500 unique vistors per daypráce
Popis úkolů a požadavky Popis úkolů a požadavky Pro mezinárodní společnost [...], která se specializuje na prodej hraček a další související aktivity, hledáme...ladění kódu (debugging), unit testování, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Webpack, Rollup - Angličtina na úrovni B1, Čeština - rodilý mluvčí - Orientace na výsledky a ochota neustále se rozvíjet Rozsah a typ spolupráce: - Typ spolupráce: IČO (živnostenský list) - Rozsah práce: plný úvazek, dlouhodobý projekt - Začátek: ihned - Místo: hybrid - 2 days on-site (na pracovišti) - Odměna: 2 500-5 000 CZK/...
Jsme carsharingová společnost provozující více než 500 vozidel v Praze. Pro lepší koordinaci práce dodavatelů v terénu poptáváme tvorbu jednoduché aplikace vytvořenou z google sheet. Vstupem do aplikace je tabulka dat - seznam činností. Jednotliví dodavatelé se v aplikaci sami přiřadí k činnostem podle lokality a po dokončení činnosti označí jako splněné. Data z aplikace se zapíšou do původní tabulky, kdy pro účely statistiky bude zřejmé, který dodavatel vykonal které činnosti. V okamžiku dokončené činnosti se tato přestane v aplikaci zobrazovat/přesune se do spodu seznamu.
...the field of Automotive and therefore the website should have a professional and technically appealing design with a dose of various animations and interactions for users. You can find comments on individual websites in the attachment Further work would concern the graphic design of various advertising and sales materials. Sites we like: Thanks and have a nice day David Hujer Hledáme zkušeného webového designéra a grafika, který je schopný udělat web který by nás odlišil od naší suché konkurence. Chtěli bychom web, který bude mít řádný wow efekt, pro každého, kdo se na něj podívá. Nehledáme žádný tuctový web...
Co požadujeme: - Pokročilá znalost a zkušenost s Node.js - Schopnost psát čistý a udržitelný kód - Přemýšlet nad problémy a odvážně se pouštět tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - Nástup ideálně hned :). Pokud to nepůjde, tak co nejdříve. Co nabízíme: - Práce na projektu s mezinárodním přesahem a zajímavým té...Přemýšlet nad problémy a odvážně se pouštět tam, kam se ještě nikdo nevydal :) - Nástup ideálně hned :). Pokud to nepůjde, tak co nejdříve. Co nabízíme: - Práce na projektu s mezinárodním přesahem a zajímavým t...
...words 1200 words 1000 words 800 words 900 words 700 words 500 words 100 words 1400 words 500 100 I can communicate in Czech and in English to assist you with translating. You should be able to use existing German heat exchangers websites (from competitors) to get explanation on terms/sentences where you are unsure how to translate
Filming Indigenous content for a healing walk. This will be a quick day shoot. We will need the video shot and edited as well. Oct 23. About 8hs work. 5 hs videoshoot, 3 hs travel.
...event agency producing "event products" My company is looking for a 100% match and understanding with the client that is percieved as a co-creator of the event. The main focus of the brand is to reduce waste from events and to use and work gently with materials and props. "Eventačka" offers 3 services: - Tailor made events for business partners, employees, or the public. (Family, Kids or sports day, Corporate events, Employee parties, Christmas parties, Opening events, Company anniversaries, Open days, Roadshow, Garden parties, Galaevenings and other new format that are not so known) - External cooperation with agencies. - Production of "Re-decoration" (decoration, props, upcycling material - reuse, remake, recycle system). Claim: TOGETHER we will...
Poptávám správu kampaní PPC pro slovenskou verzi eshopu
Dobrý den, hledám někoho, komu bych mohla zadat napsání textů glossary pages. Texty jsou primárně napsané v německém jazyku, nemusíte ho však znát. Jedná se o volný překlad. Důležité je zachovat hlavní myšlenku. Níže najdete příklady takových textů: ...marketingově napsaný text, který dokáže zaujmout a je přesvědčivý. Má pro čtenáře zajímavý obsah a vypráví určitý příběh. Prozatím chtěla bych napsat 1000 takových textů. Texty nemusí psát jeden člověk, ráda bych je rozdělila mezi více osob. Sbírám c...
