I have worked all types of jobs including, package handling, Office internship, Driving services, Security Ect. I am very attentive to detail and also very ambitious and motivated to finish things i start. I speak English and Korean and am looking to learn chinese as well. I have interest in doing future work translation as well as art and design and photography . I look forward to working with anyone who i can use my skills to collaborate with.
ESL students who are learning English as a second language i was tasks with arranging their classes and test dates and getting them signed up for class.
pro, 2018 - pro, 2019
Community College of Philadelphia
2021 - 2024
3 roky
United States
2021 - 2024
3 roky
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
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100 %
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100 %
Přijmout sazbu
100 %
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