Call centers moving back to uspráce
Nejsme jen další firmou v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a služeb pro e-commerce - máme vizi vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produkt...správným směrem; umíš hledat řešení související s daty. - Nedělá ti problém vysvětlit složitý problém jak technickým, tak netechnickým lidem. - Máš předchozí zkušenosti s nástroji jako je Tableau, Qlikview nebo QuickSight? To je pro nás bonus! Pokud máš znalost Pythonu nebo R, je to velký přínos. ________ Nabízíme spolupráci formou IČO nebo v PP s možností nástupu ihned. Naše kanceláře jso...
Hledám programátora/y, který budou ochotní pomoci s kompletním vývojem mnou vymyšlené aplikace, platím podílem ve firmě, takže čím lépe aplikaci napíšete, tím víc peněz ní budete mít (jsem ochoten domluvit se i na nějaké hodinové mzdě, pokud by Vám to bylo sympatičtější. PS: je možnost další spolupráce neboť se jedná a o první z 9 aplikací, které bych rád vydal. Jazyk pokud možno C++ - záleží na schopnostech jednice, vyžaduji komunikační schopnosti, protože bych rád sděloval své požadavky přes call/video hovor. Těší...
Dobrý den, zaujal mě Váš profil, do naší agentury hledáme pro dlouhodobou spolupráci back-end developery. Pracujeme primárně v PHP, MySQL a JavaScriptu, společně s frameworkem CodeIgniter 4. Aktuálně začínáme několik nových projektů, které s Vámi rád proberu. Poslal jsem Vám pozvání do vypsaného inzerátu pro více informací. Budu se těšit na zprávu.
Do naší agentury hledáme pro dlouhodobou spolupráci back-end PHP vývojáře (PHP, JavaScript, MySQL) na mediorní až seniorní úrovni. Možnost externí (lokalita není důležitá) i interní spolupráce (sídlíme v Pražském Karlíně). Využíváme framework CodeIgniter 4, který máme upravený pro naše potřeby. Znalost frameworku není nutná, rádi Vás do něho zaučíme. Zaměřujeme se na střednědobé až dlouhodobé projekty v oblasti online systémů a aplikací. Naši klienti jsou různorodí, pracujeme nejčastěji pro malé a střední firmy, každá z...
...primárně rekonstrukcí a domů z recyklovaných lodních kontejnerů. Co přesně bude náplní Tvé práce? Každý týden hned zkraje se spojíme (meet nebo online meet) a zadáme si práci včetně cílů a termínů. Práci si rozvrhneš podle sebe, domluvíme se na deadlinech a budeme řešit výstupy. Práce je remote nebo můžeš využít naše kanceláře v Praze. Budeme se chtít minimálně 1x týdně slyšet přes online call a občas bude na místě se také potkat. Na všem se domluvíme. Budeš pracovat primárně v MS excelu a programu KROS. Co za práci s n&aa...
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agency to design, implement and develop a professional corporate system that is from wireframe to development release and after that maintenance different contract. Will involve 1. Design and Integration of Wireframe in Figma and other applications on design 2. Animation software if need be 3. Vscode, GitHub, 4) Mongo Database, Express NOde, for back end React or Angular for front end Comment, revision, visual commenting Example pages to understand kind of work needed
I have a patented mixture of two non drug compounds that I need encapsulated in std pill capsules. Here are 10 companies that make similar products. some may sell products in capsules, some may not. Goal is to find one that will make my capsules. One of my ingredients is only available in Japan. 1. Kracie Yokuinin Tablets 2. The Guard KOWA α Plus 3. Kracie Arederu Polygala Root Granule 4. Takeda Midori no Shukan 5. Takeda Alinamin EX PLUSα 6. Eisai Chocola BB Gold Rich 7. Kobayashi Kurocure 8. Q&P KOWA α Drink 9. LOTTE MFK Mainichi Kirei Shukan Collagen 10. mk LAB Techno Foods Amino Pro
Jedná se o projekt do školy. Vytvořte jednoduchou fungující dynamickou webovou aplikaci s využitím Fat-Free Frameworku (F3). Dynamická webová aplikace by měla: • načítat data pro jednotlivé strany webové aplikace z MySQL databáze • vygenerovat menu, které zobrazí přehled stran daného webu • zobrazit dané stránky • NEmusíte programovat administrátorské rozhraní (back-end). Postačí prostředí pro zobrazení obsahu návštěvníkovi (front-end) • pro zobrazení jednotlivých stránek doporučuji v URL použít jejich ID, které webová aplikace z URL použ...
