100 articles per nichepráce
Tato webová stránka je jiná v tom že je to nadační fond pro děti a dospělé s leukemií. Potřebujeme jednoduchou stránku ( nadační fond ) kde lidé budou moct posílat peníze pro nemocné lidi s leukemii. Je potřeba udělat jen pár kroků. Udě...leukemii. Je potřeba udělat jen pár kroků. Udělat jednu jednoduchou stránku kde lidi budou moct posílat peníze, na stránce by měl být jednoduchý text proč zrovna pomoct dětem a dospělím s leukemii, poté nějaká tabulka kde lidé budou moct posílat libovolnou částku na náš učet a pak už jen udělat tabulku kde lidé uvidí kolik peněz se už vybralo. Chcem...
...v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a komplexních fulfillmentových služeb pro e-commerce. Je to nový a perspektivní obor. Naší vizí je: Vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produktů, díky kterým dokážeme zákazníky dostat do celého světa a z jejich pár objednávek denně udělat tisíce. Chceme umožnit zákazníkům růst. 200+ e-shopů nám již svěřilo svou logistiku 20 000+ odeslaných zásilek každý den 100% přesnost vychystávání objednávek 65% připravených zásilek putuje do zahraničí – zejména do států Evropské unie a Velké Brit&aac...
Hledáš možnost zapojit se do dynamického prostředí plného inovací a rychlého rozvoje? Pokud ano, připoj se k nám. Jsme tým odhodlaných a nadšených lidí poskytující fulfillmentové služby našim zákazníkům. Navrhujeme a poskytuje klientům ucelená ...dispozici v našem IT Hubu v Karlíně a v našem logistickém centru v Horních Počernicích. _________________________ Jsme lídrem v oblasti outsourcingu logistiky a komplexních služeb pro e-commerce. Máme vizi vytvořit komplexní ekosystém služeb a produktů, které mohou zákazníkům pomoci rozšířit se gl...
Zabýváme se výzkumy přičemž často využíváme různých chytrých on-line formulářů či SW aplikace s pokročilými výpočty a grafy. Máme dobrou úspěšnost projektů podpořených Technologickou Agenturou České Republiky. Někter...nakódované v Bootstrapu • Na backend používáme C# a ASP.NET Core • Data jsou uložená v SQL Serveru a pro přístup používáme Entity Framework • Celý projekt udržujeme na Githubu. Co Vám nabízíme • Nabízíme ohodnocení v rozmezí od 3800 - 5200kč za MD. • Spolupráci formou d&iacu...
Provozujeme 16 prodejen v obchodních centrech po ČR pod značkou EXE JEANS a také e-shop. Jsme specialisté na džíny, prodejní síť a aktivity e-shopu postupně zvětšujeme. Za loňský rok náš obrat přesáhl 100 mil. Kč, letos to bude kolem kolem 150 mil. Kč. Naše hlavní značky produktů jsou Mustang, Cross, Mavi, Tom Tailor Heavy Tools a další. Hledáme specialistu s prokazatelnou zkušeností na zlepšení výkonu online mkt specificky u Glami. Ostatní ppc kanály Google, Seznam, FB apod. máme pokryté.
Projekt adopce kryptomen mezi sirokou verejnosti Hledám programátora blockchainu, dApp, Defi apod. v Solidity, Script, Rust, Haskell Plutus, JavaScript apod., dále platformy Moralis, Agoric apod. Seniorní i juniorní. Za U.S. odměny požadujeme U.S. kvalitu. Mzda podle U.S. standardu Práce z domu.
Two years ago, I had a plugin cr...years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for...
Build me a Professional Web APP I want a person or agenc...le-down-width&page-id=0%3A1 Would be such 5000 Pages in Phase 1 to develop in batch of 100 or 1000 pages in different team Total Budget - 10,0000 to 20,000 Aud . Payment strictly through freelancer milestone on completion of milestones of 100 to 1000 pages of the project to be decided with client and development workers People should be able to communicate in Swiss French or English. (I will be interviewing on Zoomm Telegramm or Skyype before finalisation) People willing to work in this budget respond
Dobrý den, jsme začínajícím obchodem, který se zabývá elektronickým prodejem potravin a hledáme fotografa v oblasti Prahy, nebo Liberce a okolí. Vyhovující by byl termín třetí případně čtvrtý týden v březnu 2021, abychom v rámci společné spolupráce vytvořili fotografie 100 produktů a následně je z naší strany přidali do našeho online katalogu. Potřebujeme 2/3 fotografie pro každý produkt (SKU) včetně úpravy. Fotografie musí zobrazovat produkt v původním obalu s bílým pozadím. Zároveň je obrázky potřebné přejmenovat pomocí EAN kó...
