Automatically download rss feeds linuxpráce
We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months
...službách (AWS, Azure) včetně jejich nastavení, správy a řešení problémů. - Dobrou znalost počítačových systémů, zabezpečení, správy sítí a systémů, databází a systémů pro ukládání dat a telekomunikačních systémů. - Zkušenosti s virtualizačními technologiemi jako je VMware nebo Hyper-V. - Zkušenosti s prací s síťovými protokoly a službami (např. TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VPN). - Zkušenosti s prací v systémech Linux a Windows Server. - Znalost nástrojů pro monitorování systémů (např. Nagios, Zabbix). - Znalost zálohovacích a obnovovac...
Hi, I need Download data from 3 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email The data will be in 3 files. Each url category will be 1 file. Sample file in attachment.
...Wordpress. CZ and SK language mutation. Ideally, the CZ mutation should be on the .cz domain and the .sk mutation on the sk. domain, but everything was managed under one Wordpress as CZ and SK mutations. But we are not sure if this solution is possible or if there must be 2 separate wordpress. The condition is a section for registered clients only, where they will have documents visible for download - price lists, etc. Ideally, after registration and the registration must be approved by us. Any experience with the application of a 3D model will be welcome, it is not a requirement....
Hi, I need Download data from 4 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
Ahoj, jsme malá firma, proto hledám administrátora pro Linux servery a síťové prvky, který žije v Praze – budeš řešit problémy v případě nepřítomnosti hlavního správce, zpravidla v datacentru Praha 5. Tedy budeš v podstatě stand-by záloha pro případy dovolených, služebních cest, nemocí apod. Tvoje zaškolení do prostředí je samozřejmostí - čas Ti bude uhrazen. Tvoje odměna bude dvousložková: • za pohotovost (á hodina za potřebný časový úsek pohotovosti) • za reálný výkon práce (á hodina za vykonanou práci při zásahu a/ne...
Download data from 2 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.
...podpůrných modulů a nástrojů (např. ) WSO2 VSCode extension pro Visual Studio – preferované WSO2 Integration Studio Další nástroje… Výstupem by měl být podrobný popis kroků pro instalaci a základní nastavení všech používaných produktů. Pomoc s integrací již běžících služeb pomocí WSO EI Poznámky: - WSO EI Windows prostředí (pokud by to bylo výhodnější – Linux), asi by mělo běžet na virtuálním serveru - Měli bychom být schopni pomocí výstupů z jednotlivých bodů načerpat know-how abychom byli schopni implementovat další potřebné služby...
V současné době do naší firmy hledáme spolehlivého, flexibilního programátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci. Hledáme č dlouhodobou spolupráci. Hledáme člověka, který by byl schopen fungovat v týmu a byl připravený vést o vývoji diskuzi. Možnosti úvazku: HPP, DPP, Půl úvazek Odborné znalosti: - Dobrá znalost vývoje a návrhu firmweare v jazyce C/C++ - Zkušenost s programováním procesorů ARM, (znalost kompilátoru RVCT výhodou) , MediaTek - Znalost vývojového prostředí VisualStudio 2008 a prostředí Linux - Orientaci v elektronických schémate...
Linux Jiný, nebo nejsem si jistá/ý Hledáme schopného IT specialistu, který nám pomůže se zřízením farmy pro těžbu kryptoměn (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum a další). Dlouhodobá spolupráce na projektu. Finanční odměna formou vysoké provize z vytěženého zisku.
1. Need to download product description 2. Need to transfer into plain text 3. Need to format H1, H2 and table result will be well formated text with proper HTML tags See below: FROM THIS ----------------------------------------------------- Popis výrobku Brusinkový čaj na močové cesty Bylinný čaj porcovaný v nálevových sáčcích. Brusinky obsahují antioxidanty, přispívají k normální funkci močové soustavy, podporují přirozenou obranyschopnost. Bříza, šípek a zlatobýl přispívají k normální funkci ledvin a močových cest. Kopřiva a přeslička podporují vylučování. Složen&...
Projekt pro jednoho z předních dodavatelů systémů pro burzy v Evropě - práce na aplikaci, která bude mít zásadní význam pro evropský trh s energií. Vývoj probíhá na Linux platformě a developeři si mohou vybrat svoje optimální nástroje pro vývoj softwarové platformy, aniž by byli obtěžování podnikovou byrokracií. Práce probíhá v týmu vysoce talentovaných vývojářů, kteří sdílejí stejné hodnoty. Pracovat se bude s nejnovějšími technologiemi, jako je Java 8, Docker a RabbitMQ.
