Adobe robohelp 2019 tutorialspráce
K nastavení a údržbě systému Windows Server 2019 v Amazonu je zapotřebí kompetentní správce systému. Práce je vzdálená, na vyžádání, tj. jedná se o příležitostnou práci. První fází je správné nastavení a další fází je podpora a řešení případných problémů.
...Zkušenosti s tvorbou a implementací marketingových strategií a kampaní ● Vynikající komunikační schopnosti a schopnost dokončovat práci v daných termínech ● Znalost užívání online a offline kanálů v marketingu (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook…) ● Analytické schopnosti a schopnost interpretovat data ● Anglický jazyk na psací a komunikační úrovni ● Dobrou znalost grafických programů Canva, Figma, Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat) ● Schopnost vytvářet atraktivní a informativní digitální obsah (sociální média, webové stránky, prezentace, elektronick&e...
Natáčíme videorozhovory a potřebujeme někoho, kdo se postará o postprodukci a editaci videí pro Youtube kanál. Potřebujeme, aby člověk uměl editovat videa (Adobe Premium Pro, Adobe After Effects nebo DaVinci Resolve) + editace zvuku. Pokud by uměl vytvářet i thumbails, je to velkou výhodou. Basic základy Photoshop Ilustrator a grafický základy také výhodou. Jedná se o střih a editaci naučných videí pro Koncept, video materiál a ke každému videu poskytneme storyboard a vy se postaráte o technickou část. Jedná se o práci minimálně na tři měsíce, prosím také o zaslání p...
Hello everyone, I need to make four versions of logos for my startup company. #1 - black version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see #2 - blue version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this blue is just example, you have to use R=22...have to use R=22 + G=63 + B=134) #3 - green Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this green is just example, you have to use R=56 + G=178 + B=77) #4 - red version Ing. Svoboda Tomáš see (this red is just example, you have to use R=190 + G=22 + B=34) The winner send me PDF of each version and main source of work (.eps, .ps – PostScript, .adp – Adobe Illustrator Artwork, .cdr – Corel Draw, .svg – Scalable Vector Graphics or .zmf – Zoner Callisto).
Adobe première pro Adobe Photoshop Adobe première pro
... Víme, že požadované schopnosti jsou poměrně široké, a proto se neboj ozvat, i když si některou z nich teprve plánuješ osvojit. ? ? Co zcela jistě potřebujeme? ▪ Znalost SEO a souvisejících nástrojů (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager…). ▪ Komplexní správa webu – od výběru webhostingu po administraci Wordpressu. ▪ Pokročilá znalost HTML5, CSS3, hodí se i Javascript a PHP. ▪ Rutinní ovládání Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID). ▪ Tvorba wireframů a prototypů webu (Figma). ? Jaké úkoly tě můžou potkat: ▪ Komplexní SEO analýza webu klienta, ▪ analýza trafficu konkrétního webu, ▪ zaregistrování ...
Hledáme programátora pro projekt mobilní aplikace. Nutná znalost Xamarin, WSDL, VS 2019, IOS, Android. Požadujeme znalost českého nebo slovenského jazyka.
We are looking for a designer who can make some branding and packaging application for wine brands . We will give you design specifications. We would need a branding development and the application of those formats FULL DESIGNED READY-TO-PRINT whith our print templates. FORMAT 1 FORMAT 3: FORMAT 4 FORMAT 5:
We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.
Rozpohybování vektorové grafiky do jednoduchých animací pro potřeby výukového videa pro výuku jazyků. Videa/Animace budu dále sám upravovat a proto nepotřebuji finální vygenerované video, ale zdrojový soubor z Adobe After Effects 2019 (abych si mohl animace sám upravovat, případně je dále popisovat pro výuku jazyků) Vektorové grafiky a popis animací dodám. Zakázka nechvátá. Možnost dlouhodobé spolupráce. janvosahlo@
dobry den, divam se na freelancera, ktery muzet me nauchit jak pracovat s Adobe premere pro online. nektere knowledge mam.
Jsme Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytváření 2D micro-learningových animovaných videí (Adobe after effects a Illustrator) pro globální projekt. Každé video je zhruba na 1:30 až 2min a jedná se o vytváření různých microlearningových modulů a budování e-learningové knihovny. Spolupráce bude probíhat s product development team typu script - brainstorming, core message explanation storyboard - revision - animation. Nabídka je blíže specifikovaná zde: pokud je pro tebe nabídka zajímavá,...
