Continuous integration branching modelpráce
Jedná se o byt 3+kk, import z Autocadu (DWG), ale zdi nejsou rovné (jedná se o rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2D) and I need to make 3D in sketch up. The ceiling hight will be provided as well in .pdf. I need to build the whole thing up, insert doors and windows, that is it.
Přehled projektu: Hledáme zkušeného strojního inženýra nebo tým inženýrů, kteří navrhnou vysoce výkonný čtyřtaktní motor pro model letadla. Motor musí splňovat následující specifikace: Specifikace: Typ motoru: Čtyřtaktní Zdvihový objem: 230cc Konfigurace: Dvouválcový, boxer/plochý motor Další vlastnost: Integrovaný startér Odpovědnosti: Navrhnout a vyvinout detailní výkres motoru. Zajistit, aby byl design lehký a vhodný pro model letadla. Integrovat spolehlivý startovací mechanismus. Optimalizovat motor pro efektivitu a výkon. Spolupracovat s naší...
Hledám šikovného freelancera s perfektním zvládnutím Excelu a dobrou představivostí, abychom vytvořili predikční model, který je jak vizuálně atraktivní, tak snadno aktualizovatelný. Mám určité preference pro tento model: • Měl by obsahovat grafy a diagramy pro jednoduché a rychlé porozumění datům a trendům. • Naprostou nezbytností je snadná údržba a aktualizace modelu. Mimo to mám některé specifické proměnné, které chci do tohoto modelu začlenit. Podrobnosti sdělím vybranému uchazeči. Profesionálové se znalostí finanční analýzy a...
Integration of an API within Moodle, private information, more information will be provided upon contact.
In order to understand the real estate market in a specific city (Praha) in a small European country (Czech Republic), I would like to scrap...of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy: Apartments to rent:
...everything was managed under one Wordpress as CZ and SK mutations. But we are not sure if this solution is possible or if there must be 2 separate wordpress. The condition is a section for registered clients only, where they will have documents visible for download - price lists, etc. Ideally, after registration and the registration must be approved by us. Any experience with the application of a 3D model will be welcome, it is not a requirement....
Hi We are looking to create an ios football app - fetching data from 3rd party data provider (API). The UI code is ready but required to integrate with our API and 3rd part football API. the app design is ready and we developed the UI Widget design: This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news entered from the admin panel or fetch from 3rd party. (our own API) - Like the posts - write read in your proposal beginning. - and other features in the design. thanks
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that maintenance different contract. Will involve 1. Design and Integration of Wireframe in Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed
Dobrý den, jsme začínajícím obchodem, který se zabývá elektronickým prodejem potravin a hledáme fotografa v oblasti Prahy, nebo Liberce a okolí. Vyhovující by byl termín třetí případně čtvrtý týden v březnu 2021, abychom...následně je z naší strany přidali do našeho online katalogu. Potřebujeme 2/3 fotografie pro každý produkt (SKU) včetně úpravy. Fotografie musí zobrazovat produkt v původním obalu s bílým pozadím. Zároveň je obrázky potřebné přejmenovat pomocí EAN kódu a identifikace „vpředu“, „vzadu“ atd. Předem děkuji za Va&sc...
(Předem se omlouvám a upozorňuji, budu tykat, výrazně to zrychlí a ulehčí komunikaci. Neznamená to, že se nemůže přihlásit firma o 200 ZAM) Ahoj, hledám člověka, co má zkušenosti s platebními bránami a upřímně potřebuji okopírovat již fungující model. Ve stručnosti popíši: 1) Zaregistruje se učitel a žák. 2) Žák nahraje peníze na svůj účet. 3) Žák a učitel se závazně dohodnou na hodině a datumu provedení lekce v rezervačním systému. 4) Učitel má předem definováno, do kdy není rezervace zpoplatněna a poté do 24 hodin, kolik % platí, pokud neproběhne. 5) Žákovi se ...