Potřeboval bych konzultace nad programy v Perlu, které upravuji a které nefungují nebo hlásí chyby. Konzultace v nějaké internetové kavárně nad notebookem, server je hostován v cloudu, vše je dostupné přes internet. Znalosti Git, javascript, XML, MySQL, Linux Debian, debugery, Ubuntu jsou vítány. Místo konzultací nejlépe Praha, možno ale i po celém Česku, s dobrým spojením na Prahu. Platím hned na místě. Četnost schůzek asi tak 1x měsíčně, několik hodin. Nevyžaduji experta, neboť moje znalosti Perlu jsou chabé.
...participating in data base development in SQL. As a developer you actively participate in an agile development process („Scrum“). Your profile You have a degree in computer science, business or media informatics or comparable areas with several years of experience in Perl development. Good knowledge in database programming (MySQL) are part of your skill set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of work from day 1 Flat hier...
...terč na světě, byl stvořen pro sportovní střelce ISSF. Jde o jediný kompaktní box připojený přímo na váš tablet, smartphone nebo počítač. Hledáme schopné vývojáře Kdo bys měl být: Nadaný vývojář s chutí experimentovat a tvořit. Vývojář, který chce expandovat do celého světa. Tvé schopnosti by měly být: ARM Dobrá znalost C/C++ (Python). Znalost GNU/Linux. Znalost síťové komunikace a ARM architektury. Základní znalost Image Processing. Zkušenost s ARM mini pc (Rasberry Pi, Beaglebone, Arduino). Tvá hlavní zodpovědnost jako ARM programátora:...
Projekt bude spušťen 1.4. 2015 a bude zhruba 3-letý. Jedná se o poměrně jednoduchý projekt pro junior J2SE/EE developery, s alokací v Praze. Nabízíme nadstandardní plat a podmínky k práci
Zdravím, měl bych nabídku na dlouhodobější projekt (vývoj standalone aplikace, ne webové) a v případě zájmu pošli více informací.
Hledáme do svého týmu zkušeného front-endového technologa, který svou samostatností a přehledem bude schopen pracovat na zajímavých úlohách se zajímavými technologiemi tak aby v několika inkrementech společně s námi doručil na trh novou mobilní platformu, kterou bude používat cely svět....Zkušenosti s AngularJS na velice pokročilé úrovni - 2 roky zkušeností • Schopnost používat HTTP REST a JSON je nutnost • Zkušenosti s TDD • Znalosti verzovacích nástrojů – GIT • Hlavně nasazenost pro projekt min. 4 – 5 hod. denně v první fázi. Co neočekáváme,...
Dobrý den, hledám programátora se znalostmi PHP, javascriptu, SQL, Linux/, HTML5, webGL pro vytvoření a vývoj webové aplikace. Hledám programátora pro dlouhodobější spolupráci. Líbí se mi Vaše reference. Máte zájem a časový prostor vytvořit pro nás novou aplikaci? detaily samozřejmě zašlu na vyžádání nebo předám při koverzaci
Nabídka pouze pro CZ nebo SK! Pro připravovaný projekt hledám Linuxového administrátora, který se bude na projektu podílet již od počátku příprav. Tzn. návrh HW struktury, HW doporučení, instalace a nastavení serverů. U připravovaného projektu je předpoklad vyššího zatížení, tudíž potřebuji člověka, který má zkušenosti vyšší než si jen zprovoznit web server a databáze. To umím i sám. Náš předpoklad jsou 2 propojené fyzické servery (virtualizovaný frontend s load balancerem pro web, pošta, atd.. a backend pro databáze, uložiště, automat...
...Management Each table is equipped with two cameras: Camera 1: Positioned above the table, focusing on the packing area. Camera 2: Positioned to capture the entire table, monitoring all activities. Key Features: Centralized Video Storage: All recordings from both cameras are stored on a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) system. Videos are retained for up to 45 days, after which they are automatically deleted. Video Management via Application: Users can access the recordings through the application, which is installed on a local CPU in the work environment. The application provides the following functionalities: View Recordings: Select and watch videos from a specific table for any date and time within the retention period. Merged Video Playback: Seamlessly view a...
