Ariana grande instagrampráce
Vážení tvůrci, rád bych navázal spolupráci s vývojářem, který by dokázal navrhnout, vytvořit, a případně při dlouhodobější spolupráci i spravovat, webovou prezentaci pro naši zubní kliniku. Těším se na nápady a případnou spolupráci. Další fází by mohl být instagram a Facebook prezentace, následně i marketing s propagací vybraných výkonů. Těším se na případné nabídky spolupráce. MDDr. Jakub Švejda, MBA vedoucí lékař, jednatel
...Středoškolské nebo vysokoškolské vzdělání v oblasti marketingu, obchodu nebo příbuzného oboru ● Minimálně 2 roky zkušeností v marketingové oblasti (nejlépe ve financích) ● Zkušenosti s tvorbou a implementací marketingových strategií a kampaní ● Vynikající komunikační schopnosti a schopnost dokončovat práci v daných termínech ● Znalost užívání online a offline kanálů v marketingu (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook…) ● Analytické schopnosti a schopnost interpretovat data ● Anglický jazyk na psací a komunikační úrovni ● Dobrou znalost gr...
Se crearan 3 variantes de un logo cada variante incluira 1- Logo en SVG 2- Icono para Whatsapp, Instagram y Facebook con fondo blanco y con fondo negro 3- Logo en PNG 4- Logo en PNG 5- Favicon para las redes paginas Logo Original Variantes a crear 1- Nerdcom Space = un Catalago de poductos con QR integrado 2- Nerdcom CARDME = una pagina con Vcard y codigo QR integrado 3- Nerdcom SHOP = un sistema como Para las variantes solo debe 1- crear un icono limpio delicado que ira a la izquierda 2- Poner la palabra Space, CARDME y SHOP en la parte derecha de la M de Nerdcom en mayuscula, manetener la misma fuente y convinar con el icono que se creara Colores que no se puede usar - Naranja, Rojo
...Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID). ▪ Tvorba wireframů a prototypů webu (Figma). ? Jaké úkoly tě můžou potkat: ▪ Komplexní SEO analýza webu klienta, ▪ analýza trafficu konkrétního webu, ▪ zaregistrování domény a zajištění přesměrování stávajícího klientova webu, ▪ obléknutí webu do nové grafické šablony, ▪ příprava grafiky k postu na Instagram, ▪ navržení jednoduchého náborového letáku. ? Co na oplátku nabízíme? ▪ Pestrou práci v božím kolektivu,...
Jsme společnost která se zabývá kapitálovými trhy a hledáme osobu která nám bude schopna vytvořit reklamy na FB a Instagram na generování potencionálních zákazníků. Kampaně budou zaměřeny pouze na edukaci klientu, semináře, webináře. -Tvorba landing page -Tvorba reklamy -Nastavení reklamy -Návrhy obrázku pro danou kampaň
Pro technologický startup zaměřující se na digitalizaci restaurací a hotelů hledáme social media specialistu nebo specialistku, kteří si vezmou na starosti kompletní přípravu obsahu pro Facebook a Instagram. Náplní práce je příprava obsahu od nápadu, přes copy po zpracování vizuálů a publikování.
Zdravím, hledám zkušeného člověka který dokáže pomoct a poradit se získáváním kvalitních followerů na můj instagramový profil. Mám instagramový profil na kterém prezentuji svou fotografickou tvorbu. Především fantasy, akty(samozřejmě cenzurované pro instagram), glamour. Současný stav: Mám menší instagramový profil kam vkládám svou fotografickou tvorbu. Mám v současné okolo 1300 followerů, ale jejich engagement je slabý a kvalita bohužel pochybná. V minulosti jsem měl člověka, kterého jsem platil. Ten sice zvýšil během tří měsíců počet followerů ...
Ahoj, jmenujeme se NYBE garage a rozjíždíme nové centrum autoslužeb, pro které hledáme líbivé logo, korporátní design a potřebujeme také vytvořit jednoduchý web, FB a Instagram, aby se o nás zákazníci dozvěděli ? Logo by mělo být v duchu old school/ retro/ graffitti a hlavní služby?, které poskytujeme jsou: auto/ pneu servis, ruční mytí a detailing centrum.
Máme již rozjeté marketingové kampaně na různých kanálech a hledáme člověka, který by dokázal vyhodnotit zda jsou správné a adekvátní a poté případně navrhnout marketingovou strategii a celou ji spravovat ke stanoveným cílům.
