Best language learning websites 2019práce
K nastavení a údržbě systému Windows Server 2019 v Amazonu je zapotřebí kompetentní správce systému. Práce je vzdálená, na vyžádání, tj. jedná se o příležitostnou práci. První fází je správné nastavení a další fází je podpora a řešení případných problémů.
...správnou volbou pro tuto vzrušující kariérní příležitost! Můžete nás kontaktovat v následujících jazycích: angličtina, němčina, ruština. Není důležité, abyste dokonale ovládali jeden z těchto jazyků. We want you! Are you outgoing, love connecting with others, and have the ability to captivate potential customers with your enthusiasm? Are you reliable, goal-oriented, and do you speak the national language perfektly? Do you have a driver license, are flexible in time and have some experience with promotion, sales or marketing? If so, you are the perfect match for this position! We are a young, innovative start-up company from Germany and will soon rank among the leading...
In order to u...(Czech Republic), I would like to scrape the real estate listings from a website (). The website has ~5000 listings of apartments for rent, and ~7000 listings of apartments to buy. Goal is to scrape all the listings including its details, categorized correctly in Excel, to enable comparison of apartments by their size, condition, location within the city, etc. The website is in Czech language and I will happily translate anything you need. It is a one-time scraping, but please consider also the option of continuous scraping. The web scraping could potentially be expanded to other cities (within the same real estate website) Apartments to buy: Apartments to rent:
...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a representative of the company on the CZ/SK market, we want to create a copy of the website , functionally and structurally. Everything built ideally on Wordpress so that we can fulfill and manage ourselves. Alternatively, another editorial system, but we prefer Wordpress. CZ and SK language mutation. Ideally, the CZ mutation should be on the .cz domain and the .sk mutation on the sk. domain, but everything was managed under one Wordpress as CZ and SK mutations. But we are not sure if this solution is possible or if there must be 2 separate wordpress. The condition is a section for registered clients only, where they will have documents visible for download - price li...
Dobrý den, hledám copywritera na dlouhodobou spolupráci.
Hledáme programátora pro projekt mobilní aplikace. Nutná znalost Xamarin, WSDL, VS 2019, IOS, Android. Požadujeme znalost českého nebo slovenského jazyka.
Hledám někoho, kdo je schopen na 1 den v týdnu pravidelně chodit k zákazníkovi jako outsourced marketingová podpora - náplní práce je pravidelná aktualizace webových stránek, správa FB a LinkedIn. Lokalita Praha Čestlice. Nabízím perspektivu širší a dlouhodobé spolupráce v kolektivu fajn lidí. Hodinová sazba k diskuzi, dle seniority a zkušeností.
Hledáme juniorního/middle/ seniorního full stack vývojáře se znalostí .Net, Angular a MS SQL na dlouhodobější spolupráci. Aplikace Dobrý Hospic () pomáhá mobilním hospicům efektivně pracovat v rámci širokého týmu a ulehčuje s tím spojenou administrativu. Do konce roku můžeme nabídnout práci v rozsahu cca 0,5 úvazku a od nového roku práci na IT podpoře této aplikace nebo případnou spolupráci na nových projektech. Aplikace je téměř hotová. Ve spolupráci s autorem aplikace je potřeba ji doladit a poté převzít do správy.
...looking for an experienced web designer and graphic artist who is able to make a website that would differentiate us from our boring competition. We would like a website that will have a proper wow effect for anyone who looks at it. We are not looking for any dozen websites, of which there are many on the Internet. We operate in the field of Automotive and therefore the website should have a professional and technically appealing design with a dose of various animations and interactions for users. You can find comments on individual websites in the attachment Further work would concern the graphic design of various advertising and sales materials. Sites we like: Thanks and have a nice day David Hujer Hledáme zkušeného webového design&eac...
