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2,000 anatomy news articles 2018 Nalezené pracovní možnosti

Hi We are looking to create an ios football app - fetching data from 3rd party data provider (API). The UI code is ready but required to integrate with our API and 3rd part football API. the app design is ready and we develope...1 Widget design: This has the following features - Login and signup (our own API) - show the result for old and real-time football games (3rd part API) - Follow special teams to see a recent update about the team. - display news entered from the admin panel or fetch from 3rd party. (our own API) - Like the posts - write read in your proposal beginning. - and other features in the design. thanks

€499 Average bid
€499 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky
Crypto Adopcia
Ukončeno left

Projekt adopce kryptomen mezi sirokou verejnosti Hledám programátora blockchainu, dApp, Defi apod. v Solidity, Script, Rust, Haskell Plutus, JavaScript apod., dále platformy Moralis, Agoric apod. Seniorní i juniorní. Za U.S. odměny požadujeme U.S. kvalitu. Mzda podle U.S. standardu Práce z domu.

€2094 Average bid
€2094 Průměr. nabídka
16 nabídky

For planned family beach resort I need new website. Expected design and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and functional setup from you (working menus, each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery

€378 Average bid
€378 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

Dobrý den, Jedná o vytvoření jedinečného prostředí e-commerce marketplace na podporu nezávislých švýcarských hodinářu nikoliv mainstream (rolex atd.) jedná se zakázkovou výrobu limitovaných kusů méně známých značek, které třeba ani lidi neznají. Obchodní stránku (exekuci) zařizuji já již jsem na největší výstavě ve Švýcarsky a navázal konexe. Potřebuju někoho kdo se postará o výrobu samotného marketplace prostředí, jeho udržování a nebude chtít za to hned statisíce (chápu druhou stranu a zadarmo to taky nechci) přece jen to budu...

€2109 Average bid
€2109 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

Produktionsbegleitung VW Navarra Spanien SPS Programmierer.

€40 / hr Average bid
€40 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Pro naši společnost GREEN Center hledáme externího personalistu, který by zajistil průběh náborů na nové pracovní pozice. V současné chvíli se jedná o cca 4 pozice do konce roku 2018. Při vzájemné spokojenosti bychom upřednostnili dlouhodobou spolupráci. Základní požadavky na správu náborů: - vytváření inzerátů podle požadavků na pracovní pozici - třídění životopisů, vytipování vhodných kandidátů - kontakt a výběr kandidátů pro pohovor s vedoucími oddělení, domluvení termínů - uzavření výběrového řízení

€12 - €17 / hr
€12 - €17 / hr
0 nabídky
HR náborář
Ukončeno left

Pro naši společnost GREEN Center hledáme externího personalistu, který by zajistil průběh náborů na nové pracovní pozice. V současné chvíli se jedná o cca 4 pozice do konce roku 2018. Při vzájemné spokojenosti bychom upřednostnili dlouhodobou spolupráci. Základní požadavky na správu náborů: - vytváření inzerátů podle požadavků na pracovní pozici - třídění životopisů, vytipování vhodných kandidátů - kontakt a výběr kandidátů pro pohovor s vedoucími oddělení, domluvení termínů - uzavření výběrového řízení

€12 - €17 / hr
€12 - €17 / hr
0 nabídky

Hledáme inspektora nemovitostí - technika, projektanta, architekta, absolventy VŠ. Vzdělání a praxe v oboru pozemního stavitelství nutností, řidičské oprávnění sk. B. Nutná samostatnost, profesionální a seriózní přístup, flexibilita, příjemné vystupování, komunikační schopnosti, chuť učit se novým věcem. Možnost kariérního růstu. Pozice vhodná pro muže i ženy. Zaslání životopisu na [Removed by Admin]podmínkou.

€19173 Average bid
€19173 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace za účelem aktivní a efektivní ...s přizpůsobením dle potřeby, napojení na CRM) Dvě kampaňové microsites (webdesign, nasazení na WordPress) Příležitostná spolupráce do budoucna (údržba, nové microsites, rozšíření funkcí) Požadujeme: Dostatečnou časovou kapacitu v dubnu/květnu 2018 Zodpovědnost, spolehlivost a kreativní přístup k problémům Reference (stručný popis předchozích projektů / portfolio s kontaktem na referenty). Nabízíme: Spolupráci na IČO Rozumné finanční ohodnocení V případě...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019 u nás zaniknou kožešinové farmy. Během boje za zákaz jsme z nuly narostli do středně velké organizace. V roce 2018 spustíme druhou velkou kampaň. Protože tahle bude ještě náročnější než ta první, musíme zainvestovat i do infrastruktury. Zbavit se excelových tabulek a přejít na pořádné CRM. Hledáme člověka, který tuhle výzvu vezme pevně do svých rukou a celý tenhle projekt potáhne. Síla OBRAZu je v mobilizaci desetitisí...

