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Gianni B.
Web developer Html5, PHP, Css3, WordPress and more
$40 USD / hodinu
Venezuela (10:24 dop.)
Připojen února 1, 2017
$40 USD / hodinu
Web and Graphic Designer with over 4 years of expertise.
Native Spanish, fluent in English.
My thecnical services include (but are not limited) to:
* Web Aplication Design, Development & Integration
* Modern Website Design & Development (Custom coded/Joomla and Wordpress)
* Programming (PHP / MySQL / JS / jQuery / Ajax / CSS / HTML / Bootstrap / Tailwind)
I'm passionate whit everything related to the digital environment, web design, graphic design, digital marketing, and social media. I consider myself a good professional, I strive every day to be better, attentive to new trends, seeking new knowledge and how to apply them every day.
I enjoy making websites with Html5, Css3, Php, etc. but also work with content managers like Joomla or Wordpress.
I like being part of the design of identities, logos, stationery of the companies or undertakings of my clients.
All my services are available in both, Spanish and English.
Full time availability
Organized, communicative, dependable, effective.
Very good knowledge. The comunication with the freelancer was excellent. I can only recommend this person and for sure I will work with him in the future.
Es un excelente profesional, cuenta con un completo equipo de trabajo que dio solución a todos los requerimientos realizados. La expectativa fue sobrepasada y el proyecto terminó siendo más completo y robusto de lo planeado inicialmente.
Muchas gracias Gianni a ti y a tu equipo de trabajo!!!
Web Developer, Web Layout, Joomla, Wordpress, Html5 and CSS3, digital marketing, social networking, photoshop, illustrator, php, mysql, instagram, social media marketing
bře, 2014 - Současnost
10 roků, 11 měsíců
Web Designer
bře, 2015 - říj, 2016
1 , 7 měsíců
bře, 2015 - říj, 2016
1 , 7 měsíců
Development of dynamic and static web pages,
Layout of websites with html5 and css3
bře, 2015 - říj, 2016
1 , 7 měsíců
CAD Draftsman and Assistant Engineer
dub, 2014 - srp, 2015
1 , 4 měsíce
Taller Chama C.A
dub, 2014 - srp, 2015
1 , 4 měsíce
Perform measurements, compute, make calculations of materials, maintain the deposit with the necessary materials, personnel evaluation, revision of plans, maintenance of machinery
dub, 2014 - srp, 2015
1 , 4 měsíce
1994 - 2010
16 roků
1994 - 2010
16 roků
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