I need a skilled developer to design and develop a user interface application on Linux. The app will be used for controlling both custom and Zebra hardware devices, interfacing with an SQL Database and performing API integrations. The complete end-to-end Figma model is already designed with all the necessary screens. Key Requirements: - Control and monitor status of custom hardware devices - Configure custom hardware devices - Update firmware on custom hardware devices - Manage versioning in accordance with FDA regulations - Configure Zebra hardware devices - Develop an Android App for RFID / 2DMI Scanner Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Linux UI app development - Extensive experience with custom and Zebra hardware devices - Strong background in SQL Database man...
I am seeking an Excel expert who can create a master Excel file and a child file with limited columns. The key requirement is that both files need to be synchronized, ensuring that any changes made in one file are automatically reflected in the other. Key Tasks: - Create a master Excel file with specified columns (details will be provided) - Create a child Excel file with limited columns - Set up synchronization between the two files - Use IF formula where necessary to ensure smooth functionality Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experience with IF formula and other Excel functions - Ability to create and manage linked files - Detail-oriented to ensure accurate synchronization The synchronization should be triggered by any of the following changes: - Adding new row...
...PIM. Key Features: - Real-time alerts: The system should be able to notify users in real-time about any significant events or changes in the monitored resources. - Usage analytics dashboards: The app should feature comprehensive dashboards that provide insights into resource usage over time. - Automated reporting: The tool should be capable of generating reports on resource usage and alerts automatically. Resource Scope: - The app needs to monitor all Azure resources that the users are utilizing, including but not limited to Virtual Machines, Databases, and Storage Accounts. User Roles: - The web app should provide access to two main user roles: Administrators and Managers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in and FastAPI - Experience with Azure and its various resources - Famil...
...(via VirtualBox network settings). Display Dimensions (resolution scaling). Device Model/Vendor Name (e.g., Samsung S21, OnePlus 9 Pro). Implement root access and developer tools. Automation & Testing: Develop scripts to automate ISO builds, updates, and GApps integration. Create a Docker container for reproducible builds and QA testing. Test cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, Linux). Documentation: Provide clear guides for VirtualBox setup, customization, and updates. Record video demonstrations of critical workflows (boot process, Play Store usage). Technical Requirements Must-Have Skills: Expertise in AOSP/LineageOS compilation for x86. Experience with Android-x86 or similar projects. Familiarity with OpenGApps integration in custom ROMs. Proficie...
More details: What kind of evidence are you looking to obtain? Text messages, Call logs, Social media activity, Emails and notes What is the operating system of the cell phone? Android How do you plan to access the data from the phone? Remote hacking I have not considered legal permissions for this proje...Focus the investigation on retrieving data from text. Additionally, I would like to recover deleted data from the phone. The client confirms they fully understand the ethical and legal implications of the project. Focus on obtaining data from the last 90 days. I require real-time monitoring to track ongoing activities. Provide all collected data in PDF report format. Provide findings via a secure download link. I also have imei and other info off a second phone i need the same ...
...obligations other than those related to the nominee director role. 3. Party A agrees to respect Party B’s personal life and ensure Party B’s personal information and property security during the term of this Agreement. Article 6: Term of Agreement 1. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of signing and shall last for a term of 10-12 months. After the term ends, this Agreement shall automatically terminate, and Party B shall have no further obligations under it. 2. After the term, Party A agrees to promptly change the director role and Party B will no longer hold any position in the company....
...analyzes order book imbalances and market orders, automatically opens positions, and manages them based on user-defined settings and parameters. Core Functionality 1. Order Book Analysis - Process data for 20 levels of the order book. - Calculate the overall imbalance between buy and sell orders. - Adjustable imbalance threshold (default: 60%). 2. Market Order Analysis - Assess activity of buyers and sellers using market orders. - Adjustable time interval for analysis. - Threshold values for market order activity to confirm signals. 3. Combined Analysis - Ensure two conditions are met: 1. Imbalance in the order book. 2. Imbalance in market orders. - Open a position only when both conditions align. 4. Position Management - Automatically open positions when the conditio...
I need a program/script that automatically generates crosswords and exports them in a specific JSON format for my Android application. Main Requirements: 1. The program must receive a list of words as input 2. Must place words in a 10x10 grid, crossing them optimally 3. Words can be placed horizontally or vertically 4. Must generate a JSON file with the following exact format: { "level": { "id": "string", "image_url": "string", "cols": 10, "rows": 10 }, "words": [ { "word": "WORD", "positions": [ { "x": number, "y": number } ], "direction": "horizontal|vertical" ...
