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Máme několik tabulek která obsahují data o volání klientum a potřeboval bych je dát dohromady a případně doplnit. Po sjednocení a opravě těchto dat je zapsat do systému CRM Raynet podle této tabulky. We have several tables that contain data about calls to clients and I would like to put them together and possibly supplement them. After unifying and correcting this data, I would like to enter it into the Raynet CRM system according to this table.
Jedná se převážně o krypto(vtipná) video, délka maximálně do 1 minuty a mělo by to být ideálně animované
Zdravím, hledám editora, který by dokázal sestříhat videa podobnému formátu jako dělá SunnyV2. Délka videi by byla cca nějakých 8-12min. !PLAT DOHODOU! Cena je pouze orientační for Czechs only! (podobný edit videí, který bych potřeboval): @SunnyV2 @BigeOfficial
...potřebujeme to náležitě prodat na našem webu i sociálních sítích. Zpracování musí být opravdu skvělé, střídání rychlých a pomalých záběrů, detailů s generickými pohledy, video musí mít dynamiku i příjemný flow doplněný o pěkné efekty jako je blur, close up atd. Tuhle část si rád nechám od profesionálů navrhnout. Pokud bude vkusné i nějakou vhodnou infografiku, můžeme ji tam dát. Článek o tomto projektu je k dispozici zde: ůh-radegast-rozpoutal-bouři-přímo-na-prodejní-ploše-díky-našim-regálům Na linku zde posíl&aacu...
...potřebujeme to náležitě prodat na našem webu i sociálních sítích. Zpracování musí být opravdu skvělé, střídání rychlých a pomalých záběrů, detailů s generickými pohledy, video musí mít dynamiku i příjemný flow doplněný o pěkné efekty jako je blur, close up atd. Tuhle část si rád nechám od profesionálů navrhnout. Pokud bude vkusné i nějakou vhodnou infografiku, můžeme ji tam dát. Článek o tomto projektu je k dispozici zde: ůh-radegast-rozpoutal-bouři-přímo-na-prodejní-ploše-díky-našim-regálům Na linku zde posíl&aacu...
Ahoj , Hľadám video editora na projekt. Projekt zahŕňa tvorbu short form videi. Očakávam: Kreatívne úpravy a dodržiavanie termínov Predstavenie portfólia Ak mas záujem, daj mi vedieť, rád by som sa bližšie porozprával o projekte. Ďakujem, Vukasin
Hledám video editora, který má pokročilé zkušenosti s Final Cut Pro a má chuť si přivydělat několik hodin týdně za 150 Kč/hod. Znalost angličtiny nutná. Stříhání videí je pro kanál Kristi Travel Escape, na kterém budeme zveřejňovat jedno video za dva týdny. Nejčastěji se bude jednat o rychleji editovatelné vlogy, někdy také časově náročnější travel guidy. Kanál je v anglickém jazyce. Hledám někoho na dlouhodobou spolupráci (ideálně minimálně rok). Někoho, kdo mi pomůže kanál budovat a růst. Proaktivita a nápady se cení. Mohu nabídnout naprostou časovou flexibilitu. P...
I need to scrape data from real estate website. Specifically data under these two filters: Together some 9300 real estates in two separate datasets. Only the text data is needed (no pictures, no maps), preferably in xls or csv.
Musím hlasovat pro reklamní video. Zde je scénář [00:02] Jaká je kvalita? [00:04] Zkus to sám, Gringo. [00:18] Dobře, dobře. Kvalita je vynikající. [00:19] Bereme všechno! [00:24] To úplně stačí. [00:29] SkinClub - tu jsou nejnižší ceny. Zde je příklad v angličtině pro pochopení kontextu - Připojte své vzorky
On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their courses ...
...communicate on a regular daily basis. We are looking for someone who has extensive experience in copywriting, where it is possible to document previous assignments and work. The required respondent should be able to 100% complete the set dates and form of assignment. We require 1x preliminary revision of the work and 3x total revision of the completed work. About us: We are an advertising agency together with a video and graphic studio, which focuses on medium and large companies. Form of audit and brochure: Technically describe how a particular industry works, list the subcategories that may be audited for the proper functioning of the brand or project. In individual branches and mention and incorporate the methodology of work (not the solution; the solution is the sub...
