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2,000 deploy spring boot to aws ec2 Nalezené pracovní možnosti

...Technologie: WordPress, Elementor, Astra, Python, SQLLite, Django, Pandas, Numpy Provider: Forpsi / Webglobe / AWS / Jiný (s největší pravděpodobnosti služba: "Virtuální privátní server (VPS)" nebo "Virtuální managed server (VMS)" --> na serveru poběží ještě můj python code generující obsah, plus vlastní doména Data: jsou uložena zatím na MS SQL, ale WEbglobe MS SQL nemá (pouze My SQL), takže uvažuju že přepíšu kod na MySQL a nebo na pythoní SQLLite --> moje databáze má pouze cca několik stovek tisíc záznamů Společně: WEB: General Sekce --> Landing Page, Contac, Products .... (takov&ya...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

Popis úkolů a požadavky Popis úkolů a požadavky Pro mezinárodní společnost [...], která se specializuje na prodej hraček a další související aktivity, hledáme Fullstack Developera/Teamleadera ? Jaké jsou hlavní úkoly a role? Jsme malý vývojový tým a každý člen má možnost ovlivnit směřování projektu. Klade se důraz na kvalitu před kvantitou a na to, aby naše práce měla smysl a přinášela hodnotu. Jak pracuje vývojový tým? Spolupracujeme s klienty na prezentaci jejich produktů a služeb v digitální podobě, přičemž klíčové je vytváření poutav&yacu...

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky

Mailstep je jednička na trhu v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a komplexních fulfillmentových služeb pro e-commerce. Je to nový a perspektivní obor. Naší vizí je: Vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produktů, díky kterým dokážeme zákazníky dostat do celého světa a z jejich pár objednávek denně udělat tisíce. Chceme umožnit zákazníkům růst. 200+ e-shopů nám již svěřilo svou logistiku 20 000+ odeslaných zásilek každý den 100% přesnost vychystávání objednávek 65% připravených zásilek putuje do zahraničí – zejména do států Evropské unie a Velk...

€8 Average bid
€8 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...úkolů a projektů.? - Sledovat nové technologie a aplikovat nové poznatky v rámci vývojového procesu, jak je to vhodné.? - Aktivně se účastnit týmových schůzek, přispívat k požadavkům projektu, designu a implementaci.?️ Nejdůležitější požadavky: - Přibližně 5+ let zkušeností v front-end vývoji s React.js. - Znalosti JavaScriptu, povědomí o ES6+ a TypeScriptu. - Důkladné porozumění principům React.js. - Zkušenosti s postupy pro React.js - Redux, Redux-Saga. - Ovládání webového značkovacího jazyka (HTML5, CSS3). - Znalost moderních nástrojů pro vývoj front-endu (Webpack, Babel, Git). - Zku...

€1193 Average bid
€1193 Průměr. nabídka
38 nabídky

...Zajišťuješ trvalou dostupnost technických zdrojů. - Vyhledáváš, hodnotíš a doporučuješ technologie pro podporu byznysu. - Dokumentuješ všechny procesy a postupy. - Spolupracuješ s členy týmu na zlepšení našeho IT prostředí. - Poskytuješ mimořádnou podporu v případě nouze a upgradů. - Pravidelně provádíš audity systémů, včetně záloh. Uvítáme Tvoje znalosti/zkušenosti: - Přehled o cloudových službách (AWS, Azure) včetně jejich nastavení, správy a řešení problémů. - Dobrou znalost počítačových systémů, zabezpečen&iac...