Dobrý den, všimla jsem si vašeho profilu a ráda bych vám nabídla svůj projekt www.vaky-pytle.cz. Podrobnosti na emailu: info@
Potrebujeme kolem 5 recenzi vyhernich automatu, kazdy clanek kolem 500 slov
Potrebujeme kolem 5 recenzi vyhernich automatu, kazdy clanek kolem 500 slov
...set as well as a basic knowledge of Linux. Ideally you are familiar with the ticketing system OTRS. Moreover, you are a team player with excellent analytic and conceptual skills in combination with good language skills in English and ideally German. What we offer Innovative business model Financially sound company with solid long-term financing Responsibility for your own field of work from day 1 Flat hierarchies, friendly working atmosphere and diverse tasks in a strongly growing company The possibility to choose the technology you want to work with yourself Attractive compensation Regular feedbacks and various coaching and development possibilities ...
Popis: Potřebuj sběr účtenek obchodních řetězců s minimálním počtem 10 položek na 1 účtenku. Účtenky je třeba nascanovat do PDF či jiného grafického formátu (JPG). Lokalita: ČR - prodejny potravin Tesco, Albert, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny, Gl...hobymarkety: OBI, Hornbach Termín: září 2015 Doplňující informace: - scan účtenky musí být ostrý, účtenka nepomačkaná, čitelná - ne účtenky se špatným tiskem (kde dochází barva) - minimálně na 1 účtence musí být 10 položek - datum účtenky musí být v rozmezí září 2015 Cenová nab&i...
recenze 5 vyhernich automatu, kazdy text kolem 500 slov
recenze 5 vyhernich automatu, kazda kolem 500 slov, odevzdani do konce tydne
recenze 5 internetovych kasin, celkem kolem 500 slov, termin odezvdani: konec tohoto tydne
Sháníme programátora na dokončení rozdělaného projektu. Kód velmi čistě psaný, neměl by tvořit problémy na pochopení. Stručné info níže. ** Product Statement ** Jedná se o jakýsi systém klubové základny. Jednoduše bych to popsal jako velmi jednoduchou sociální síť, něco ve stylu začínajícího Linkedinu, pro business účely...jelikož je to do budoucna z praktického hlediska dobře udržovatelné) - PHP 5 - framework CodeIgniter - šablonovací systém Smarty - SVN ** Požadujeme ** - Intuitivní refaktorovaný kód (čili všude phpDoc, dodržování zave...
Jazyky prekladu: z anglického jazyka do ceského Cíl: nalezení prekladatele/ky z AJ do CJ pro preklady: - knih autora - aktuálních týdenních blogových príspevku - clánku a poznámek - materiálu ke konfere...vyhlašovatele možnost prodloužení o dalších 15 dní) Termín na vyhotovení prekladu: 3 dny od stažení zadání z našeho webu Výsledek: nejlepších pet prací bude publikováno na evropském webu spolecnosti. Na prání autora je možné jeho autorství skrýt pod pseudonym. Odmena: 1 místo: smlouva na preklad první knihy o objemu ...
Hi, I'm Anisa, and I'm looking for a talented designer who can create a minimalist logo for me. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in logo design - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to create unique and memorable designs The designer should have a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to create clean, simple, and effective designs. Please provide examples of minimalist logos you have created in the past.
I'm seeking a skilled architect who can submit a comprehensive design for a 2-bedroom house with guest rooms and accompanying landscape. A crucial part of this project is the ability to produce a 2D or 3D sketch that aligns with the tender request. Please do not bid if you cannot provide these. The ideal candidate will: - Have a modern design outlook. - Be able to propose unique and creative ideas. - Have useful experience in designing layouts for a big yard. Key features of the project include: - A 2-bedroom house layout, complete with guest houses. - An open floor plan, large windows and an outdoor entertaining area. This project will kick off with the creation of a milestone after we agree on a design you propose. Further projects will be assigned to the selected particip...