€1840 Average bid
€1840 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

Create a high-definition PSD template based on a predefined design and encode it into HTML and CSS. REQUEST A VALID CODE!

€34 Average bid
€34 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

Pro náš projekt, , hledáme člověka, co má zkušenosti se Sharepointem, aby nám pomohl při nastavování a upravě aplikace pro jednotlivé naše zákazníky.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

I need help writing weekly essays on various political science and government topics. - Format: All essays should be in long essay form...essay format, spanning 2-3 pages, and adhering to MLA style. - Content: The essays will cover a range of political theory topics, alongside other areas of political science and government. The specific questions will be given weekly, so the ability to adapt and write on a variety of topics is essential. - Research: You will need to source reliable information from academic journals, books, and news articles. I am willing to pay $100 for 10 essays done, with a good tip for quality work. We can negotiate a fairer price if needed. Prior experience in political science and essay writing is preferred. every 2 essays will be given every week,...

€46 Average bid
€46 Průměr. nabídka
29 nabídky

I'm looking for an Off-page SEO expert who can help me increase the traffic to my website, specifically tar...necessary tasks, given that no developer is available on my end. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in off-page SEO, particularly in backlink building, guest blogging, and social media marketing. - Strong understanding of SEO tools and techniques to improve search engine rankings and domain authority. - Excellent content creation skills for link-building activities, preferably with articles. - Ability to work independently and take full responsibility for the project's success/ traffic. For example: I dont want spammy links to impact my score in SEO. I have budgeted $20/month for 5 months so respond only if you are comfortable. don't respond t...

€56 Average bid
€56 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

Looking for a talented SEO article writer to help improve our search engine ranking. Key Responsibilities: - Write engaging and informative 1000+ word articles - Optimize content for search engines Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Excellent writing and research skills - Experience with creating long-form content

€21 Average bid
€21 Průměr. nabídka
36 nabídky

A fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly website showcasing the best free bets from top bookmakers, similar to The site will feature: Daily AI-generated football & horse racing tips automatically posted. AI-generated sports news articles published daily. A sleek homepage displaying free bets in various widgets, along with well-written explanations about free bets. User login for content creators to manage and post content. Built for speed, mobile responsiveness, and top-tier SEO performance.

€424 Average bid
€424 Průměr. nabídka
115 nabídky

I'm looking for a web developer to create a straightforward open access website. The primary purpose of this site is to display various pages of information about the free journal with links to Dropbox. The site should have a multi-page layout with a navigation menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing ...Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be copied from , currently we are paying $700 p.a. for hosting - most of functionality we don't use because people just email the Editor to submit articl...

€12 - €18 / hr
Neodkladné Zapečetěný
€12 - €18 / hr
48 nabídky

...descriptions, high-quality images, and sustainability benefits. E-commerce integration (Stripe, PayPal, Klarna, or other European payment solutions). Subscription model for recurring deliveries (monthly/quarterly refills). B2B section with wholesale pricing, bulk order options, and business partnership opportunities. Blog section for sustainability tips, product usage guides, and eco-friendly lifestyle articles. SEO optimization for Google ranking and high visibility. Fully responsive & mobile-friendly website. Fast-loading & performance-optimized website. Social media integration for brand awareness. 3. Sustainability Tracking Feature Each product page should include: ✅ CO₂ savings comparison vs. traditional plastic cleaning products. ✅ Plastic waste reduction estimate...

€3507 Average bid
€3507 Průměr. nabídka
26 nabídky

Monthly SEO for - keywords - 15 keywords Backlinks - 200 backlinks On-page + Off-page + Technical SEO Article – 2 articles for backlinks creation work

€99 Average bid
€99 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I'm in need of a skilled...can compose a fact-based news article aimed at the general public. The article will be about UT SB120 - excluding veterinarians from reporting gabapentin as a controlled substance. The article will be published in the veterinary news, but nothing veterinary specific required. Interviewing 3-4 people who were involved with the bill and some who were opposed. The article can be published under your name Key Requirements: - Expertise in interviewing. - Ability to write in a clear, engaging style for a general audience. - Strong research skills to ensure accuracy and credibility. - Experience in fact-based reporting without bias. I expect a well-structured article that adheres to journalistic standards. Please provide samples of your previous po...