I am looking for a developer to automate the process of collecting data from multiple sources, generating a weekly business performance report, and sending it via email. Ideally, this should be implemented as a small ...(Processed invoices, expense reports, outstanding payments) Reservations & Guest Management OpenTable (Number of reservations, occupancy rates, no-show statistics) 2. Report Generation: Weekly PDF & DOCX reports summarizing the collected data. Custom formatting based on business opening days. Clear visualization of trends and performance metrics. 3. Automation & Email Delivery: Automatically generate reports every week. Send reports to a specified email. Ensure error handling & logging. Attached files: the report template to be gener...
Develop a Bash script that prints user-provided PDFs at their exact dimensions on laser printers with adjustable trays, using CUPS on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ (Raspbian/Debian 12). Requirements Deliverables: A Bash script () that: Accepts a PDF file and printer name as arguments. Dynamically detects the PDF’s dimensions (in mm). Configures CUPS temporarily (if needed) and prints the PDF 1:1 without scaling. Example command: bash Copy ./ -p "Printer_Name" -f "" Test PDFs: I will provide 3 PDFs with unique sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm, 80x50 mm). Technical Constraints: Use only command-line tools (lp, pdfinfo, awk). No persistent CUPS configuration changes (e.g., avoid lpadmin if possible). Handle printers with hard-coded margins (content must be centered...
...anterior En ambos casos el administrador tiene acceso a los usuarios de profesor y alumno, a las clases programadas y ha realizar modificaciones. tambien debe tener reportes de clases por profesor o por alumno. Condiciones: -------------------- -Se debe hacer un diseño moderno y amigable -El desarrollador propone la tecnologia a utilizar -Idioma español -Nosotros brindamos dominio y hosting (linux de preferencia) -Postular con presupuestos aproximados a lo real (se tendra en cuenta) -Contamos con un ejemplo en cuanto a las clases individuales...
...key processes, and provide tools for inventory management, appointment scheduling, patient record management, and online sales. Additionally, it will include integration with insurance providers to verify coverage and streamline claims. Key System Features and Functionalities: 1. Integration Between Clinic and Store: • Prescription Sharing: Patient prescriptions from the clinic should sync automatically with the store’s system. Sales staff can directly access the latest prescriptions. • Centralized Database: A unified database storing patient records, prescription details, purchase history, and medical reports, updated in real time. • QR Code/Patient ID Access: Each patient receives a unique QR code or ID, enabling instant access to their records and pre...
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a travel app that runs on both iOS and Android. The app's core feature will be a comprehensive booking system. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: The app should allow users to share their experiences and provide feedback on various travel services. - Offline Access to Guides: Users should be able to download travel guides for offline use, ensuring they can access information without needing a data connection. - Map Integration: The app should seamlessly integrate with maps to help users navigate their destinations. - AI Feature: I'm particularly interested in incorporating an AI feature, which could provide personalized recommendations or assist users in planning their trips. Ideal Skills: - Cross-Platform Mobil...
ALL AI SUBMISSIONS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED I need a designer to improve the color scheme of my fishing knots flashcards. The current scheme needs to be upgraded to a bright and vibrant palette that will appeal to experienced anglers. The flashcards should also carry a nature-inspired visual theme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Color Theory - Understanding of Fishing and Nature Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project. The current color scheme feels more like a hunting/camping color. Please change it to where it fits better with water/ocean/river kind of color scheme.
