Android vuforiapráce
...tvá role. Budeš hledat nová řešení a vylepšovat aktuální systém. Budeš se podílet na úspěchu celého týmu. Výhodou bude: Zkušenosti s robotikou a AI. Zkušenost s Image Processing, Computer Vision. Zkušenost s Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing. Orientace v elektrotechnice. Design hardwaru, tvorba hardwaru zkušenosti s robotikou. APP Dobrá znalost programování pro Android. OOP na dobré úrovni. Tvá hlavní zodpovědnost jako programátora mobilní aplikace: Aby terč mohl přenášet výsledky na telefon, je potřeba mít v telefonu pěknou...
Zdravim, Už déle mám takový nápad udělat aplikaci na Android / IOS. Měla by to být aplikace podobná této: Jedná se o aplikaci, kde by si uživatelé vytvořili účet a když by měli aplikaci zapnutou, přičítaly by se jim v určitém intervalu body. Po dobu zapnutí by se zobrazovaly reklamy, tudíž display zapnutý pořád. Po dosažení nějaké sumy by se jim automaticky poslala částka v určité hodnotě na PayPal. Je zde potřeba napojit tuto aplikaci na nějakou administraci na webu. Dále pak napojit jí na platební systém PayPal. A co asi nejvíc je potřeba, zabezpečit jí proti podvodům, jako úprava bodů atd. ...
napisati programmy po stavkam na sport.
Potřebujeme vytvořit pro naše malé radio online player pro systémy Android a iOS. Potřebné feedy poskytneme. Po grafické stránce nejsme nároční. Funkce: - Play, Stop - Právě hraje "hudba" - právě hraje "DJ" - Historie
Hledáme vývojáře který je schopný vytvořit android aplikaci která bude umět : Krokoměr, automatickou inicializaci (kolo,běh,chůze,auto), počítání kalorií daného uživatele, všechny hodnoty bude vracet v grafické podobě. Možnost počítání formou start a stop na začátku a konci jakékoliv aktivity viz. Výše (běh,kolo). Skica : -login (zatím jen staticky později se nápoji na server) - dashboard steps - grafy aktivit - možnost Play a stop (manuální měření)
vyvoj interaktivni aplikace obsahujici mapu + prohlidkove trasy, vyhledavani v DB, augmented reality atd. projekt dliuhy 2 mesice, zacatk projektu od 15.4.
Automatické zobrazení účetních a finančních výsledků v Android aplikaci přes rozhraní xml.
Aplikace bude zobrazovat články, videa, kontakty na odborníky (místo na mapě, přímé volání), jednoduché testy (dotazníky). Možnost průběžné aktualizace obsahu, push notifikace o novém obsahu
Aplikace na úvodní stránce bude umožňovat uživateli aby zvolil jakého odapdu (druhu odpadu) se chce zbavit, pomocí geolokace alikace sama zjistí město/obec kde se uživatel nachází, případně mu umožní obec/město + ulici vybrat a na základě těchto informací mu nabídne seznam/mapu sběrných míst v okolí, včetně vzdálenosti, otevíracích hodin a umožní mu vykreslit trasu, jak se k danému místu dostat (vozidlem, pěšky a pod.). V interaktivní mapě bude uživatel jednoduše moci filtrovat sběrná místa podle typu místa a druhu odkládaného odpadu. V mapě se po kliknutí na sběrné m&i...
Vyvíjíme web a android aplikaci pro evidenci zásahů odtahových služeb. V současné době běžíme v testovací fázi a hledáme spolupracovníka, který by nám pomohl posouvat se rychleji vpřed.
potřebuji vytvořit aplikaci/hru pro iPhone. obsahem aplikace/hry bude přihlášení, registrace, databáze oblečení-propojení s webem pro nahrání databáze oblečení, možnost nahrát postavu, avatara(fotku) obličeje. naskenovat kod (čárový, QR) - identifikovat typ oblečení z databáze v aplikaci a obléknout postavu ve hře/aplikaci. grafika co nejjednodušší, intuitivní. propojení profilu uživatele s webem. následně budeme přidávat další funkcionality
Dobrý den, potřebuji vytvořit aplikaci pro provoz drink taxi. Aplikace musí mít 3 části. Administrační a databázovou část, která poběží na klasickém PC a řidičskou část, která poběží na mobilech řidičů. Základní body pro administrační část: - zobrazení mapy - na mapě v reálném čase zobrazena poloha řidičů - rozlišení obsazeného řidiče a neobsazeného řidiče - formulář pro zadání zakázky řidičům - aplikace sama vybere řidiče, který je momentálně prní v pořadí (řidiči se v zakázkách střídají podle určeného pořadí, kter&eacut...
