Real Estate Address Compilation

Dokončeno Zveřejněno před 1 měsícem K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Dokončeno K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I need a freelancer to help me gather real estate property addresses from public companies' websites.

I will provide the list with 25 public companies with the URL to their properties. Save the list of properties for each public company in a separate Excel to avoid confusion.

Please compile the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and ensure to include the following fields for each property address:

- Street Address

- Address 2 (optional)

- City

- ZIP/Postal Code

- Name (if applicable)

- State

- Country

I will provide a sample template to help.

Ideal skills and experience for this job include:

- Proficiency in web research

- Familiarity with Microsoft Excel

- Attention to detail

- Understanding of real estate terminology.

Thank you!

Excel Zadávání dat Vyhledávání na internetu Sběr dat z webových stránek Dolování dat

Identifikační číslo projektu: #39009186

O projektu

39 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 1 měsícem

Uděleno uživateli:

(918 recenzí)

39 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $97


Hi! I'm a data extraction specialist with 9+ years of experience in real estate research and database management. I excel at gathering and organizing property information accurately and efficiently. Here's how I can h Další

$150 USD za 2 dní
(300 Recenzí)

Hello! I can collect real estate contact data from 25 websites and enter into an excel sheet with proper formatting, Columns, layout and accuracy. I will ensure you to complete your job in your given time period. I Další

$50 USD za 1 den
(154 Recenzí)

gather real estate property addresses from public companies' websites. okay.. please provide the list with 25 public companies with the URL to their properties. okay? let me know. thank you

$50 USD za 3 dní
(176 Recenzí)

Hi there I am ready to start now . Give me chance to make a free sample if you like then you can hire. I am honest and hard worker and full time freelancer . Regards Manwar

$30 USD za 3 dní
(147 Recenzí)

Hi There, Ready right now I'm ready for Real Estate Address Compilation. I will show you sample for your satisfaction and project accuracy then we will go to start, so please contact me and share more details thanks. Další

$35 USD za 1 den
(228 Recenzí)

Yo! With over 5 years of dedicated experience as a writing professional, I bring a wealth of expertise across Web Search, Data Mining, Web Scraping, Excel and Data Entry . My extensive background in this field ensures Další

$100 USD za 1 den
(10 Recenzí)

As a seasoned freelancer specializing in data entry and web research, your project aligns perfectly with my skills and experience. Having worked extensively with Excel, I feel confident in managing your real estate add Další

$150 USD za 2 dní
(12 Recenzí)

Hi C., I am sure I'll efficiently deliver this project. With strong expertise in Data Entry, Excel, Web Scraping, Web Search, Data Mining and extensive experience in Scrapping using: - BeautifulSoup - Scrapy - Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(6 Recenzí)

Hey! I've carefully checked your requirements and really interested in this project Real Estate Address Compilation. I'm a full-time data and statistical analyst. I have worked with many clients across the world. I hav Další

$100 USD za 2 dní
(20 Recenzí)

Hello si I can help you for find real state property address of your 25 public real state company. I am good at Excel and organize data correctly. In past I had done similar project south african Real state property li Další

$50 USD za 7 dní
(8 Recenzí)

Hello, I understand you need help compiling real estate property addresses from public companies' websites. I am proficient in web research, familiar with Microsoft Excel, and have a keen eye for detail. I will dilige Další

$120 USD za 5 dní
(6 Recenzí)

With my extensive experience in data analysis and data entry, I have honed my skills specifically to cater to projects like yours. I am adept at web research, familiar with Microsoft Excel, and pay attention to even th Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(21 Recenzí)

Hi , I have been a Real estate Virtual assistant for 7 years now specializing in Property data research, data entry, skip tracing and email/sms marketing. I also know how to look for data on county websites and look f Další

$50 USD za 1 den
(7 Recenzí)

Hi, We would like to grab this opportunity and will work till you get 100% satisfied with our work. We are an expert team which have many years of experience on Data Entry, Excel, Web Scraping, Web Search, Data Minin Další

$140 USD za 7 dní
(11 Recenzí)

Hiya I am committed to providing high-quality work, adhering to agreed-upon timelines, and maintaining open and consistent communication throughout the project lifecycle. I will provide regular updates on my progres Další

$250 USD za 7 dní
(10 Recenzí)

Hello, I have reviewed the task requirements and I am confident in my ability to meet them. With over 8 years of experience in Data Analytics, Automation, and performing various calculations and analyses, I have honed Další

$150 USD za 1 den
(8 Recenzí)

Hi there, I can help you with your project. I'm experienced in similar tasks. If you give me this opportunity then you will like my work. I look forward to your favorable reply as soon as possible. Thank you

$40 USD za 1 den
(6 Recenzí)

Hi there, I specialize in web research and data compilation with a strong proficiency in Microsoft Excel. I can efficiently gather property addresses from the provided company websites, ensuring accuracy and organizati Další

$30 USD za 7 dní
(4 Recenzí)

As a highly proficient and detail-oriented freelancer, I possess an array of skills that make me exceptionally qualified for your real estate address compilation project. With excellent data entry and web research skil Další

$140 USD za 7 dní
(3 Recenzí)

With over 12 years' experience as a diligent Civil Engineer, I've developed a range of valuable skills that equip me perfectly to compile the accurate and comprehensive real estate address database you need. I'm highly Další

$50 USD za 2 dní
(1 recenze)