Powershell Project Review and CMdlets

Ukončen Zveřejněno před 2 lety K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I already have a project in Powershell with Rest API.

Requirement is

[login to view URL] the Project code and check the error handlings

[login to view URL] of the code if anything or Optimize

[login to view URL] in the Project make them as commandlets to run it from Powershell.



RESTful VMware Powershell

Identifikační číslo projektu: #34645807

O projektu

4 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 2 lety

4 Freelnceři na váš projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $22/hod.


Hello, I'm Hoang, a System Admin. I have 5-years of experience working with Powershell script relate Windows, Active directory, Office 365, AzureAD. I think I can help you complete it soon. Please consider and contact Další

$22 USD / hodina
(26 Recenzí)

Hey Haris, I have been working as a system administrator for 4 years now, and am very experienced with PowerShell and have used it in the following contexts: - Windows Server/Windows 10 general administration - Office Další

$20 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)

I am VMware automation expert have created many dot net powershell solutions for automating task. In my resent project I had created self service portal for level 1 teams to power cycle servers without logging on to vc Další

$25 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)

Hi, im working with powershell as OOP and Functions. IT Admin as Full time Job, know what to look for regarding scripts.

$20 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)