Cost management test bankpráce
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
...systém v ČR, působíme také v Maďarsku, Polsku a na Slovensku. Každý měsíc zpracujeme půl milionu rezervací v 3.645 hotelech. Naším cílem je maximálně automatizovat provoz hotelu tak, aby si hosté dopřáli zasloužený komfort a užili si svůj pobyt bez zbytečných starostí. Čekají nás nové výzvy a hledáme další vývojáře. Na čem budeš pracovat? Na vývoji cloudové aplikace, kterou využívá provoz a management pro správu hotelových rezervací. Na vývoji rezervačního systému pro hotelové hosty. Chanel Manageru, který každý den p...
...Objective: Introduce "Working People" as a useful tool for managers to easily and efficiently track employees' work on various projects and activities, work hours, vacations, and salaries. Showcase how the app helps generate clear reports and facilitates decision-making in personnel management. What the Video Should Look Like: Are you a manager struggling to keep track of employee work hours, vacations, and salaries? Don't worry! Introducing Working People, an easy-to-use app that simplifies employee management. In the video, you will see a frustrated manager facing challenges in managing employee work hours and ongoing projects. But fear not, Working People is here to help! Witness how the app effortlessly records ongoing projects, individual employe...
...2021: vstup silného investora Emma Capital k naší další expanzi, podpore akvizic a rozvoje IT. Co by tě u nás mohlo zaujmout? TMS – náš transport management systém je klíčová služba pro nás fulfillment Spolu s seniorním týmem přispěješ k odesílání desítek tisíc zásilek denně přes více než 20 dopravců Pracovat budeš nejen na inovacích ale částečně i na code refactoring. Máme prostor pro kariérní růst v odborných kompetencích, případně do oblasti team leadingu. Později se třeba můžeš zapojovat do extra projektů, co Tě baví – eventy, mentoring...
...aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření report...
...with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of t...
...rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. V Aireen se zabýváme diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) a protože většina týmu používá běžně python, rozhodli jsme se využít situace přepsat aplikaci do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, Use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření re...
I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)
Zdravím , potřeboval bych vytvořit jednoduchý web firmu. Web bude na redakčním systému wordpress. Webové stranky musí mít zelený design jelikož i logo je zelene. V příloze zasílám texty na web a logo. Translation: Hi, I need to create a simple web business. The website will be on the WordPress content management system. The website must have a green design as the logo is also green. In the attachment I send texts to the website and logo.
For planned family beach resort I need new website. Expected design and scope as (I will buy t...each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery koupim. Poptavam pomoc pri nastaveni, instalaci a pripadnych drobnych upravach.
...communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials for topics - in polish language. Current materials are in the Czech language. - listening to calls for understanding issues and incorporating specific situations into training - provide training topics for smaller groups with several reps - length is 3hrs per training Communication during preparation will ideally be in Czech or English. We plan the project for several months but depend on the lecturer abilities to have even more and longer cooperation with us — the range of dozens of hours of collaboration. We require experience with processing of creation of materials and professional management...
...procesních oblastí pro dohled nad hazardními hrami, např. metodická činnost, registrace provozovatelů, povolení k provozování hazardních her, řízení o přestupcích, povolení k umístění herního prostoru atd. IS bude rozdělen do několika modulů, jako jsou veřejný portál, procesní engine, registry pro dozorovou a správní část, identity management, integrace, atd. Z technologického pohledu se bude systém skládat z komponent pro zabezpečení systému (IDM, AM), procesní management (BPM), webové aplikace postavené na frameworku Angular2, backendové java aplikace zajišť...
monte Carlo simulation, contingency, budget report
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Mezinárodně úspěšná vývojářská agentura Argo22 se sídlem v Českých Budějovicích hledá freelancery za účelem dlouhodobé spolupráce na vývoji webových a hybridních mobilních aplikací. Mezi chystané projekty patří například: - SaaS webová aplikace na management leadů - Publikační systém pro zákazníka z USA - Mobilní aplikace pro čtení magazínů pro zákazníka z Filipín - Příprava Wordpress / Magento / Shopify šablon pro klienty z UK Hledáme talentované vývojáře, kteří se budou schopni na dálku z...
V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokumentaci. Pište p...
Dobrý den. V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokume... brief **** Multiple Language E commerce site (Czech, German, English, Polish) We will provide the translations Hello, I'm looking to extend my website (WordPress) and introduce an effective SEO friendly online store. We aim to create the online store under our current domain and server. We will accept cash upon delivery within a specific area, we will also accept bank transfer, Paypal, Google Wallet and Stripe payments. This E commerce site will need to be integrated into our WordPress theme (Avada). There is 6 food products we will sell online (not much) We have already purchased WPML and its associated plugins that can offer multiple languages. I am looking for an experienced professional to do this job. Please read this brief before responding ...