Poptáváme: Instalaci nové instance, nebo použít naší stávající instance, základní konfigurace instance, pokud bude třeba. Pro ukládání konfigurací a parametrů (endpointy…) bychom rádi využili instanci MS SQL Serveru Výběr - instalace dalších podpůrných modulů a nástrojů (např. ) WSO2 VSCode extension pro Visual Studio – preferované WSO2 Integration Studio Další nástroje… Výstupem by měl být podrobný popis kroků pro instalaci a základní nastavení všech používaných produktů. Pomoc s integrací již běžících služe...
Mám databázi SQL obsahující objednávky zákazníků u odběratelů obsluhovanou v sw naprogramovaném v C#. SW běží ve Windows 7. Každá objednávka je definována identifikací odběratele, identifikací dodavatele, identifikací produktů, datumem a pros...výpočty příslušných hodnot zobrazovaných v grafech přímo v SQL. Pro exporty se jeví jako vhodné namapovat SQL databázi s výpočty na excelový sešit, v němž by se na listech vytvořily grafy a tabulka. Následně si mohu tyto grafy a tabulku uložit do .pdf pro snadné čtení. Mám k dispozici: kompletní zdrojové kódy k prov...
EN App Stack Node backend application is written in asynchronous. Frontend in react. What is the problem? We have GoPay (Czech payment gateway) integration with Shopify as a third-party gateway. We right now have some small issues we need help with regarding backend codebase. We need someone experienced with REST API’s and ideally with payment gateways. API’s CZ Stack Node backend aplikace napsaná v asynchronně, frontend je v react.js. Co je za problém? Máme GoPay integraci pro Shopify, nyní však nemáme kapacitu na to se o aplikaci starat a vznikly tam některé potíže které se týkají backend části, proto hledáme někoho zkušeného s REST A...
Pro náš projekt sháníme 3D modeláře. Jedná se o modelování domů v našem rodném městě. V první fázi bychom potřebovali vymodelovat jen několik budov (bez interiéru) včetně textur a to dle z...Jedná se o modelování domů v našem rodném městě. V první fázi bychom potřebovali vymodelovat jen několik budov (bez interiéru) včetně textur a to dle zaslaných fotografií. Budovy jsou historické i moderní (panelové domy). Je nutné dodržet měřítko, jelikož budovy budou následně importovány do externího enginu, kde si je bude možné prohlížet. V ideálním př&i...
Hi, i need translate this from czech to ...beachových míčů od značky Gala pro rok 2015. Míč samozřejmě splňuje oficiálně parametry jako je váha a obvod. Je tedy schválen pro soutěže i turnaje. Materiál míče je syntetická kůže a velikost je standardně 5. Hlavní rozdíl mezi novým míčem BP 5263 S a staršími provedeními. Již na první pohled je patrné, že design nového míče je zcela jiný, ačkoli Gala ponechala svoje typické barvy. Nový model je složen pouze ze 6 panelů, které jsou k sobě sešité. Je to z toho důvodu, aby se snížil počet švů na míči, a co nejméně dochá...
Vytvořit 3d model bytu o velikosti cca 50 m2 a to včetně interiéru podle zadání. Výsledkem má být 10 náhledu z různých pozic.
...years of experience in Perl development. Good knowledge in database programming (MySQL) are part of your skill set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of work from day 1 Flat hierarchies, friendly working atmosphere and diverse tasks in a strongly growing company The possibility to choose the technology you want to work with yourself Attractive compensation Regular feedbacks and various coaching and development possibilities ...
Pomoci dopracovat ekonomický model, nastavit základní postupy a nástroje pro administraci procesů a finanční řízení, vše průběžně supervizovat a zdokonalovat. Dlouhodobá spolupráce s výhledem partnerství v podnikání. Jsme z Hradce Králové.
model jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel jimodel ji
Dobrý den, hledám někoho, kdo by vytvořil webovou aplikaci v actionscriptu. půjde o webovou aplikaci a budu potřebovat měnit předem nadefinované prvky na 3D objektu. Příklad - budu mít vytvořený model trička a jako uživatel si budu chtít navolit barvu trička, délku rukávu a střih trička, případně barvu knoflíčků na tričku. Kliknutím se daný parametr změní na zobrazovaném modelu. Vše se bude interaktivně zobrazovat v prohlížeči po kliku uživatele. 3D objekty můžu dodat, potřebuji jen čistě programátorské práce
...seznamem lidí - typy členství - tři typy členství s omezenou časovou platností --- guest - nemůže takřka nic, pouze mít profil, nebo být osloven přes messanger --- member - může psát přátelům, může se hlásit na události --- gold - může vše co member + zvát x (x bude definované) lidí na událost (může pozvat i guesta) -- členství bude na rok, se kupuje přes gopay ** Co už je ** - databázový model - registrace uživatelů, přihlašování uživatelů - nakódovaná grafika - naprogramovaných spoustu modelů a některé pomocné třídy ** Co je třeba udělat ** - dodělat frontend POUZE! (resp. n...
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Potřebuji vytvořit 3D model postavy rotující kolem horizontální osy 360°. Postava žena, oblečená(jakkoli). Musí vypadat fotorealisticky. K tomu potřebuji 3D model oblečení 2x tričko - 1x fialové (t-shirt), 1x zelené (v-shirt) + 2x kalhoty (jeans a obyčejné kalhoty). Výstupní formát musí být importovatelný do editoru a do webového prohlížeče.
Podrobný popis úkolu je uveden v příloze. Před udělení projektu: Navrhněte, který open source redakční systém hodláte použít pro daný úkol. Vytvořit jednoduché webové stránky založené na open source redakčním systému. Stejný model formy jednoduchých webových stránek na open source redakčním systému se použije na více domén, tedy více webových stránek. – Takže úkolem je tento model open source redakční systém nahrát na webhosting/server a přiřadit k příslušné doméně – webhosting a domény již mám &n...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for a guest posting service, focused on blog posts. The site needs to be built in Python or another CMS, with a smooth payment gateway integration. Key Requirements: - Build a user-friendly, efficient website - Implement a reliable payment gateway - Prior experience with Python or other CMS is a plus - Strong understanding of guest posting services Ideal Skills: - Web Development - Python or CMS expertise - E-commerce Development - Guest Posting Service Knowledge
Design and implement the image upload and preview functionality. Integrate Google Cloud Vision API to extract text content and bounding box coordinates from uploaded images.
...understanding and application. • Equip participants with skills to set up, develop, and deploy applications using the discussed frameworks. Programming Tools: • Visual Studio Code or JetBrains Rider for code development. • Postman for API testing and interaction. • Docker for containerization and environment management. • Additional tools may include Git for version control and Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery. Main and Subtopics: 1. Overview of .NET 2. The .NET Application 3. Classes and Objects 4. Instance Constructors 5. Types in .NET 6. Static Members and Static Classes 7. Inheritance 8. Polymorphism 9. Abstract classes and Interfaces 10. Collections 11. Generics 12. Exception Handling 13. Using Delegates 14. Events in ....
I'm seeking a developer proficient in Django (Python) for building a web application with real-time updates and API integration. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Django (Python) - Experience with creating web applications with real-time updates - Proficient in API integration - Strong understanding of Python and web development best practices Please provide examples of your previous work that align with these requirements.
Project Implementation Phases and Timeline Phase 1: Text Recognition and OCR Integration (1 Week) Phase 2: Image Masking and Blur Rendering (3 Weeks) Phase 3: Translation Functionality (2 Weeks) Phase 4: Editable Text Layout (4 Weeks) Phase 5: Website Integration (4 Weeks)
I am looking to create a robust and user-friendly e-commerce website using the Magento platform. Key Requirements: - Full development of the website with a focus on e-commerce capabilities - Implementation of a secure and efficient checkout process - Design considerations for a seamless and intuitive user experience Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Magento with a strong portfolio o...Requirements: - Full development of the website with a focus on e-commerce capabilities - Implementation of a secure and efficient checkout process - Design considerations for a seamless and intuitive user experience Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Magento with a strong portfolio of e-commerce websites - Knowledge of best practices in e-commerce website design - Experience with secure payment gateway integ...