HLEDÁTE PRÁCI? Jsme dynamická, rychle rostoucí společnost ze Slovinska - HS PLUS d.o.o. - a hledáme osobu, která přispěje k našemu obchodnímu růstu - Máte prodejní talent? - V ideálním případě už máte nějaké zkušenosti jako agent call centra? - Baví vás volání? PRÁCE Z DOMOVA NA PLNÝ ÚVAZEK Nabízíme: - Fixní hodinovou mzdu plus atraktivní provize - vysoce motivovaný tým • Základní obchodní znalosti • Velmi dobrá znalost češtiny, znalost angličtiny • Vysoká orientace na zákazníka, služby a spolehlivost • Dobr...
...až tam). Do hry se rozhodně přidají po vydání i jiné města, ale na to je samozřejmě ještě brzy. Projekt leží momentálně "na papíře", čeká se na zformování týmu(vás). Dopředu jsem si připravil detaily hry, popis a také seznam základních funkcí prototypu, který bude potřeba vytvořit pro prezentaci před médii apod. Využit bude samozřejmě i pro tvorbu samotné hry. Nebude se jednat o žádnou AAA hru za desítky milionů korun(zatím). Jakmile se vytvoří první prototyp, další kroky povedou k investorům a případnému crowfundingu. Zájemce o práci prosím, aby ne... omlouvám a upozorňuji, budu tykat, výrazně to zrychlí a ulehčí komunikaci. Neznamená to, že se nemůže přihlásit firma o 200 ZAM) Ahoj, hledám člověka, co má zkušenosti s platebními bránami a upřímně potřebuji okopírovat již fungující model. Ve stručnosti popíši: 1) Zaregistruje se učitel a žák. 2) Žák nahraje peníze na svůj účet. 3) Žák a učitel se závazně dohodnou na hodině a datumu provedení lekce v rezervačním systému. 4) Učitel má předem definováno, do kdy není rezervace zpoplatněna a poté do 24 hodin, kolik % platí, pokud neproběhne. 5) Žákovi s...
(English follows the Czech text) Pro asistenční službu hledáme externího lektora - školitele. Předmětem dodávky je zajištění krátkých "standup" treninků pro operátory call centra na témata jako je komunikace, stres, pozitivní vedení hovoru apod v POLŠTINĚ. Dodávka spočívá v - přeložení existujících nebo spoluvytvoření materiálů na uvedená témata v polštině. Současné materiály jsou v češtině. - náslechy hovorů pro pochopení problematiky a zapracování konkrétních situací do tréninku - odškolení té...
Hledam seznam všech call center v indii ve formatu xls, nazev, www stranka email
Jsme hrdí na náš projekt ADAM na který hledáme kolegu/kolegyni do našeho týmu, který si vezme na práci back-end vývoj a údržbu celého projektu. Není potřeba aby uměl vše, ale aby měl ochotu se vše naučit a poznat. Zbytek ti už zajistíme. Nabízíme možnost udávat směr vývoje ADAM platformy, jednoduchý nástroj k vytvoření vlastní mobilní aplikace dle potřeb a chutí zákazníka. Je nás 15 nadšenců, kteří na tomto projektu participují a posouvají ho stále dál.
Dobry den Fando. Chtel bych se vas zeptat jestli by ste byl schopny udelat jedny web stranky. responsive a multi language a currency. Nechci zadny wordpres. Ale admin back end bych chtel treba cakephp nebo nakej framework to by bylo na vas. Stranky by porovnavaly ceny video her z vice online obchodu. Data feed jako cena her je prostrednictvim ftp nebo http ve vice formatech . nevim ktery je lepsi tak mozna mi s tim poradite. A nektere obchodi maji data feed via API. navrch vzchledu stranky bych mel. takze design by ste delat nemusel. Procte takovy klon stranek
...jpg. Generování smluv, potvrzení smluv, vop a souhlasu se zpracováním osobních údajů zákazníkem + autorizace sms Komunikace s dalším softwarem-odesílá uložená data z back office do dalšího software a zpět+výstupy. Komunikace s účetním systémem Pohoda-vystavování faktur Bankovním účtem pro spárování přijatých plateb Home office pro obchodní zástupce: Registrace klientu+ nahrávání dokumentů Finanční přehled +statistiky obchodů Dělení provizí při předání obchodu Novinky+pokyny od vedení společnosti D...