For planned family beach resort I need new website. Expected design and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and functional setup from you (working menus, each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery
Poptáváme tvorbu moderního a uživatelsky jednoduchého eshopu pro jeden produkt v několika variantách. V českém jazyce. Max. 100 položek.
Potrebuji pomoci a vyberem a integraci CRM reseni pro obchodni team, celkem cca 50 obchodniku a 100 zamestnancu.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
Developerský projekt v blízkosti Prahy, který nabídne 100 bytů, hledá člověka který by nám pomohl s web designem, online marketingem a prodejem.
scrapper in or sample of detail page: items: 100 g/100 ml Energetická hodnota Tuky - z toho nasycené mastné kyseliny Sacharidy - z toho cukry Bílkoviny Sůl Please be aware that some pages include more information than 100g or 100ml.
Poptávám správu kampaní PPC pro slovenskou verzi eshopu
Oracle vývojář 100% remote na roční projekt
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Trqbvat mi experti tochno kato teb, vijdam che si si bulgarin, koeto pomaga naistina mnogo. S teb shte osnoven nova frima narechena Horne jar Computers i shte copirame izcqlo Jar Computers no nikoi nqma da ni hvane. Tova shte bude ofertata na jivota ti shte ti plashtam 5 USD na chas nqma problem samo ela da rabotish za men. Respect Leka nosht Pozdravi - Ne e Horne
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
Prikupi +100 srpskih facebook lajkova za 7 dana. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Koristite samo dobre prakse!
PRIKUPI +100 SRPSKIH FB LAJKERA ZA 7 DANA! VAŽNI USLOVI: Potrebno je promovirati našu facebook stranicu, to znači prikupiti prave, žive ljude koje iskreno zanima to što radimo.. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM!). Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje +50 prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu i ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Strogo su zabranjeni porno i ostali nepristojni profili! Naša ekipa če pratiti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato koristite samo dobre prakse!
Koliko realnih (100% srpskih) facebook lajkova možete obezbediti za 10 eur u 14 dana ? Najveća ponuda će osvojiti posao. VAŽNI USLOVI: Želimo prave Facebook lajkove (od stvarnih ljudi sa aktivnim fb profilima) na našu Facebook stranicu. Za promociju koristite samo svoju društvenu mrežu (bez fb administracije i reklamne kampanje). Promocija mora da bude NO FAKES, NO BOTS, NO SPAM! Svi lajkovi moraju da budu od ljudi koji imaju najmanje 50 + prijatelja na njihovom fejs profllu Svi lajkeri moraju da imaju ažurirane statuse (do 20 dana). Bez fake, porno i ostalih nepristojnih profila! Naša ekipa če svakodnevno proveriti profile lajkera i ako se otkriju nepravilnosti projekat se otkazuje. Zato je jakno važno da koristite samo dobre prakse! Sa...
I would like to make a custom search engine that can be used internally as a research tool. The goal would be to upload digital documents (word files, .pdfs, audio files, videos, articles, blogs, etc). Everything we upload would be transcribed by openai api, and then would be completely searchable by the search engine. The results from user query would tell the user where they would be able to find the information they are looking for and provide a clickable link taking them to whatever it is they need to look at.I will have about 300 podcasts, 20 .pdf books, and an entire blog site as the initial items to use, but we would also want to be able to upload more documents in the future that could be added to the search engines knowledge base. More details: What kind of search fu...
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong understanding of SEO to craft 30 articles about cryptocurrency and water filtration. The target audience for these pieces is the general public, with the aim of educating them about this complex and exciting field. Each article should be between 700-1000 words. Each article must contain three references from authoritative links that rank on Google, while reference overlap is allowed, each article should contain unique links. No personal language, written in an educational tone. SEO Keyword topics are: 1- water filter wrench 2- glass water filter pitcher 3- camping water filter 4- water filter installation 5-glass water filter 6- activated carbon water filter 7- lead water filter 8- counter top water filter 9- survival water filte...
...Your primary duties will include, but are not limited to: **Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:** - Manage and optimize PPC campaigns across various platforms, including Google Ads and social media channels, to ensure maximum ROI. - Conduct thorough market research to identify trends and competitor strategies, adjusting our campaigns accordingly. - Create compelling ad copy and design visually engaging landing pages that drive conversions. 3. **Content Marketing:** - Collaborate with our content team to develop high-quality, engaging content that resonates with our audience and supports our overall marketing goals. - Oversee the content calendar, ensuring timely publication and promotion of blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos. - Utilize various ...