€19 Average bid
€19 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu

€3821 Average bid
€3821 Průměr. nabídka
4 nabídky

Znalost JavaSE/EE a relačních databází. Angular znát není třeba, stačí vůle se ho naučit. Min. 3 roky zkušenost s komerčním vývojem. Znalost automatických testů. Dovednost domluvit se s kolegy anglicky (min B1). Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Angular 2, JSP + další webové technologie, Relační databáze + SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, XML a XSLT, JUnit / TestNG, Mockito nebo PowerMock, GIT, základy linuxového skriptování (Bash), Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, testování zabezpečení webu

€4843 Average bid
€4843 Průměr. nabídka
18 nabídky

Sháníme freelancera na realizaci online marketingových kampaní. Jsme společnost The Cloud Provider s.r.o. a poskytujeme cloudové služby - OpenStack cloudovou platformu (alternativa světovým cloudovým produktům (AWS, Azure), dále provozujeme 24/7/365 support a monitorovací centrum - hlídáme správný chod IT infrastruktury našich zákazníků a řešíme případné problémy. Chceme zvýšit podíl online poptávek na celkových obchodních aktivitách naší společnosti.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky nám schází je poslední nadšenec do našeho týmu, který s námi bude tento projekt vyvíjet. Pokud ti něco říká programování a tvorba komplexní webové aplikace (předpokládané technologie - React, JavaEE, Spring, REST), máš kladný vztah ke sportu a jsi nadšenec, který se chce zakousnout do zajímavého projektu, máš s námi možnost vybudovat sportovní platformu, která bude pravým GAME CHANGEREM nejen v ČR. Tohle není jedna z těch nabídek, za kterou dostaneš během měsíce zaplaceno pár desítek tisíc korun. Tohle je životn&...

€8 - €98828
€8 - €98828
0 nabídky
Java vývojář
Ukončeno left

Kdo jsme a co děláme? - Startup EMU s kanceláří na Malé straně - - Vytvořili jsme a pro zákazníky vylepšuje produkt, který umožní zaměstnancům být víc slyšet a jako nástroj pro zvýšení jejich spokojenosti Jak to děláme? - Backend stavíme jako soubor mikroservis běžících v Dockru. Vyvíjíme v Javě a s pomocí Spring - Boot budujeme škálovatelnou službu využívající pro procesování událostí Kafku, data ukládáme v NoSql databazi a s webem a mobilními aplikacemi komunikuje přes REST API Koho hledáme? - Vývojá...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...děláme? - Startup s kanceláří na Malé Straně - Vytvořili jsme a pro zákazníky vylepšuje produkt, který umožní zaměstnancům být víc slyšet. - Webová část aplikace zákazníkům umožňuje pracovat se vstupy podřízených (dashboardy, grafy, chat, …), takže to není hloupý admin s 5ti tabulkami. Jak to děláme? - Celý frontend je napojený na API, které tu píšem a i vy se budete podílet na jeho návrhu. - Backend stavíme jako soubor mikroservisběžících v Dockru. Vyvíjíme v Javě a s pomocí Spring Boot budujeme šká...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Dobrý den, Hledáme urgentně JAVA programátory, s minimálně roční praxí, pro vývoj bankovní aplikace. Požadujeme znalosti: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, Git. Komunikace probíhá přes JIRA. Finanční ohodnocení cca 3000 Kč / Den. Pro bližší info prosím pošlete CV nebo reference.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Predpokladany objem práce je do konce roku 2014 minimalne. - zkusenosti z financniho sektoru, idealne retail banking - technologie: o Java (Standard + Enterprise) – servlets, JMS, web services, o Spring (IoC, Spring remoting) o Hibernate o Oracle DB o Maven o Jenkins/Hudson o Unit testing – JUnit, Mockito o Eclipse o Tomcat o Vyhodou znalost Eclipse RCP o Vyhodou znalost Weblogic Application Server

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky
Ukončeno left

Privet, my ishem sysadmina na svyiazat syia i pogovorit po skypu? moyi email zatko@

€96 Average bid
€96 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I need a program that will notify you when the sound pops authenticate using captcha systems. One of the boot program, which must function at the server

€1751 Average bid
€1751 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

I'm in need of a modern and minimalistic landing page for a purchased domain name in AWS Route53. This page will serve as a pre-launch site for an app, linking to AppStore and Googleplay for downloads. Key Features: - The page should include topic categories. I have the design and copy I just need someone with technical skills to make is go live. - A waitlist join section which diverts to an existing website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AWS Route53 - Expertise in modern and minimalistic web design - Experience in creating engaging landing pages The goal is to create a clean, professional landing page that effectively communicates our app's purpose and encourages user download and category engagement.