Remarketing setup in AdWords Campaign setup and performance management - bid and budget optimization Optional: API setup for automated reporting
project test project test project test project test project testv project test project test project test project test
I am seeking a professional to conduct a complete diagnostic bloodwork panel for adults. This will primarily involve a complete blood count (CBC), lipid panel, and glucose test. Ideal Skills: - Medical knowledge and expertise in diagnostic bloodwork - Experience in interpreting blood test results - Ability to provide comprehensive health insights based on test results Please include specific dietary recommendations based on the bloodwork results. The dietary recommendations should target nutrient deficiencies. Include a detailed written report summarizing the bloodwork results. Please include a follow-up consultation to discuss the results. Include lifestyle and exercise recommendations in the report. Feel free to use your own format for the written report. Include...
I'm in need of a professional with extensive knowledge in bird nutrition and pellet formulation, specifically for parrots. The primary goal is to create a nutritionally balanced pellet using only the best quality ingredients. I want the formulation to include organic ingredients and natural grains and seeds. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - ...quality ingredients. I want the formulation to include organic ingredients and natural grains and seeds. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Expertise in avian nutrition, particularly parrots - Experience in formulating bird pellets - Knowledge about high-quality organic ingredients and natural grains and seeds - Ability to create a nutritionally balanced formulation - Innovative ideas for cost-effective yet high-qual...
...WordPress Custom Post Types (CPT) & Taxonomies.** ✅ **Experience modifying CPT archive templates (``).** ✅ **Familiarity with Tourfic Plugin (or ability to customize CPT queries).** ✅ **Strong PHP & WordPress Theme Development experience.** ✅ **SEO-friendly permalink structuring knowledge.** ✅ **Experience using Child Themes for long-term modifications.** ✅ **Ability to test changes on a staging site before applying to live site.** --- ## **? Expected Deliverables** ✔ **Child theme with all modifications applied (safe from future updates).** ✔ **Custom `/tours/` archive that lists Destinations instead of Tours.** ✔ **Custom `/tours/destination-name/` pages listing Subcategories before Tours.** ✔ **Custom `/tours/destination-name/subcategory-name/` page...
I'm in need of a professional to enhance my social media presence on Facebook and Instagram, as well as my visibility on Google Maps. Key Responsibilities: - Improve overall perception and engagement on my social media platforms. - Boost my presence on Google Maps. - Strategize to promote a positi...and Instagram, as well as my visibility on Google Maps. Key Responsibilities: - Improve overall perception and engagement on my social media platforms. - Boost my presence on Google Maps. - Strategize to promote a positive image across these platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media management. - Strong communication and PR skills. - Familiarity with Google Maps business optimization. Please provide your previous work examples related to social media reputat...
...campaigns across digital and traditional channels. Identify and coordinate participation in industry publications and trade shows (e.g. Architectural Digest). Develop relationships with key industry influencers and partners. Analytics & ROI Tracking Monitor and analyze campaign performance using tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM. Create dashboards and reports to track KPIs such as cost per lead, conversion rates, and ROI. Adjust strategies based on performance data to optimize results. Team Leadership & Collaboration Manage relationships with external agencies, freelance designers, and content creators. Lead internal marketing meetings and collaborate cross-functionally with sales, product, and customer service teams. Qualifications Bachelor’s degr...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
seeking an experienced Senior React Developer or a development team/company to assist in finalizing a CRM, inventory management, and scheduling platform. The project is already in progress, and we need skilled professionals to help bring it to completion efficiently. Responsibilities: • Finalize and optimize the front-end of the platform using React. • Ensure seamless integration with backend services. • Enhance UI/UX based on feedback. • Debug and improve existing functionality. • Optimize for scalability and performance. Requirements: • 10+ years of experience in web development. • Expertise in React, Redux, TypeScript, and modern frontend development. • Strong understanding of REST APIs, WebSockets, and real-time data handling. &...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to build a productivity tool focused on inventory management. Key Requirements: - The app should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms. - It should provide comprehensive inventory management features. - A clean, user-friendly interface is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development. - Prior experience in developing productivity tools will be a plus. - Strong UI/UX design sensibility.
I'm looking to develop a productivity app focused on task management. The app should be exclusively for iOS. Key Requirements: - Expertise in iOS app development - Experience in creating productivity apps, particularly with task management features - Ability to design user-friendly interfaces - Strong knowledge of the App Store guidelines and requirements - Excellent communication skills for regular updates and discussions - Proficiency in Swift programming language
...Connect a radio or phone to a camera for sound - Ensure the camera is set up for video recording - Position the camera on a tall tripod - Use one phone for audio output and another as a remote - Ensure all devices have sufficient power or are plugged in. - Make sure the tripod is stable and the camera is secure on top. - Set the camera's focus to ensure a clear image. - Test and adjust audio levels to ensure clear sound. - Test the remote control to ensure it properly operates the camera. - Prepare backup equipment in case of technical issues. - Verify there is enough storage space on the camera's memory card. - Adjust the frame composition to capture the event effectively. - Adjust the lighting to ensure the subject is well-lit. - Conduct a dry run before the ev...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a Windows-based tool for me, leveraging Python, to automate the mass creation of email accounts on Key Requirements: - The tool should facilitate the generation of up to 100 email accounts in one go. - Email ve...creation of email accounts on Key Requirements: - The tool should facilitate the generation of up to 100 email accounts in one go. - Email verification is not necessary for this task. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development and automation tools. - Previous experience with creating tools for account generation on websites. - Understanding of email service creation and management. This is a straightforward project for someone with the right expertise. I'm looking f...