We are looking for a designer who can make some branding and packaging application for wine brands . We will give you design specifications. We would need a branding development and the application of those formats FULL DESIGNED READY-TO-PRINT whith our print templates. FORMAT 1 FORMAT 3: FORMAT 4 FORMAT 5:
Rozpohybování vektorové grafiky do jednoduchých animací pro potřeby výukového videa pro výuku jazyků. Videa/Animace budu dále sám upravovat a proto nepotřebuji finální vygenerované video, ale zdrojový soubor z Adobe After Effects 2019 (abych si mohl animace sám upravovat, případně je dále popisovat pro výuku jazyků) Vektorové grafiky a popis animací dodám. Zakázka nechvátá. Možnost dlouhodobé spolupráce. janvosahlo@
Hledáme vývojáře na plný úvazek na 3+ roky pro vývoj CRM na míru v jazyce Java, GUI extJS, DB Oracle. Ideálně v lokalitě Praha/Brno/Znojmo (CZE resident preferred, fluent czech language is a must).
I have a website selling heat exchangers. It is in Czech language. Many of the pages are also in Slovak language. I would like to expose the web also in German language. The translations have to be written into existing html files containing Czech language. The formatting should be kept, so later I can do some small fixes myself with help of an online translator. For time being, I would like to translate these pages into German 1500 words 400 words 300 words 100 words 200 words 1200 words 1000 words https://www.vymeniky-tepla
Who is the Czech who can help me translate the language from English into Czech?Kdo je dáma, která mi může pomoci přeložit jazyk z angličtiny do češtiny?
Customizing the spellchecker I will add dictionaries and rules for hunspell. Interlingo language see: Required skills: MS Visual Studio, C #, MS Office, Git
Home decor metal products hard goods praktické vedení a odbornost. For the assistance service (assistance call center), we are looking for an external lecturer - trainer. The subject of delivery is to provide a short "standup" training for call center operators on topics such as communication, stress, positive call management, etc. in polish language. Delivery consists of - Translation of existing materiáls or co-creating materials for topics - in polish language. Current materials are in the Czech language. - listening to calls for understanding issues and incorporating specific situations into training - provide training topics for smaller groups with several reps - length is 3hrs per training Communication during preparation will ideally be in Czech or...
Na jsme si nechali zhotovit system pro placeni clenskych a oddilovych prispevku a integrovali ho s platebni branou GoPay. System umoznuje platit i pulrocne. System uz je druhou generaci a pri prechodu z prvni generace ...placeni clenskych a oddilovych prispevku a integrovali ho s platebni branou GoPay. System umoznuje platit i pulrocne. System uz je druhou generaci a pri prechodu z prvni generace se nezmigrovali platby. To zpusobilo, ze si system myslel, ze clenove nemaji zaplaceno a v 2. pololeti nabizel platby za pololeti prvni. Natvrdo se udelala uprava, aby nabizel platby za druhe pololeti coz nyni z pocatku roku 2019 dela problemy. System nuti cleny platit za druhe pololeti. Potrebujeme to opravit. Puvodni developer je na dlouhodobe dovolene a nelze se s nim spojit.
Jsme spolek podnikatelů v Beskydech. Pro projekt hledáme někoho, kdo by uměl naplánovat a udělat reklamní kampaň na FB a Instragramu. Spolupráce od cca 4/2019 do 11/2019. V případě spokojenosti i další roky. Hledáme nejlépe někoho se zájmem o hory, turistiku, kdo by chtěl psát o členech spolku a turistických zajímavostech v jejich okolí.
CCA Group a.s. je předním poskytovatelem informačních systémů v České republice se zaměřením na vývoj aplikací na míru, systémovou integraci, správu dokumentů, business intelligence či IoT. Hledáme kolegy, Java a Angular programátory, na nový rozsáhlý IT projekt pro Ministerstvo financí, který má za cíl vyvinout zcela nový informační systém pro dohled nad hazardními zabezpečení systému (IDM, AM), procesní management (BPM), webové aplikace postavené na frameworku Angular2, backendové java aplikace zajišťující logiku systému, databáze PostgreSQL a da...
