migration to Hyper V and backup

Ukončen Zveřejněno před 3 lety K zaplacení v momentě doručení

Convert Physical SAP server to Hyper-V


Export 2 Hyper-V VM from this server Separately


DHCP Server & Attendance


Terminal Server ( Sap)


Test Converted Hyper-V sap Machine whether it is working properly or not & License is activated.


Install new windows 2016 standard on this server & Convert total space of 3.26 TB with raid 5


Configure all 3 Hyper-V machines on this server


a) Sap Server


b) DHCP & Attendance Machine


c) Windows 7 Hyper-v Machine workign as terminal PC)




Server -2


Migrate all 3 Hyper-V machine ( Physical Planning Server / Mailstore/fileserver new)


Test Converted Hyper-V Physical Planning Server / Mailstore


Install windows 2016 standard on this server & Convert total space of 3.5 TB with raid 5


Configure all 3 Hyper-V machines on this server


a) Planning Server


b) Mailstore Server


c) Setting up new fileserver (engineering /Planning/ projects/QC) By creating new LUN in Qnap and providing access to different Dept.



Moving the Existing Qnap Data from 2 bay Nas to Synalogic Storage by creating the LUN (engineering /Planning/ projects/QC) and Mapped to New fileserver)




Backup Configuration for Both the Server


Configuring the Backup Using Altero (3-2-1) Local- remote -Cloud)

This has to be done on Both The server

The schedule has to be configured on the server for Periodic Backup. So that the Data is secured.

Schedule the report.

Windows Server SAP Storage Area Networks Microsoft SQL Server

Identifikační číslo projektu: #29841417

O projektu

7 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 3 lety

7 Freelnceři na váš projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $18/hod.


Hello, i'm an expert IT with more 15 years of experience in IT industry . i'm certified Cisco networking professional 300-100 and 300-115 and Linux professional lpi 101, 102 and red hat certified system administrator a Další

$33 USD / hodina
(28 Recenzí)

Hi, My hourly is higher than you asked but this our working rate. I want to discuss your project because it is extensive and from the description I think we can do some more improvements. Also project rate would be be Další

$45 USD / hodina
(9 Recenzí)

Hi, Just read your project description, you need a server engineer to setup the Hyper-V server, creating the VMs, installing & configuring the OS. Also, need to setup the SAP server, File server, backup & some other r Další

$8 USD / hodina
(1 recenze)

Dear Employer, I can help you with migration to Hyper V and backup. I have good experience with below listed skills: SAP Windows Server Microsoft SQL Server Storage Area Networks Kindly click on chat for more discu Další

$8 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)

Hi, i am having 10 years experience in SAP Basis and System Administrator. i have experience with SAP migration. i can create as per your requirement hyper VMs and migrate SAP systems. for more discussion please cont Další

$8 USD / hodina
(1 recenze)

Hi, I possess more than 13 years of hands-on experience, primarily in Oracle database administration. I have experience managing various versions of Oracle databases, deployment of Oracle Data Guard, RAC, migration/up Další

$8 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)