I'm in need of a series of seven human characters, all in their early 20s, who are realistic looking and fit within a modern-day urban environment. These characters will primarily be used for a series of Instagram videos, where I will employ AI for animation. The main character would look like this: Six-feet-two inches tall, Caucasian, black Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses, handsome twenty-one-year-old male, clean shaven, no facial hair, sandy brown hair, light-blue colored bucket hat, beige corduroy shorts that reach mid-thigh, dark blue tank top under an unbuttoned blue and yellow madras shirt., thin metal chain around his neck with a round brass medallion featuring a small sea serpent. He wears white sneakers with short white ankle socks. Full body.
I’m seeking a skilled landscape designer to create a modern and professional outdoor garden design for a 500 sqm area. The garden is located adjacent to three residential houses and should provide a functional, aesthetically pleasing, and relaxing environment. Key Design Elements ( not limited to ): 1. Outdoor Seating & Lounge Area – Comfortable and stylish seating arrangements suitable for gatherings. 2. BBQ Zone – A well-integrated and functional barbecue area for social events. 3. Diverse Greenery & Trees – A variety of trees and plants to enhance natural beauty and provide shade. 4. Water Feature (Waterfall) – A visually appealing and calming waterfall feature. 5. Pathways & Lighting – Elegant pathways adorned with trees and ...
I'm seeking an experienced iOS developer to create a utility app centered around crowdsourcing. This app will require: - User profiles: Each user will have a unique profile. - Bank account connectivity: Users must be able to link their bank accounts securely. - In-app communication: Users need the ability to converse with each other within the app. - Location services: The app will utilize the user's location. - Heat map: The app will feature a heat map of users. - Push notifications: Users will receive timely alerts and updates. - Profile verification: Implement a profile verification process to ensure authenticity. - User ratings: Users can rate each other after interactions. - Two-factor authentication: Enhance security with a two-factor authentication option. The id...
...Version – Create a square version for flexibility Digital Platforms Social Media Profiles • Instagram Profile Picture: 320 x 320 pixels • Facebook Profile Picture: 170 x 170 pixels (desktop), 128 x 128 pixels (mobile) • LinkedIn Profile Picture: 400 x 400 pixels (minimum), 768 x 768 pixels (recommended) Social Media Headers • LinkedIn Cover Photo: 1584 x 396 pixels • Twitter Header Photo: 1500 x 500 pixels • YouTube Banner: 2560 x 1440 pixels Website Assets • Favicon: 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 512 x 512 pixels • Header Logo: 250 x 100 pixels • Mobile Logo: 200 x 60 pixels App Icons • iOS App Icon: 180 x 180 pixels • Android App Icon: 192 x 192 pixels Print Assets • Business Card: 3.5 x 2 inches (with 0.125-in...
Hi issaksatta, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
I'm in need of a custom WordPress plugin that will enable the following functionalities: - Create agents with individual accounts: Each agent should be able to have their own unique account accessible via a standard username and password login. - Generate vouchers with unique waybill numbers: The plugin should have the capability to generate vouchers that come with unique waybill numbers. - Print labels with barcodes: The plugin should allow for the printing of labels that include barcodes. Additional functionalities that I want included in the plugin are: - Agent reporting: I want to be able to generate reports based on agent performance or activity. - Email notifications: The plugin should have the ability to send out automated email notifications to agents. -...
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with data entry from online sources. The data will need to be entered into a database format. The project involves entering 100-500 entries. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and data management - Experience working with online sources and databases - Attention to detail and accuracy in data entry - Ability to work efficiently and meet deadlines
I need a seasoned WordPress developer to create a unique plugin for my site. This plugin will allow job seekers to upload their CVs and fill out a basic form with their Full Name, Email Address, and Phone Number. Upon submission, they should be directed to a payment page. Once payment is confirmed, the CV is automatically sent to pre-set email addresses. Key Requirements: - The plugin should be delivered as a standalone file, ready for upload and activation. - It must incorporate the Muyassar payment gateway using provided API codes. - Data Validation: The plugin should enforce specific requirements for form fields: - Full Name: only letters - Email Address: must be a valid email format - Phone Number: must consist of digits only Ideal candidates should have extensive exper...