Hello everyone, we are looking for a billigual video editor that can : 1. translate a short piece of English text into Chinese 2. input the Chinese text on the video There are 5 videos that are less than 1 min, The video links are below: Promo gamme Loopy Looper Tuto flow Tuto edge Tuto Jump Tuto Hoop
Zadání Projekt, který bude umožňovat video výuku živého lektora a studentů. Obecně * uživatelské rozhraní a grafiku uděláme my * multilanguage * globální brand Administrace * správa lektorů * správa studentů * správa rezervací Uživatelé * profil lektora * profil studenta * vytvoření účtu * přihlášení * zaslání zapomenutého hesla Rezervace * lektor zveřejňuje termíny * student si vybírá Platby * student si nahraje kredit a v rámci něj utrácí za 1:1 konverzační lekce * platební brána stripe Organizace individuální výuky * lektor vypln&...
...eventy se známými osobnostmi po celém světě. Start aplikace plánujeme v ČR a SK, již máme připravené osobnosti s dosahem cca 5.000.000 fanoušků. Hledáme kreativce, který připraví vstupní video a poté bude připravovat další videa z eventů, které uvidí stovky tisíc lidí denně. Co bychom chtěli získat je VIDEO, které poběží na pozadí pří spuštění aplikace, které jasně sdělí fanouškům o čem naše app je: Aplikace je o soutěžení setkání s celebritami, výborné video má vymyšlené aplikace CAMEO (určitě stáhněte...
...Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening events, Company anniversaries, Open days, Roadshow, Garden parties, Galaevenings and other new format that are not so known) - External cooperation with agencies. - Production of "Re-decoration" (decoration, props, upcycling material - reuse, remake, recycle system). Claim: TOGETHER we will transform your values INTO ACTION! (maybe there will only be Together into Action - I do not know yet). Concerning the logo, I do not have a specific idea so far. It should smybolize wildness, independency, openness, discovery, freedom, trust&100% reliability, courage. I have only specific requirements for a color scale - see in the attachment - yellow, orange, scales of blue. Communi...
Potřebujeme vyrobit animované video, které by jednoduše a srozumitelně představilo službu www.monys.cz.
Potřebujeme vytvořit tzv. white board video - vysvětlovací video s animací. Délka 1-4 min. V případě, že se nám výsledek bude líbit, zadáme další podobný projekt. Prosím v nabídkách uveďte referenční projekty.
Hledáme na externí spolupráci pro značku EVOLVEO () filmaře který by vytvářel produktová videa. Prosím o soukromou zprávu skrz portál freelancer nebo nás kontaktujte na (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin) Ukázky
Dobrý den, rád bych si nechal udělat animovanou reklamu na projekt SportsCoach.cz. Video by mělo mít ideálně 1:45 minut. Scénář s popisem scén si rád domluvím s případnými zájemci. Děkuji.
Hledáme videomakera, který by vytvořil krátkou videoprezentaci studentského spolku. Video by mělo trvat maximálně 60 sekund, na jeho výrobu spěcháme. Jedná se o video bez mluveného komentáře, pouze textové efekty dokreslující zmíněné informace. Celkově má video být informativní charakter (i design by měl připomínat infografiku) a hlavním cílem videa je nábor nových členů.
Prosím o urgentní překlad krátkého voiceoveru do angličtiny.
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuEdit and retouch photos'
Looking a person with excellent knowledge of the English language (EN - native language) . Original text is in Russian, which text is translated. Need to edit texts in english language. Offer about 100$.
Hledám někoho, kdo umí vytvořit Lyric video k novému singlu naší kapely ENDLESS s názvem Scripted.
...temu - moze i u obliku vodica: Tema 1. Želim iznajmiti apartman – što dalje? Iznajmljivanje za početnike . 2. Kako popuniti apartman izvan sezone : The How To Blog Post 3. Primjeri dobrih iznajmljivaca i njihovi postupci: The How To Blog Post Naslov, Uvod i sadrzaj po slijedecim koracima: Template: Dodatna literatura (koga interesira)
...for a skilled app development company who can create a social networking app focused on video sharing. It should be compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Key Features: - Primary Function: The app's main focus will be on video sharing. Users should be able to upload videos, interact with others, and share their content. - Private Albums: There should be a feature that allows users to create private albums. This will enable them to share their videos with select individuals. - Video Uploading: The app should have capabilities for users to upload their videos. Ideal companies for this project should have prior experience in developing social networking apps and a strong understanding of video sharing functionalities. Good skills in cross-platfo...
