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Tarannum Fatima J.
Amazon, Excel, Apps, Wikipedia, GIS, Translator
$10 USD / hodinu
India (8:53 dop.)
Připojen října 27, 2020
$10 USD / hodinu
Welcome to my profile!
My name is Tarannum, I am using this platform for my freelancer services.
Below are the services that I provide to my buyers/clients. I have experience in data entry, content writing, proofreading, research writer, translation, and copywriting. I am a native speaker of English, Hindi, and Urdu languages can translate documents into all three languages.
Wikipedia page creation.
Translation for English to Hindi, English to Urdu, and English to Arabic.
Leads, web scraping.
Transcription, voice-over
Excel, data entry, Pdf to Word.
Articles, content writing, blogs, product descriptions,
Listing products to Amazon, WordPress, and Woo Commerce.
Proofreading and editing.
Books and eBooks
Overall, my experience with Tarannum was a mix of positives and challenges. While the project eventually reached completion, it was not without its hurdles. Additionally, miscommunications arose during the project's execution, which added further complications. However, it's worth mentioning that despite these setbacks, Tarannum ultimately delivered on the project requirements. Their commitment to seeing the task through to completion is commendable, and the end result met our expectations.
I worked here as a Writer, editor, and translator of English-Hindi and English-Urdu languages. Created a Wikipedia page, and worked on various scraping projects.
říj, 2020 - Současnost
4 roky, 4 měsíce
University of Lucknow
2006 - 2008
2 roky
M.A. ( Geography)
2006 - 2008
2 roky
University of Lucknow
2003 - 2005
2 roky
M.A (Economics)
2003 - 2005
2 roky
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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