€273 Average bid
€273 Průměr. nabídka
130 nabídky

Hey, here's the milestone

€96 Average bid
€96 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I would like to design a house plan based on the following brief: 1. Project Overview: • Project Description: A secondary residence, country cottage, with a total area of 100 square meters. • Objectives: Enhance energy efficiency by leveraging seasonal variations and optimizing scenic views. 2. Site Information: • Site Location: A 1-hectare plot situated in an agricultural zone, offering views of the sea, mountains, and valley (Location Map). o The house is to be built in the northeastern quadrant of the property. • Site Conditions: The site features a slight elevation. It experiences hot summers and cold winters. The region is known as one of the windiest in Tunisia, with prevailing winds from the northwest and west during the autumn and winter seasons. 3...

€153 Average bid
€153 Průměr. nabídka
24 nabídky

...Description: We are integrating Retell AI with Jambonz to handle SIP calls from our UAE number (hosted on 3CX & Dinstar). While we have completed some parts of the integration, we need an experienced developer to help with deploying and configuring the integration on Heroku. ✅ What’s Already Done: SIP trunking is configured on Jambonz Jambonz is connected to Retell AI webhooks SIP credentials & carrier routing are set up ? What We Need Help With: Deploying the Retell AI SIP integration on Heroku Configuring Heroku environment variables correctly Ensuring API & webhook communication between Jambonz & Retell AI Debugging any deployment issues & optimizing performance ? Reference Materials: Before applying, please review these resources t...

€168 Average bid
€168 Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky

I need to deploy a SAP website content on a linux server which can be viewed via UI. I have the contents in github repo and also have SAP commerce suite. This needs to be deployed on linux server

€56 Average bid
€56 Průměr. nabídka
11 nabídky

I'm seeking a talented web designer and developer to revamp my website with the primary goal of boosting user engagement. Key aspects of the project: - Implement personalized product recommendations to enhance user interaction and satisfaction. Ideal candidates will: - Have expertise in web design and development with a strong focus on user engagement. - Possess experience in implementing personalized recommendations on websites. - Have a solid understanding of e-commerce principles and product recommendation systems. Steps & Deliverables 1. User Journey Mapping ○ Understand and optimise the customer’s path from landing to checkout. 2. Site Map Creation ○ Develop a structured layout for seamless navigation. 3. Wireframes ○ Create detailed low-fidelity...

€255 Average bid
€255 Průměr. nabídka
33 nabídky

...Description: We are looking for an IIoT Engineer to develop and implement a smart industrial system connecting machines, sensors, and devices to the internet for real-time monitoring, automation, and data collection. Responsibilities: ? IIoT System Design & Development – Connect industrial devices via MQTT, Modbus, OPC-UA. ? Data Integration & Analytics – Ensure smooth data flow, collection, and analysis for optimization. ? Network Management – Configure and troubleshoot Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and cloud connectivity. ? Security & Automation – Implement cybersecurity best practices and automation solutions. ? Troubleshooting & Support – Provide technical assistance for hardware/software issues. Required Skills: ? IIoT Protoc...

€31 Average bid
€31 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

...high-performance SaaS solution. Important Note: We are looking for a company with proven experience in delivering enterprise-grade SaaS platforms. Individual freelancers or part-time consultants will not be considered. Core Technologies to be Used: • Frontend: - NextJS, React, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, Apollo Client • Backend: - NodeJS, Python (FastAPI), GraphQL, gRPC, Apollo Federation. • UI/UX Design: - Figma, Storybook, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, Headless UI. • Database: - MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch • Cloud & CI/CD: - Vercel, AWS, Google Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes (EKS), Terraform • AI/ML Integration: - TensorFlow, PyTorch, Google AI Platform, FastAPI, gRPC-Web • Security: - Zero Trust Security Ar...