Jsme spolek podnikatelů v Beskydech. Pro projekt hledáme někoho, kdo by uměl naplánovat a udělat reklamní kampaň na FB a Instragramu. Spolupráce od cca 4/2019 do 11/2019. V případě spokojenosti i další roky. Hledáme nejlépe někoho se zájmem o hory, turistiku, kdo by chtěl psát o členech spolku a turistických zajímavostech v jejich okolí.
Hledáme kolegu na místo Facebook marketing specialist, jde nám o vybudování podvědomí o značce a pravidelný p...bezkonkurenční produkty a zážitky s nimi spojené. Náš slogan zní "sbaleno na cesty" z toho vyplývá že jsme důležitou součástí každé přípravy na cestu či dovolenou. Tímto sloganem se snažíme vžít do podvědomí našich stálých a potenciálních zákazníků, kteří zvažují vydat se na cesty či nákup určitého zboží. Nabízíme: Dlouhodobou spolupráci možnost osobního rozvoje a přidání dalš&iac...
Dobrý den, začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, j...začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, jak produkt funguje a jaké má výhody. Výhody vám napíši, abyste s tím ...
Hledáme někoho, kdo se bude starat o Instagram firmy, která poskytuje redukční stravování a výživové poradenství. Někdo, kreativní ve focení, přípravě jednoduchých jídel (proteinových koktejlů, polévek, kaší apod.)
Jsme menší jazyková škola. Zaměřujeme se především na výuku cizích jazyků pro veřejnost - skupinové kurzy, individuální výuka, online výuka přes Skype apod. Spravujeme vlastními silami tři firemní profily: (rádi bychom také VK - ) Chceme přilákat nové zákazníky a udržet se v povědomí u stávajících. Asi děláme něco špatně.. :-) Dlouhodobě nevidíme žádný efekt - počet fanoušků stránek neroste, návštěvnost webu ze "social" kanálů se moc nezvyšuje. Pro jednoduchost spravujeme všechny tři p...
Online magazín pro ženy, který přináší denně informace a rady, tipy. Tvoříme vlastní obsah webových stránek díky zkušeným redaktorkám. Mezi hlavní rubriky online magazínu patří móda, krása, zdraví, životní styl, sex a vztahy, gurmán, soutěže. Články jsou sdílené na sociální síti facebook. Rádi bychom se dostali do podvědomí čtenářů, zvýšili návštěvnost webu, zvýšili efektivitu webových stránek. Jedná se o dlouhodobou spolupráci, hledám někoho, kdo má širší zásah, PPC jako h...
Poradit mi s internetovým marketingem Potřebujeme pomoct s prezentací dvou různých firem (taneční studio, realitní kancelář) na internetu - Facebook, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Seznam atd. Chceme to mít skvělé a hledáme nadšeného parťáka:) Těšíme se na spolupráci!
online magazí...technika, vždy redakční zpracování článků, tipy pro čtenáře. Hledám k sobě někoho kdo pomůže s návštěvností webu pro klienty, zajistím marketing online včetně sociálních sítí, facebook, instagram, g+, pinterest. Dále hledám blogerky/blogery, kteří budou s námi tvořit Facestar jako součást rodiny. online magazine / blog that directs readers to the women-men 25-45let, rubrics health, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, technology, processing of each editorial articles, tips for readers. Seeking to back someone who can help with site traffic for customers, arrange online marketing including social networks, Facebook, Instagram, ...
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like8 k instagram like
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like
8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like 8 k instagram like
Hledám někoho kdo pro mě vytvoří applikaci něco ve stylu Vine/Instagram/FB. V applikaci jde hlavně o to aby mobilni aplikace komunikovala s DB a ukladala pořízené foto/video.
...Descripción del Proyecto: Buscamos un/a experto/a en marketing digital para crear y gestionar nuestra presencia en redes sociales clave: LinkedIn, Instagram y Facebook. Nuestra firma ofrece servicios de asesoramiento legal, fiscal, laboral y contable dirigidos a empresarios, emprendedores, startups y pymes. El objetivo principal es fortalecer nuestra imagen, atraer clientes potenciales y posicionarnos como referentes en el sector. El proyecto comenzará en marzo y tendrá una duración inicial de 3 meses, con posibilidad de extensión según los resultados obtenidos. 2) Objetivos del Proyecto: - Diseñar una imagen profesional y atractiva en LinkedIn, Instagram y Facebook que comunique nuestros valores y servicios. - Aumentar ...
