Business plan management powerpointpráce
Naše firma poptává elektro projektanta s praktickou zkušeností v E-Plan. Nabízíme spolupráci od 05/2024 - 11/2024. Máš zkušenosti s elektroprojektováním a hledáš práci, kde tvé dovednosti opravdu využiješ? Přidej se k nám jako EPLAN Projektant a staň se nepostradatelnou součástí týmu, který se zabývá zařízením na testováním baterií do elektroaut. U nás nebudeš jen dalším článkem v řetězci, ale člověkem, jehož rozhodnutí formují naše projekty od počátku až do finálního provedení. Jsme zaveden&...
...systém v ČR, působíme také v Maďarsku, Polsku a na Slovensku. Každý měsíc zpracujeme půl milionu rezervací v 3.645 hotelech. Naším cílem je maximálně automatizovat provoz hotelu tak, aby si hosté dopřáli zasloužený komfort a užili si svůj pobyt bez zbytečných starostí. Čekají nás nové výzvy a hledáme další vývojáře. Na čem budeš pracovat? Na vývoji cloudové aplikace, kterou využívá provoz a management pro správu hotelových rezervací. Na vývoji rezervačního systému pro hotelové hosty. Chanel Manageru, který každý den p...
...Objective: Introduce "Working People" as a useful tool for managers to easily and efficiently track employees' work on various projects and activities, work hours, vacations, and salaries. Showcase how the app helps generate clear reports and facilitates decision-making in personnel management. What the Video Should Look Like: Are you a manager struggling to keep track of employee work hours, vacations, and salaries? Don't worry! Introducing Working People, an easy-to-use app that simplifies employee management. In the video, you will see a frustrated manager facing challenges in managing employee work hours and ongoing projects. But fear not, Working People is here to help! Witness how the app effortlessly records ongoing projects, individual employe...
...2021: vstup silného investora Emma Capital k naší další expanzi, podpore akvizic a rozvoje IT. Co by tě u nás mohlo zaujmout? TMS – náš transport management systém je klíčová služba pro nás fulfillment Spolu s seniorním týmem přispěješ k odesílání desítek tisíc zásilek denně přes více než 20 dopravců Pracovat budeš nejen na inovacích ale částečně i na code refactoring. Máme prostor pro kariérní růst v odborných kompetencích, případně do oblasti team leadingu. Později se třeba můžeš zapojovat do extra projektů, co Tě baví – eventy, mentoring...
...ucelená řešení pro jejich business. Postaráme se o outsourcing logistiky, expanzi do zahraničí, napojení na marketplaces, optimalizaci skladových zásob i zlepšení procesů. Jako náš nový kolega/kolegyně, který se připojí k našemu týmu budeš mít klíčovou roli při návrhu, implementaci a správě naší IT infrastruktury. Máš zkušenost s infrastrukturou a také se specializuješ na cloudové služby, virtuální technologie a síťové protokoly? Pak hledáme přesně tebe! Náplň práce a požadavky: - Navrhuješ, instaluješ a k...
...aplikace. Zabýváme se diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Našim posláním je včasný záchyt pacientů aby jim byla poskytnuta odborná péče včas a předešlo se tak vážným poškozením jejich zraku. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření report...
...rozšíření týmy pro přepsání webové aplikace. V Aireen se zabýváme diagnostikou snímků očního pozadí pomocí umělé inteligence pro medicínské účely. Potřebujeme přepsat aplikace z C# (na základě poznatků z pilotního provozu) a protože většina týmu používá běžně python, rozhodli jsme se využít situace přepsat aplikaci do pythonu. Cílem je přepsat obslužnou část aplikce, která v sobě zahrnuje user management, Use casy používané lékařským personálem pro nahrávání snímků, spuštění analýz, vytváření re...
...learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their courses it must be the same on the staging site… Here’s a list of the tables from the database of the live site, I think we need them, but please feel free to migrate anything else if we need it to have all the data required from the live site. Another thing, it’s good to prepare a whole plan of the migration process, because when you want to start, we need to put the live site on maintenance mode until migration is done, and we don’t want to keep it long under maintenance for the client u know… Tables from database that required to be migrated. wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock wp_learn...
Dobrý den Ripon K., všimla jsem si vašeho profilu a rád/a bych vám nabídl/a svůj projekt. Podrobnosti můžeme probrat na chatu.
I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)
Zdravím , potřeboval bych vytvořit jednoduchý web firmu. Web bude na redakčním systému wordpress. Webové stranky musí mít zelený design jelikož i logo je zelene. V příloze zasílám texty na web a logo. Translation: Hi, I need to create a simple web business. The website will be on the WordPress content management system. The website must have a green design as the logo is also green. In the attachment I send texts to the website and logo.
We need to turn this picture into an infograph / process flow with some animated features. Needs to work on PowerPoint presentations and online environments such as social media and website. Three correction rounds to be included. CMYK colors to be used: [67, 28, 86, 30], [17, 25, 76, 25], [17, 25, 76, 25], black, white Fonts to be used: DIN Condensed Pro Regular, Avenir Next Pro Condensed, Avenir Next Pro Condensed Demi
...communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials for topics - in polish language. Current materials are in the Czech language. - listening to calls for understanding issues and incorporating specific situations into training - provide training topics for smaller groups with several reps - length is 3hrs per training Communication during preparation will ideally be in Czech or English. We plan the project for several months but depend on the lecturer abilities to have even more and longer cooperation with us — the range of dozens of hours of collaboration. We require experience with processing of creation of materials and professional manag...
hledam nekoho kdo vytvori a bude ridit projekt vytvoreni nove firmy
...systémovou integraci, správu dokumentů, business intelligence či IoT. Hledáme kolegy, Java a Angular programátory, na nový rozsáhlý IT projekt pro Ministerstvo financí, který má za cíl vyvinout zcela nový informační systém pro dohled nad hazardními hrami. Systém bude řešit mnoho procesních oblastí pro dohled nad hazardními hrami, např. metodická činnost, registrace provozovatelů, povolení k provozování hazardních her, řízení o přestupcích, povolení k umístění herního prostoru atd. IS bude rozdělen do několika modulů, jako jsou veřejný portál, p...
El plan (profesional) seria para un inversionista.
...ktere budou uzivatele schopni jednim kliknutim vygenerovat dokument ze Salesforce (faktura, smlouva, marketingova brozura atd…) - Ktera bude native na Salesforce, ale pozdeji bude schopna pridat i ruzne dalsi systemy - software na elektronicke podpisy, ostatni CRM atd.) - uvitam navrhy reseni jak toto provest Jak by to melo fungovat (hlavni funkce): - Vytvorim a nahraji sablony (word, excel, powerpoint nebo text dokument) do te appky na Salesforce. Tento template ma takzvane merge policka. Tj. kod, kterym si zakaznik bude moci vytvorit libovolny template a dat tam vzdy to policko ze Salesforce, ktere potrebuje, aby se mu ukazalo na finalnim -dokumentu - Zde jsem schopen spravovat ruzne sablony, rozhodnout se, jaka bude finalni podoba dokumentu (pdf, word nebo jine), dat ...
monte Carlo simulation, contingency, budget report
Mezinárodně úspěšná vývojářská agentura Argo22 se sídlem v Českých Budějovicích hledá freelancery za účelem dlouhodobé spolupráce na vývoji webových a hybridních mobilních aplikací. Mezi chystané projekty patří například: - SaaS webová aplikace na management leadů - Publikační systém pro zákazníka z USA - Mobilní aplikace pro čtení magazínů pro zákazníka z Filipín - Příprava Wordpress / Magento / Shopify šablon pro klienty z UK Hledáme talentované vývojáře, kteří se budou schopni na dálku z...