Hledám freelancera, který udělá aplikaci odesílající GPS souřadnice. Aplikace se bude do budoucna rozšiřovat, takže neuzavřít si žádné cesty. Workflow: -> Přihlášení uživatele oproti serverovému API nebo registrace (Odkaz na www stránky) -> Dashboard s ikonama (Zatím zde bude pouze sledování polohy) -> Při odchodu z aplikace musí posílat data na pozadí. Pokud ji uživatel nevypne v menu aplikace. Ve sledování polohy: -> Tlačítko začít sledovat X Ukoncit sledování -> Odesílá data na server pomocí get požadavku. Při zapnutí sledování odes&...
Krásné ráno, jsme česká tiskárna reptisk a hledáme programátora, který by pro nás napsal android aplikaci. Máme hotové wireframy, grafiku i kompletní zadání. Aktuálně dokončujeme webovou verzi projektu. Tuto část píše náš interní programátor. Věřím, že projekt je velmi dobře připraven. Rozpočet, který jsem uvedl u poptávky prosím berte orientačně - zadání je obsáhlé na to, abych jej vypsal do okénka.
Popis projektu: Krásné ráno, jsme česká tiskárna reptisk a hledáme programátora, který by pro nás napsal android aplikaci. Máme hotové wireframy, grafiku i kompletní zadání. Aktuálně dokončujeme webovou verzi projektu. Tuto část píše náš interní programátor. Věřím, že projekt je velmi dobře připraven. Rozpočet, který jsem uvedl u poptávky prosím neberte v úvahu - bude násobně vyšší- zadání je obsáhlé na to, abych jej vypsal do okénka.
Krásné ráno, jsme česká tiskárna reptisk a hledáme programátora, který by pro nás napsal android aplikaci. Máme hotové wireframy, grafiku i kompletní zadání. Aktuálně dokončujeme webovou verzi projektu. Tuto část píše náš interní programátor. Věřím, že projekt je velmi dobře připraven. Rozpočet, který jsem uvedl u poptávky prosím berte orientačně - zadání je obsáhlé na to, abych jej vypsal do okénka.
Vidite dokument u privitku pa me možete kontaktirati putem skypea...traži: ""
Vidite dokument u privitku pa me možete kontaktirati putem Skypea. Traži ""
Hľadáme partnera pre konzultáciu pri tvorbe a uvádzaní na trh mobilnej aplikácie pre Android. Podrobnosti a ďalšie informácie až pri jednaní. Dostatočné skúseností a zaslanie referencií v obore podmienkou.
Mám vytvořenou aplikaci pro android a iphone pomocí Úkolem je takto vytvořenou aplikaci publikovat do Google play (store) a App store, aby si jí mohli uživatelé zdarma naistalovat. Zároveň chceme, aby byl v těchto obchodem uveden konkrétní popis, který Vám sdělíme, abyste jej vložili při publikování. Navrhněte cenu a dobu, za kterou byste byli schopní aplikaci vypublikovat.
Hello, Your Request I create a simple application that will communicate with the server. Function application is simple. - User logs (as opposed to server notified) - Key track position (at adjustable intervals Applications sent by gps coordinates to server. I make API that assumes the dates and stored in the database) - START background (applications are minimized, but still sends location information) - Shut down button (Applications will be turned off) The application therefore has access to the Internet and GPS. nothing more
Vytvorit aplikace seznamky neco jako Hornet, ale pro vsichni orientace a s nekolika funkci navic. Hlavni jazyk - AJ + moznost 5 jazyku
...products based on stored prescriptions. • Provides secure payment options and real-time order tracking. 8. Mobile Application (Available on App Store and Google Play – Integrated): • A unified mobile application available on App Store and Google Play. • Seamless Synchronization: The app ensures that all user data, appointments, purchases, and notifications are synchronized between iOS and Android platforms in real time. • Features include: • Viewing prescriptions and medical history. • Booking and managing appointments. • Browsing and purchasing eyewear products. • Tracking orders and receiving updates on promotions. • Push notifications for reminders, promotions, and ready-for-pickup orders. 9. Reporting and Analytics...