Hledám zkušené návrháře se zkušenostmi: - Design (papírový a digitální s aplikací Adobe Illustrator) - Vzorová kresba (papírová a digitální s Modaris-Lectra) - Kompletní Tech Pack vč. 3D Zkušenost s CAD-CAM nebo Lectra je plus (konfekce). Pro návrhy preferujeme někoho, kdo má několikaleté zkušenosti s aplikací Adobe Illustrator.
Home decor metal products hard goods
Na jsme si nechali zhotovit system pro placeni clenskych a oddilovych prispevku a integrovali ho s platebni branou GoPay. System umoznuje platit i pulrocne. System uz je druhou generaci a pri prechodu z prvni generace ...placeni clenskych a oddilovych prispevku a integrovali ho s platebni branou GoPay. System umoznuje platit i pulrocne. System uz je druhou generaci a pri prechodu z prvni generace se nezmigrovali platby. To zpusobilo, ze si system myslel, ze clenove nemaji zaplaceno a v 2. pololeti nabizel platby za pololeti prvni. Natvrdo se udelala uprava, aby nabizel platby za druhe pololeti coz nyni z pocatku roku 2019 dela problemy. System nuti cleny platit za druhe pololeti. Potrebujeme to opravit. Puvodni developer je na dlouhodobe dovolene a nelze se s nim spojit.
Jsme spolek podnikatelů v Beskydech. Pro projekt hledáme někoho, kdo by uměl naplánovat a udělat reklamní kampaň na FB a Instragramu. Spolupráce od cca 4/2019 do 11/2019. V případě spokojenosti i další roky. Hledáme nejlépe někoho se zájmem o hory, turistiku, kdo by chtěl psát o členech spolku a turistických zajímavostech v jejich okolí.
CCA Group a.s. je předním poskytovatelem informačních systémů v České republice se zaměřením na vývoj aplikací na míru, systémovou integraci, správu dokumentů, business intelligence či IoT. Hledáme kolegy, Java a Angular programátory, na nový rozsáhlý IT projekt pro Ministerstvo financí, který má za cíl vyvinout zcela nový informační systém pro dohled nad hazardními zabezpečení systému (IDM, AM), procesní management (BPM), webové aplikace postavené na frameworku Angular2, backendové java aplikace zajišťující logiku systému, databáze PostgreSQL a da...
Každým rok pořádáme charitativní běh, pro který máme založené webové stránky na platformě wordpress Pro další ročník potřebujeme několik drobných úprav jako přidání ročníku 2019 + zajištění responsivity pro mobilní zařízení. Kontakt na mě je na na webu. Děkuji Martin
need this done asap by a pro adobe illustrator
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace za účelem aktivní a efektivní ochrany zvířat. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019 u nás zaniknou. Během boje za zákaz kožešinových farem jsme vyrostli z party dobrovolníků do středně velké organizace. Aktuálně připravujeme spuštění druhé velké kampaně a několik dalších projektů, pro které hledáme webdesignery a webové vývojáře. Hledáme hned několik lidí s různými kompetencemi. Konkrétně nám můžete pomoci s některým z ná...
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat je nezisková organizace. Vznikli jsme před 3 lety s ambicí zakázat kožešinové farmy v ČR – a povedlo se! K lednu 2019 u nás zaniknou kožešinové farmy. Během boje za zákaz jsme z nuly narostli do středně velké organizace. V roce 2018 spustíme druhou velkou kampaň. Protože tahle bude ještě náročnější než ta první, musíme zainvestovat i do infrastruktury. Zbavit se excelových tabulek a přejít na pořádné CRM. Hledáme člověka, který tuhle výzvu vezme pevně do svých rukou a celý tenhle projekt potáhne. Síla OBRAZu je v mobilizaci desetitisí...