Na trhu pusobime jako broker v letecke doprave. Na tozdil od letecke spolecnosti, nabizime sirokou nabidku ci uz privatnich, charterovych, cargo nebo medicinskych letu. Na prvnim miste je spokojenost nasich zakzniku a osobni pristup.
To je projekat koji govori o tome šta je biznis plan, čemu sve služi i ko ga koristi.
Business development v oblasti CRM, vlastní zavedené řešení mezinárodní společnosti včetně produkčního centra (full servis / mix / self-servis) se zaměřením na emailing. (Další oblasti outsourcingu k diskuzi.) Základní business case (analýza trhu / příležitostí včetně nacenění výše budegetu/příležitosti), oslovení potencionálních zákazníků a vedení projektu do fáze finálního odsouhlasení zakázek.
Remarketing setup in AdWords Campaign setup and performance management - bid and budget optimization Optional: API setup for automated reporting
Dobrý den, hledáme vývojáře pro vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude k...potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikládám link s dalšími informacemi: So...
Sháníme programátora na dokončení rozdělaného projektu. Kód velmi čistě psaný, neměl by tvořit problémy na pochopení. Stručné info níže. ** Product Statement ** Jedná se o jakýsi systém klubové základny. Jednoduše bych to popsal jako velmi jednoduchou sociální síť, něco ve stylu začínajícího Linkedinu, pro business účely. ** Sekce (stručně) ** - Dashboard (pouze určité info, stěžejní statistiky) - Přátelé / spojení (seznam lidí se kterými si můžeš psát přes Messanger - s ostatními to nepůjde) - přátele nepůjde přidávat, pouze ...
Jedna se o webovy portal s video obsahem dostupnym po z...zarizeni. Obsah by se mel nacitat dynamicky z databaze. Web ma obsahovat menu (kategorie a subkategorie), staticke texty, texty vkladane pres redakcni system, prohlizeni obrazku, vyhledavani, filtrovani, sdileni na socialni site, spousteni videi, diskuzni forum, platba za obsah (kartou, paypal atd.), uzivatelsky login vice urovni, registrace uzivatelu a souvisejici administraci/redakcni system. Plan je, ze se portal bude dale rozvijet, cili mame zajem o dlouhodobou spolupraci. Soucasne zadani je pouze pro verzi 1.0. Cenu prosim rozdelte na programovani (pro tech 20 stranek), cenu za hodinu nad ramec zadani a cenu za graficky navrh. Nejdulezitejsim kriteriem jsou reference s ukazkou kvality grafickeho zpracovani a pot...
Dobry den chtel bych napsat podnikatelsky plan ktery bych pak poslal na e-mail.
Project Scope This project aims to develop a web-based application to streamline the management of casual employees (to begin with, teachers) and their availability for employers (to begin with, primary/elementary schools and secondary/high schools). The system will facilitate efficient communication and scheduling. Employee features: ● Employee authentication (SMS verification OTP/email OTP, automatic log out weekly) ● Employees can manage their profiles, update and maintain personal information, including contact details, CV, and professional license (e.g., teaching registration) details. ● Employees can manage their availability. ● Employees can specify skills and qualifications (subjects) (subject to verification by the school manager) ...
...system for my business needs. The system will serve as an all-encompassing platform for accounting, financial management, and employee affairs. Key Features Required: - Invoicing and Billing: The system should facilitate seamless invoicing and billing processes. - Expense Tracking: I need a comprehensive tool to monitor and manage expenses. - Financial Reporting: The system should generate detailed financial reports. - Project Management: The system should assist in documenting and managing different projects simultaneously with comparative reports and detailed accounts for each project or product. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Odoo with a strong background in accounting and project management. - Prior experience in configuring Odoo for compr...
