Copy data base site hackpráce
Ahoj, hledám šikovného, klidně začínajícího človíčka na pomoc s rozvojem mého podnikání do on-line světa. Potřebuji pomoci postavit 2 základní pilíře. 1. Konverzní web - copy, grafika, reklama, konzultace nad skvělým řešením = získávání klientů 2. Soc. sítě - dlouhodobá strategie pro růst, scénáře, obsah, hooks atd... = získávání klientů Více info rád poskytnu na společném on-line callu. Předem děkuji a budu se těšit! David Buneš
...Vize je, že chci kontrolovat nová data nejméně co minutu, pokud by to šlo nějak live, bylo by to nejlepší. Jakmile se objeví nějaký nový obchod, chci na něj vytvořit objednávku. Často se však stává, že jeden provedený obchod se rozdělí do několika malých a pak vznikají na stránce více objednávek na jeden symbol v jednom čase...já však chci vytvořit jen jednu objednávku na ten daný symbol. V příloze jak to vypadá když se objednávka rozdělí do více obchodů (viz obr1) a jak když je jen v jednom (viz obr2). Ve zkratce jde o to, vytvářet obchody na základě těchto dat přes API. ...
...kde budou mít k dispozici dokumenty ke stažení – ceníky apod. Ideálně aby po registraci muselo proběhnout schválení registrace z naší strany. Případné zkušenosti s aplikací 3D modelu bude vítana, není pdomínkou. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a representative of the company on the CZ/SK market, we want to create a copy of the website , functionally and structurally. Everything built ideally on Wordpress so that we can fulfill and manage ourselves. Alternatively, another editorial system, but we prefer Wordpress. CZ and SK language mutation. Ideally, the CZ mutation should be on the .cz dom...
Dobrý den, potřebuju vytvořit webovou aplikaci na copy trading na Binance. To znamená, že se automaticky budou otvírat a zavírat obchody přesně podle tradera kterého vyberu. Bot by měl fungovat tak, že se člověk zaregistruje do webové aplikace. Po přihlášení vloží API a API key ze svého Binance účtu, a nakonec vloží UID tradera, kterého chce kopírovat. Dále si bude si moct vybrat jak velký sizing bude chtít a jak velkou leverage používat. To znamená, že když trader, kterého kopíruje otevře trade v hodnotě 100 000 a on tam má nastaveno aby se vždy otevřelo například 10% z jeho size tak jemu se otevře trade v hodnot...
Dobry den, Shanime nekoho na marketing pro nas eshop. Prodavame rucni sklenene produkty. Jednalo by se o praci na GA, SEO, kampagne, a dalsi co je potreba ohledne marketingu.
Hledáme python developera pro rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nah...
Hledám někoho, kdo je schopen na 1 den v týdnu pravidelně chodit k zákazníkovi jako outsourced marketingová podpora - náplní práce je pravidelná aktualizace webových stránek, správa FB a LinkedIn. Lokalita Praha Čestlice. Nabízím perspektivu širší a dlouhodobé spolupráce v kolektivu fajn lidí. Hodinová sazba k diskuzi, dle seniority a zkušeností.
Ahoj, ✋ hledám copíka, který by chtěl rozšířit svoje portfolio a formou barteru si navzájem pomoct. Já Vám můžu pomoct s PPC kampaněmi a celkově s marketingem. Od vás bych potřeboval zkontrolovat pár článku (cca 10). Zkontrolovat znamená pravopis a formulaci textu a případně opravit. Předpokládám, že jeden článek zabere cca 15-20 min takže nic náročného pro Vás. Celkem práce odhaduji zhruba na 4-5 hod. Do budoucna pokud si budeme rozumět vidím vzájemnou spolupráci s finančním ohodnocením. Děkuji za případné nabídky. ?
Pro technologický startup zaměřující se na digitalizaci restaurací a hotelů hledáme social media specialistu nebo specialistku, kteří si vezmou na starosti kompletní přípravu obsahu pro Facebook a Instagram. Náplní práce je příprava obsahu od nápadu, přes copy po zpracování vizuálů a publikování.