We are building a mobile-first EdTech platform in a niche area and are seeking a talented Software Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate will play a pivotal role in shaping the technical foundation of our platform, from selecting the best tech stack to developing and implementing algorithms, and creating an intuitive mobile application. If you are proficient in JavaScript, have experience in mobile app development for both Android and iOS, and are passionate about creating seamless user experiences, this role is for you. Key Responsibilities: 1. Technology Strategy: o Research and recommend the most suitable tech stack tailored to our business needs and goals. 2. Environment & Architecture: o Set up the coding environment and define the app’s architecture to ens...
...document aims to guide developers in implementing the solution while highlighting advanced logic considerations and best practices for a robust FinTech application. --- ## 1. Overview ### Widget Objective A **Stock Sentiment Predictor** Widget that: 1. **Scrapes financial news articles** for a given stock ticker and date range. 2. **Applies GPT-4 (or other large language models) and classical sentiment analysis** to generate a quantitative sentiment score (ranging from 1–10). 3. **Outputs**: - A **CSV** with per-article sentiment scores and metadata (e.g., publication date, headline, source). - A **graph** (PNG/SVG) visualizing the sentiment trend over the selected time range. ### Intended Users - **Retail Investors**: Quick insight into market sentiment. -...
Seeking an expert in APA style editing to polish my dissertation. - Key areas include: - References and citations: Ensuring all sources are correctly cited in APA format. - Overall formatting: Applying APA standards to the title page, abstract, main body content, appendices, and tables. The dissertation references a variety of sources, primarily books, journal articles, and some online content. The ideal freelancer will be well-versed in APA style, with a keen eye for detail to ensure the highest level of grammatical and stylistic compliance.
Presupuesto 100 dólares entrega 3 días Busco un desarrollador para integrar WordPress con Bitrix24, automatizando el envío de datos entre ambas plataformas. La integración debe permitir: WordPress → Bitrix24: Enviar automáticamente información de un formulario en WordPress a Bitrix24 al momento del envío. Incluir archivos adjuntos y garantizar su accesibilidad en Bitrix24. Bitrix24 → WordPress: Sincronizar ciertos datos desde Bitrix24 a WordPress, como comentarios o actualizaciones. Puede hacerse en tiempo real con webhooks o mediante una tarea programada diaria. Requisitos: Experiencia con WordPress, PHP y API de Bitrix24. Conocimientos en integración de sistemas y automatización de procesos.
...languages for various platforms. • Develop messages that effectively communicate our mission, values, and impact to current and target audiences. • Create both long-form and short-form content for websites, emails, reports, and print mailings tailored to diverse audiences in Switzerland. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES • Write and edit SEO-friendly and informative copy for website pages, including news articles and landing pages. • Produce engaging, action-oriented newsletters and fundraising content. • Develop and refine impactful reports and brochures that resonate with current and target audiences. • Conduct thorough research to ensure all content is accurate, relevant, and tailored to audience/donor’s needs. • Work collaboratively with other un...
...minimalistic, visually appealing, and user-friendly, without excessive animations or overly complex elements. ? Project Scope: ✔️ WordPress Installation & Setup on Hostinger ✔️ Kallyas Theme Installation & Customization ✔️ Essential Pages: Homepage (Hero section + brief introduction + call-to-action) About Us (Short company bio) Services (Simple list with descriptions) Blog (Basic setup for legal articles) Contact (Form + basic details) ✔️ Appointment Booking System: Clients should be able to schedule meetings easily. ✔️ WhatsApp Chat Integration: Floating WhatsApp button for quick communication. ✔️ Multi-Language Support: Default Turkish, with an English option. ✔️ SEO Optimization: Proper structure, meta tags, and fast-loading pages. ✔️ Responsive & Fast Performan...
I need a seasoned expert who can guide me on bypassing root and emulator detection on all apps running in NoxPlayer. My goal is to achieve a 100% success rate in avoiding detection. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with NoxPlayer, rooting, and app security. - Proven track record of bypassing detection successfully. - Ability to share techniques, tools, and methods for seamless operation without detection. I've attempted some methods, but they have failed. I need someone who can deliver results. Please only apply if you have a history of proven success in this area.
¡Hola! Me gustaría contratar a un desarrollador que hable español de manera fluida para crear una hoja de cálculo (preferiblem...Cálculo automático del total de caja en cada moneda y conversión a una moneda base (si se considera necesario). - Posibilidad de obtener reportes o resúmenes diarios, semanales o mensuales (es ideal pero no obligatorio). - El desarrollador debe hablar español a la perfección, ya que toda la hoja y la documentación estarán en ese idioma. Entrega final: Archivo de Google Sheets (o Excel) funcionando al 100%. Instrucciones básicas de uso y mantenimiento. Espero sus propuestas con: Tiempos estimados de entrega. Presupuesto total. Ejemplos de trabajos similares (si aplic...
conduttore per rubriche televisive a distanza. il compenso include l'utilizzo, la vendita e la diffusione dell'apporto audio video del conduttore, senza limitazioni.
