Spring Boot , Mini Application for calculating orders (University task)

Dokončeno Zveřejněno před 2 lety K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Dokončeno K zaplacení v momentě doručení


Use Java 11, Spring-Boot libraries such as web, kafka, data, security to implement a REST API (with microservice!) for returning the total amount of all orders. The list of orders should be consumed/streamed from a Kafka topic (Use fast-data-dev Kafka to stream) and persist in a docker-postgres database.

Assume that the user is already authenicated and the API client will send (in headers) a JWT token containing a unique identifier ( for instance always KEY-123456 ) which needs to be validated for every request.

The OrderDto should contain:

- unique key like 32e2a115-y3bf-992a-a9ol-e35f67a57g76

- productName like "White Shoes"

- valueInEUR (BigDecimal)

This app is intented to be deployed on Kubernetes in the next semester.

Java Microservices PostgreSQL Apache Kafka Spring Boot

Identifikační číslo projektu: #32778315

O projektu

8 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 2 lety

Uděleno uživateli:


Hello, I am interested in this task. i have good experience in Java with springboot and kafka. Thank you.

€100 EUR za 1 den
(2 recenzí)

8 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru €203


Hi, I am a Backend Architect with 9 years of experience I have worked mostly with early stage start-ups where in which I was involved in end to end product development cycle. I have also created an app to for small Další

€500 EUR za 7 dní
(25 Recenzí)

Hi, I've been working as full stack developer from past 5 years and my current project is in production and developed in spring boot and angular, it's deployed on GKE so I know the product cycle, let's discuss this fur Další

€140 EUR za 7 dní
(16 Recenzí)

Hello I am a full-stack developer and have rich experience JSP(Spring boot) in 5 years. I want to know about your project in details and can start immediately. I’ll give it my best shot and devote you. Looking forward Další

€140 EUR za 7 dní
(2 Recenzí)

HELLO DEAR EMPLOYER, First receive warm greetings, and hoping you are good, i welcome you to the home of Amazing services and quality. I'M AN EXPERT IN NAMED SKILLS, OVER 18 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, After KEENLY reading y Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(0 Recenzí)

Hi there, My name is Umair. I have good experience with Microservices, Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, Java and Spring Boot. I am a practicing Developer/Designer Since 2015. I can perfectly work on this project regarding Mi Další

€150 EUR za 10 dní
(0 Recenzí)

Being industry experienced in microservices, I understand this task is not an easy one and needs an expertise for a detailed and sophisticated implementation keeping all the requirements for evaluation in mind. Rest as Další

€200 EUR za 28 dní
(0 Recenzí)

I have professional experience to work with Spring Boot development. I have seen job details, I'll complete reuirements.

€140 EUR za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)