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 20 sentences. Every sentences is 2 word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $1.5 dollar for 20 sentences record. Every sentences is 2 word If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
...dependendo do tamanho. Para vídeos com mais de 1 hora, certamente o pagamento será de R$ 1 por vídeo. ------------ ATENÇÃO! Fique tranquilo, pois vamos fornecer os softwares para download dos vídeos, e vamos te enviar o contato de um parceiro para lhe ajudar no que precisar! Normalmente cursos podem ter 80 aulas, em média R$50 a R$100 reais podem ser feitos rapidamente, apenas preste atenção nos detalhes fornecidos. ------------ Esteja preparado para fazer o download nas seguintes plataformas: Plataformas de Cursos Online. Por favor, siga esta convenção de nomenclatura de arquivo: Ordem Alfabética. Faça o download dos vídeos em alta qualidade. O cronograma de conc... developer to create a bespoke jewellers software & app for my business. The software should primarily focus on inventory management and sales & billing. Key Features: - Inventory Management: This should encompass stock tracking, supplier management, and automated reordering. I want to ensure that I can monitor my stock levels, manage my suppliers efficiently, and have the software automatically reorder supplies when necessary. - Sales & Billing: The software should have a comprehensive sales and billing system, which includes invoice generation, a Point of Sale (POS) system, and payment processing. This will help streamline my sales process and ensure accurate billing. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in software development, particular...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks... integrate a single or multiple reseller services into simple website that works seamlessly as our own. Users should not be able to tell we are a reseller or that services are not provided directly by us. The website should function this like 1) Allow users to register domains on our website and access domain name management services. 2) Allowing users to sign up for hosting, which automatically sets up hosting on the reseller account and gives users access to hosting management services. 3) Create a custom page for website plans, where users can select and purchase/subscribe to website setup and maintenance plans. Users should also have access to a dashboard to review invoices, renew, and cancel services. 4) Implementing a user dashboard that allows for the creation ...
I'm looking for a Python script that uses Selenium to ease my work. Currently, I have to log into a specific website manually to check who has contacted me, as these messages don't appear in my email inbox. I need a program that can do the following: - For a single property: - Log into the website and stay logged ...- The script should stay logged in on multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract the contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. I would be inputting the login credentials manually each time. The contact information should be saved in an XLSX file. The script must be able to re-login automatically if the website logs me out. The proposed budget for ...
I'm in need of an expert who can help me install and configure Sendmail on my Linux server for bulk emailing purposes. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Linux operating systems - Proficiency in Sendmail installation and configuration - Experience with setting up servers for bulk emailing - Understanding of email server security and deliverability - Ability to troubleshoot and optimize server performance
I need a freelancer to download a video from a certain website and translate it into Brazilian Portuguese while keeping the original speaker's voice. The video is in MP4 format. Website Link Bellow
I'm looking for a developer to...editor that is both template-based and freeform, allowing customers to customize their print products - An extensive range of products including business cards, flyers, posters, letterheads, folders, and brochures - A reliable email and password user authentication system - A pre-flight check to ensure print readiness - An API connection to a database from three suppliers, enabling the shop to automatically find and offer the lowest price Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce platforms, specifically web-to-print shops - Strong understanding of hybrid web-to-print editors - Proficiency in implementing pre-flight checks and API connections - Excellent skills in setting up secure user authenti...
I need a website to showcase my audio cassette and HiFi equipment collection. The site should dis...interface that allows visitors to easily navigate through my collection. The site should be visually appealing, reflecting the aesthetic of the HiFi and audio cassette era. The contact form should collect basic contact info such as name, email, and message. The design style should be modern and sleek while still reflecting elements of the HiFi and audio cassette era. what i would like to be used: - Linux: Debian12 - Apache: Apache 2.4 - Framework: Symfony 7 - MySQL: Recent MariaDB - Elasticsearch: Recent - documentation via PHPDoc E-commerce only later on, design should be flat and elegant (i have a logo i will show later on). Multi-user/multi collections should be easy to integrat...
I'm looking for a skilled Zoho CRM developer to create a custom Quote Builder module. This module should encompass: Key Functionalities: - Automated Pricing Calculations: The module should automatically compute prices based on predefined parameters. - Custom Templates: I want to be able to create and use personalized quote templates. - Approval Workflow: There should be a built-in workflow for quote approvals. Integrations: - This Quote Builder module must seamlessly integrate with: - Inventory Management: To reflect available stock in quotes. - Sales Orders: To convert quotes into sales orders effortlessly. - Contacts: To pull customer data into quotes. Quote Generation: - The module should allow for manual quote entry. Ideal candidate should be well-versed in Zoh...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
I'm looking for a talented app developer to create a cross-platform (Android and iOS) finance tracking application. The standout feature of this app will be its ability to read SMS texts from banks and automatically add transactions using advanced AI techniques. Key Features: - Primarily focused on AI-based transaction addition. The app should utilize natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to interpret SMS texts from bank and categorize transactions accordingly. - Additional features such as expense tracking, income tracking, and budget management may be considered, but the primary focus is on the AI functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing cross-platform mobile applications. - Strong experience with AI and machine learning, particularly with natural l...