Potřebuji vytvořit vlastního robota, který pracuje na základě poslední ceny a klouzavého průměru. Need to build my own robot based on last price and moving average.
online magazín/blog, který směřuje na čtenáře ženy-muži 25-45let, rubriky zdraví, lifestyle, moda, krása, technika, vždy redakční zpracování článků, tipy pro čt...zajistím marketing online včetně sociálních sítí, facebook, instagram, g+, pinterest. Dále hledám blogerky/blogery, kteří budou s námi tvořit Facestar jako součást rodiny. online magazine / blog that directs readers to the women-men 25-45let, rubrics health, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, technology, processing of each editorial articles, tips for readers. Seeking to back someone who can help with site traffic for customers, arrange online marketing including social networks, F...
Stránky administrace webového systému pro řízení robotů, správu i úpravu fotografií a work-flow - vycházející z existujících šablon pro Bootstrap, AngularJS - upravené pro potřeby konkrétního zadání - a napojené na připravený back-end.
HLEDÁ SE BACK-END PARŤÁK Staň se nezbytnou součástí velkého projektu! Pojď do toho s námi, získej obchodní podíl a navíc fixní peníze každý měsíc! A co je nejlepší? Celé si to můžeš naprogramovat podle sebe. KOHO HLEDÁME? Zapáleného BACK-END vývojáře, který vládne databázím (MySQL), rozumí si s PHP, Pythonem nebo Ruby a s nadšením se s námi pustí do ambiciózního projektu. KDO JSME? Jsme tvůrci projektů a Máme v zádech silného investora a právě se ř&i...
...and behavioral response patterns related to work stress. The core of the experience will be an AI-powered chatbot coach, offering personalized guidance. Core Features Interactive CBT- Based Exercises for burnout management. Story-driven scenarios to simulate workplace challenges. AI-Powered Chatbot Coach with player-selectable personalities. Daily Check-ins & Progress Tracking to monitor stress levels. Cloud-based AI Model to allow continuous updates and refinements. Gamification Elements including rewards, achievements, and progress milestones. Community Support Features such as discussion forums and peer groups. 2. User Experience & Flow 2.1. Onboarding Process User Registration & Profile Setup Email,...
Chat Support Process (USA Chat Process- With Fix Payout) Nature Of work: - Response to queries of the USA based customer. Chats Center will get an admin portal where they can chat with the customer. PC Required: 6 Contract period: 11 Months Working Day: 28 Days Shift: 9 Hour as per USA time Zone Submission: Daily Pay Out: $11 / hour/Per Agent Billing: - $11 x 9 hours x 6 Heads Example:- If a USD Rate is 69.00 (INR) (372 INR ) x 9Hrs x 6 Heads = 297600 Per day If center runs 26 days in a month then - 29760*26 = 773760/- Approx Payment: After Invoice within 10 working Days Payment Cycle: 20 Day PAY CHANNEL: SWIFT Transfer Advance Billing: Available from Client after days of going Live Sign up with: - End client based in the USA and sign up will be at vendor’s of...
...QR code that is linked to a JotForm. I need a Google Sheet that pulls data from my JotForm submissions to show who has signed in and who has not. The sheet should automatically update weekly to reflect current data. It should also be capable of distinguishing between customer orders via the Order ID from my website's API. Key Requirements: - The sheet should incorporate specific fields from JotForm submissions: Customer name and contact info, Submission timestamp. - Data should be organized by Pick Up Location. - Knowledge of API and Google Sheets is essential. - The ability to distinguish different customer orders using the Order ID. - The ability to distinguish if that customer has skipped or canceled their order for that week -The ability t...
Chat Support Process (USA Chat Process- With Fix Payout) Nature Of work: - Response to queries of the USA based customer. Chats Center will get an admin portal where they can chat with the customer. PC Required: 6 Contract period: 11 Months Working Day: 28 Days Shift: 9 Hour as per USA time Zone Submission: Daily Pay Out: $11 / hour/Per Agent Billing: - $11 x 9 hours x 6 Heads Example:- If a USD Rate is 69.00 (INR) (372 INR ) x 9Hrs x 6 Heads = 297600 Per day If center runs 26 days in a month then - 29760*26 = 773760/- Approx Payment: After Invoice within 10 working Days Payment Cycle: 20 Day PAY CHANNEL: SWIFT Transfer Advance Billing: Available from Client after days of going Live Sign up with: - End client based in the USA and sign up will be at vendor’s of...