I need packaging for electrical wires and cables. We need packaging that looks unique to our brand and something that will be remembered when it doesn't have anything int he package. The name of our cable is Voltlink the logo is here. I want this packaging to look stunning but clearly recognizable to all our customers and also persons who don't know about cable should recognize the brand on the packaging. The packaging is a vinyl wrap that shrinks onto the roll of cable like shown in the pictures.
I'm in need of a modern, geometric, monochrome logo. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Understanding of geometric shapes - Proficiency in monochrome color schemes Experience: - Previous work with modern and geometric designs - Portfolio showcasing minimalistic and monochrome logos - Positive client reviews on creative and unique designs
Hotel managers, front desk staf, cafe managers, and other hotelpersonnel.2. Key Features and FunctionalitiesA. User Interface & Dashboard● Main Dashboard: A clean, intuitive dashboard that displays key metrics such as:○ Current check-ins and check-outs○ Vacant rooms for the day○ Upcoming bookings○ Recent cafe orders and reservations○ New Inquiry tabB. Booking Management● Check-In and Check-Out:○ Allow staff to check guests in and out.○ View details of the guests for easy access.● Vacant Rooms:○ Show available rooms for the day and future dates.● Add Booking:○ Quick access to add new bookings with guest details, room selection, andpayment options. WhatsApp integration for Booking details and payment links● Calendar View:○ Interactive calendar to view and manage all booking...
Design a Golf Driving Range Concept Overview: We are seeking a creative and functional design for a new golf driving range concept that combines the fun and modern atmosphere of Topgolf with a unique, industrial vibe using shipping containers. This concept includes private group areas, a beer garden, food trucks, and a variety of golf-related features. Your design should be sleek, professional, and visually striking, while incorporating fun elements to give the space a “wow” factor. You are encouraged to think outside the box and focus on creating a memorable, enjoyable experience for visitors. Key Design Elements: Overall Theme & Style:Shipping Container Concept: All buildings and structures on the property will be built from shipping containers. Color Palette...
...(Price, quality, delivery time) 4️⃣ Negotiate with Buyers (if required) 5️⃣ Get Order Confirmation & Dispatch Products 6️⃣ Receive Payment & Ratings 2.3 Admin Journey 1️⃣ Verify & Approve Supplier Listings 2️⃣ Monitor Bidding Activity 3️⃣ Ensure Quality Control & Approve Orders 4️⃣ Handle Disputes & Customer Support 3. Core Features & Design Considerations 3.1 Multi-Vendor Bidding System (App’s Unique USP) ✅ Buyers create a single purchase request, and multiple suppliers bid for the order. ✅ Suppliers can see other bids and adjust their offers before the order is confirmed. ✅ Buyers select the best bid based on price, delivery time, and seller rating. 3.2 Product & Quality Management ✅ Each product (almonds, cashews, raisins, etc.) has mul...
I'm seeking an experienced video editor to transform my footage into an engaging and dynamic TED Talk-style video. Requirements: - Edit 2 videos from different angles and a PowerPoint presentation. - Utilize audio from one source and alternate visuals from both cameras. - Incorporate slides with zooming in and out effects, which will also contain video segments. - Implement unique transitions (e.g., wipes, slides) between video angles and slides. - Include my logo at specified points. Your bid should only be placed if you can provide samples of similar work you've done in the past. Thank you. The final product should be in 1080p resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The final product should be delivered within 1 week. The final video should be between 10 to 20 minutes l...
