We are glad to say that we have 300+ satisfied customers offline
and now we are exploring our services online and on freelancer.com
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We are the team of best freelancers we provide services in many fields.
We are working with the best strategies and have 300+ customer satisfaction. We are working only to provide a quality work. We bid only on real projects.
we are providing services in these fields
* Web Development
* Wordpress Websites
* Shopify Development
* Payment Gateways
* Python
* C++
* Html
* Digital Marketing
* Internet marketing
* Social media marketing
* Facebook Lead ads
* Data Entry
* Copywriting
* Starting Business with Amazon or any other eCommerce site
* Pdf to txt files
* Pdf to HTML
* Logo Designing
* Converting many excel files in one file
* MS excel (any work)
* Data Research
* Taking Business online
* Blogging website
* Copy-Paste Jobs
We work only for 100% satisfaction.
TechVocal Services
(A Indian Freelancing Company)
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