Conditions: We require and are looking for a freelacer who is able to communicate on a regular daily basis. We are looking for someone who has extensive experience in copywriting, where it is possible to document previous assignments and work. The required respondent should be able to 100% complete the set dates and form of assignment. We require 1x preliminary revision of the work and 3x total revision of the completed work. About us: We are an advertising agency together with a video and graphic studio, which focuses on medium and large companies. Form of audit and brochure: Technically describe how a particular industry works, list the subcategories that may be audited for the proper functioning of the brand or project. In individual branches and mention and incorporate the methodolo...
webové stránky pro zákazníky kteří chtějí prodat svůj dům, byt nebo pozemek. Na webu budou registrovaní realitní makléři, kde každý makléř má svoji prezentaci a zákazník si sám vybere makléře na spolupráci.
1) Rozsah článku v českém jazyce: 1.500 - 2.000 slov, tj 8.000 - 10.000 znaků 2) Důležitý bude poctivý research na českých i zahraničních webech, protože chceme kvalitní, a ne jen "copy+paste" texty 3) Musí obsahovat: - číslované seznamy - podtituly 4) Musí obsahovat klíčová slova: - nebankovní půjčka - nebankovní půjčka bez příjmu - nebankovní půjčka bez registru - nebankovní půjčka ihned - nebankovní půjčka online - nebankovní půjčka bez nahlíženi do registru - nebankovní půjčky bez potvrzení příjmu Vhodný příklad z hlediska titulků a obsahu: PRAVIDELNÁ SPOLUPRÁCE NA RO...
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You develop customizations of the ticketing system OTRS and other Perl applications including testing and bug fixing. Moreover you are participating in data base development in SQL. As a developer you actively participate in an agile development process („Scrum“). Your profile You have a degree in computer science, business or media informatics or comparable areas with several years of experience in Perl development. Good knowledge in database programming (MySQL) are part of your skill set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovativ...
...šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Prosím
...šablony: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Instalace modulu: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Zobrazení výrobce a m.j. v detailu produktu a v quick view Help desk service: - pomoci vytvořit menu (který modul, jak editovat?) - dostat články - texty na home page - na HP je málo textu - upravit copy right v patičce na © 2015 Kopecký CZ, s.r.o. na svobodném SW PrestaShop™ - změnit v ccs cca 50% červených prvků webu na tmavě zelenou z loga (?) - prozatímně schovat výběr jazykových mutací - ostatní cca 4 hodiny Následně: Instalace šablony pro 2. eShop: (koupeno, připraveno k instalaci) Prosím
Remarketing setup in AdWords Campaign setup and performance management - bid and budget optimization Optional: API setup for automated reporting
...ment=&product_channel=online&product_country=ZZ&product_id=196805&product_language=en&product_partition_id=&target=&targetid=&utm_campaign=11.F08.25.04.%2Ben-US_E%2B-%2BPerformance%2BMax%2B-%2BFolhetos%2BTr%C3%ADpticos&utm_id=22123293107&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkoe9BhDYARIsAH85cDPx6j7lLeYxH_sR4HquIyGOa727Apj4_2JIPB3AYvImb_w5eRzkwV0aAhoLEALw_wcB&gclsrc= Copy: Section 1 - Outside (Front Cover): Logo Therapeutic plant medicine treatments & community support for healing and spiritual growth. We specialize in treating: Depression Anxiety Trauma Addiction Relationship Challenges Section 1 -Inside: The American Psychedelic Society is dedicated to providing resources for therapeut...
I'm looking for a professional to develop and integrate a cart system into my existing website. This system is aimed at handling service purchases. The cart will need to be compatible with Knack and incorporate specific functionalities such as discount codes, multiple payment options and subscription plans. Basically, the cart must collect info when the user add product and services and until press on go to checkout. Then the info must be ransferred to Knack, were me manage the payment and the order. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a cart system that supports service purchases. - Ensure system integration with Knack and my existing website. - Implement features like discount codes, various payment methods and subscription plans. The ideal candidate should be experienced in e-commer...
