Weekly Full Stack PHP Maintenance

Probíhá Zveřejněno před 3 měsíci K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I'm seeking a skilled full stack PHP developer for a weekly 20 hour commitment. The role primarily involves bug fixing and maintenance across both front-end and back-end components of my web application.

Key Responsibilities:

- Regularly diagnose and fix bugs

- Maintain optimal application performance

- Enhance user experience through front-end maintenance

- Ensure smooth server interaction with back-end maintenance

Ideal Skills:

- Proficiency in PHP and full stack development

- Strong problem-solving skills

- Experience in bug fixing and maintenance

- Ability to work on both front-end and back-end components

- Excellent understanding of database integration

PHP MySQL HTML JavaScript WordPress

Identifikační číslo projektu: #38826413

O projektu

15 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 3 měsíci

Uděleno uživateli:


Hello, I have 7+ years of experience in the Web Development. Throughout my career, I have gained comprehensive expertise in various areas of web development, including: Frontend Development: Advanced proficiency in HT Další

₹160 INR / hodina
(2 recenzí)

I am completely making as per your needs. I have good experience in developing websites application and maintain the front end and back end part in react, php, flutter, .net, iOS. Also, I have good in eCommerce domain Další

₹150 INR / hodina
(3 recenzí)

I am full freelancer have 10+ year experience in php and laravel. let start now

₹100 INR / hodina
(13 recenzí)

15 Freelnceři na váš projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru ₹363/hod.


as discussed, here is our bid, which is not just about the price for the service but also takes into account a value for quality and reliability. With our extensive experience in full stack development, especially in P Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(255 Recenzí)

With over 5 years as a full-stack PHP developer, I know the ins and outs of maintaining and enhancing web applications with minimal downtime. From bug fixing to database integration, my team at Prajapati Technologies h Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(119 Recenzí)

Hello! Hope you doing alright, I just checked your project details and It matches my expertise. I have 6+ years of experience in this field. My expertise is in WordPress, eCommerce, PHP, PHP core,Shopify, Magento, My Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(17 Recenzí)

Hello, With 10+ years of web development expertise in PHP frameworks like Codeigniter and Laravel, I specialise in customising web applications efficiently. Proficient in Codeigniter, PHP, and MySQL, I can swiftly enh Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(6 Recenzí)

Dear Deepak, I understand the importance of having a reliable full stack PHP developer for your weekly maintenance needs. With over of experience in PHP development, I am well-equipped to handle bug fixing and mainte Další

₹842 INR / hodina
(3 Recenzí)

I have extensive experience in full-stack PHP development with over 5 years in technology, specializing in bug fixing, front-end enhancements, back-end maintenance, and database integration. I'm skilled at ensuring smo Další

₹450 INR / hodina
(3 Recenzí)

As a team of seasoned full stack PHP developers, we undeniably fit the bill for your weekly maintenance and bug-fixing needs – and more. We possess a wealth of hands-on experience in smoothly managing front-end and bac Další

₹200 INR / hodina
(1 recenze)

With over 12 years of experience as a full-stack developer, my skills align perfectly with your project needs. My technical prowess in PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL combined with my strong problem-solving skills make me a Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(0 Recenzí)

Hello, I am a skilled full-stack PHP developer with extensive experience in bug fixing and maintaining both front-end and back-end components. Proficient in PHP, MySQL, and frameworks like Laravel, I excel at diagnosi Další

₹250 INR / hodina
(0 Recenzí)