Webland Návrh a vývoj stránek. Můžeme objednat web stránky vizitky, obchod, přistání, firemní stránky pro podnikání. propagace SEO, reklamní služby AdWords. Provádíme revizi služb...stránky redesign a další. Mám zkušenost s: JavaScript, HTML 5. СSS jQuery, mam schopnost číst a psát kód v angličtině a znalost PHP zkušenost práce s populárními CMS: Wordpress, Joomla znalost grafických programů, jako je Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Chci pracovat samostatně, tvořit testovatelný kód mam zájem učit se nové věci. Portfolio: ...
Dobrý den, hledáme vývojáře pro vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikl&aac...
Mame jednoduchy dokument - 4 (stvor) stranovu brozuru () v Adobe Indesigne velkost - format brozury je A5. Tlacime na papier A4 dve kopie dokumentu , brozury. Chceme vytlacit, mat vystup z tlaciarne ako je na obrazku ... teda po vytlaceni a rozrezani A4 papierov dostaneme dve finalne brozury pripravene na vazbu. Otazkou je: ako porgrame Indesign CS3, alebo CS6 nastavit tlac , collate funkciu, aby brozuru vytlacilo ako na ? Funkcne riesenie odmenime.
Mame jednoduchy dokument - 4 (stvor) stranovu brozuru () v Adobe Indesigne velkost - format brozury je A5. Tlacime na papier A4 dve kopie dokumentu , brozury. Chceme vytlacit, mat vystup z tlaciarne ako je na obrazku ... teda po vytlaceni a rozrezani A4 papierov dostaneme dve finalne brozury pripravene na vazbu. Otazkou je: ako porgrame Indesign CS3, alebo CS6 nastavit tlac , collate funkciu, aby brozuru vytlacilo ako na ? Funkcne riesenie odmenime.
I'm seeking an experienced web designer to create a fun and vibrant e-commerce website. Key Responsibilities: - Design a visually appealing and user-friendly e-commerce site. - Implement standard e-commerce functionalities. - Ensure the design aligns with a 'fun and vibrant' aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in e-commerce website design. - Strong understanding of UX/U...vibrant' sites. Please provide examples of similar e-commerce sites you have designed in the past. Our website and social iPlay Australia Group, check out our website to review our locations and search us on socials. Looking for full-time support to the marketing department. NO AI. Must be a true graphic designer able to upload to our website and social directly in our style and format utilisin...
I'm in need of two posters designed for product advertisement. The style should be modern and minimalistic, without any clutter or unnecessary elements. Key Requirements: - The posters should prominently feature the product name and its key features...posters designed for product advertisement. The style should be modern and minimalistic, without any clutter or unnecessary elements. Key Requirements: - The posters should prominently feature the product name and its key features. - The design must align with a modern and minimalistic aesthetic. - Experience in product advertisement and poster design is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Understanding of modern minimalistic design principles - Experience in produc...
...course. Web Design & Content Creation: -Assist in creating and maintaining an engaging and informative website for the course. -Create visually appealing materials and content for marketing purposes using Canva, including slide decks and promotional graphics. Qualifications: -Experience with Kajabi, social media marketing, and email marketing platforms. -Proficiency in video editing tools (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or CapCut). -Proficiency in Canva for creating marketing materials, slides, and graphics. -Exceptional writing skills with a strong attention to detail. -Ability to be highly responsive and provide proactive support, including managing up to help keep priorities on track. -Strong organizational skills and the ability to multitask. -Excellent communicat...
...logo for versatile use. Ideal Skills and Experience: Proven experience in logo design, particularly for bakery or food-related brands. Strong understanding of color theory, typography, and brand representation. Ability to create clean, modern, and professional designs. Experience with minimalistic yet thematic designs, incorporating subtle patterns or icons. Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator. Please include your portfolio showcasing relevant work when submitting your proposal. We look forward to seeing your creativity and how you can bring Cloud & Crust to life through a captivating logo!...
I'm seeki...crafting minimalistic and clean infographics or diagrams to depict learning roadmaps. These tech-specific designs will primarily be utilized on my LinkedIn profile. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating engaging, minimalistic and clean infographics or diagrams - Experience with tech-specific design, particularly for LinkedIn - No specific software preference, but experience with Adobe Illustrator, Canva, or Sketch is a plus Your role will primarily entail: - Developing and designing tech-specific, minimalistic infographics or diagrams for LinkedIn - Crafting engaging visual content to depict learning roadmaps I am open to any software or tool you prefer for creating the diagrams, as long as the final product is of high quality and fits the speci...