€316 Average bid
€316 Průměr. nabídka
49 nabídky

I need a freelancer to help build a monthly newsletter that will inform subscribers about updates and news. The ideal candidate will have experience in newsletter design and content creation, and be able to incorporate a range of elements, including articles, upcoming events, and multimedia content (images/videos). Key Responsibilities: - Design and create a visually appealing and engaging newsletter - Incorporate various elements including articles, updates, upcoming events and multimedia content - Ensure the newsletter is informative and engaging for subscribers Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong design and content creation skills - Experience with newsletter creation - Ability to incorporate multimedia content - Excellent understanding of engaging newsletter c...

€23 Average bid
10 příspěvky

Project Title: Google search - Finding General Websites (1-5) Description: I am seeking a freelancer to assist me in finding 1-5 general websites through Google search. Specific requirements: - I am looking for general websites, not news articles or images. - The websites can be from any industry or topic, as I am not looking for anything specific. - The freelancer should have experience in conducting effective Google searches and be familiar with various search techniques. - Ideally, the freelancer should have strong internet research skills and be able to efficiently navigate through search results. - The freelancer should be able to provide a list of the found websites, along with a brief description or summary for each. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in...

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Průměr. nabídka
33 nabídky

...etc. 8. **Contact/Support Page**: - Provide an easy way for users to reach out for app support or inquiries (e.g., contact form, email link). 9. **Social Media Integration**: - Links to MeetX social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). - Option for visitors to share the website on social media. 10. **Blog Section** (Optional): - Space for updates, articles, or news related to MeetX, events, or networking. **Design Preferences**: - Professional and sleek design that aligns with the app’s branding. - Use of modern design elements - Color scheme should match the app’s branding. --- This outline will help the freelancer focus on building a website that highlights the **MeetX app**, its functionality, and its appeal to...

€134 Average bid
€134 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky
Trophy icon Standing On Business Daily logo
3 dní left

...should authentically represent the essence of our name while showcasing creativity. We envision a design featuring a businessman standing and leaning on the text. Additionally, we would like to incorporate elements that symbolize money, perhaps by transforming the last two 'S's in "business" into dollar signs. The overall design should be clean, creative, and aligned with our brand identity. As a news site, the logo should also convey a sense of professionalism and authority in the business sector. We welcome innovative ideas that resonate with our mission. I’ve attached a sketch idea and other logos we find interesting. More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business Which colors do you prefer for the logo? Bold...

€19 Average bid
Doporučené Zaručené Top soutěž
356 příspěvky

I'm looking to develop an innovative app that incorporates AI to provide personalized financial recommendations. The AI will analyze a variety of data sources to generate these suggestions, including: - User financial data - Current market trends and news - Historical financial data The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in AI and app development, with the ability to create a system that can process and interpret complex data sets. Experience in finance or financial software development would be a significant advantage. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal.

€23 / hr Average bid
€23 / hr Průměr. nabídka
42 nabídky

I am seeking a reliable Indian backlinks provider for consistent work at the rate of 4rs/link. The ideal candidate will focus on creating backlinks from articles, blogs, forum posts, and Web 2.0 sites. Please only bid if you can meet the price point and are experienced in this type of work. Currently i already have 2 backlinks provider. Where i am planning to remove one because of of his too many over excuses (fever, events etc.) in 30 days 10 days execuses. I need who can provide daily bases in weekly. Its about volume work. Thats why i will give 4rs per backlink.

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Průměr. nabídka
14 nabídky

I'm looking for a complete redesign of my company's website with a focus on enhancing our brand image. The new design should blend a modern minimalist approach with a professional corporate style. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive redesign of all essential website sections: Home page, Landing Page, Business and Company Presentation, Article, Contact, FAQ, and News page. - Implementation of a sleek, professional and minimalist aesthetic that still radiates a corporate touch. - Optional: Development of the site exclusively in Oxygen Builder. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in corporate website design. - Strong skills in modern and minimalist design principles. - Familiarity with Oxygen Builder (if opting for site production in this platform). - Excel...