...or fresher for a client interview over video call. The primary focus of the interview and its purpose will be provided later, but the ideal candidate should be well-versed in English (British Accent preferred) conducting interviews and be able to adapt to different topics, whether it's business achievements, personal journeys, or industry insights. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in journalism or interviewing - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Capacity to conduct the interview with professionalism and tact - Comfort with video call platforms - Ability to adapt to various interview topics Skills in public relations and content creation will be an advantage, although they are not strictly necessary. Ultimately,...
I need a skilled WordPress developer to create a sleek, modern 11-12 page website for my home service business. The primary function of the site is to generate leads, so it should be optimized for conversions and equipped with proper back links to enhance its visibility and ranking on search engines. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a clean, modern website - Implement necessary SEO strategies and back links - Set up lead generation tools Content: I will provide a mix of text, images, and video content for the site. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in WordPress development - A portfolio of clean, modern web designs - SEO knowledge and experience in implementing back links - Familiarity with lead generation strategies and...
I'm looking for a talented full stack developer or a team who can build a complete online platform for me. Key Requirements: - Front End: Built with React.js - Back End: Powered by Node.js - Database: PostgreSQL - Hosting: Heroku - Payment Gateway: Stripe and PayPal for subscription payments Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in React.js and Node.js - Experience with PostgreSQL and Heroku or Verce or AWS - Knowledge of integrating payment gateways, particularly Stripe and PayPal - Prior experience in building an online platform Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.
...added and small adjustments. i need u to send me revised print ready pdf and also the AI source file Technical Details: it is a FOLDED A3 MENU it folds to A5 (so when opened out u have 4 x A5 sections front and back) UNFOLDED side 1 we can call A B C D UNFOLDED side 2 we can call E F G H A to H are A5 sections when u fold it C and D folds over onto B and A respectively i.e C touches B and D touches A (please note which section "touches which section") Then it is now in an A4 state and u are looking at sections E and F (left to right) E then folds to the RIGHT onto F and A folds to the RIGHT onto D Note: in the A4 state A is face up underneath E and D is the BACK side of E. THe end result is we have a ...
Necesitamos un desarrollar con experiencia en odoo, que sepa back-end, front-end e incluso que tenga experiencia desarrollando para el POS. Que nos pueda dar soporte a unos modulos que ya tenemos y que pueda desarrollar nuevos modulos. Que hable ESPAÑOL y que tenga disponibilidad de tiempo para atender reuniones y ayudarnos en algunas "emergencias" con clientes.
I am looking for a sales professional to support two of my companies: one in the supplement industry and another structured as a clearinghouse. The ideal candidate must be experienced with HubSpot and have a proven track record of successful sales. Key Responsibilities: Make at least 300 meaningful sales calls per month (calls where no answer, message left, or "call back later" do not count). Report on all calls and leads. Source an additional 300 leads per month. Close at least two sales per month for either company. Compensation: A monthly stipend upon meeting performance targets. Commission Structure: Supplement company: 5% commission on revenue. Clearinghouse company: 15% commission on profit. Sales calls and leads should be evenly split between both com...
...31, Laravel 8.83.27) is encountering the following error when attempting to send emails: Call to undefined function proc_open() This error occurs in the SwiftMailer library when it attempts to use proc_open() (typically for the sendmail transport). The likely causes are either: The proc_open() function is disabled in our PHP configuration () via the disabled_functions directive, or The current mailing setup (sendmail) isn’t supported in our hosting environment. Scope of Work: Diagnosis & Analysis: Examine the PHP configuration () to see if proc_open() is disabled. Assess the hosting environment for any restrictions related to process control functions. Review the current Laravel mail configuration to confirm if we’re ...
I'm looking for a seasoned content writer with a knack for crafting...with a knack for crafting professional, engaging blog posts. Your mission will be to create content that captivates readers and keeps them coming back for more. Key Requirements: - Expertise in content writing with a focus on blog posts - Ability to write in a professional tone - Proven track record of creating engaging content Ideal Skills: - SEO knowledge to improve visibility - Experience with content writing strategies used by top writers - Ability to incorporate techniques, tips, and tricks to optimize content Your ultimate goal is to help me connect with readers and enhance the overall quality of my blog. If you have a passion for writing and can deliver high...
I need a skilled designer to help me edit 8 images for my food product using purchased standing pouch templates in PSD. Key Responsibilities: - Design 8 modern and clean images - edit1 pre designed standing pouch design - Add a barcode with provided code numbers - Replace coffee beans or other items in PSD file with simple food ingredients like onions, kosher salt, peppers, etc. (to be discussed) - Modify the ingredients on the back to match the updated ones Requirements: - Proficiency in Photoshop (PSD) - Experience with product design, particularly in the food industry - Ability to follow a modern and clean aesthetic - Good communication skills for discussing ingredient substitutions Budget: $40-60 Timeframe: Start and Finish ASAP Optional Task: If...