I need a flutter developper who can make a social mdeia tracker app that: - app should track usage of apps like(instagram, snapchat, facebook, tiktok, ..) and every 10-15 minutes(the time can be adjusted by the user) it will block all the social media apps till the pause time (5 minutes) will pass. - pause minutes can be either a timer or a sudoku to do by user. app should work on android and ios and made with flutter
Buscamos a una persona que se encargue mensualmente de programar el contenido de un podcast de negocios que está creciendo rápidamente, con foco en Instagram, YouTube y Tik Tok. De la parte de edición, creación de miniaturas de YouTube y de estrategia nos encargamos nosotros. Responsabilidades: Buscamos un perfil que se encargue de depurar pequeños detalles en Premiere y de la programación del contenido a partir de los guidelines. El contenido se divide en dos grupos: • Short-Content: Reels, Tik Toks y YouTube Shorts La persona seleccionada retocaría los últimos detalles del short-content ya editado en Adobe Premiere, como que los subtítulos cuadren, para que quede perfecto y lo programaría en redes. (6 ...
I'm on the lookout for a dynamic influencer active on any major platform like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. The influencer's content can be anything from product reviews to tutorials or even entertaining content. Key Requirements: - Influencer should cater to a diverse audience. - Content creation should encompass a wide range of genres. - Engagement should not be limited to a specific demographic. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record of engaging content. - Ability to reach and influence a broad audience. - Versatility in content creation across different genres.
I'm in need of a seasoned social media marketer who can manage and run ads on Meta, Facebook, and Instagram. The primary goal of this campaign is lead generation, with a focus on reaching new customers within the furniture industry. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in social media marketing, particularly on Meta, Facebook, and Instagram - Prior experience in lead generation, specifically targeting new customers - Knowledge and understanding of the furniture industry - Ability to create engaging content that resonates with potential customers - Track record of successful ad campaigns on social media platforms.
I'm looking for a brand manager with a strong focus on social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram. The primary task will be community engagement on these platforms. Please note that this role does not involve brand strategy or market research, but a deep understanding of social media interaction and community building is crucial. The ideal candidate should be skilled in understanding audience sentiment and fostering a positive community around the brand. Prior experience in brand management and social media engagement is highly desirable.
...few months. ?? Here’s the vibe: ? You’re creative AF – you know how to tell stories through visuals that people can’t ignore. ? AI-savvy – you’re not just aware of AI tools, you know how to wield them to create next-level content. ? A pro at video edits – whether it’s transitions, trends, or totally unique ideas, your work stands out. ? Social media native – you know what works on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and beyond. Why you’ll love this gig: ? You’ll work on a project tied to the music industry – think energy, creativity, and vibes all day long. ⏳ A few months of intense creativity, collaboration, and fun. ? Freedom to flex your skills and ideas in a supportive, forward-thinking team. Require...
As a manufacturer of Pure, Virgin and Natural Cold Pressed Oils, I am seeking a talented Graphic Designer to craft eye-catching and unique social media posts for Facebook and Instagram. Your main responsibilities will involve: * Designing bold and colorful posts that align with our brand * Creating catchy content, captions, and hashtags * Highlighting our product in an engaging manner If you believe you have the skills and experience to help elevate our social media presence, I would love to hear from you. Please provide examples of your previous work and your proposed strategy for our project.
I'm looking for a multifaceted professional to join my team across three companies, with a primary focus on social media content creation and video editing. Key Responsibilities: - Creating engaging and impactful social media posts for platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. - Video editing for promotional videos to enhance brand visibility and drive engagement. - Overseeing website management and ensuring it aligns with our social media and video content. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience in social media management, content creation, and video editing. - Strong understanding of the specified social media platforms and video editing techniques for promotional content. - Website management skills. Please include examples o...
I am looking for an expert in off-page SEO to help improve my hospital's online visibility and Google My Business (GMB) ranking. Key Focus Areas: - Backlink Building: I need a professional who can create quality backlinks to enhance our website's authority and search engine ranking. - Social Media Engagement: I would like to leverage our Facebook and Instagram presence to improve our SEO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in off-page SEO, specifically in backlink building and social media engagement - Experience working with healthcare institutions is a plus - Excellent knowledge of SEO tools and techniques - Strong communication skills to provide regular updates and reports.