I'm seeking a statistics consultant with expertise in data analysis, specifically within the realm of business data. The primary objective of this project is to identify trends from the data. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in statistical software and tools (like Chi-square, Fisher exact test etc ) - Strong background in business data analysis - Excellent at identifying patterns and trends in data Experience: - Previous work with business data - Proven track record of identifying key trends from data analysis
I'm looking for an expert in React Native, Redux, and the Glue Stack library to help me m... Key Requirements: - Complete migration of the current Redux project to React Native. - Implementation of all project components using React Native. - Use of Glue Stack library for optimal performance. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Redux and React Native. - Familiarity with the Glue Stack library. - Strong understanding of user interface elements, navigation, and state management in React Native. - Previous work in full application migrations will be highly regarded. This is a comprehensive project requiring both deep technical knowledge and practical experience. Your ability to fully integrate all components of the existing project into React Native will be key ...
Project description: Introduction This proposal outlines the development plan for a comprehensive Nursery Management Web Application. The application is designed to meet the needs of nursery owners, parents, and administrators by providing essential functionalities such as child management, attendance tracking, billing, and more. Technology Stack** • Front-end: React and • Backend: PHP (Laravel framework) • Database: MySQL Deliverables 1. Main Application Account • Dashboard • Customizable with widgets and graphical elements. • Client Account Management • Create, suspend, delete client accounts. • Access Control • Give access rights to certain features. • Billing with Deposits and Discounts • Implement b...
I need an Android-based system to control fishing boats. This system will be used by government controllers equipped with Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE tablets with BLE PHY support. The primary function is to identify boats from around 300 meters distance and verify if the license plate corresponds to the declared boat. The aim is ...information and inspection records. - Each boat's specific details to be included in the Excel file are the boat name and registration number, owner's contact information and the boat's dimensions and type. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency with Android development and experience in creating tablet applications. - Familiarity with BLE technology. - Experience in working with Excel for data management. - Knowledge of fishing regulatio...
I'm running a multivendor site using Dokan, and I need to integrate Shiprocket as the courier service. Currently, I don't have a management system in place for shipments. Key Requirements: - Integration of Shiprocket courier service into the website. - Implement features for sellers including: - Ability to pay for their own pickups. - Option to generate commissions for pickups. - A seller dashboard for managing pickups. - Configure the above with the Dokan plugin. - Allow sellers to process multiple orders in bulk for shipping. - Enable sellers to print shipping labels directly from their dashboard. - Automate shipment tracking updates for both sellers and buyers. - Add options for sellers to import and export shipment data via CSV files. - Integrate real-time shipping r...
...assist with the visual layout mockups for a web-based asset interactive management and sales platform for event venues. Key Responsibilities: - Develop Figma (or similar alternative software) mockups focusing on the visual layout of the platform. - Create interactive prototypes that specifically detail the sales process flow. - Combine 2D (layered PDF/IMAGE) files into the 'portal' to use as a viewer tool. - Combine 3D models pre-rendered into the platform viewer tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in user interface design and visual layout creation in Figma (or similar alternative software). - Strong understanding of interactive prototype development. - Previous experience with asset management tools, particularly related to venue inform...
My website has been infected with malware. - I received a notification from my hosting provider about the issue, and I need immediate assistance in removing the malware and restoring my site to its normal functionality. - Unfortunately, I do not have a recent backup of my website, so it's crucial that you can handle this without a fallback plan. - Security enhancements to prevent this from happening in the future will also be necessary. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of Wordpress - Proven experience with malware removal - Ability to restore website functionality - Skills in implementing security measures Time is of the essence, and I would appreciate prompt and professional assistance. Thank you.
I'm in need of a skilled professional to assist with data collection and verification from a trade fair website. The aim is to enhance my sales outreach efforts. Tasks will include: 1. Checking the exhibitor page for company names and existing contact details 2. Searching for missing information on the internet 3. Finding and adding LinkedIn profiles of individuals in top and mid-management positions within these companies Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in data collection and verification - Familiarity with LinkedIn and able to identify relevant profiles - Understanding of sales outreach processes Excel format will be given to collect the data.
