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William Oketch Law Co.
Civil Litigation Attorney PROTECT YOUR RIGHT
$5 USD / hodinu
Kenya (3:07 odp.)
Připojen února 1, 2020
$5 USD / hodinu
Thanks for stopping by! I am a passionate civil litigation attorney, and criminal litigation attorney dedicated to help clients in various cases such as preparing and filing motions in search for Court Orders and challenging court orders against them, filing claims or defending claims, filing applications/motion in search for orders or challenging orders against my client.
Other areas of expertise include Business/Commercial & Contract and breach of contracts matters, Civil Litigation matters from employment unlawful termination, Running down/accident/insurance claim matters to other general civil matters, Family Law, Child Custody, Support & Divorce, Contracts and Criminal justice system.
The current world has many legal issues which when not addressed can be stressful. That's where I come in. My passion is seeing my clients get out of their legal hook and walk away free and/or contended. I do strive to ensure that my clients get justice and best outcomes from court. With these wealth of experience I do prepare persuasive pleadings/court documents.
So far I have successfully helped various clients with court issues. For example I successfully persuaded Rhodes Island Court to award child support and custody to my client. I had also managed to obtain court orders for my three clients in California. I have also managed to secure tendering rights for my client in South Africa who was unlawfully and unfairly barred from participating in the public tenders.
I believe with my expertise I will be best positioned to help you. Kindly inbox for my timely and quality services. I do offer quality work, deliver projects in time and I am always available for revisions. I am mostly online at affordable and agreeable charges.
I represent clients on various legal issues before the High Court of Kenya as well as helping international clients solve their legal problems ranging from;
1. Breach of contract,
2. Family Law, child custody & child support.
3. Commercial/Business, Criminal
I have passion seeing people get out of their legal hook and walk away free or contended. I do strive to ensure that my clients get the best outcomes from court. I am ready for your service to attain justice in this corrupted world.
Nairobi, Kenya
lis, 2017 - Současnost
7 roků, 3 měsíce
Legal Officer
bře, 2024 - lis, 2024
7 měsíců, 30 dní
Riley Falcon Security Services Ltd.
bře, 2024 - lis, 2024
7 měsíců, 30 dní
Preparing case summaries of the Employment Related cases filed in courts against the company. Analyzing the facts and evidences before presenting the same to our team of attorneys. Preparing legal opinion advising on the possible outcomes of the case considering the facts and evidences within our possession. Analyzing Court judgments issued against the company in attempts to find the best approach to appeal and advise according on whether to appeal or not.
Nairobi, Kenya
bře, 2024 - lis, 2024
7 měsíců, 30 dní
Legal Assitant
led, 2023 - pro, 2023
11 měsíců
Trident Insurance Company Ltd
led, 2023 - pro, 2023
11 měsíců
Preparing Legal opinion advising the company on the legal implications of every claim against it whether injury claim or non-injury claims. I was also accorded the responsibility of negotiating with advocates in pursuit of out of court settlement which was cost effective to the company. I was also ensuring timely correspondences to emails and calls from our clients and litigants. I gained more experience in Insurance and the law. I remain grateful for the company for giving me such opportunity.
Nairobi, Kenya
led, 2023 - pro, 2023
11 měsíců
University of Nairobi
2017 - 2018
Postgraduate Diploma in Law(Advocates Training Program) at Kenya School of Law
2017 - 2018
Moi University
2011 - 2015
4 roky
Bachelor of Law Degree (LLB)
2011 - 2015
4 roky
Legal Researcher of the year.
Kenya Law Reform Commission
I emerged as the most performing Legal Researcher and Court Station Manager of the year 2019-2020 on the project Access to Justice research project whose recommendations would possibly be used for policy making and eventually in law reform in regards to Access to Justice.
Certificate of Service
Kenya Law Reform Commission
Legal Research Assistant where my duties included and not limited to general legal research, legislative review research, judgment writing(upon placement to Kenya's Magistrate Court); Report Writing; and Correspondence upon placement to Kenya's Magistrate Court.
Appraisal of Kenya Justice System vis-à-vis its Indigenous Jurisprudence
William Oketch
The paper aimed at analyzing the justice system of Kenya and giving insight to the legal professionals, law students and the society of the challenges, the lacunae and the possible solutions to for a better legal system, in conjunction with its traditional justice mechanisms. This paper was published in 2015.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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