I would like to create a sports betting model to identify value in the sports betting market. The model would scrape data from publicly available statistics and sports betting markets and apply results to regression analysis to identify predictive statistics. I would also like the model to identify key players and confirm that those players are in starting lineups. I have a number of untested hypotheses (such as a preference for betting on underdogs and draws) that could serve as a starting point. But theoretically I would like to subject all relevant data to regression analysis.
I need a skilled JavaScript developer to enhance my browser-based game. The basic gameplay mechanics are completed, but the game needs a more polished user interface, engaging animations, and seamless sound effects integration. Key Responsibilities: - Improve the User Interface: Making it more intuitive and visually appealing. - Animations: Adding dynamic elements to enhance the gaming experience. - Sound Effects: Incorporating sound at appropriate moments to increase engagement. - Game Automation: Making the game more automatic in various aspects. - Implementing JWT: Adding JSON Web Tokens for user authentication and session management. - Other Enhancements: Bringing in your expertise for further improvements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in JavaScript with a strong... des publications sur les réseaux sociaux. --- I'm seeking native content creators for a year-long project with Suval Experts OPC Private Limited. The primary focus is generating content for artificial intelligence. Key Details: - Native French speakers are needed specifically, with potential for other languages later in the project. - Minimum of 5 years in content creation or AI model training is required. - Exceptional understanding of content generation will also be considered if the experience requirement is not met. - This is a full-time job requiring 8 hours a day, 20 days a month, with excellent monthly compensation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong content creation background - Experience with AI - Native level understanding of the...
I need a skilled developer to integrate my existing chatbot with the WhatsApp API. Basically I have a startup but it is still unregistered so going down the route off facebook business is not very feasible. Instead I want to maybe integrate with a BSP (Meta Business Partner) which would allow me for now to integrate my existing chatbot with all the webhooks ready and everything operational to one of their APIs without having a verified business on the meta business suite since we are only a startup. The work will basically be you guiding us what to do and preferably setting things up. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT WANT TO USE SHADY WHATSAPP AUTOMATION WEBSITES LIKE ZAPLY THAT CAN GET ME BANNED I WANT TO DEAL WITH OFFICIAL META BUSINESS PARTNERS.
I'm looking for a seasoned web developer skilled in WordPress to create a comprehensive properties rental website. The site should facilitate both property listing and booking, with user accounts for property owners and renters alike.I have wp-rental purchased theme and everything is done you just need...wp-rental purchased theme and everything is done you just need to list properties on my website Key Requirements: - Development of a dual-purpose site: listing and booking rentals. - Creation of user accounts for both property owners and renters. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress, with a strong portfolio of similar projects. Knowledge of e-commerce integration and user-friendly interface design will be crucial for the success o...
UI/UX Designer Wanted at NexusDSS Location: Remote Compensation: $300 - $1000 USD / Month Job Type: Full-Time / Freelance Experience Level: Mid to Senior *Company Overview* At NexusDSS, we are on a mission to empower small and medium businesses (SMBs) by simplifying digital transformation. Through our hybrid model of AI-powered tools and expert services, we help SMBs establish their online presence with ease and affordability. Our tagline, "Digitalize. Simplify. Succeed.", reflects our commitment to making digital growth accessible for all. *The Opportunity* We are looking for a UI/UX Designer who shares our passion for creating user-centric, visually stunning, and intuitive digital platforms. You’ll play a critical role in designing our website and web app, ensur...
I am looking for an experienced Laravel Filament PHP developer who can assist in the development of a customized ERP System. The project involves understanding and implementing specific needs and integrating the software with various systems. Although the specific custom needs have not been defined yet, they will likely include custom reporting, customized user roles, and software integration. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to define specific custom needs for the ERP system. - Develop core modules for the ERP system including inventory management, human resources, and finance management. - Implement database functionalities, with the possibility of using MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. - Ensure the system is scalable and can accommodate future needs. Ideal Skills and Ex...
I'm looking for an experienced SvelteKit developer to help build a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform centered around AI agents. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a user-friendly, responsive SvelteKit application. - Ensure seamless integration of various AI agents into the platform. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with SvelteKit and its ecosystem. - Strong understanding and experience in developing SaaS platforms. - Knowledge of AI and its various applications. Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly any related to SaaS or AI.
