Facebook api integration in codeigniterpráce
Prikupi +300 srpskih facebook lajkova za 14 dana. Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +300 srpskih facebook lajkova za 14 dana. Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Hledám freelancera, který udělá aplikaci odesílající GPS souřadnice. Aplikace se bude do budoucna rozšiřovat, takže neuzavřít si žádné cesty. Workflow: -> Přihlášení uživatele oproti serverovému API nebo registrace (Odkaz na www stránky) -> Dashboard s ikonama (Zatím zde bude pouze sledování polohy) -> Při odchodu z aplikace musí posílat data na pozadí. Pokud ji uživatel nevypne v menu aplikace. Ve sledování polohy: -> Tlačítko začít sledovat X Ukoncit sledování -> Odesílá data na server pomocí get požadavku. Při zapnutí sledování...
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Podrobnější popis je uveden v příloze Úkolem je vytvořit jednoduchou aplikaci pro facebook a její kompletní nahrání a zprovoznění na facebooku. Celá aplikace bude založená na jednoduchém principu, kdy uživatel projde krátkým průvodcem otázek. Zároveň důležitým prvkem aplikace je, že musí být maximálně využita k tomu, aby se o aplikaci dozvěděli i přátelé uživatele, který vyplnil otázky v aplikaci – tedy aby se to sdílelo na zdi uživatele a i zdích jeho přátel.
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre...
V příloze je uveden rozsáhlejší popis. Vhodné by bylo, kdyby dané řešení fungovalo jako aplikace na facebooku tak i jako webová stránka Úkolem je vytvořit jednoduchou aplikaci pro facebook a její kompletní nahrání a zprovoznění na facebooku. Celá aplikace bude založená na jednoduchém principu, kdy uživatel projde krátkým průvodcem, kde bude zodpovídat na otázky – musí to být graficky zajímavé a na základě toho mu na závěr bude zobrazena nejvhodnější nabídka přípravného kurzu na VŠ, kde kliknutím se může přesměrovat pří...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 20 eur ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. USLOVI : Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez administracije fb sajta). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno (na random) proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse! USLOVI PLAĆANJA : Plaćeni st...
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 20 eur ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. USLOVI : Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez administracije fb sajta). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno (na random) proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse! USLOVI PLAĆANJA : Plaćeni st...
Potřebuji naprogramovat indikátor nebo strategii jenž se spustí v MT4 a díky tomu se jakákoli provedená akce v MT4 (otevření/zavření obchodu, počet získaných/ ztracených pipů, nastavení SL/TP, nastavení čekajících pokynů atd.) bude moci zaznamenat. Takto zaznamenaná akce se (asi pomoci API funkce, nebo pomocí nějaké komunikace, přenos) ihned pošle do www stránek, kde se takto otevřený obchod zobrazí. Platba po předvedení funkčnosti (možná osobní schůzka) Děkuji.
...v tisku, na Facebook a jiné elektronické komunikaci, na potisku triček a jiného oblečení Chceme jednobarevnou variantu loga. Ukažte prosím logo jak na bílém, tak na černém podkladu - viz ukázka současného loga v příloze. Díky ---------------- We would like a new logo for club (company) that organize a women running coursers for beginners. Target customers: woman 25-35 years old, working, wants t start running. Logo shoud contain: - logotype hand written style: "jdu běhat" (it means in czech: I go to run) - and in smaller letters the subtitle: "běžecké kurzy pro ženy" (it means: running courses for women) - logo - pictogram with woman'...
Nastavení vytvořených Facebook účtu podle parametrů zadaných v excelu - změna jména, skrytí privatních informací (skrýt zeď pouze přátelé, skrýt kamarády pouze pro přátelů), pohlaví, pohlaví a nastavení nějakých like stránek z Czech Republic. atd. Já pošlu Excel po dohodnutí se na zakázce. První zadání je úprava 300 FB účtů.
1. Administrační rozhraní - 1.1 - Seznam uživat...odesílatele ) - Odchytávání bounce - ( Zjištování neexistujících emailu a notifikace ohledně bounce emailu ) - Konfigurace cronu 2. Naprogramovani weboveho rozhrani(Api): - Vytvoreni, editace, mazani HTML kampani - Rozdelovani do kategorii ( samozrejme by to bylo propojene s Vasim systemem ) - Hlidaci pes, pro sledovani ktera IP a kolik emailu poslala za dane obdobi. - Casovaní nastaveni rozesilek dle konkretniho data casu, pripadn e opakovane v intervalech - Cron skripty pro rozesilani - Vytvareni HTML obrazu emailu v pripade spatneho zobrazeni na URL odkazu. - Sledovani otevreni emailu a statistiky. Tato cela api by byla sa...