€1022 Average bid
€1022 Průměr. nabídka
180 nabídky

I'm looking for Virtual Assistants (VAs) from Venezuela with experience on Reddit. The main objective is content creation and posting. Key Responsibilities: - Create and post long articles and posts on Reddit to promote visibility of a brand or product. Ideal Candidate: - Should have knowledge or some understanding of Reddit. - Experience in creating engaging content on Reddit is a plus.

€207 Average bid
€207 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

...buyers find their dream property. Investment Advisory – Guiding investors on high-return real estate opportunities. Legal & Financial Assistance – Support with documentation, loans, GST, and taxation. 5. Contact Page Contact Form – Name, phone, email, message. WhatsApp & Click-to-Call – Easy access to directly contact your team. Office Address & Map – Display location using Google Maps. 6. Blog/News Section 7. Lead Capture & Engagement Features Pop-up Offers – "Get Exclusive Deals! Drop Your Contact Info." Live Chat & WhatsApp Integration – Instant engagement. Newsletter Subscription – Capture emails for follow-ups. 8. Testimonials & Success Stories 9. Developer Partnerships Dedicated section for ti...

€568 Average bid
€568 Průměr. nabídka
81 nabídky

I'm seeking an expert to analyze SCIE indexed journals, specifically focusing on identifying those with a dramatic increase in publication of articles. Your task will primarily involve: - Identifying the SCIE journals with the highest increase in publication - Providing comprehensive data on this increase Ideal candidates will have a strong background in data analysis, familiarity with SCIE indexed journals, and the ability to present complex information in a clear, understandable manner.

€848 Average bid
Doporučené Neodkladné
€848 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

Are you passionate about travel and storytelling? Do you have a way with words that can transport readers to breathtaking destinations? If so, I am looking for a talented Writer to join our team and create engaging, informative, and inspiring travel content for my website. As a Content Writer, you’ll craft compelling travel articles, destination guides, itineraries, and travel tips that inform and inspire. Responsibilities ✅ Research and write high-quality travel articles, destination guides, and itineraries ✅ Create engaging blog posts that provide practical travel tips and advice ✅ Conduct in-depth research on destinations, travel trends, and industry updates ✅ Optimize content for SEO to increase website visibility and organic traffic ✅ Collaborate with the editori...

€195 Average bid
€195 Průměr. nabídka
23 nabídky

I run covering hospitality news from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. I've started using n8n to collect news into Google Sheets based on Google alerts rss, but need assistance to enhance my automation further with ai gents and reduce the manual work. The primary goals are: - Reducing the time spent on manually publishing news articles into my Wordpress backend - Identifying what steps are still mandatory to be done by a human - Improving overall workflow efficiency I hope to find a freelancer with: - Expertise in n8n - Skills in process automation and workflow optimization - Experience with Wordpress Your task will be to help me fully utilize the capabilities of n8n and streamline my news publication process, allowing me to focus on content q...

€139 Average bid
€139 Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

...visitors. To achieve this, I am looking for Blogger web development support that focuses on upgrading my site with a responsive, fast-loading, and mobile-friendly template, such as Median UI, Fletro Pro, or Sora One, which are excellent options for educational blogs. The layout should be clean and easy to navigate, with a well-organized menu that clearly separates categories like Home, Education News, Exam Tips, Results, Career Guidance, and Contact. The homepage should showcase important content without being cluttered, and the sidebar should be simplified to avoid overwhelming the user. From an SEO perspective, I want my website to follow the best practices, including optimized meta titles, descriptions, and headings, fast loading speed, compressed images, and proper internal ...

€76 Average bid
€76 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

I need a VA to help me with the following tasks: a. Internet research for articles that we publish. This might involve finding accurate stats along with sources, competitor article layouts, etc b. Publishing articles on Wordpress using elementor c. Basic SEO stuff like fixing on-page issues, off-page issues, etc The most important part of the gig is following instructions, meeting deadlines and proper communication. This will start as a part-time gig but soon become a monthly gig with a fixed pay.

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Průměr. nabídka
55 nabídky

is the website. There are a few static pages to which a database of ~17800 articles of news (17600 in the main language Romanian and 200 in a translation language English done with the plugin of WPML). For 5 years i have been using XML Sitemap Generator for Google as i had indexing issues. From time to time i get indexing emails from Google saying that there are huge problems, i ignored them but a few days ago i decided to look into it and i found : - there are 98k not-indexed links and 27.6k indexed links (how is this possible if i only have the above mentioned number of articles and a few campaigns generating some more pages for each campaing i am sending using Mailster plugin) The largest number of problems are from: Crawled - currently not indexed 59900 Alternate...