Queremos desarrollar un agente de ventas telefonicas con inteligencia en artificial en español, el cual lo alimentemos con una base de datos de clientes existentes, a los cuales el agente intentara venderle un upgrade de su servicio existente y si el clie te acepta enviar una notificación al digitador para la carga en los sistemas. Podra ser en las plataforma como retell AI, Vapi, o dialogFlow de Google, y usar firebase como base de datos. Preferiblemente el programador debe hablar español
...PDFs at their exact dimensions on laser printers with adjustable trays, using CUPS on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ (Raspbian/Debian 12). Requirements Deliverables: A Bash script () that: Accepts a PDF file and printer name as arguments. Dynamically detects the PDF’s dimensions (in mm). Configures CUPS temporarily (if needed) and prints the PDF 1:1 without scaling. Example command: bash Copy ./ -p "Printer_Name" -f "" Test PDFs: I will provide 3 PDFs with unique sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm, 80x50 mm). Technical Constraints: Use only command-line tools (lp, pdfinfo, awk). No persistent CUPS configuration changes (e.g., avoid lpadmin if possible). Handle printers with hard-coded margins (content must be centered as much as hardware allows). Key Foc...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a series of outdoor, indoor, and abstract, minimalistic-style image variations for my website. All images must be in a cool color scheme and identical in style to a base image I will provide. Key Requirements: - Design experience, particularly in creating minimalistic-style images. - Ability to work with a cool color palette. - Experience with website image design. Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
I'm looking to create a unique social media platform specifically tailored for journalists. The site would allow users to: - Create and showcase their professional portfolios - Network with other journalists and media outlets - Gain subscribers and potential employers The platform should be user-friendly, secure, and robust enough to handle a large user base. It should also have features that promote interaction and engagement among users. Ideal candidates for this project would have a strong background in social media platform development, and a good understanding of the needs and dynamics of the journalism industry. Experience with portfolio-centric website development would be a significant plus. Please note that I haven't provided specific answers to some ...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a series of outdoor, indoor, and abstract, minimalistic-style image variations for my website. All images must be in a cool color scheme and identical in style to a base image I will provide. Key Requirements: - Design experience, particularly in creating minimalistic-style images. - Ability to work with a cool color palette. - Experience with website image design. Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer proficient in Figma to design an engaging and user-friendly interface for my construction company website. Key Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in UI/UX design, particularly for websites. - Proficiency in Figma. - Familiarity with React and its design principles. - Strong understanding of construction industry aesthetics and usability. This project will help me present my company's services in a clear and appealing manner, ultimately driving more engagement and inquiries. All of the copy and photographic elements are in hand. Following the finished design, Intent to move forward with final development in Webflow or similar. The wireframes are complete and available in Relume, but can be modified...
I'm in need of an SEO specialist who can significantly increase the traffic to my new website, primarily by attracting new visitors through content marketing. Your role will focus on enhancing the site's visibility and search engine ranking, with the ultimate aim of boosting the number of unique visitors to the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective SEO strategies to improve the website's search engine ranking and online visibility. - Develop and execute a content marketing plan aimed at attracting new visitors. - Monitor, analyze and report on website traffic and SEO performance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and content marketing. - Strong understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking strategies. - Excellent content creation and mark...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor with a passion for entertainment and a knack for YouTube content. Your role will be pivotal in editing our entertainment-focused YouTube videos, with the shared goal of rapidly growing our subscriber base. Key Responsibilities: - Editing entertainment videos for YouTube - Collaborating on content strategy to attract subscribers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Understanding of YouTube trends and algorithms - Creative mindset with a passion for entertainment - Excellent communication and collaboration skills Age 18 to 30 expand our market in the US and increase our brand awareness by increasing our visibility and developing a robust marketing strategy. We need an audit of what we have and to improve efficiency Main Goal: Our primary goal for this marketing project is to boost our sales in USA market. Target Audience: We're focusing on reaching new customers in USA, rather than just catering to our existing base. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in marketing for independent fragrance brands or similar luxury goods. - Marketing strategy development. - Knowledge of SEO and content creation. - Track record of helping brands increase visibility and sales. If you have the relevant experience or know someone who might be a good fit, please feel free to reach out. Looking...
I'm searching for an expert who can help me effectively reach retail investors to promote my highly lucrative trading algorithm. If you bring 30k capital, you receive 1.5k in the fir...Algo 2: High-Risk Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and utilizing effective platforms, including but not limited to social media and financial forums, to reach potential investors. - Crafting compelling messages to raise interest and drive investment. - Direct Marketing - What every method works to bring people to copy Please note, I already have a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and my own website. I am open to any other effective means you may suggest. The remuneration will be based on a highly lucrative commission structure.
