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The Java language is utilized on billions of devices, which shows that it truly has become embedded and necessary to users worldwide.
Zaměstnat Java Development Agencies
Java development agencies can help you use the revolutionary language to develop the application that you and your team have been planning, and execute that vision in a way that you didn’t deem possible. Get a free quote from one today at
Jak najmout skvělého nezávislého pracovníka Java Development Agency
Technology users the world over are exposed to Java. This popular all-purpose computer programming language is one of the most utilized programming sources throughout the globe. Whether you use a desktop computer, mobile phone, gaming console, host your data center or simply browse the internet, no doubt you’ve been exposed to Java. 89% of computers in the USA, 3 billion mobile phones, 120 million TV devices and every Blu-ray disc player relies on Java programming, not to mention a multitude of other applications. Chances are you’re dependent on Java, even if you are perhaps unaware of it.
Java is an object-oriented programming language that was originally released in 1995. The language is heavily influenced by the syntax of C and C++, and developers favor Java for its flexibility, enabling them to code once and run almost anywhere without recompilation, as well as its suitability for creating a range of applications. Java 8 is the latest version and continues Java’s legacy of speed, security, and reliability, ensuring it is the primary choice for 9 million Java programmers worldwide. With such a broad collective of developers, careful selection of staff is vitally important. is a curated community and home to many of the top Java developers, rendering it a preferred platform for sourcing quality staff.
A high-quality Java developer will enable you to easily and effectively create and deploy the web and mobile applications and services, internet content, games and enterprise software. Almost all networked applications leverage Java as their foundation coding language. If you are looking to create software to run across a wide range of platforms, deliver highly customized applications or services, develop server-side applications for online stores and forums, or create programs that activate in virtually any web browser then you need a Java expert.
Ensure your selected Java programmer has a strong grasp of object oriented programming. A detailed understanding will enable them to realize Java’s true potential. Hands on experience in core API’s and familiarity with a variety of development methodologies such as XP, Agile and Waterfall are also key selection criteria. A computer science degree or certificates in Java programming, while not essential, demonstrate a commitment to skill development. Ideally, a programmer will possess knowledge of other programming languages such as Perl, python or ruby. Reviewing a potential contractor's recent work and client feedback is critical in understanding the breadth of their experience and level of customer satisfaction.
If you are starting a new project and need an individual Java programmer, or conversely a larger software and web development company specializing in Java, alongside other programming languages, then is the place for you. provides the ability to browse available staff, review hourly rates and monitor customer feedback prior to selecting the perfect developer. Alternatively, post a project to attract suitable contractors for a set rate. You can set milestones along the way, and only release funds when predefined deliverables are completed successfully to ensure an effective and error free development journey. Post a project today!
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