I need assistance moving some text 'tags' in a block into a multi-column grid design template. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS - Experience with multi-column grid design - Able to manipulate text tags within a design template Please be prepared to demonstrate relevant experience. Base Salary: $250–$550/month (depending on performance and experience). Generous Commissions: Web Development: 25% commission for projects up to $5,000 20% commission for $5,000–$15,000 10–15% for $15,000+ AI Solutions (Chatbots, Automation, etc.): 20% for standard AI solutions 15% for high-complexity AI implementations Branding & Design Services: 25% commission for projects up to $3,000 20% for $3,000–$10,000 15% for $10,000+ No Earnings Cap: The more you sell, the more you earn. Bonuses & Growth: Hit targets and increase your base over time, plus performance-based bonuses. Key Responsibilities Cold Call Outreach: Identify and call potential businesses that need new websites, AI solutions, or branding services. Lead...
I need my Christmas shirt design revamped for St. Patrick's revamped for St. Patrick's Day. I will provide the .AI files for both the front and back designs for editing. Design alterations include: - Back Design: Replace Santa with a cheerful, festive leprechaun smoking a pipe or a cigar. - Front Design: Remove the Santa hat from the IAFF logo and replace it with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Color adjustments are also necessary as the shirt will be green. Please use a St. Patrick’s Day color palette including black, white, grey, gold, and green for visibility and contrast. Deliverables: - Updated front and back designs in AI, PNG, and PDF formats. - A mockup on a green shirt for preview. Please let me know if you need any further ...
...there was one shop in Everbrook that whispered secrets—a little clock shop tucked away between two towering buildings, its windows fogged with time. In the back of that shop worked an old man named Elias, known to all as the Clockmaker. He was a solitary figure, his silver hair always neatly combed, his fingers stained with oil and rust. Elias had a reputation—one that kept the curious at bay and the brave intrigued. They said his clocks didn’t just tell time; they controlled it. No one truly understood how Elias did it. He had lived in Everbrook for as long as anyone could remember, and yet, not a single clock he crafted ever seemed to age. The faces shimmered with an almost unnatural glow, and the ticking was rhythmic, like the pulse of the uni...
I'm in need of a male who speaks Telugu and Hindi fluently. Your job will be to call various barber shops in Hyderabad and gather information about their services, specifically service names and pricing. This will include: - Understanding and noting down the different services offered, such as hair cuts, shaves, head massages, etc. - Inquiring about the pricing for these services Once you have collected this data, you will need to upload all of it to the admin panel of my web app. This will involve: - Manually inputting each detail The ideal candidate should be comfortable with: - Data entry - Working with Excel - Using Google Experience in similar tasks will be an advantage.
Queremos hacer una APP, que sirva tanto para android como para Apple, donde nuestros trabajadores puedan introducir los partes de trabajo diario cuando van a casa de clientes. La app para el usua...usario meteria los datos del cliente, tiempos de desplazamiento, tiempos de trabajo, trabajos de la intervencion, materiales utilizados, y al final del mismo la zona para los datos del cliente y la firma. una vez el parte se ha generado se enviarian a unos correos preestablecidos y al cliente final - resumen de partes es un zona donde aparecen todos los partes de dicho trabajador. A nivel de back office, se podrían gestionar los distintos usuarios, los correos donde queremos enviar los partes y los partes pudiendo filtrar por usuario, por fechas o por distintos campos que apare...
...added and small adjustments. i need u to send me revised print ready pdf and also the AI source file Technical Details: it is a FOLDED A3 MENU it folds to A5 (so when opened out u have 4 x A5 sections front and back) UNFOLDED side 1 we can call A B C D UNFOLDED side 2 we can call E F G H A to H are A5 sections when u fold it C and D folds over onto B and A respectively i.e C touches B and D touches A (please note which section "touches which section") Then it is now in an A4 state and u are looking at sections E and F (left to right) E then folds to the RIGHT onto F and A folds to the RIGHT onto D Note: in the A4 state A is face up underneath E and D is the BACK side of E. THe end result is we have a ...