I need a skilled Photoshop professional to modify the wording on a statement. This primarily involves changing amounts to reflect a different set of figures. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Attention to detail - Experience with text modification - Ability to maintain the document's overall visual integrity post-editing
I have a template layout that needs enhancements. Specifically, I need headlines or titles added to the graphics as text content. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong attention to detail - Ability to understand and implement specific layout requirements - Experience with modifying and enhancing pre-existing template layouts.
I'm looking for a classic-style business card that is designed in full color. The card should prominently feature my company logo, as well as my contact information and my social media handles. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Branding Please provide a portfolio of similar designs you've done in the past. We are looking for a business design for a roof painting, repair business that also incorporates house guttering. We have the logo and a good idea of how it should look. The Graphic is for business cards, Brochures, Job signs and car wraps or so on? It needs to be clean. like the logo. As we are in Australia and pictures for background need to be of Australian homes/roofs
I'm looking for a designer who can create a beautiful, floral, monochrome border for my wedding invitations. The border should incorporate sketches of flowers by the bride's mum, adding a unique and personal touch to the design. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop - Strong understanding of wedding design aesthetics - Ability to work from provided sketches - Experience with creating custom designs - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to deliver high-quality work on a tight timeline. The system should validate whether the provided token matches the expected token for that specific channel. This validation must be logic-based and should not rely on a database. The token should not expire, but it must be unique and tied to the specific channel to prevent unauthorized access. The platform should accept streams from various encoders such as FFmpeg, RTMPDump, XSplit, and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder. 2. Edge Server Authentication System: The origin server must only stream to the designated edge servers, preventing unauthorized users from embedding the origin stream directly in a player. On the edge servers, implement a secure token system for HLS streaming: Every time a user attempts to view an HLS stream, they must provide a valid token. Th...
As a private company, I need to organize my investors and create a stamped certificate for them. Requirements: - The certificates should be in a digital (PDF) format. - The design style of the certificates should be formal ...investors and create a stamped certificate for them. Requirements: - The certificates should be in a digital (PDF) format. - The design style of the certificates should be formal and traditional. - The certificates should prominently display the following information: - Investor's name - Amount of shares - Date of acquisition - Price per share Skills and experience: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - PDF Creation - Formal Design Expertise Please ensure that the final certificates are both professional and easy to read. I look forward to ...
I need a modern, neutral-colored logo for our annual Sales Kick Off 2025. The logo should include our company logo, the text "Nectar Sales Kick Off '25", and the tagline "Make your mark". There are no additional graphic elements or which we are susing for a singular event. I like the idea of "Sales Kick off", "Make your Mark" being in cursive. Maybe "Make your mark" be the main title with "Nectar Sales kick off '25" underneath. Attached are a few company logos- we would like to have one of them in there- feel free to use whichever you would like Ideal skills for the job include: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Visual Communication - Brand Strategy Please ensure to maintain a ...
Estamos en busca de un profesional creativo, con experien...Animado: Renders del logotipo aplicado en diferentes escenarios (camiones, almacenes, papelería, etc.). Animación profesional y memorable del logotipo, entregada en formato de video transparente (MP4, MOV). Requisitos del Freelancer: Experiencia: Diseño de logotipos, manuales de marca y tipografías. Creación de renders y animaciones. Habilidades técnicas: Dominio de software de diseño gráfico (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.). Experiencia en software de animación (After Effects, Cinema 4D, Blender, etc.). Otros: Creatividad y originalidad. Capacidad para trabajar con bocetos y transformarlos en diseños de alta calidad. Excelente comunicación y c...
I have an InDesign file that won't open. It keeps showing the error "cannot complete...error "cannot complete your request because of a database error". I need an expert to help recover this document. Details: - The file was created in InDesign CC 2018. - I have not tried opening the file on a different computer or with a different version of InDesign. - The error occurred after I opened another document and the program froze. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe InDesign, particularly CC 2018. - Experience in data recovery, specifically with InDesign files. - Ability to troubleshoot software issues. - Strong attention to detail and patience to work through the recovery process. Please note, time is of the essence as I need this document ...