I'm looking for a Figma designer to modernize the design of unique and unique around pages of our travel website (Around 15 pages). The primary goal is to give the site a more contemporary look. Key Responsibilities: - Redesign unique and unique around pages of our travel website in Figma - Deliver modern, aesthetically pleasing designs that align with current web design trends Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma - Strong understanding of modern web design principles - Previous experience in designing travel websites is a plus
**Table of Contents** 1. Introduction 2. Project Scope 3. Goals 4. Objectives 5. Functional Requirements 6. Design - Fro...details and setup instructions). - **Source Code:** Delivered with clear comments, version control history, and deployment instructions. - **Quality Assurance:** Verified performance, security, and usability through thorough testing. - **Optional:** Ongoing support and maintenance post-launch. --- ### 8. Communication Plans - **Primary Communication Channel:** WhatsApp for day-to-day updates and discussions. - **Weekly Progress Meetings:** Regular meetings to review project development, address challenges, and plan next steps. - **Code Repository Access:** Optional real-time access to monitor code commits a...
I'm seeking a modern, minimalist logo for my real estate firm. The design should uniquely incorporate my company's initials or name while remaining simple yet distinctive. Key Requirements: - Modern design aesthetic - Incorporation of company initials or name - Simple yet unique design - Blue and grey color scheme Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly within the real estate industry - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create minimalist yet impactful designs - Proficiency in color theory and application, specifically in a blue and grey palette
...first set will be turned into a terrain, numbers indicating height. The second representing surface texture, desert-fertile. The third representing types of flora and buildings, derelict-palatial. This project will involve: - Interpreting three matrices, where in 1st matrix each number corresponds to a specific regions height, 2nd set Soil type and 3rd set type of flora and building, to build a unique, mountainous terrain, allocating through web api supplied matrices or generated image/splat maps. - Utilizing your creativity and technical skills to ensure the terrain is both challenging and engaging. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in game development, particularly with Unity, and have prior experience in procedurally generating terrains. Please provide exampl...
...the upcoming Valentine's Day to our store. We have created pre-arranged gift baskets to make shopping / decisions easier for everyone. We have champagne / chocolates / designer sunglasses and perfumes. We currently have a video we just made of the baskets on our Instagram account. We are not looking to increase followers around the world but local followers. This way they might be customers that will show up to the store and make a purchase. I like the video our team has created but it needs more editing with calls to action. Where it has other images in the video telling: To stop in early, gift cards available, become a VIP member today, celebrate with us free champagne on Valentine's Day, the perfect spot to buy
I'm in need of a professional photo editor who can retouch fashion images to match a set of provided reference images. Key Requirements: - Image matching: You'll need to adjust the images to closely resemble the reference images in terms of color, style, and overall appearance. This is a long term cooperation and budget is 1$ per image with a volume of 30-40 images per day. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom). - Prior experience in fashion image retouching is a plus. - Keen attention to detail for image matching. - Good understanding of color correction - Proficient in layer manipulation and mask usage. I have a set of reference images ready for you to work from. Looking forward to seeing your b...
We are a small animal shelter running a Valentine’s Day adoption campaign. To support this campaign, we need a skilled and creative freelance video editor to transform raw footage of our shelter dogs into short, fun, and engaging videos. These videos will be used to promote the dogs on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. This is a short-term project with the potential to become long-term. Please note the campaign starts on February 8th, 2025, and runs through Valentine’s Day (February 14th, 2025 ). The budget is quite limited, but we’re looking for someone who is passionate about animal welfare and can deliver high-quality work within these constraints. Tasks to Be Completed: 1. Clip Selection: - Review raw footage of shelter dogs...
...Amodha Dairy, a premium dairy brand in India specializing in traditional dairy products such as khoya, ghee, butter, and paneer. We are looking for a talented and creative freelancer to help us design our logo, packaging, website, and marketing materials. Your work will play a crucial role in launching our brand and establishing our presence in the market. Responsibilities: Logo Design: Create a unique and memorable logo that reflects our brand’s core values of purity, tradition, and quality. Ensure the logo appeals to both traditional and modern consumers. Incorporate elements that symbolize freshness, natural ingredients, and authenticity. Packaging Design: Design attractive and functional packaging for our products (khoya, ghee, butter, and paneer). Use natural and cal...