€14225 Average bid
€14225 Průměr. nabídka
60 nabídky

...progressi dell’utente; Personalizzazione basata su metriche di avanzamento. Sistema di sfide e progressi: Leaderboard con badge e premi virtuali; Sfide mensili per incentivare la fidelizzazione. Disclaimer obbligatorio: Una schermata iniziale con il disclaimer legale sull’uso dell’app e sulla responsabilità dell’utente. Requisiti tecnici: Flutter (per iOS e Android con un solo codice). Firebase/AWS (per database utenti e automazione contenuti). Stripe/PayPal (per pagamenti diretti e ricorrenti). Chatbot AI per risposte automatiche su allenamenti e consigli fitness. Automazione email con ActiveCampaign o MailChimp per invio settimanale di contenuti personalizzati. Budget & Tempistiche: Budget: Da discutere in base alle funzionalit&agra...

€491 Average bid
€491 Průměr. nabídka
35 nabídky

...full stack software developer to help me build a web-based real estate market platform. The ideal candidate would have an extensive knowledge of the following technologies: Python, Django, React, HTML, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, AWS, and GitHub. Key Features: - The web application will consist of a product catalog and search feature. - A robust shopping cart and secure checkout process. - User accounts and profiles for personalized shopping experiences. Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in full stack development, preferably in the marketplace domain. - Proficiency in Python and Django for backend development. - Excellent skills in React, HTML, and JavaScript for frontend development. - Experience with PostgreSQL for database management. - Familiarity with AWS...

€2201 Average bid
€2201 Průměr. nabídka
78 nabídky

E-Library Portal Integration for University Website 1. The e-library portal should provide digital access to educational resources, streamline book borrowing, and integrate seamlessly with the university’s authentication system. 2. Objectives • Provide a centralized online repository for digital books, research papers, and academic resources. • Enable seamless user authentication via university credentials. • Offer advanced search, filtering, and category-based navigation. • Implement a borrowing system with time-limited access. • Ensure security, role-based access, and compliance with data protection regulations. 3. Scope of Work UI/UX Design • Creating wireframes and design prototypes. • User experience (UX) optimization for easy navigat...

€311 Average bid
€311 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

...Development with Payment Gateway Integration and Cloud Hosting Project Overview: This proposal outlines the development of a fully functional e-commerce website that allows users to browse, purchase products, and securely process payments. The website will be designed to provide a seamless shopping experience and will be integrated with a reliable payment gateway. Additionally, the website will be hosted on a secure and scalable cloud platform to ensure high availability, performance, and flexibility. Scope of Work: 1. E-Commerce Website Development: • Design & User Interface (UI): Custom, responsive design that adapts to all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). The UI will be clean, user-friendly, and intuitive, ensuring a smooth shopping experien...

€286 Average bid
€286 Průměr. nabídka
48 nabídky

I need assistance with configuring the container on AWS. Initially, I encountered SSL errors, which hindered my setup. As a teacher, my goal is to allow my students access to a PostgreSQL database through Chromebooks. Unfortunately, due to district restrictions, I cannot install a SQL client on these devices, hence the need for dbgate. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS configuration and management. - Proficient in troubleshooting SSL and Nginx issues. - Experience with PostgreSQL. - Familiarity with Please note, my previous setup was taken down due to persistent '502 Bad Gateway' errors during HTTPS requests. I would appreciate a professional who can swiftly resolve these issues and set up a reliable environment for my s...

€499 Average bid
€499 Průměr. nabídka
74 nabídky

We are looking for a talented and motivated Junior Blockchain Developer to join our team. As a Junior Blockchain Developer, you'll be a key player in a fast-paced, innovative team, driving the development of our crypto trading platform. If you're passionate about transforming ideas into technology, eager to dive into blockchain development, and ready to make your mark in a thriving crypto environment, we want to hear from you! We are at a really early stage so expect an unstructured environment where we are looking for people with high agency who are willing to get deep into problem solving and get their hands dirty. Key Responsibilities 1. Software Development: Contribute to the development of our trading software written in Python 2...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