...runs on both iOS and Android. The app's core feature will be a comprehensive booking system. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: The app should allow users to share their experiences and provide feedback on various travel services. - Offline Access to Guides: Users should be able to download travel guides for offline use, ensuring they can access information without needing a data connection. - Map Integration: The app should seamlessly integrate with maps to help users navigate their destinations. - AI Feature: I'm particularly interested in incorporating an AI feature, which could provide personalized recommendations or assist users in planning their trips. Ideal Skills: - Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Experience in developing apps for both iOS and ...
*** Only a freelancer who can provide me 1 design for free can apply this project**** If you agree to offer a free design, please write "I will provide you 1 page of free design for free" in application form -Creating android app using exist web(Similar as -New design -Adding push alert feature -Push on/off feature by set time -Upload app on google play store
...dedicated app testers to evaluate my Android application in a closed test group. Your focus will be on the following aspects: - Test the app for 14 straight days as per google requirement. - App should pass go to the production - User Interface and Experience: Assess the intuitiveness, accessibility, and overall design appeal of the app. - Functionality and Performance: Verify if the app operates as intended, checking for speed, responsiveness, and any potential bugs or glitches. - Security and Privacy: Test the app's ability to safeguard user data and maintain privacy. The app needs to be tested on both smartphones and tablets, across multiple versions of the Android OS. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in app testing, especially for An...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a minimalist styled web radio app for me. Key Features: - Continuous, smooth audio streaming with no interruptions or lag - Proper buffering incorporated to ensure seamless playback - A minimalist designed logo and PLAY button - Volume control option - Track information display Design Specifications: - The app should adhere to a dark theme throughout - The design style for the logo and PLAY button should be minimalist Deliverable: - An Android package file, properly formatted for immediate acceptance by Google Play Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Android app development - Proficient in audio streaming integration - Strong design sensibility aligned with minimalism - Expertise in creating user-...
I'm looking for an experienced Android App Developer to create a social networking app. This app should include: - User Profiles: Users should be able to create and customize their own profiles. - Messaging System: An anonymous, reliable and efficient messaging system is crucial for this app, so that no one can see others identity in app. Please note, there's no need for any specific social media integrations like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Ideal skills for this project would include strong proficiency in Android development, experience in creating social networking applications, and a good understanding of building user profiles and messaging systems. Previous work on similar projects would be highly beneficial.
I'm seeking a seasoned Replit "GHOST" developer who can assist with the complete builds for a project aimed at Desktop, iOS, and Android. The successful candidate will be working on a pre-set Replit Agent. There are numerous projects in the pipeline if the first engagement proves successful. Key Requirements: - Complete apps that can be uploaded and approved in the respective stores. - Cross-platform development experience. - Familiarity with Replit and its agent. Compensation: - Replit Agent at $8/hr. - Ongoing support on a case-by-case basis. - Maximum of 3 hours per week. Please note that the project will require starting from scratch with the Replit Agent. Everything through Freelancer do not contact Ad9x Team or SkyLockr Team as its all on here 1. Complete S...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) application akin to Google Maps, but with added features for road conditions and property ownership information. Key Features: - Road Condition Insights: The app must display various road conditions including weather impacts, traffic congestion, and construction zones. It should also have the capability to indicate specific road conditions, such as unplowed roads or freezing rain. - Property Owner Information: For a fee, the app should provide details about property owners and their respective boundaries. This includes displaying the owner's name and the property boundaries. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in developing interactive and user-friendly mobile applications....