Každým rok pořádáme charitativní běh, pro který máme založené webové stránky na platformě wordpress Pro další ročník potřebujeme několik drobných úprav jako přidání ročníku 2019 + zajištění responsivity pro mobilní zařízení. Kontakt na mě je na na webu. Děkuji Martin
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace za účelem aktivní a efektivní ochrany zvířat. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019 u nás zaniknou. Během boje za zákaz kožešinových farem jsme vyrostli z party dobrovolníků do středně velké organizace. Aktuálně připravujeme spuštění druhé velké kampaně a několik dalších projektů, pro které hledáme webdesignery a webové vývojáře. Hledáme hned několik lidí s různými kompetencemi. Konkrétně nám můžete pomoci s některým z ná...
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019 u nás zaniknou kožešinové farmy. Během boje za zákaz jsme z nuly narostli do středně velké organizace. V roce 2018 spustíme druhou velkou kampaň. Protože tahle bude ještě náročnější než ta první, musíme zainvestovat i do infrastruktury. Zbavit se excelových tabulek a přejít na pořádné CRM. Hledáme člověka, který tuhle výzvu vezme pevně do svých rukou a celý tenhle projekt potáhne. Síla OBRAZu je v mobilizaci desetitisí...
- Český jazyk (Only native Czech language!!!) - Asistence pri tvoreni websites (Vhodne pro studenty) - Tvoreni databaz - Psani clanku - Korekce clanku - Vyhledavani na webu - Asistence pri obchodnich aktivitach
Dobry den Fando. Chtel bych se vas zeptat jestli by ste byl schopny udelat jedny web stranky. responsive a multi language a currency. Nechci zadny wordpres. Ale admin back end bych chtel treba cakephp nebo nakej framework to by bylo na vas. Stranky by porovnavaly ceny video her z vice online obchodu. Data feed jako cena her je prostrednictvim ftp nebo http ve vice formatech . nevim ktery je lepsi tak mozna mi s tim poradite. A nektere obchodi maji data feed via API. navrch vzchledu stranky bych mel. takze design by ste delat nemusel. Procte takovy klon stranek
preparar informacion mediante un drom
Moodle online learning, PhP. files will be provided
Dobry den. potřebuji profesionální nahlášeni v Českem jazyce. 70 slov. VOICE OVER musí být žena. Děkuji .
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuGet 1 Best Backlink For Torrent Site' computer science, business or media informatics or comparable areas with several years of experience in Perl development. Good knowledge in database programming (MySQL) are part of your skill set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of work from day 1 Flat hierarchies, friendly working atmosphere and diverse tasks in a strongly growing company The possibility to choose the technology you want to work with yourself Attractive compensa...
...jako ARM programátora: Aby terč mohl přenášet výsledky na telefon, je potřeba mu dát mozek. V současné chvíli již jeden má, ale potřebuje údržbu a další rozvoj. A to bude právě tvá role. Budeš hledat nová řešení a vylepšovat aktuální systém. Budeš se podílet na úspěchu celého týmu. Výhodou bude: Zkušenosti s robotikou a AI. Zkušenost s Image Processing, Computer Vision. Zkušenost s Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing. Orientace v elektrotechnice. Design hardwaru, tvorba hardwaru zkušenosti s robotikou. APP Dobrá znalost programov...
adsfjkl;'xfjl;, vzduukmvfhknm xkgnvxhdjfmxdjgmfhmbnvcgbnnkgjnbfkgnmfkgj
****Please read brief **** Multiple Language E commerce site (Czech, German, English, Polish) We will provide the translations Hello, I'm looking to extend my website (WordPress) and introduce an effective SEO friendly online store. We aim to create the online store under our current domain and server. We will accept cash upon delivery within a specific area, we will also accept bank transfer, Paypal, Google Wallet and Stripe payments. This E commerce site will need to be integrated into our WordPress theme (Avada). There is 6 food products we will sell online (not much) We have already purchased WPML and its associated plugins that can offer multiple languages. I am looking for an experienced professional to do this job. Please read this brief before
Looking a person with excellent knowledge of the English language (EN - native language) . Original text is in Russian, which text is translated. Need to edit texts in english language. Offer about 100$.