Hello, Your Request I create a simple application that will communicate with the server. Function application is simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that assumes the dates and stored in the database) - START background (applications are minimized, but still sends location information) - Shut down button (Applications will be turned off) The application therefore has access to the Internet and GPS. nothing more
I'm looking for a developer to integrate JetFormbuilder with the BulkSMSNigeria API. The goal is to enable automated SMS notifications upon form submissions. Key Requirements: - One-way integration: Data flows solely from JetFormbuilder to BulkSMSNigeria - Trigger-based messaging: SMS should be sent upon form submissions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in JetFormbuilder - Experienced with BulkSMSNigeria API - Strong understanding of API integration - Excellent problem-solving skills
I need an experienced developer to integrate reCAPTCHA v2 (Checkbox) on the send message button of my custom HTML/CSS/JS website. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Prior experience with reCAPTCHA integration - Strong problem-solving skills - Attention to detail
I require a seasoned professional to integrate both Odds API and Market Rate API into my Sports Book platform. The Market Rate API should gather data from both official sports leagues and third-party aggregators. Key Requirements: - API Integration: Specifically, Odds API and Market Rate API. - Data Sourcing: From both official sports leagues and third-party aggregators. - Sports Coverage: Live Odds for Football, Basketball, Tennis, Cricket and potentially others. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in API Integration, especially with Odds and Market Rate APIs. - Experience with Sports Book platforms. - Knowledge of Football, Basketball, Tennis, Cricket and other sports. - Ability to source and analyze data from official sports...
We are looking for a C++ developper capable of creating an addon for our architecture software Archicad using the public API. We want to find a reliable partner for a first addon development that could open the gate for multiple addons, including maintenance and updates for each new Archicad version. The scope of the first mission is quite simple : Create an Archicad "pallette" (a small interface window with specific functions) dedicate to live layer manipulations (hide/show/select layer elements/...). The exact functionalities needed and a graphical layout will be given to the developer. The addon must be developed for Archicad 27 and 28 for Mac. A Windows version will also be needed once the Mac version is fully working and validated. Once the addon is fully func...
Fetch google trend data for the 200 companies using python and pytrendz API
Requirements of paper: A- 8 pages-single space excluding references + real data Simulations using any software for stats. B- abstract, intro., literature review, simulation results (NOT COPIED PASTED FROM OTHER PAPERS- Original) data analysis, of graphs tables discussion of results and conclusion as any normal paper C- Zero plagiarism or AI content (This will be verified). The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into business models has become a transformative strategy, enabling organizations to enhance efficiency, optimize decision-making, and gain a competitive edge. This study explores the development and implementation of an AI-driven business model tailored to address dynamic market demands and operational challenges. The proposed model combines machine learning alg...
...Documentation: Help meet all the technical and administrative requirements specified by TrafficStars. Progress Reporting: Provide regular updates on the status of the partnership request. Required Qualifications: Experience in digital advertising, particularly adult traffic. Familiarity with ad networks like TrafficStars, ExoClick, or PropellerAds. Understanding of RTB (Real-Time Bidding) and its integration. Strong communication skills for presenting ideas professionally. Experience in creating partnership proposals for ad network collaborations. Preferred: Freelancer with prior success in establishing partnerships with TrafficStars or similar platforms. Compensation: Performance-based payment: The freelancer will be compensated once TrafficStars approves ...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress and WooCommerce developer to transform my exact Figma design into a fully functional eCommerce site. This site will be integrated with Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory, and must include...comprehensive members portal with user dashboards, private content access, and membership management - Support for single products, bundle products, and product configuration Additional Requirements: - SEO optimization for the site - Implementation of a user-friendly interface Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with WordPress, WooCommerce, and Zoho applications, as well as proficiency in creating AI chatbots. A strong understanding of eCommerce site development and member portal creation is preferred. Experience with SEO and implementing Figma desi...
...will be creating new help center pages following our established template and structure. PROJECT DETAILS Create help center documentation pages in NextJS Each page includes feature instructions and accompanying images You will be provided with one complete page as a reference/template Payment is $2 per completed page REQUIREMENTS Experience with technical writing Basic understanding of NextJS/React Ability to maintain consistent documentation style Strong English writing skills Attention to detail DELIVERABLES PER PAGE Complete page following provided template structure Clear instructions for feature usage Properly formatted content Integration of relevant images Consistent styling with existing pages YOUR PROPOSAL SHOULD INCLUDE Your technical writing experience S...
I'm in need of a skilled app developer who can design a tutoring app similar to , but with some unique features. Key Requirements: - Tutor Profile Management: Tutors should be able to create and submit their profiles, which will be added to the app upon approval. - Direct Communication: Students should be able to directly chat with their selected teachers. - Calendar Integration: Teachers need to attach their Google calendars for students to book sessions directly. - Secure Payments: All monetary transactions must be processed through the app via PayPal. Unique Features: - Limited Free Demos: Students can book a free demo with only 2 teachers; additional demos require payment. - Referral System: A 'Refer and Earn' feature where referrals receive a 5% discoun...
...requirements: -Expert in creating APIs in Nodejs (At least 5 years as a Nodejs developer). -Implementation of CI/CD pipelines. -Solid knowledge of implementing and optimizing solutions on AWS. -Knowledge of microservices architectures. -Solid knowledge of Stripe integration. -Deep understanding of database creation in PostgreSQL. -Deep knowledge in backend API creation for chat in web system and mobile APP. -Developer needs to have the ability to quickly create complex solutions, deploy them on AWS, and contribute to the team whenever requested. -AI systems integration. -You need to know how to apply SOLID principles. -Understanding of how creating entity-relationship diagram. You can use some tool recommended for that. I need yo...
