Being a Virtual Assistant has been my life for the last 5 years.
$4 USD / hodinu
Philippines (10:45 dop.)
Připojen července 30, 2013
$4 USD / hodinu
Most of the time I am working on data entry and graphic designing, create customized Photoshop actions, submitting articles, blog posting, and doing twitter such as increasing your follower, create pages/groups on facebook and using my abilities i will make a campaign and do organize the information for the particular topics. May be able to accept works and submit it before deadlines and moreover I can search useful methods and softwares that can help to work efficiently.
Write E-books (Product Documentations) Submit articles to article directories Research relevant topics, Social Media Marketing- Facebook and Twitter Marketing Customer Service/ answer emails graphic designs(E-book, Brochure,Flyers, Calling Cards, Logos, Book covers, Posters, Menus, Web banners, headers, panaflex, tarpaulin, streamer, indoor/outdoor stickers) Create PDF files
Can create e books and research various topics regarding online marketing; Submit articles and videos to YouTube, create back-links on many article directories particularly on this sites, Ezine, Isnare, Buzzle, Hubpages, Weebly, Quizilla, Google Knol , Squidoo, Xanga, Typad, Tumblr, Posterous, LiveJournal.
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