TASK: - Deploy 2FA changes from dev to prod instance, both code and db change. - Apply it for one user only - Test on prod website

€182 Average bid
€182 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

...and optimized RESTful APIs using Spring Boot, Hibernate, and Microservices architecture. Wrote clean, efficient, and error-free code while meeting tight project deadlines. Implemented Redis caching to enhance data retrieval speed and reduce database load. Optimized frequently accessed queries by using in-memory caching, improving system response time. Developed complex SQL queries and worked with PostgreSQL/MySQL for efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. Integrated data validation, error handling, and logging mechanisms to enhance application stability and reliability. Designed and deployed role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms to ensure secure and efficient user authentication and authorization. Worked with JWT authenticati...

€317 Average bid
€317 Průměr. nabídka
20 nabídky

We are serious buyers seeking a fully developed, market-ready POS system. Please do not contact us if you do not have a finished product. We are not interested in building a system from scratch. We are looking to purchase a complete, ready-to-deploy solution suitable for all types of businesses. We are already committed to two other companies and are waiting for their final quality tests. Your system should include the following: Customer Online Ordering App (iOS & Android) Customer Market App for Online Ordering (iOS & Android) Restaurant POS App (Android/iOS & Windows) Waiter App (Android & iOS) Kitchen Display System (KDS) Direct Order Printer Integration Delivery App (Android & iOS) Native or Multi-App Builder (Android & ...

€33201 Average bid
€33201 Průměr. nabídka
64 nabídky

We are looking for an experienced and highly skilled Staff Full Stack Engineer with a backend focus to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining the backend systems while working closely with the frontend team to build robust and scalable full-stack applications. Key Responsibilities: - Design, develop, and maintain backend systems and APIs using Python or Ruby on Rails. - Collaborate with frontend developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic using React or Angular. - Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code while adhering to best practices and standards. - Ensure the reliability, performance, and scalability of applications, especially backend services. - Develop and manage database...

€64 / hr Average bid
€64 / hr Průměr. nabídka
93 nabídky

Custom Analytics Platform Development Full-Stack Developer/Team Needed for AI Analytics Deployment Platform Description: We are seeking an experienced development team to build a scalable, secure, and user-friendly platform for managing AI analytics in video surveillance. This platform will allow customers to purchase subscriptions, deploy analytics to cameras, configure alerts, and visualise data through customizable dashboards. Key Features: Microsoft SSO integration, Normal Login, 2FA API key issuance for devices Subscription-based pricing (per camera, per analytic) System calculator for cost estimation Device & camera management (grouped by sites) Alerts and notifications setup Tile-based analytics dashboard (customizable graphs, images, data v...

€2870 Average bid
€2870 Průměr. nabídka
58 nabídky

Descrição do Produto: Platafo...Sistema de autenticação seguro para proteger dados sensíveis. Diferentes níveis de acesso para usuários (administradores, vistoriadores, clientes). Tecnologias Preferenciais Front-end: React.js ou Angular para uma experiência de usuário responsiva. Back-end: Node.js ou Django para uma arquitetura robusta e escalável. Banco de Dados: PostgreSQL ou MongoDB para armazenamento de dados. Hospedagem: AWS ou Google Cloud para garantir escalabilidade e confiabilidade. Considerações Adicionais O design deve ser responsivo para suportar dispositivos móveis e desktops. A plataforma deve ser fácil de usar, com uma interface limpa e intuitiva. É essencial ...

€1191 Average bid
€1191 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

I'm looking for a seasoned Solana Smart Contract Developer interested in creating intr...general best security practices Please note that only a small portion of your compensation will be available prior to the project's launch, as a stipend, so that you understand that I am committed to the project. Your proficiency and ability to complete, deploy, and maintain the project will significantly influence the project's success, and therefore, your compensation. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Solana Smart Contracts - Experience in dApp development and token management - Understanding of general security best practices After bidding, please message me directly to confirm your understanding and agreement with these terms before our conversation....