Project Title: Transcription of Gujarati Audio to Text Description: We are looking for a hardworking and reliable freelancer to transcribe Gujarati audio into text with high accuracy. The ideal candidate must have excellent proficiency in Gujarati and Gujarati grammar. Requirements: Strong command of the Gujarati language and grammar. Must be a Gujarati native or a resident of Gujarat. Commitment to completing tasks on time with precision. Project Details: Duration: 1 week. Payment: ₹800/hour, paid after the successful completion of 30 minutes of work. Earnings: Unlimited earning potential based on hourly work completed. Additional Information: This project requires a genuine and dedicated freelancer who can consistently deliver quality work within the given timeline. How to Ap...
I'm looking for a creative individual or team to help generate and brainstorm unique life mottos using emojis only. Key Tasks: - Generate your new and unique life mottos using emojis - Revamp existing life mottos with a creative twist Ideal Skills: - Strong creative writing skills - Experience with social media content - Ability to think outside the box Example: - Your creativity will help inspire and engage my social media audience.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a minimalistic, classic and 3D animated website for my two-wheeler motorcycle and scooter spare parts repair workshop and retail business. The website needs to incorporate animated transitions and effects, primarily on the homepage. A crucial feature will be a ...Functionality: A user-friendly, efficient section for scheduling vehicle service. The primary goal of the website is to facilitate service booking. Therefore, the ideal freelancer should have skills and experience in: - 3D web design and animation - Creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces - Understanding of minimalistic and classic design principles - Implementing service scheduling systems on websites. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
I'm looking for a seasoned ML engineer adept with synthetic datasets created from structured and unstructured data Key Responsibilities: - Generate and utilize synthetic datasets - Design, develop, and optimize machine learning models for synthetic data generation (e.g., GANs, transformers, diffusion models). - Build scalable pipelines for generating structured, unstructured, and time-series data.
...Responsibilities: 1. Website Migration Repair: o Fix issues with websites that have been migrated but are not functioning properly. o Ensure smooth and error-free performance after migration. 2. Malware Cleanup and Restoration: o Restore websites that have been compromised by hacking. o Clean and secure websites, ensuring that they function optimally. o Utilize available backups for complete restoration. 3. Client Backend Restoration: o Rebuild and restore the backend admin panels to allow clients to access their accounts and manage information easily. Requirements: • Strong experience in WordPress development and PHP. • Deep knowledge of server management (Linux experience required). • Expertise in WordPress malware cleanup, securing websites,...
I'm looking for someone with a knack for writing and storytelling. The project is somewhat ambiguous at the moment, but it definitely leans towards creative writing. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of the English language - Strong storytelling ability - Creative thinking Experience: - Previous work in writing and storytelling - Experience in crafting fiction will be a plus Please note that the type of writing needed may be primarily creative and artistic in nature.
...need of a native Italian person with excellent command of English to work in small ongoing projects. For now we have small updates from time to time, to some of our clients, that they need to be translated from English into Italian. This is though a good opportunity for someone who can do punctual work from time to time as well as for bigger projects when our clients require to translate full websites. Most of our content is gambling (casino) related, so if you have previous experience or knowledge in the theme it would be a plus, if not, you should do a research on terminology, although content is not very technical. Our rate is based per word and it is 0.02 usd/word. We can either open a contract and pay everything through there or open several contracts as projects arriv...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a comprehensive immigration website. The primary purpose of this site is ...information and resources specifically related to legal assistance and consultation for individuals navigating the immigration process. Key Features: - Detailed sections covering visa requirements and guidelines - Regularly updated news on immigration - Resources for legal assistance and consultation Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and design - Experience in creating informational websites - Understanding of immigration processes - Ability to implement SEO and user-friendly interface. Your expertise will help individuals in their immigration journey, making this project not just a professional endeavor but a meaningful contribution...