I'm looking to create a comprehensive social media site, with a focus on publishing a wide array of content types. This platform should cater to mixed media content, allowing users to share pictures, videos, articles, and text excerpts, all within one post. Key Features: - User Authentication: The site should support an email and password login system. A simple, secure, and reliable method that ensures users can create and manage their accounts with ease. - Mixed Media Tools: I need the site to offer specific tools and layouts for mixed media content. This could include custom post layouts, editing tools, and content formatting options that enhance the user experience and encourage content creation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating soci...
A developer is required for development of a article app, app is basically a sport article and education app where users can read articles related to real sports and e sports, later on we are also looking on with the function users can add their own articles related to sports
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a vibrant and modern multi-niche blog covering Technology, Health & Wellness, and Finance. The blog should host a variety of content types, including opinion pieces, how-to guides, and news updates. Key Requirements: - Design a modern and vibrant WordPress blog - Cover multiple niches: Technology, Health & Wellness, Finance - Integrate diverse content types: opinion pieces, how-to guides, news updates - Implement a minimalistic approach to enhance readability without compromising the vibrant design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WordPress development - Prior experience with multi-niche blogs - Strong understanding of modern and vibrant design principles - Excellent content organization skills ...
Hey, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY I'm looking for someone who can build a full automation to create hundreds of micro blog and add one article on each blog. Each article must contain one link to my website. Someone on a freelancer platform did the same for my website, he was able to create 500 blogs with 500 articles with one link on each article. I need the same for my websites. If you are able to do that please contact me, do not bid if you can't do it. Thank you
...freelancer to help me dominate the football niche on Quora. The main goal is to establish my authority through high-quality, in-depth analyses. Ideal Qualifications: - Proven track record in developing content strategy on Quora and driving account growth. - Deep understanding of football or a demonstrated ability to conduct extensive research on the sport. - Exceptional writing skills to create engaging, SEO-friendly answers. - Experience in boosting engagement metrics, increasing followers, and enhancing answer visibility. - Proficiency in managing Quora Spaces and analyzing performance metrics. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize my Quora profile to reflect credibility and authority. - Research trending, high-impact questions within the football niche and provide compreh...
Include things as per discussion 1)Uniqe theme as per logo brand 2)Dynamic with admin for content managment(php-laravel-ci) 3)Responsive Design 4)Images as per need to make 5)social media and google integration
I need an experienced writer to create engaging, high-quality blog posts for my health and wellness blog. The ideal freelancer should have a deep understanding of the health and wellness industry and be able to conduct thorough research on various topics within this niche. Key Responsibilities: - Writing informative and compelling blog posts - Conducting necessary research to ensure accuracy and depth of content Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in article and research writing, particularly for the health and wellness sector - Exceptional writing skills and a keen eye for detail - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality Customer satisfaction is my priority, and I expect the same level of commitment from you.
**Project Title:** AI-Powered Research Platform for Library **Description:** We are looking for a developer to build an AI-powered research platform for a library with **20,000 books and articles**. The platform should allow users to: - Conduct research using only library resources (no external data). - Generate **assignments, articles, theses, and books** with proper citations. - Search by **topic, author, or keywords** with advanced filtering. - Upload additional books for inclusion in research. - Edit AI-generated content and request **AI-generated images**. - Use a **customizable research request form** with dynamic fields. - Support **multilingual output**, even if source materials are in another language. - Ensure **high security, scalabi...
...etc.). Analyze tweet frequency, engagement (retweets, likes), and influencer participation (>30k followers). Perform sentiment analysis (positive/neutral/negative) to assess the overall sentiment. DexScreener Scraper Retrieve new token trading pairs via the DexScreener API. Collect data on volume, number of trades, and identify sponsored listings. Automatically filter based on trading activity (>100 trades/hour, >20 trades/5 min). Social Media Check ( API) Verify which influencers (≥30k followers) are discussing the token. Determine engagement rates (likes, comments, follower ratio). Aggregate a "Social Hype Score" based on mentions and reach. Security Check ( API) Automatically assess a token's security based on: Liquidity Burn (permanent liquidity loc...
hi Hrachya As discussed over the call, we need to use GenAI to analyse Dutch media articles, after which you need to analyse the final results and put the insights on our template. best Narek