€37 / hr Average bid
€37 / hr Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky
DEFI arbitrage (smart contract)
6 dní left

I have a flashloan arbitrage bot that I would like to deploy and I would need help for this work. the bot architecture attached.

€117 Average bid
€117 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

...involved designing a Java-based industrial IoT solution to optimize Modbus TCP communication by dynamically categorizing registers (FIXED, DYNAMIC, PERIODIC) using statistical analysis. The system reduces network overhead by 70% through block optimization, integrates Apache Camel for enterprise-grade routing, and serializes data via Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for efficient transmission. Key features include adaptive polling intervals, real-time anomaly detection, and automated reconfiguration of data collection strategies. Needed Experience & Demonstrated Skills: 1. Modbus Protocol Expertise Designed a Modbus TCP/RTU communication module using Modbus4J for reading/writing registers, coils, and input statuses. Implemented block optimization to group consecutive regist...

€2332 Average bid
€2332 Průměr. nabídka
30 nabídky

...PostgreSQL/MySQL** - **Experience in SEO optimization (SSR, SSG, Meta tags, Schema Markup, etc.)** - **Experience with AWS or Vercel deployment (Preferred)** - Clean coding practices with proper documentation and maintainability - **GitHub portfolio required (Previous projects for review)** #### **3. Scope of Work** - Develop a website with the same functionality as the existing one ( ) - Write maintainable and well-documented code (including comments) - **Implement SEO-optimized architecture using (SSR/SSG for better search engine visibility)** - **Apply SEO strategies including Meta tags, Open Graph, Schema Markup, and structured data** - Deploy using AWS or Vercel - Provide ongoing maintenance and additional feature development if successf...

€2403 Average bid
€2403 Průměr. nabídka
69 nabídky

...looking for a skilled web developer to build an online public library where I can upload documents and metadata from the backend, and users can search and view these documents in an index—similar to arXiv. Key Requirements: User Interface (Frontend) Clean, user-friendly UI with an indexed document list Search functionality based on metadata (title, author, tags, etc.) Document preview or download option Admin Panel (Backend) Ability to upload PDFs/docs with metadata CRUD operations for metadata (title, author, date, tags, etc.) User management (optional, if login-based access is needed) Database & Storage Metadata stored in PostgreSQL/MySQL (preferred) Document storage: Cloud-based (Firebase, AWS S3, or similar) Tech Stack Suggestion...

€294 Average bid
€294 Průměr. nabídka
36 nabídky

I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to recreate a flyer for an upcoming spring break event. The flyer should be able to capture the attention of a diverse, general public audience. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing promotional material, specifically event flyers - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to create engaging and visually appealing designs The flyer should effectively announce the event, highlighting key details in a clear and compelling manner. Your understanding of design principles, coupled with your creativity, will be crucial in creating a flyer that drives awareness and encourages attendance.

€283 Average bid
€283 Průměr. nabídka
78 nabídky

...python Conversation agent using Amazon Connect Alexa put 2 days to do in your bid *********************************************************** I do not provide Amazon Connect Alexa and LLM Account & API Access check may be free options like AWS free trial tire has it check may be for free API to LLM ********************************************************** I need a skilled Python developer with AI expertise to create a local Python-based AI Receptionist agent that can interact over calls. The specifics of the project are as follows: You provide detailed instructions (including how to get number and use code provider, all needed installations on Windows and how to get LLM API keys , including screen shorts and work flow video how to...

€88 Average bid
€88 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

...Conversation agent using Amazon Connect phone call put 2 days to do in your bid *********************************************************** I do not provide Amazon Connect and LLM Account & API Access check may be free options like AWS free trial tire has it check may be for free API to LLM ********************************************************** I need a skilled Python developer with AI expertise to create a local Python-based AI Receptionist agent that can interact over phone calls. The specifics of the project are as follows: You provide detailed instructions (including how to get phone number and use phone code provider, all needed installations on Windows and how to get LLM API keys , including screen shorts and work flow video how ...

