Welcome to my profile.
My name is Marios Eliazet, i am a native speaker of Greek language and I am a certified public accountant/ auditor with experience over 10 years specialized in IFRS accounting and auditing standards.
I run also NFT business development services, whereas I am the co-founder of LOUZ NFT Project.
Looking forward to working with you.
Responded very quickly and supplied the request within the day
Closed User
před 5 roky
audit manager
zář, 2011 - Současnost
13 roků, 5 měsíců
Acfin Audit Ltd
zář, 2011 - Přítomnost
13 roků, 5 měsíců
I work as an audit manager in a private firm in Cyprus. I have accumulated experience of over 10 years in the industry
zář, 2011 - Současnost
13 roků, 5 měsíců
Panepistimio Kyprou
2005 - 2009
4 roky
business administration
2005 - 2009
4 roky
certified public accountant
the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
When you become an ACCA member an official membership certificate will be signed and sealed at our monthly council meeting. This certificate bears the ACCA seal and is an official document which confirms your amazing achievement of reaching that Chartered Certified Accountant status
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