I'm looking for a talented game developer to create a puzzle game targeted towards adults. The game needs to be engaging, challenging and accessible on both Android and iOS platforms. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in puzzle game development - Proven track record of cross-platform game development - Understanding of adult gaming preferences - Skills in creating engaging and challenging gameplay - Knowledge of Android and iOS game publishing standards Please provide examples of similar games you've developed in your proposal.
I'm in need of a skilled Flutter Developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce app for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app must securely handle various payment methods. - User Account Creation and Management: Users should be able to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles seamlessly. - Product Catalog and Search: The app should have an organized product catalog with a robust search functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Flutter app development, particularly E-commerce apps. - Strong knowledge of integrating payment gateways. - Expertise in creating user account systems within apps. - Proficiency in designing product catalogs and search features. Please provide examples of similar projects you have com...
I'm looking for a talented game developer to create a Jigsaw puzzle game for both iOS and Android platforms. This should be an engaging and user-friendly mobile game. Key Requirements: - Expertise in mobile game development, specifically for both iOS and Android - Prior experience in creating puzzle games, particularly Jigsaw types - Strong understanding of game design principles to make the game enjoyable and engaging - Ability to create a user-friendly interface and smooth game mechanics - Knowledge of mobile gaming regulations and requirements for both platforms The ideal candidate would have a portfolio of similar projects and a passion for game development. Please include examples of your work and any relevant experience in your bid.
I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) social networking app. Key Requirements: - Proficient in mobile app development (especially for iOS and Android). - Experience in developing social networking apps is a plus. - Knowledge of UX/UI design principles for social apps. - Proficiency in relevant programming languages (Swift, Kotlin, Java etc.) - Strong communication skills for collaborative development process. The ideal freelancer will have a portfolio of similar projects and be able to deliver a high-quality, user-friendly app.
I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only. Key Features: - User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience in creating gaming apps - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in apps - Familiarity with iOS and Android development standards Please note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.
I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only.nn**Key Features:**n- User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments.nn**Ideal Skills:**n- Cross-platform mobile app developmentn- Experience in creating gaming appsn- Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in appsn- Familiarity with iOS and Android development standardsnnPlease note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.
I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a mobile gaming tournament app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app will feature tournaments for mobile games only. **Key Features:** - User Registration: The app should allow users to create accounts and register for tournaments. **Ideal Skills:** - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience in creating gaming apps - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems in apps - Familiarity with iOS and Android development standards Please note, the app will not initially include features such as live streaming or a chat feature, but I may consider their incorporation in future updates depending on the app's success. Your expertise in creating a scalable app would be highly valued.
I'm looking for a professional mobile app designer who can create a classic-styled design for a mobile app. The app will include a Splash screen, Home screen, Login screen, Settings screen, and List page. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive experience in mobile app design for both iOS and Android platforms. - Ability to create a minimalist yet classic design. - Prior experience and portfolio showcasing classic-themed designs will be highly appreciated. The project will heavily rely on your ability to translate a classic aesthetic into a functional and user-friendly mobile app design. Please apply only if you are capable of delivering this specific style.
I need a developer to create a native Android and iPhone mobile app for my existing web marketplace. The app should mirror the web version's functionalities, with a specific focus on: - User registration and login - Product listing and search - Checkout and payment process The design of the app should adhere to the current web design, ensuring a seamless user experience across platforms. Additionally, the mobile app should incorporate: - In-app chat support Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce platforms. A strong understanding of UX/UI principles, coupled with the ability to implement complex functionalities and ensure optimal performance on both Android and iPhone is crucial.
I'm looking to develop a stock trading mobile app compatible with both iOS and Android. The app should incorporate the following key features: - Real-time market data: Users need to access up-to-the-minute information to make informed trading decisions. - Portfolio management: The app should allow users to track and manage their investments over time. - Trade execution: A seamless, quick, and reliable trade execution functionality is essential. Ideal candidates will have prior experience in mobile app development, specifically in the finance or trading sector. Proficiency in both iOS and Android app development is crucial. A strong understanding of real-time data integration and trade execution systems will be highly advantageous. Please include examples of similar pr...