...around a unique, government-approved direct selling company. Unlike traditional models, this venture doesn't involve selling, repurchase, levels, or targets. The earning potential is impressive, with daily earnings ranging from 1k to 4k. Key project elements include: - Developing a comprehensive strategy for promoting this opportunity on major social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Creating engaging content aimed at empowering women and showcasing the benefits of this work-from-home opportunity. - Implementing user engagement tools to foster a supportive online community. - Utilizing an analytics dashboard to track progress and adjust strategies as necessary. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in social...
ob Overview We are seeking a talented designer to create Instagram post designs for our accessory brand. Our brand focuses on a minimalist yet luxurious aesthetic, catering to a roughly 70% female and 30% male audience. We target young professionals in their early-to-mid 20s, offering simple and versatile jewelry that adds a subtle sense of specialness to their daily routines. Brand Background & Concept Brand Values & Ideals Understated luxury (a subtle yet upscale feel) Stability & reliability Classic x Simple Simplicity Target Persona Ages 22–27, new graduates or up to five years in the workforce Prefers simple, timeless designs Looking for jewelry that is easy to wear daily without overpowering their style Desired Customer Emotions A sense of quality exceedi...
I am looking for Instagram influencers to promote our fashion and apparel line. The main objective is to drive product sales through their engagement and reach. Key requirements: - Influencers should primarily be from the fashion and lifestyle niche. - Proven track record of driving sales through affiliate links or discount codes. - High engagement rates and authentic follower base. - Creative and able to align with our brand aesthetics. expert to elevate my Shopify store's visibility through strategic promotion on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok. but I pay by comission, if you sell more you earn more. Content Types: The content that will be used for promotion includes blog posts and videos. Your expertise in crafting engaging, shareable content will be crucial. Target Audience: The primary audience for this campaign is young adults. A deep understanding of this demographic, along with the ability to create appealing content for them, is essential. Ideal Skills: Proficiency in SMM and content marketing, with a track record of promoting ecommerce stores. Experience and understanding of creating content for Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Ability to create engaging blog posts and videos...
...the brink of unveiling Faablux, a luxury wellness and lifestyle brand rooted in inclusivity. I am in need of a talented Social Media Manager to craft a compelling narrative and a strong presence for the brand on Instagram and TikTok. Key Responsibilities: - Strategizing, creating, and scheduling captivating posts across images, videos, and Stories/Reels - Cultivating community engagement and monitoring growth - Identifying and leveraging trending hashtags and audio - Compiling and providing insightful weekly performance reports Requirements: - Proven experience in managing Instagram and TikTok accounts for lifestyle or luxury brands - A knack for creating visually stunning content that resonates with the brand’s vision - A deep understanding and appreciation for i...
As a modern IT device provider, we're in need of a professional graphic designer. Your main task will be to create compelling and visually appealing social media posts and brochures aimed at lead generation. Key Responsibilities: - Design engaging social media content for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Create professional, corporate-style brochures Ideal Candidate Will Have: - Proven graphic design experience - Strong portfolio of modern, professional designs - Understanding of lead-generation focused content - Ability to tailor designs for different platforms and audiences Please provide relevant examples of your work in your application.
...with our audience, and drive growth across various platforms. Responsibilities • Content Strategy & Creation: • Develop and execute social media strategies aligned with brand goals for both Everlux Experiences and Everloped. • Create engaging, high-quality content (captions, images, reels, stories) that aligns with each brand’s voice and aesthetic. • Plan and manage content calendars for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn. • Work with photographers/videographers to curate visually compelling content. • Community Engagement: • Monitor and respond to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly to build strong relationships with followers. • Engage with relevant accounts to increase brand visibility and community growt...
I'm in need of an expert video editor who can help transform my raw footage into engaging, fast-paced Instagram content. Key Responsibilities: - Edit social media content into captivating Instagram videos. - Use quick cuts to maintain a fast-paced rhythm. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro). - Previous experience editing for Instagram. - A strong understanding of the platform's trends and audience.
I'm in need of a dedicated digital marketing professional who can create and post engaging content across various platforms - Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. Content Types: The ideal candidate will produce a mix of text posts, images, infographics, and videos tailored to each platform. Key Responsibilities: - Continuous content optimisation to drive results - Regular posting to maintain visibility and engagement Main Focus: While content will be shared across all platforms, there's a particular emphasis on LinkedIn. Desired Outcomes: - A noticeable increase in followers - A boost in engagement - More leads generated through social media channels Skills & Experience: The ideal freelancer will have a proven track record in digital marketing, with specif...
We look forward to running organic and engaging social media marketing for your business. We have a highly qualified team with over 7 years of rich experience. Deliverables include posting on Instagram and Facebook, with 12 posts and 4 reels per month. A calendar will be shared in advance, along with professional content writing, trending hashtag research, and competitor analysis. We'll run paid campaigns for engagement and lead generation purposes, and monthly analytics reports will be discussed. Below are a few of the pages we have worked for: , , , ,,
...edutech company, we're in search of a proficient social media manager to enhance our presence on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The primary aim is to leverage these platforms for lead generation, particularly on LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement a plan for our social media platforms, with a focus on LinkedIn for lead generation. - Curate and post engaging educational content designed to attract potential clients and partners. - Monitor and respond to interactions in a timely manner to foster engagement and maintain a positive online presence. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Exceptional content creation skills, with a knack for crafting engag...
