Hello, Thank you for the job posting
We are an IT software development agency of 30+ team, we are competent with all the skills mentioned in this job posting
We can provide you with our candidate with
this generation 6+ Year Experienced Expertise in server management & Migration services, VPS, Dedicated, SSL
The solid strong modules we have executed using over expertise are as follows:
- AWS-cloud-services: Cloud Front, Route53, Global Accelerator, S3, IAM, EFS, EC2, VPC, CodeCommit, Elastic Kubernetes Service(eks), LightSail, AmazonMemoryDBforRedis, ElastiCache, Redis Global Datastore, SNS, ASES, AWM, Lambda, CloudTrail, Cloud Watch
- Secure Host-Proxy: Nginx, Nginx-plus, HAP Roxy, ALB, NLB
- SSL, Certificate, Dns and Hosting: cname, GoDaddy, route53, gcoud-DNS, digital ocean, cloud flare
- Dev and live Server : Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, Alpine, CentOS, RedHat, macOS
- Kubernetes: Kubernetes (eks, gks, aks)
- Docker: Docker, Docker-Compose, docker-hub, Kubernetes-Docker
- Redis: privateLinuxRedis, redis-cloud, redis-enterprise
- Database: MongoDB, MySQL, Cassandra, Firestore
- Automation: Jenkins, CI-CD-pipeline
- Version Control System: Git, GitHub, GitLab, aws-codeCommit
- Private CDN proxy cache server
- CDN Integration : Cloud-front, Cloudflare, Akamai, fastly, bunny, KeyCDN
Looking forward to hear more about the project from you . (I have not given the actual cost in this bid, I will be able to give only after preparing the road map of the project work)
Thanks again!