I am seeking a professional fundraiser who can ethically and effectively raise $3,000 for my GoFundMe campaign, "Support the Visionary Energy Creation Initiative". Payment will be performance-based, with $500 awarded for successful fundraising within two weeks. I am particularly interested in: - Using any ethical strategies to promote the campaign, with a focus on highlighting its community impact. - Utilizing various platforms, predominantly Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but with a commitment to maintaining high ethical standards. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in fundraising and social media marketing, with a proven track record of driving successful GoFundMe campaigns. Excellent communication skills and a strong network of po...
...cartoon-style images and characters for me. Specifically, I am looking for cartoon characters of people. Ideal skills would include: - Strong background in cartoon-style illustration - Experience in character design - Creativity and ability to conceptualize unique characters - Proficiency in graphic design software Please include a portfolio of relevant work in your proposal. These cartoon characters will be featured in children's books. I need between 5 to 10 cartoon characters. positive The cartoon characters should follow a modern-day theme. The cartoon characters should primarily convey happy and joyous emotions. The cartoon characters should follow a Classic Disney art style. The cartoon characters should have a high level of detail. Please use a vibrant color...
I'm seeking an expert to help manage and design my Printify/Etsy store, with a focus on clothing. Tasks Include: - Designing eye-catching, trendy clothing items - Efficiently filling orders and maintaining customer satisfaction - Enhancing the overall aesthetics of the store to make it look professional Skills & Experience: - Prior experience with ...professional Skills & Experience: - Prior experience with Printify and Etsy is a must - Strong design skills, particularly in clothing - Excellent customer service skills - E-commerce management experience - Ability to maintain a professional store appearance I currently don't have a specific design style or theme. Therefore, I'm looking for a creative individual who can help develop a unique,...
I'm looking for a talented screenwriter to craft a compelling crime mafia film script for me. The script should be packed with...settings. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. I look forward to working with you. The script should be structured as a TV series or mini-series. The story should be set in modern day. The film should have a dark and gritty tone. Punjabi The main themes should focus on betrayal and revenge. The script should focus more on intense and thrilling action sequences to keep the audience engaged. The series should be structured into 6-8 episodes. The characters should share a single cultural background for consistency. Please include the character arcs as per the provided details: there are no specific characters or ch...
Contest Title Design a Unique Product Label for Indian Healing Clay Contest Description We're looking for a talented designer to create a unique and eye-catching product label for our Indian Healing Clay brand. The label should reflect the natural, healing properties of our product and appeal to our target audience. Contest Requirements 1. *Label Design*: Create a unique and eye-catching label design for our Indian Healing Clay product. 2. *Color Scheme*: Use a natural and earthy color scheme that reflects the healing properties of our product. 3. *Logo*: Incorporate our existing logo into the design. 4. *Product Information*: Include the following product information on the label: - Product name: Indian Healing Clay - Tagline: Deep Skin & Pore Clean...
HTML and CSS Development Services We specialize in creating custom HTML and CSS codes for businesses and individuals seeking a professional online presence. *Our Expertise* - Custom HTML and CSS coding for responsive websites - Mobile-friendly and cro...HTML and CSS coding for responsive websites - Mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible designs - Website redesign and revamp services - Ongoing website maintenance and updates *Why Choose Our Services?* - Fast turnaround times without compromising quality - Competitive pricing with no hidden costs - Expert developers with extensive HTML and CSS experience - Personalized service to meet your unique needs *Get Started Today!* Contact us to discuss your project and receive a custom quote. Let us help you establish a strong online...
We are seeking an experienced freelance web developer to build a modern and fully functional WordPress website. The project involves creating a custom WordPress theme that delivers a seamless user experience across all devices and simplifies content management for future updates. Key Requirements: Custom WordPress Theme: Develop a unique, tailor-made theme that aligns with current design trends. Responsive Design: Ensure the website looks and works flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Functionality: Integrate essential features such as a blog, contact form, social media links, and optionally, a newsletter subscription module. SEO Optimization: Implement basic SEO best practices to enhance the website’s visibility on search engines. Technical ...