I'm looking to create a comprehensive Mobile App to app developers. - In-App Purchases: The app store should support a secure and efficient system for in-app purchases. This requires a strong understanding of payment gateways and their integration within the app store. - App Recommendations: The app store should have a feature for personalized app recommendations based on user preferences and behavior. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android. - Experience in developing features like user reviews, in-app purchases and app recommendations. - Knowledge of secure payment gateway integration. - Understanding of algorithms for personalized recommendations. - Strong UI/UX design skills to create an int..., and UX of the prototype is essential. - Ensure API connection to the front end is functioning properly. - Connect the web app to our WordPress website and Django backend using the provided APIs. Requirements: - Proven experience in Flutter and Flutter Web development. - Strong understanding of Figma prototypes and ability to replicate designs accurately. - Previous experience with API integration. - Familiarity with WordPress and Django is a plus. Resources: - Figma Prototype: (Copy)?node-id=2627-1373&starting-point-node-id=2134%3A1935&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&t=g936s36nZ2F818L8-1 - Website to connect to: Next steps: - Sign the NDA shared below and send it to chat. The team will share the
I need a skilled 3D artist to create a realistic model of a person wearing a pair of shorts I have designed. The model should be able to showcase the fit and design of the shorts.
I'm in need of a professional who can create a 2D fabrication drawing and a 3D model for pipe work intended for product manufacturing, PRODUCED FROM ISO SKETCHES PROVIDED - Design already done Key Responsibilities: - Design 2D fabrication drawing and 3D model of pipe work - Incorporate pipe dimensions and specifications - Include connection types and fittings Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in CAD software - Previous experience in mechanical part design - Deep understanding of manufacturing processes and requirements - Excellent attention to detail
I'm seeking a web developer to create a straightforward, uncluttered website for a betting aggregator app. The primary function of this site is to compare odds from various bookmakers. The key feature of the site must be a live odds comparison. Essential Requirements: - Exper...development, preferably with experience in creating betting or odds comparison sites. - Strong understanding of creating simple, clean and user-friendly designs. - Ability to implement a live odds comparison feature effectively. Skills Needed: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages. - Experience with backend development and server management. - Knowledge in API integration to source betting odds from multiple bookmakers. - UI/UX design skills to create a simple and c...
I'm seeking a Power App expert to enhance my app's workflow automation capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Implement and optimize workflow automation processes within the app - Design and integrate user interface elements...optimize workflow automation processes within the app - Design and integrate user interface elements such as forms, dashboards, and navigation menus - Ensure seamless connectivity with Excel workbooks as the primary data source Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Power App, specifically in workflow automation - Proficiency in user interface design within Power App - Strong knowledge in data integration with Excel workbooks - Skills in creating and implementing forms and input fields, as well as dashboards and data visualizations Looking forwar...
I'm seeking a professional with proven digital marketing skills to drive traffic to my website and convert visitors into sign-ups for a free trial, with the goal of acquiring $5 monthly subscribers. Key Responsibilities: - Attract visitors to sign-up for ...- An estimate of how many people you can get to sign up monthly. - Your strategy or platform of choice for this task. - Your previous experience in a similar project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in digital marketing, particularly in the entertainment sector. - Proven track record in driving website traffic and converting visitors into subscribers. - Excellent understanding of the subscription model and its dynamics. Please note, I'm open to any platform you deem fit, so feel free to propose a method that has worked ...
...Accessories: Sunglasses that do not completely cover the face. Background: A stylish café with a blurred city view in the background. 4. Photo Giving a Presentation Scene: The woman on stage or in front of a presentation screen. Details: Outfit: Elegant business look (blazer, blouse). Background: A conference setting with an audience. Technique: A real photo of a conference can be used, with precise integration of the woman’s face. General Requirements: Realism: The images must be indistinguishable from real photos. Lighting, shadows, perspective, and details must align perfectly. Skin Texture: Visible pores, slight irregularities, and natural shine—no filters or over-smoothing. Editing: AI may be used, but post-editing is mandatory to ensure realism. Quality: ...