I'm seeking a talented freelancer to craft a compelling Instagram ad for my business, aimed at the Saudi Arabian market. The primary goal of the ad is lead generation, so it needs to be persuasive and engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Create a visually appealing image ad that aligns with my brand. - Develop persuasive ad copy that encourages viewer engagement. - Provide recommendations for ad targeting and budget. What You'll Get: - A professionally designed Instagram ad targeting Saudi Arabia. - Compelling ad copy. - Targeting and budget recommendations if necessary. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing high-converting Instagram ads. - Skills in creating eye-catching visuals and writing persuasive copy. - Knowledge of Instagram's ad tar... experienced digital marketer who can run Facebook and Instagram ads to increase the subscribers for my Telegram crypto channel. - Target Audience: The primary audience for these ads are crypto enthusiasts. Therefore, it's crucial that you understand this market segment and can tailor the ads to appeal to them. - Ad Content: The ads should primarily consist of educational content related to cryptocurrency. Experience in creating engaging and informative ad content is a plus. - Goals: The primary goal of these ads is to increase the number of subscribers to my Telegram channel. Ideal candidates for this project should have a proven track record in digital marketing, specifically with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Understanding of the cryptocu...
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to help create engaging and visually appealing marketing materials, specifically brochures and social media posts for Facebook and Instagram. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in creating marketing materials - Proficiency in design software - Previous experience designing for social media platforms - Strong portfolio showcasing relevant design work - Excellent understanding of brand consistency and target audience engagement
I'm looking for a social media expert who can help build brand awareness for my tile export business across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The ideal candidate will also be responsible for curating and posting product photos and videos, as well as customer testimonials. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive social media strategy - Curate, create, and manage published content (images, video, and text) - Engage with followers and respond to customer inquiries - Monitor, analyze, and report on performance metrics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in a similar role - Excellent understanding of social media platforms - Strong communication and content creation skills - Experience in e-commerce or B2B marketing is a plus
I'm running a sports-themed Instagram account and I'm in need of a professional or up and coming graphic designer who can create appealing and engaging visuals from lists I provide. Tasks will involve creating a variety of posts including top 10s, carousel posts, fact posts, etc. most content will revolve around the 4 major U.S. sports. Ideal candidate should have: - Experience in graphic design, particularly for social media - A keen understanding of sports themes - Ability to create professional and clean designs - Familiarity with Instagram's post formats, especially single image posts and carousel posts. Please note, the graphics should align with a 'Professional and clean' style.
...with a knack for creating engaging, short promotional videos tailored for Instagram. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of social media trends, Instagram video formats, and the ability to capture content that resonates with the platform's audience. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize, shoot, and edit short, promotional Instagram videos - Collaborate with me to understand brand messaging and video objectives - Stay updated on Instagram trends to ensure content is relevant and engaging Ideal Skills: - Professional videography and editing skills - Strong understanding of Instagram and social media content creation - Creative and able to think outside the box Experience: - Previous work with Instagram content is a must -...
I'm seeking a designer to create two modern and sleek square Instagram post ads for my Winzy App. Concept 1: "Guess the Movie from Emojis" - Theme: Decode movies using emojis - Description: Participants will decode emojis to guess iconic movies and compete for amazing prizes, including a mini projector for home and cash prizes. - Entry Fee: ₹50 Concept 2: "Guess the Musical Instrument" - Theme: Recognize musical instruments - Description: Test your musical knowledge by guessing instruments to win prizes like Apple AirPods and cash awards. - Entry Fee: ₹50 The ads should convey: - Fun, engaging quizzes - The thrill of winning exciting prizes - An affordable entry fee for all Preferred color scheme is warm and inviting colors. The ideal candidate should ha...
I'm looking for a skilled marketer who specializes in Social Media Marketing with a strong focus on video cont...skilled marketer who specializes in Social Media Marketing with a strong focus on video content. Your primary responsibility will be promoting my brand on Instagram and TikTok through engaging video content. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Social Media Marketing, particularly on Instagram and TikTok - Proficiency in creating and editing video content - Understanding of social media trends and audience engagement strategies - Ability to develop and implement effective marketing strategies Experience: - Proven track record of successful brand promotion on social media - Prior experience with video content marketing - Familiarity with Instagram and TikTok...