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I am looking for a fun and short TikTok video to promote my simple game: Connect Dots Without Crossing Lines - The goal is to make the video so interesting that people want to play the game immediately. How to Participate: Be creative. You can screen record yourself playing (or just your screen), add commentary, text, music, or anything else to make it exciting (all is optional, no text and no music is also ok). The video should be short, attention-grabbing, and suitable for TikTok. There are no strict rules—just make it fun. Winner Selection: I will choose the video I like the most, based on how engaging and interesting it is. Feel free to experiment and submit your best work. The video should be simple and short (maximum 2 minutes
I need someone to post daily Instagram shorts, Youtube shorts, and Tik Tok videos using my song. You will be clipping relevant streamers and reposting other viral shorts such as basketball plays except in your edit you use my song.
I am looking for a dedicated reposter who can post on as many different accounts as possible for me over the course of a month. Every day we will be posting short video clips to as many different channels as possible on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok - Experience in managing and posting on multiple social media accounts - Understanding of short video content and its appeal on these platforms - Ability to follow specific instructions and use provided content accurately I will provide specific hashtags and captions for each post. The goal is to reach as wide an audience as possible, so creativity and resourcefulness in finding and utilizing different accounts is key.
I'm looking for a team to create an educational video in Spanish aimed at the general public. The project involves three key components: scriptwriting, voiceover, and video editing. 1. **Scriptwriting**: The script should be written in a conversational tone, making the content accessible and engaging for a wide audience. Prior experience in writing educational scripts is a plus. 2. **Voiceover**: I need a professional voiceover artist who can deliver the script in clear, engaging Spanish. 3. **Video Editing**: A skilled video editor is required to piece together the footage, ensuring the final product is polished and professional. Ideal candidates will have experience in video production, particularly in creating educational content. Plea...
I'm looking for a professional to help me with reposting and extensively editing my entertainment clips across Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Key Duties: - Repost provided entertainment clips on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok - Perform extensive editing on clips prior to reposting Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Familiarity with Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok - Understanding of what constitutes engaging content on these platforms - Experience in editing entertainment content Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
Expand Lopaka project to support multiple screens. Should add new tab for screens besides layers. Session should not be individual but should store the state for each screen. When select one screen the editor should load that screens state. Should be able to add new screens and edit their name and show above the editor the name of the current screen selected. All screens with their states should be saved to localstorage and also to a MySQL DB. Should create structure for the MySQL DB. On load no screen should be selected and no layers should be listed, until a screen is clicked/selected. If clicking a different screen, should switch the whole view to that screen.
I'm in need of a skilled video editor to help me enhance my promotional videos for various social media platforms, specifically Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. I'm trying to open a new business and I want to have all the process documented to get it done and promotional videos! - Video Length: Each video should be compact and engaging, lasting between 15-30 seconds. - Content Type: The primary focus will be on editing promotional videos. This project will require a deep understanding of the intricacies of different social media platforms, and the ideal freelancer would be someone who has a proven track record of editing content that is successful on these platforms. Creativity, attention to detail, and a keen sense for what makes a video shareable...
I need assistance uploading a large video file from SharePoint to YouTube. The video is stored as a single MP4 file on SharePoint. Ideal freelancer should: - Have experience with SharePoint and YouTube - Be able to handle large file uploads - Understand MP4 file specifications and YouTube upload requirements. Please ensure your bid reflects your expertise and ability to complete this task efficiently.
Looking for a logo for a professional real estate agent. As part of their brand development, they are seeking a simple, sleek, professional logo. The creative brief below outlines the objectives, design requirements, and deliverables for the logo. Creative Brief: Thank you and look forward to seeing your designs!
Hiring: Video/Reel Creator. Hi, freelancers! We’re looking for a creative video editor who can turn our blog content into engaging short videos/reels for Instagram & YouTube. ? About Us: We run a blog focused on teens, academics, internships, mental health, college prep, and more! ? What We Need: ✅ Create short-form video content (Reels/Shorts) based on our blog posts ✅ Transform blogs into engaging, fast-paced, and visually appealing videos ✅ Use captions, animations, stock footage, and trending music to enhance engagement ✅ Understand SEO & hashtags for better reach ✅ Deliver high-quality, engaging content consistently ? Example Task: ? Blog: "10 Books to Read for Personal Growth" ? Your Job: Create a 30-60 sec reel highlighting key takea...
I'm looking to create a CGI video that feels incredibly realistic for a tennis club, using existing footage of the location. The primary purpose of this video will be for promotional material, so it needs to be high quality and eye-catching. Key Focus: - Emphasizing the facilities and amenities of the club. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CGI and video editing. - Experience with CGI for sports clubs is a plus. - Ability to create compelling promotional materials. Please, provide samples of similar projects you've done. Quality and creativity will be key in this selection process.