I'm looking for a skilled UI/UX designer to create a premium, user-friendly interface for a digital gold investment app aimed at all types of investors. The app will be designed for both iOS and Android platforms, and its primary focus is to ensure ease of use for transactions. Scope: Design a premium, user-friendly UI/UX for a digital gold investment app, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience. Key Screens: 1. Dashboard: Displays gold holdings, live gold price, and quick buy/sell actions. 2. Buy/Sell Gold: Easy input in INR/grams, live price updates, and transaction summary. 3. Gold Price Chart: Interactive graph for historical price trends. 4. Transaction History: Detailed record of purchases, sales, and wallet transactions. 5. Wallet & Payments: Load/withdra...
...profile features Week 1-3 Chat system implementation Location services integration Community forum development Week 3-5 Testing and bug fixes App store deployment packages Documentation completion Mandatory Technical Skills Proven Flutter/Dart expertise Bloc or Riverpod state management Supabase implementation Real-time communication systems Geolocation services integration iOS/Android deployment experience Application Requirements Portfolio featuring similar social networking apps Detailed technical approach for 5-week timeline Previous work references Confirmation of accepting fixed budget and timeline Critical Notes UI designs will be provided (geometric-based, non-standard) Parallel UI development in progress Non-negotiable 5-week deadline UK-...
We are developing an Android app that utilizes ARCore to place virtual content in an AR view using specific coordinates. Unfortunately, we've encountered issues with placing the content accurately, and the current implementation does not work as expected. We're looking for an ARCore expert who can quickly diagnose and fix the issue. Responsibilities: Review and understand the existing ARCore implementation in our Android application. Identify the bug(s) that prevent accurate placement of AR content using coordinates. Modify the code to ensure precise and stable AR content placement within the AR view. Test the solution across multiple devices to ensure compatibility and performance. Requirements: Proven experience with ARCore and Android development. Stro...
I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app that can help users identify ingredients and check their safety. Key Features: - Text recognition from images: The app must be able to recognize text from images, enabling users to scan ingredient lists. - Manual ingredient search: Users should also have the option to manually search for ingredients. - It'll have a free version and a premium version. It needs to accept payments and ads. Safety Checks: - Allergen detection: The app should be able to check ingredients for potential allergens. - Harmful ingredients detection: The app should also check for harmful ingredients. - Curly Girl Method compliance: Additionally, the app should be able to recognize and flag ingredients that are not compliant with the Curly Girl...
As reported in the attached document and as discussed on chat. 1st milestone will be released when UI design will be completed 2nd milestone will be released when wordpress website design is ready and completed (also when all fix and changes asked by me are completed) 3rd milestone will be released when app is ready to be published last milestone will be released when app is published o...reported in the attached document and as discussed on chat. 1st milestone will be released when UI design will be completed 2nd milestone will be released when wordpress website design is ready and completed (also when all fix and changes asked by me are completed) 3rd milestone will be released when app is ready to be published last milestone will be released when app is published on ios and android...
I'm looking for a skilled ...Resources: The app should offer a comprehensive collection of study materials and resources, covering all relevant subjects and topics. The app needs to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, so cross-platform development expertise is crucial. Furthermore, user authentication is a must. The app should allow users to create personal accounts, track their progress, and access personalized content based on their performance. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience with Flutterflow - Prior work on education or exam preparation apps - Strong understanding of iOS and Android development - Skills in implementing secure user authentication systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you have compl...
...standalone function/module that retrieves the MP3 audio from a given YouTube video URL and provides it as a stream (or similar in-memory object). The goal is to allow the MP3 data to be directly uploaded to a server endpoint without saving the file to the user’s device. Key Requirements: React Native Compatibility: The solution must integrate seamlessly into a React Native app for both iOS and Android. Functionality: - Accept a YouTube video URL as input. - Determine and access the available audio-only stream for the provided video (or the best available audio track). - Convert or repackage the stream into an MP3 file if necessary. - Return the MP3 data as a stream or in-memory object (e.g., Blob or Uint8Array) suitable for direct upload via an HTTP request—do not ...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a library app primarily focused on book cataloging. The app should: - Allow users to authenticate with email/password - Enable users to review and rate books Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Android app development and experience with user authentication systems. Knowledge of integrating review and rating systems is crucial. Please, include examples of similar projects you've completed in your application.