€116 Average bid
€116 Průměr. nabídka
46 nabídky

I have built a website aimed at the general public to help them remember their c...remember their credit card benefits. Currently, the website is free for all users. I need someone who can publish, post blogs, or write about my website on social media apps or blogs to drive traffic to my website. The primary platforms for promotion are Facebook and LinkedIn, and I prefer the content to be informative articles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in digital marketing and lead generation - Proficiency in writing engaging, informative articles - Familiarity with Facebook and LinkedIn, their algorithms and best practices for content promotion - Ability to understand and appeal to a general audience - SEO knowledge to enhance visibility and reach Please help me to ...

€38 Average bid
€38 Průměr. nabídka
74 nabídky
Blog articles
9 dní left

Hi, here are 3 next article topics. Please keep in mind to keep the quality and style at least as this blog article: 1. How to Get Into Motocross Racing – A beginner’s guide to competing. 2. How to Train Like a Pro MX Racer – Fitness and workout tips for better riding. 3. The Most Important Protective Gear for Dirt Bikers – What you can’t ride without.

€150 Average bid
€150 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I'm looking for a data analyst who can mine text data from various websites, specifically focusing on product reviews, blog posts, and news articles related to the game mechanics of Wheel of Fortune. The goal is to gain insights into the 'spinning the wheel' mechanic, in order to implement or enhance it in a project. Key Responsibilities: - Text data mining from various sources - Analyzing game mechanics based on collected data - Providing insights for improvement or implementation Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data mining techniques - Experience with text data analysis - Understanding of game mechanics The perfect candidate for this project should have a keen interest in games, particularly Wheel of Fortune, and possess the ability to translate text data ...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
10 nabídky

I'm looking for a professional who can help in setting up an infrastructure and hosting a website from start to end for our residence society. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a website that serves as an information hub about our society. - Incorporate a platform for our authorities to share event updates. - Include a 'News and Announcements' section. - Create a space for sharing information about our society. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in web development with experience in creating community-focused websites. - Previous work with e-commerce or business websites is a plus. - Knowledge of hosting and setting up web infrastructure from scratch. - Able to incorporate interactive features and ensure a user-friendly interface.

€106 Average bid
€106 Průměr. nabídka
43 nabídky

As a professional Arabic-English translator, I'm ready to assist you with your translation needs. I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of both languages. I specialize in providing accurate, fluent, and culturally appropriate translations for various types of content, including documents, articles, websites, and more. My goal is to deliver high-quality work that maintains the original meaning while ensuring clarity and engagement. If you're looking for a reliable translator to bridge the language gap effectively, I’m here to help. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in Arabic-English translation - Understanding of cultural nuances - Ability to translate various content types - Strong attention to detail - Commitment t...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

...When Alex arrives at the office, he scans his badge and is automatically checked in to Places, so others that are there can see he is in the office that day and he can see who is there as well. He uses @nearby in the team chat to quickly see who in the group is in the office and let them know about the special lunch for their out-of-town colleague, and Alex is paying. Alex has some other exciting news he plans to tell the team: he and his wife are expecting a baby! He wants to check on the company's paternity leave policy so he asks the HR Self-Service Agent in Teams that his company setup to provide accurate answers about HR-related questions grounded in their Employee Handbook and other official HR documentation. He gets the information he needs about the paternity leave...

€341 Average bid
€341 Průměr. nabídka
43 nabídky

...sharper, more engaging tone: --- **Seeking Crime News Content Creator for Short-Form Videos** I'm looking for a skilled content creator to transform crime news stories into captivating, informative short videos for Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. The ideal candidate has a strong grasp of crime reporting and can present news in a concise, compelling format tailored to each platform. ### **What You’ll Do:** - Turn complex crime stories into engaging short-form videos - Adapt content length and style for Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram - Write clear, informative scripts that keep viewers hooked - Use creative storytelling to maximize engagement ### **What You Need:** - Strong understanding of crime news - Ex...