Requisites (Do not apply if not available): 1. Launchpad LAUNCHXL F28379D Rev. 2 development board in your possession 2. Instrumentation you would need to test the work you do (as a minimum, an small oscilloscope, maybe some FTDI serial cables, etc. to debug your software)? 3. A firm (again, emphasis on firm) estimate of how many hours you will need to complete the task =============================================================== Developmental Requirements: The following requirements target a project that MUST run on a Texas Instruments (TI) LaunchPad LAUNCHXL F28379D Development Board, for the purpose of verification The project must compile under TI Code Composer (CCS) V12.8.1 or above (V12.8.1 is preferred) The project shall be delivered as complete CCS workspace product Th...
...electronics, computers, and tech products online. Target Audience: Tech enthusiasts, businesses, and general consumers. Key Features: Product catalog with categories (e.g., laptops, smartphones, accessories). Advanced search and filtering options. User accounts and profiles. Shopping cart and checkout system. Payment gateway integration (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, credit cards). Order tracking and management. Customer reviews and ratings. Responsive design for mobile and desktop. SEO optimization for better visibility. 2. Choose a Technology Stack Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular for dynamic interfaces). Responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Backend: Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel for server-side logic. D...
I'm seeking a seasoned IT Product Owner/Manager specializing in software development, specifically for a web application focused on artificial intelligence. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing the entire software development lifecycle of the web application. - Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. - Ensuring the product aligns with AI...Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. - Ensuring the product aligns with AI industry standards and trends. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in software development, particularly in managing web application projects. - Deep understanding of AI and its application in web development. - Exceptional leadership, communication, and project managem...
I'm in need of a seasoned professional or team for comprehensive planning and coordination of a corporate event. The venue has been secured already, so the focus will be on ensuring the event runs smoothly from start to finish. This project requires: - Extensive experience in event planning and coordination, particularly for corporate functions. - Exceptional organizational skills to manage various aspects of the event. - A proactive approach to problem-solving and ensuring a seamless event experience. Please, only bid if you have demonstrable experience in similar projects.
I’m looking for a seasoned Telegram professional to help manage and g...primarily focused on Telegram growth and engagement. • Utilize Telegram as the primary platform for promotional activities and community engagement. • Assist in setting up a new Telegram channel that meets the requirements for ad approval. • Provide insights and strategies to increase organic reach and attract active users. Skills and Experience Required: • Proven experience in community management and marketing on Telegram. • Strong understanding of social media advertising, particularly Telegram ads. • Knowledge of Telegram’s advertising policies and approval process. • Experience with cryptocurrency-related projects is a plus. If you have the expertise t...
I need a custom-built ZOHO application for efficient vendor management. Key Features: - A shareable link for vendors to fill out their details (Company Name, Vendor Name, Email, Position, Phone, Address) - Automatic email dispatch to both the company and the vendor post form submission. - Contract issuance upon form completion. - Comprehensive vendor profiles with form details plus reminders for contract, insurance, and badge expirations (45 days prior). - An assets list within the app for assigning/unassigning assets, reflecting in both the assets list and vendor profile. - Document upload capability per vendor profile. - A feature for sending project announcement emails to vendors based on their designated "positions". Positions to include: - Various technician and co...
I need to start a group chat on for project easily find messages, files, and tasks within the chat. - Enable integration with other project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira. - Ensure that all changes and updates are reflected in real-time for seamless collaboration. - Include a feature for scheduling meetings and sending calendar invites directly from the chat. - Ensure the group chat is accessible and fully functional on mobile devices. - Implement security features such as end-to-end encryption to protect sensitive information. The ideal freelancer for this project should be experienced in setting up and managing group chats. Any tools or features that can facilitate collaboration, such as file sharing, task management, and screen sharing ...
...e-down-width&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1 Key Functionalities: - Development of a Reward Program (details to be discussed) - see attached - Creation of email templates - Subscription management for recurring services (preferably using WooCommerce) - Allow users to redeem points for discounts in the reward program. Reward Program: - Points for purchases - Referral bonuses - (Optional) Review incentives Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WooCommerce development - Experience with Figma to WooCommerce conversions - Familiarity with creating reward programs and subscription management systems in WooCommerce - Understanding of e-commerce best practices and user experience design. Please note that the payment gateway question was skipped, so flexibil...
I'm currently facing a critical issue with my email integration through the SendGrid API. My server has blocked the IP address, preventing me from sending emails. - Problem: The IP address has been blocked. - Urgency: I need a professional who can quickly diagnose and fix this issue. - Skills Required: Extensive experience with SendGrid API, server management, and email integration troubleshooting is essential. Promptness and efficiency will be highly appreciated as this issue is affecting my communication.