...hyperlinks to our Instagram and Facebook account. UNDERNEATH THE HEADER: I would like a looped video that starts playing automatically. (Soft wash video 1) UNDERNEATH THE VIDEO: I would like an “About us” section with dot points underneath. The dot points will include; Exterior surface cleaning specialists, servicing residential and commercial property sales and management, family owned business, maximising client sales/leasing management opportunities, fully insured and professional staff all in that order. UNDERNEATH THE “ABOUT US’’ SECTION: I would like an “Our services” section. This must include three separate services. Surface pressure cleaning (Surface pressure cleaning Video 1), soft washing (soft washing video 2)...
...local businesses, travel agencies in particular, and skills in lead generation and conversion. Key Responsibilities: - Generating leads and converting them into business opportunities. - Building and nurturing relationships with local businesses, particularly travel agencies. - Organizing and overseeing promotional events to increase brand awareness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding and experience in the Punjab market is crucial. - Proven track record in sales and marketing. - Experience in the tourism industry is a plus but not mandatory. - Strong interpersonal and networking skills. - Event planning and management experience. Your main focus will be on targeting travel agencies to promote corporate and individual travel to Maldives. If you have the p...
I am launching a freelance business focusing on providing top-tier data entry services to clients across various industries. To ensure the highest quality of service, I am seeking experienced Data Entry Specialists to join my team on a project basis. The ideal candidates should exhibit the following: - Proven experience in data entry with a keen eye for detail and accuracy. - Proficiency in MS Office Suite, Google Suite, and other data processing tools. - Excellent typing speed and the ability to handle large volumes of data. - Strong understanding of data confidentiality principles. - Ability to meet tight deadlines and manage tasks effectively. As part of my team, you will receive clear guidelines and expectations for each project to ensure client satisfaction. If you have the s...
I'm looking for an expert in PPC ad management to help improve the performance of my Google Ads campaign. The main goal is to boost sales internationally. Key responsibilities: - Optimizing current ad performance - Suggestions and implementing tastings to enhance ad performance - Strategic planning for targeting international customers Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record with Google Ads - Experience in managing PPC campaigns aimed at boosting sales - Ability to reach and engage with an international audience - Strong analytical skills for ad performance evaluation and improvement.
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to create a modern and minimalist logo and design a single-sided visiting card for me. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in logo and business card design - Expertise in modern and minimalist design - Excellent understanding of design principles and trends Key Requirements: - Design a contemporary and simple logo - Create a sleek, single-sided visiting card Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, specifically any modern and minimalist designs.
...Market Order Analysis - Assess activity of buyers and sellers using market orders. - Adjustable time interval for analysis. - Threshold values for market order activity to confirm signals. 3. Combined Analysis - Ensure two conditions are met: 1. Imbalance in the order book. 2. Imbalance in market orders. - Open a position only when both conditions align. 4. Position Management - Automatically open positions when the conditions are met. - Position size is defined as a fixed dollar amount from the account balance. - Adjustable leverage setting. - Automatically set stop-loss and take-profit levels immediately after a position is opened. Customizable Parameters 1. Order Book Imbalance: Threshold for determining dominant side (default: 60%). 2....
I'm in need of a detail-oriented and responsible administrative professional to assist with managing candidates' CVs and handling data entry and record keeping tasks. The ideal candidate should be a strong communicator, able to manage sensitive information discreetly, and committed to delivering high-quality work consistently. Key Responsibilities: - Managing candidates' CVs - Data entry and record keeping Requirements: - Proficiency in handling Word Documents - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - High level of responsibility and reliability Please note that updated CVs and records will need to be sent via email. Previous experience in an administrative support role, particularly in handling CVs, is highly desirable. I look forward to hearing fro...