I am looking for an experienced Fullstack developer to assist in updating my existing application. The primary goal is to add new features, specifically focusing on API integrations and API development. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in and Fullstack development - Experience in API integrations and development - Ability to add new features to an existing application - Knowledge of enhancing performance and security during updates.
I need a skilled React Native developer to make some minor modifications to my app's backend logic. The work involves: - Adjusting existing API calls - Ensuring smooth frontend integration - Utilizing local storage effectively - 4 to 5 changes only I need this job done today. Please apply only if you can start immediately and understand front-end development, local storage, and API integration.
...for Lead Qualification and SBA Loan Support Job Description We are Pioneer Capital Advisory, a commercial loan brokerage firm specializing in SBA 7(a) financing for business acquisitions. Our goal is to create a robust, AI-powered chatbot for our website that pre-qualifies leads, educates first-time buyers, and streamlines our client onboarding process. This project requires the chatbot to perform essential tasks like collecting client details, determining loan eligibility, integrating with our CRM (Pipedrive), and supporting our users with automated responses to FAQs. We are seeking a talented developer with experience in chatbot design, integration, and AI workflows to build and deploy this chatbot within a reasonable timeframe. Key Responsibilities & Fea...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can help me collect data from my Arduino sensors and transfer it to a MySQL database. The data includes temperature, pressure and altitude readings. Key Project Details: - Data Collection: The sensors will be collecting d...readings. Key Project Details: - Data Collection: The sensors will be collecting data every second. So, efficiency is key. - Connection: The connection to the database will be through both Wi-Fi and wired Ethernet. Experience with both types of connections is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Arduino programming - Strong knowledge of MySQL - Experience with sensor data collection - Familiar with Wi-Fi and wired Ethernet connections Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in...
I'm seeking a ...minimalist design of the web version. Key functionalities to be incorporated in the initial release include: - Account Registration and Management - Member Search and Selection - Communications (Messaging and Instant Chat) In addition to these, the app will also require the integration of several third-party services such as a payment gateway for subscriptions, a push notification service, and an analytics platform. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in Android app development - Familiarity with REST API integration - Ability to create simple, user-friendly interfaces - Experience with integrating third-party services Please check the web version at and get in touch to schedule ...
Build laravel transcoding panel features - dashboard show, cpu utilzation by grapihc using widgets, show total connections, show total streams online/offline/ show per row each gpu statics with utilzation graphics , show total in and outgoing network metrics/ usage of traffic (from uptime second til now realtime) if reboot server then start from 0 traffic data - page live streams , show stream details (kbps/audio/codec/videocodec/total connections/uptime stream/restart stop buttons, mini popup jwplayer or hls player to show live stream - add stream, support multi source setup, select gpu , select profile for transcode, select output http stream/rtmp stream output *( rtmp,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpegts,ts,hls,dash all protocols) - profiles for transcoding (attach to gpus) (all sett...
I need help integrating a static Wordpress landing page into my React website. The task should take roughly an hour. Key Details: - The landing page is intended to promote a product. - I have not specified any particular functionality from the Wordpress page that needs to be integrated into the React site, so the integration will primarily be of the static content. - The integrated landing page should have a mixed style, combining elements of both the original Wordpress design and the existing styling of the React site.
I need a professional who can install the TYPO3 CMS on my hosting and configure it for English and Arabic. Key Tasks: - Install TYPO3 CMS on my host - Enable two language support: English and Arabic - Implement necessary security enhancements I already have the content for both languages ready. Security is a top priority for this project, so experience with TYPO3's security plugins is a plus. Please ensure that the installation is secure and up to best practices. Ideal Skills: - TYPO3 CMS installation experience - Multilingual TYPO3 configuration - Security enhancements implementation - Arabic language support expertise (preferable but not necessary)
I'm seeking a professional with a strong background in social media management, particularly on Instagram, to help elevate my design studio's online presence. The main goal is to enhance brand awareness through strategic content delivery and engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Prioritize managing our Instagram account, with additional oversight on Facebook and LinkedIn - Create and post engaging content focusing on product showcases - Develop strategies to boost brand visibility and recognition on these platforms Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly Instagram - Strong understanding of brand promotion and awareness strategies - Ability to create engaging content and manage online interactions - Experience with desi...
I am seeking a skilled social media professional to enhance my business's presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. The project's main components include: - Content Creation: I need engaging, high-quality content tailored to my target audience on both platforms. - Account Management: This includes regular updates, interaction with followers, and maintaining a positive online presence. - Advertising Campaigns: Design and implement effective advertising campaigns to increase visibility and engagement. Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in social media management, particularly on Facebook and LinkedIn, with strong content creation skills. Experience in running successful advertising campaigns is also a must. Understanding of audience engageme...