€88 Average bid
€88 Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky

...Date (set automatically) Status Tracking: Tickets have the following statuses: New (default when created) In Progress (changed by IT support) Resolved (changed by IT support) User Roles: Employees: Can create and view their own tickets. IT Support: Can view all tickets, change statuses, and add comments. Audit Log: Track changes to ticket status and added comments. Search & Filter: Search by ticket ID and status. Technology Stack & Guidelines: Backend: Java 17, Spring Boot, RESTful API with Swagger/OpenAPI Database: Oracle SQL (provide schema as an SQL script) UI: Java Swing (use MigLayout or GridBagLayout) Testing: JUnit, Mockito Documentation: README with setup instructions Markdown file for API documentation Deployment: Docker container for backend and Or...

€27 Average bid
€27 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky

We're seeking an experienced Blockchain Developer to review and optimize our smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Your main tasks will be preventing transaction failures due to gas issues, implementing an automatic retry mechanism, and ensuring users receive refunds in case of repeated failures. Smart Contract: Deliverables: 1️⃣ Gas Optimization & Bug Fixes Optimize gas usage to reduce transaction failures. Ensure cost-efficient execution without compromising speed. 2️⃣ Failed Transaction Handling Implement an automatic retry mechanism for failed transactions. If a transaction fails again, issue refunds: BNB: $2.00 equivalent USDT: 0.4% of loan fees 3️⃣ Node Connection Stability Ensure stable, uninterrupted

€88 Average bid
€88 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

I would like to design a house plan based on the following brief: 1. Project Overview: • Project Description: A secondary residence, country cottage, with a total area of 100 square meters. • Objectives: Enhance energy efficiency by leveraging seasonal variations and optimizing scenic views. 2. Site Information: • Site Location: A 1-hectare plot situated in an agricultural zone, offering views of the sea, mountains, and valley (Location Map). o The house is to be built in the northeastern quadrant of the property. • Site Conditions: The site features a slight elevation. It experiences hot summers and cold winters. The region is known as one of the windiest in Tunisia, with prevailing winds from the northwest and west during the autumn and winter seasons. 3...

€96 Average bid
€96 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

We are an early-stage AI startup building a real-time AI voice assistant for natural, human-like phone conversations. Our goal is to revolutionize AI communication using ASR, NLU, NLG, and TTS technologies. Currently, we are in the pre-funding stage and seeking investment. We need a Project Manager who can help structure our development, manage teams, and prepare for rapid execution once funding is secured. 1. AI Development & Product Execution A) Oversee the end-to-end development of Emovere AI, ensuring that the product meets technical and emotional intelligence goals. B) Work closely with AI engineers, data scientists, and UX designers to develop a seamless user experience. C) Optimize AI models for real-time conversations, emotion recognition, and personalize...

€1321 Average bid
€1321 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

Overview: Develop an end-to-end software solution that streamlines all operational aspects of a furniture manufacturing business. The system will manage inventory, production scheduling, order processing, shipment tracking, and delivery management. It will also support vendor and customer management, offer detailed reporting and analytics, and integrate with external accounting systems. Objectives: • Efficiency: Automate manual processes to reduce operational inefficiencies. • Visibility: Provide real-time tracking of inventory levels, production status, and delivery schedules. • Integration: Seamlessly connect with existing accounting and ERP systems. • Scalability: Design a system that can grow with the business, supporting additional furniture product l...

€472 Average bid
€472 Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

I'm looking for a freelancer who can deploy a cost-effective streaming server on a cloud service (such as AWS or Azure) to handle DashCam streaming. The server should also have an API for live stream videos that can be accessed on a website and a mobile app. Key Requirements: - Deployment of a cost-effective streaming server on a cloud service - Handling of DashCam streaming - Creation of an API for live stream videos - Integration of live streams into a website and a mobile app Ideal Skills: - Experience with media server deployment - Knowledge of cost-effective streaming servers - Proficiency in cloud services like AWS and Azure - API development skills - Experience with live stream integration on websites and mobile apps Please note that the choice of...

€514 Average bid
€514 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky