Hope you’re having a good day, I am ready to take a start on your project ”Desarrollo sitio web de ventas on linea (tienda on line)" with the description.I've checked your site and I would like to give you an idea to meet your requirements.
I can start the work immediately and will finish the task with your requirement during your deadline.
My skills are...
FrontEnd : React, Vue, Angular, Ember.js, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap
Backend : RubyonRails, Spring Boot,Node, Express, Laravel, CodeIgniter, PHP, Python, Rails
Database : MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Devpops: AWS EC2, Router53, Godaddy, SalesForce, GCPAWS, Azure, GCP
CMS: Wordpress, magento ,Shopify etc.
Other Skills : GitHub, Bitbucket, Docker, Web Hosting, Web scraping, Blockchain.
Please, contact me and discuss more.
Thanks for your attention.
Best Regards
From Jacob