I need a talented graphic designer who can manipulate my pet's photos into unique and high-quality custom portraits. The primary aim is to transform these images into gift-worthy pieces. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) - Strong artistic skills to create compelling illustrations - Experience in enhancing photos for specific purposes - Ability to retouch blemishes or imperfections - Keen eye for detail to sharpen clarity and improve lighting and contrast Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.
I'm seeking an expert who can help my education-focused YouTube channel reach the threshold for monetization. Key Requirements: - Increase my subscriber count to 1000 - Accumulate 4000 watch hours Ideally, you should have: - Proven experience in growing YouTube channels, particularly in the education/tutorials niche. - Knowledge of YouTube's algorithms and monetization requirements. - Ability to drive organic growth rather than relying on bots or paid subscribers. Bid your final amount in your bid,
I'm in need of a skilled designer to create a modern and sleek package for my dairy product. The design should resonate with contemporary aesthetics while ensuring practicality and functionality. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong understanding of packaging design - Experience in designing for frozen food products - Able to create visually appealing, modern designs - Knowledge of sustainable packaging solutions Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, specifically any related to food packaging.
...export options and scheduling capabilities for generating detailed analytics. Notification Management Features for setting up and customizing notification preferences, including templates and frequency settings. Integration and Interoperability API tools to facilitate integration with other systems, complete with key management and endpoint documentation. Help and Support A section with FAQs, tutorials, and contact options for technical assistance and user guidance. White Labeling for Other Companies The ability for companies to use the platform with their branding, supported through subscription-based access. Learning Management System (Future Development) A planned phase to integrate training resources, such as webinars or required classes, into the system for enhanced learning...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to convert 3 of my existing PNG files into SVG vector files. These vector files will primarily be used for print materials, so precision and attention to detail are crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.) - Experience with creating print-ready vector files - Attention to detail - Good communication skills - Timely delivery The fastest with matching Quality will awarded
I need my current JPEG logo converted into a vector format. The primary use for this vector logo will be both print and web purposes. No changes or modifications are needed, I simply need it vectorized. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator - Experience in logo vectorization - Understanding of print and web requirements for logos - Attention to detail to ensure accurate reproduction of the original logo
...written and verbal. Ability to work independently as well as part of a team. Proactive attitude toward learning new technologies and frameworks. Preferred Skills: Experience in native platform development and bridging between native and Flutter components. Knowledge of AR/VR integrations, AI/ML in mobile apps, or Flutter Web/Flutter Desktop. Familiarity with design tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD....
...during 2024?” ● “Share my Profit & Loss report for the last quarter of 2024” Other Instructions: ● For developing and testing the application, you can email us to request a temporary API key for ChatGPT . ● The sample reports (Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Report and Executive Summary) needed for this have been made available to you along with this file. ● Feel free to refer to online blogs and tutorials, but do not blatantly copy code from other places. ● The Chat UI can be a bit basic, but the clarity and UX should not be compromised. Focus on adding more power, features and accuracy to the answers if you are not very good at designing. If you are frontend focused, you can spend more time on the UI to show off that aspect. Useful links: ● Assistant API ...
I have two company sell sheets that need a graphic designer's touch. I need a professional proficient in Adobe InDesign to make the necessary updates. Key Tasks: - Replace one logo with another - Update phone numbers and email addresses - Adjust colors on the sell sheets to align with the new logo I am open to your design suggestions, and minor adjustments to the layout are acceptable. You will need to have access to the "New Hero" font, and I would appreciate your expertise in selecting a color scheme that aligns with the new logo. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Adobe InDesign - Graphic design experience - Familiarity with the "New Hero" font - Ability to suggest design improvements
...todas las plataformas y medios. Adaptar y actualizar identidades visuales según las necesidades del cliente. Colaborar con el equipo para entender los valores, la visión y la personalidad de las marcas que trabajamos. Presentar propuestas de diseño claras y bien justificadas. Requisitos Experiencia comprobable en la creación de manuales de identidad visual (indispensable). Dominio avanzado de Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.). Portafolio que demuestre proyectos de identidad visual. Capacidad para trabajar de manera autónoma y cumplir con plazos establecidos. Atención al detalle y un fuerte sentido de la estética. Conocimientos básicos en branding estratégico. Ofrecemos Proyecto freelance ...