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
34 nabídky

I'm looking for a professional social media manager with a strong focus on LinkedIn. The ideal candidate will have a knack for creating and posting engaging content, particularly articles and branding posts, with the primary goal of increasing my follower count. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a strategic content calendar with a mix of articles and branding posts. - Regularly post and engage with followers to foster a sense of community. - Utilize industry insights to inform content and increase relevance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience managing LinkedIn accounts. - Excellent content creation skills, particularly for LinkedIn. - Strong understanding of LinkedIn's algorithm and growth strategies. The ultimate goal is to significantly increase my LinkedIn follow...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
56 nabídky

...membership-based access to workouts, wellness resources, and affiliate partnerships. The goal is to provide a seamless, engaging experience for fitness enthusiasts looking to optimize their performance and well-being. Key Requirements: Secure member login and registration system Content access control for exclusive subscriber resources Seamless integration of affiliate marketing links Ability to host articles, blog posts, and downloadable resources Ideal Skills & Experience: Expertise in e-commerce and membership site development Experience building affiliate marketing websites Strong knowledge of content management and subscription systems Proficiency in web security protocols Please share examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I'm looking...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
149 nabídky

I need a small VirtueMart online shop set up on my Joomla website, which needs to be multilingual (supporting English). The shop will feature up to 20 articles, for which all content is already prepared. I already have a design ready for the VirtueMart shop. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Joomla and VirtueMart - Experience with setting up multilingual websites - Ability to implement a pre-existing design - Good understanding of e-commerce setup on Joomla Please ensure you can meet these requirements before bidding. Thank you!

€26 Average bid
€26 Průměr. nabídka
34 nabídky

I'm seeking a complete refresh of my website. This includes a modernized design, updated content and improvements to functionality. The desired aesthetic is, updated content and improvements to functionality. The desired aesthetic is Classic and Elegant, so a good eye for this style is essential. Key tasks will include: - Redesigning the site to have a more classic and elegant look - Updating the current content and possibly creating new copy - Enhancing the site's functionality and features The website is content-heavy, featuring text-heavy articles, image galleries, and videos. Therefore, experience with media-rich websites is a plus. Ideal skills and experience: - Web Design and Development - Content Creation and Copywriting - Functionality Enhancemen...

€2293 Average bid
€2293 Průměr. nabídka
290 nabídky

I need a portfolio website that primarily showcases my work and includes a blog where I can post articles. The site should also feature a contact form and a section for client testimonials. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant programming languages. - UX/UI Design: Able to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. - SEO Knowledge: Understanding of SEO best practices to make the site easily discoverable. - CMS Familiarity: Experience with content management systems for easy article posting. - Responsive Design: Ability to create a mobile-friendly version of the site.

€154 Average bid
€154 Průměr. nabídka
210 nabídky

I need a static website for my business. The site should have the following essential pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Services, News/Blog Page, and a Book Appointment section. Here's what you need to know: - The website will serve as a business showcase. - I have some existing materials that you'll need to incorporate into the design. - Ideal skills for this project include web development, graphic design, and a good understanding of static website creation. Wordpress - Experience in creating business showcase websites and working with branding materials is a plus.

€93 Average bid
€93 Průměr. nabídka
153 nabídky

As a professional Arabic-English translator, I'm ready to assist you with your translation needs. I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of both languages. I specialize in providing accurate, fluent, and culturally appropriate translations for various types of content, including documents, articles, websites, and more. My goal is to deliver high-quality work that maintains the original meaning while ensuring clarity and engagement. If you're looking for a reliable translator to bridge the language gap effectively, I’m here to help. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in Arabic-English translation - Understanding of cultural nuances - Ability to translate various content types - Strong attention to detail - Commitment t...

€377 Average bid
€377 Průměr. nabídka
34 nabídky

Mobile App development similar like Mutual funds 1️⃣ Investor Dashboard ? Real-time portfolio tracking (Investment amount, returns, rewards) ? Monthly growth & performance insights ? Reward & dividend summary 2️⃣ Investment & Portfolio Management ? 40% APR Investment Plans – Easy investment options ? Portfolio Breakdown – Asset allocation, expected returns, and risk ...Dedicated customer service Would you like a UI mockup or wireframe for your app? ? Investment Plan Selection – Different investment tiers (Short-term, Long-term, High-Yield) ? Referral Earnings Dashboard – Track 3.5% referral incentives ? KYC & Compliance Section – Secure onboarding & verification ? Transaction History – Detailed deposit & withdrawal logs ? Live ...

€366 Average bid
€366 Průměr. nabídka
12 nabídky