My WordPress website, built with Elementor and utilizing The Events Calendar plugin, is suffering from slow page load times. Specifically, the initial load and the loading time of events are problematic. I've already implemented several optimization techniques, including: - Caching plugins - Image compression - Code minification Despite these attempts, the speed issues persist. I need...already implemented several optimization techniques, including: - Caching plugins - Image compression - Code minification Despite these attempts, the speed issues persist. I need a skilled professional with proven experience in WordPress speed optimization and plugin troubleshooting to diagnose the problem and implement effective solutions. Your expertise could greatly enhance the performance of th...
I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a contemporary e-commerce site using MedusaJS 2.0. This site will not only sell products, but also facilitate rentals. Key Requirements: - Implement a rental feature that includes a date and time picker, delivery location and pickup options, an auto-calculation of the total price, and a comment field for the order. - The site should adhere to a modern and sleek design aesthetic. - Utilize the provided logos and color scheme on the front end. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proven experience with MedusaJS, particularly version 2.0. - A strong portfolio of modern, sleek e-commerce sites. - Excellent skills in back-end and front-end development. - Ability to understand and implement specific design elements. Plea...
I'm seeking a dedicated social media expert in Indonesia with a strong focus on Instagram. The project involves comprehensive management of my account aimed at content creation, follower growth and ad campaign management. Your role would include: - Creating engaging content, primarily focusing on images, videos and Stories/Reels. - Strategically growing my follower base - Managing and optimizing ad campaigns Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in Instagram marketing, excellent content creation skills and experience with ad campaign management. A creative mindset and ability to produce appealing visual content is crucial. Please provide examples of previous successful campaigns you've managed.
About Us We are Specr R, a Calgary-based tire and wheel shop specializing in premium tire sales, wheel services, and private customer programs. Our focus is on delivering high-quality service to our loyal customer base (3,000+ customers) while expanding our online presence for top-tier tire sales. What We Need We’re looking for a Shopify expert with experience in tires, wheels, and automotive services to help us improve and streamline our e-commerce platform. You should have: Strong Shopify skills (theme customization, app integration, Shopify Plus knowledge is a plus). Experience in tire & wheel e-commerce (understanding of tire fitment, vehicle compatibility, and related services). Familiarity with mechanical/automotive services (knowledge of tire installation, balanc...
I need a professional to convert my HTML pages into WordPress. This project involves full integration of all pages and designs into WordPress. Key Project Aspects: - Full conversion from HTML to WordPress - Pages include text, images, forms and interactive elements - Integration with a database Custom Features: The WordPress site should not only be a replica of the HTML site, but should also include custom features such as: - Custom plugins - Custom widgets - Enhanced SEO features - A job posting system - A CV posting system - A user login system Ideal Skills: The ideal freelancer for this project should have proven experience in: - HTML to WordPress conversion - Developing and integrating Custom plugins and Widgets - Implementing Enhanced SEO features - Creating Job and ...
...Hiring a Business Development Manager for US Non-IT Recruitment (Full-Time Job Recruitment Program) For USA Market Description: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our team on a full-time basis. Our company, Canopus Silicon Valley, specializes in non-IT recruitment, and we are looking for a skilled professional who can help us expand our client base and drive revenue growth. Responsibilities: Identify and generate new business opportunities in the non-IT recruitment industry. Develop and maintain relationships with clients, hiring managers, and decision-makers. Understand client staffing needs and provide customized recruitment solutions. Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients. Collaborate with the recruitment t...
I need a web services expert to suggest a reputable Domain/Hosting reseller that can signup and integrate seamlessly into our own website. This project requires that you integrate a single or multiple reseller services into simple website that works seamlessly as our own. Users should not be able to tell we are a reseller or that services are not provided directly by us. The website should function this like 1) Allow users to register domains on our website and access domain name management services. 2) Allowing users to sign up for hosting, which automatically sets up hosting on the reseller account and gives users access to hosting management services. 3) Create a custom page for website plans, where users can select and purchase/subscribe to website setup and maintenance plans. ...