I'm seeking an architect to help me design a simple, traditional-style, one-story house for cold weather. This 2,000 sqft home will be constructed using Insulated Concrete Forms and should feature: - An open plan kitchen and living area - A home office small - A laundry room - 2 bedrooms (situated on opposite sides for privacy) - 3 bathrooms (including a master en-suite) I would like to start with a detailed floor plan before moving onto architectural drawings. Ideal candidates should have experience with cold climate housing and ICF construction, as well as a strong understanding of traditional architectural design. SM, Fire place in each room and LG Main room
Hi, You did our logo for John Bowne High School back in 2018/2019. I am looking to have it enhanced by adding in more programs that our school offers.
Stablecoin Development Project Overview We are developing a USD-pegged stablecoin similar to USDT, backed by fiat reserves and utilizing blockchain technology for transparency, security, and efficiency. Key Objectives 1. Develop a smart contract to issue and manage stablecoins. 2. Implement a reserve-backed system to maintain a 1:1 USD peg. 3. Ensure compliance with AML/KYC regulations. 4. Integrate with payment gateways for seamless fiat on/off-ramp. 5. List the stablecoin on decentralized & centralized exchanges. Technical Requirements 1. Blockchain Selection • Ethereum (ERC-20): High security & adoption. • Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20): Lower fees & fast transactions. • Polygon: Scalability & cost-efficiency. 2. Smart Con...
...Features: - User Section: - List of hosts filtered by language and online status - Video & Audio calls through - Call management (duration tracking, automatic end when balance is over) - Call history - Wallet balance - Recharge option (opens external URL in browser) - Disable recording features - Host Section: - Call management (accept or decline) - Call history - Wallet balance (opens a URL) - Payout request (opens a URL) - Profile management (opens a URL) - KYC validation (opens a URL) - Settings (opens a URL) The project does not provide specific details for the hosts' Profile section, authentication methods, or languages to support. However, I anticipate a need for both basic and professional details in the...
need 2 interactive pluggin to be added in word press nearly finished programmer need to know word press elementor if possible and python to realise theoluggin:here technical to be done immediately:User Registration and Login 1. User Registration: Users will sign up on the platform. 2. User Login: After logging in, users will be directed to a page similar to Here, users will see their portfolio wallet at zero. They will have an option to choose between "Trade" or "Account and Statement".” Wallet” Account and Statement 3. Account Page: o If the user selects "wallet", they will be taken to a page similar to , with cosmetic changes to avoid any copy issues with ...
...ensures that expenses directly correlate with Sales Success, with a keen focus on the Personal Development industry, to focus on mindset to boost profit margins. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, source and sell our Course on Personal Development. So we pay you your commission once you Close the sale for £100 if you think this is you, please reach out. Must have excellent control over the English language, would prefer for the freelancer to be in the States or Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Contact and convert cold leads into course purchases - Employ persuasive sales techniques tailored for the personal development niche - Track sales progress and report back on lead conversion rates Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in clo...
...project involves creating WordPress landing pages identical to a specified example. The main goal of these pages is lead generation. target : "": Key Requirements: - Utilize **ThriveThemes** for page creation - Integrate the **** plugin - Match the style and design of the reference page - Ensure the pages are fast-loading I have all the original design files and assets, so you won't need to create them from scratch. The pages should include all the same elements as the reference: contact forms, call-to-action buttons, and customer testimonials. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ThriveThemes - Expertise in optimizing WordPress page speed - Strong attention to detail to ensure design accuracy Havana Start wit...
...project involves creating WordPress landing pages identical to a specified example. The main goal of these pages is lead generation. target : "": Key Requirements: - Utilize **ThriveThemes** for page creation - Integrate the **** plugin - Match the style and design of the reference page - Ensure the pages are fast-loading I have all the original design files and assets, so you won't need to create them from scratch. The pages should include all the same elements as the reference: contact forms, call-to-action buttons, and customer testimonials. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ThriveThemes - Expertise in optimizing WordPress page speed - Strong attention to detail to ensure design accuracy Havana Start wit...
Description: We are launching a new business, Hydro Source Direct, specializing in water treatment solutions, and we need a professional, high-quality branding package to establish our identity. We are looking for a skilled graphic designer (not just AI-generated designs) to create a logo and comprehensive branding guidelines. The winner will have the opportunity for future projects to ensure brand consistency. Scope of Work: We need a complete branding package that includes: 1. Logo Design: A primary logo (full-color, high-resolution). A monochrome version (black/white or grayscale). A favicon and simplified logo variations for different uses. 2. Branding Guidelines: A professional branding document that includes: Color Palette (primary and secondary colors with HE...