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Domaxy Info Soft Pvt. Lt
Mobile Apps | Web Design | SEO | Web Development
$10 USD / hodinu
India (12:05 dop.)
Připojen června 12, 2013
$10 USD / hodinu
Domaxy Info Soft brings over 5 years of experience with User Applications, Mobile Application (Android & iOS), Databases, Web Applications, Business Continuity Planning, and Delivering Customized Solutions.
We are constantly exploring new technologies to ensure clients benefit from the latest advancements and maximize their investment in computer technology.
Our Mission
Domaxy Info Soft is committed to assess your computer technology needs, identify the best solutions and develop an impel mentation strategy compatible with your organizational structure and capabilities to promote your growth and success.
To achieve this we will:
* Provide high quality, professional services
* Meet or exceed identified time requirements
* Provide the best value for your investment
* Strive to achieve full customer satisfaction
Services are provided remotely to customers around the world using a variety of secure technologies as required by the specific project.
I leave this review because this freelancer is a SCAM they promise you quality a good service but they only request money on front and do small work and stop.
Please don't waste your time and money with this freelancer.
Really bad experience. This project was to convert the design to Wordpress. There are 4 pages in all. This freelancer could not complete the project on time. I postponed the deadline more than 5 times but eventually he could not complete the project for 50 days although I reduced the requirements by nearly half. I gave him several chances to help him but he could not complete at last. Poor freelancer! He ruined my project and after all I got fired from the firm. He ruined my business. If your project has a deadline, never hire him. But I paid him 4/5 of the whole payment even if he had done only half.