...old PHP gay adult site to a Laravel format. The site includes a User Membership System, Content Management System, and Video Streaming Capability, among other features. Key Requirements: - Complete migration of all existing features from the old PHP site to the new Laravel version - Enhanced site performance post-migration - Excellent understanding of Laravel framework - Experience with user membership systems, content management systems, and video streaming capabilities The primary goal for this project is to improve the site's performance and makie it Google-search friendly. Please only bid if you have significant experience with Laravel and can ensure a high-quality, efficient migration. Details: 1. Although I am not a programmer, I have owned and ...
...filters to get all the diamonds whose carat is > 3.0, Ideal or Premium and whose price is between 10000 and 15000 inclusive. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not the word Document) 1.2. Clear Your Filters, Get a list of all the Ideal carats whose color is a D or an E, whose clarity is IF that were sold in Dec 2014 or January 2015. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not the word Document) 1.3. Clear your Filters, Get all the diamonds that were sold at a price below the msrp price (requires some formula(s) and cleverness in calculating the data), you may need to add another column to the table for that. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not the word Document) 2. Clea...
Design a dating site, with optimal considerations for security. Security Requirements: Must use HTTPS throughout, all data in any database is encryped using AES256, bcrypt/Argon2/PBKDF2 to hash user passwords, OAuth2.0 for secure 3rd party logins, all inputs are validated using input validation to prevent SQL injection, Cross Site scripting and CMD injection, rate limit APIs to prevent brute force/DDos attacks, OAuth for API Authentication. Instead of likes - user send each other "Roses" Messages are controlled, every day 3 credits are placed in a users account - they can send up to those 3 credits, the maximum number of saved credits is 6 - to prevent spammers Information to be collected: User Identity & Basic Info: Captcha to prevent bots ...
...ideal debe ser proactivo y capaz de organizar y ejecutar estrategias, trabajando en colaboración conmigo para alinear las iniciativas con la visión y objetivos del negocio. No busco a alguien que simplemente espere instrucciones, sino a una persona que proponga soluciones y optimizaciones que podamos evaluar y desarrollar juntos. NUESTROS VALORES En Ariza Racing Circuit, nuestros valores son la base de todo lo que hacemos: FAMILIA → Creemos en un espacio donde las familias puedan disfrutar juntas del karting, creando momentos inolvidables. OCIO → Más que un circuito, queremos ofrecer una experiencia de entretenimiento única. PASIÓN → Vivimos el automovilismo con intensidad y queremos compartir esa pasión con cada cl...
Estamos buscando un Asistente de Ingreso de Datos detallista y organizado para ayudarnos con la digitalización y actualización de información en nuestra base de datos. Este es un trabajo remoto y flexible, ideal para personas con habilidades en manejo de datos y atención al detalle. Responsabilidades: Ingresar, actualizar y verificar datos en hojas de cálculo o sistemas internos. Organizar y clasificar información de manera precisa. Revisar documentos para corregir errores o inconsistencias. Mantener la confidencialidad y seguridad de los datos. Cumplir con plazos y objetivos establecidos. Requisitos: Experiencia en ingreso de datos o trabajos administrativos (deseable, pero no obligatoria). Manejo básico o intermedio de Excel, Goo...
We are seeking someone with experience in crowdfunding to help launch a campaign for a groundbreaking crime prevention technology, designed to combat the significant use of radio signal jamming by organized crime groups to facilitate theft. This product, 'RingFence', will alert households and small businesses with WiFi base security systems that they are under attack, by sounding a siren. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and select the most suitable equity-based crowdfunding platform for our campaign. - Develop the campaign with a strong emphasis on the comparative advantages of our technology to protect existing wireless security systems. - Manage all aspects of the campaign launch, ideally ready within a week working closely witht he client. About Us: - We h...
...experienced IT Technicians for on-site intervention work across various locations in Switzerland, specifically Zurich, Geneva, and Basel. This role focuses primarily on hardware troubleshooting, so candidates should have a strong background in IT support, field service interventions, and hardware-related issues. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct on-site IT support interventions - Primarily deal with hardware troubleshooting - Work with various types of hardware including desktops, laptops, servers, and networking equipment Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in IT support and hardware troubleshooting - Field service intervention experience highly preferred - Proficiency in working with desktops, laptops, servers, and networking equipment - Ability to work on-...